Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Sudan: Hamdok & US support for civilian initiatives

THIS tweet by US's Molly Phee (@AsstSecStateAF) dated 10 July 2023 is heartwarming to see. Sudanese PM Hamdok was and still is the best. It was sad to see him treated so badly. Let's hope we hear more of him soon and that he receives full support from his fellow Sudanese. The tweet says:
"Proud to meet with former Sudanese PM Hamdok today to discuss U.S. support for civilian initiatives to chart a new process to establish a civilian-led democratic transition. Agreed on the need to support an inclusive and transparent process that represents the full diversity of the Sudanese people, including civil society, Resistance Committees, the peripheries, youth and women."
The tweet is timestamped 9:03 10 July 2023. 
Note, Dr Hamdok was born in South Kordofan, Sudan and currently resides in the UAE. He was educated at the University of Khartoum in Sudan and the University of Manchester in England, UK. He married fellow economist Muna Abdalla in 1993 in south Manchester. They have two sons; one studying at Exeter University in England, UK as of 2019 and one who graduated from a university in the US in the late 2010s. [Source: Wikipedia]


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