Monday, May 01, 2006

SLA/JEM not serving the people they claim to represent

The Daily Trust quotes SGSR Jan Pronk as saying yesterday:
"Too many objections are going right back to the start of the discussions. We can't start all over again and that is what JEM wants to do. Both SLM factions will be more able to sign but they cannot laugh at this deadline. They cannot repeat old positions.

"I have to present my report to the UN by the end of April. It is still just April, but it will be up to the Security Council to decide what should be done in terms of sanctions if there is no agreement.

"The rebels fight for more justice and equality but continuation of these talks leads to more injustice and more inequality. I hope the representatives of these groups will eventually be leaders in a peaceful Darfur but by prolonging this discussion, they are not serving the people they claim to represent."
[Link via Coalition for Darfur with thanks]

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