Friday, August 21, 2009

South Sudan: 13th Aug LRA attack in Bereamburu, Western Equatoria

From UN News Centre, Friday, 21 August 2009:
Ugandan rebels drive thousands from their homes in southern Sudan
Fresh attacks carried out by a notorious Ugandan rebel group have uprooted thousands of people and spreading panic in southern Sudan, forcing the United Nations to suspend its humanitarian work in the area, the world body's refugee arm said today.

The 12 August attacks by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in Ezo district, in the remote Western Equatoria region near Sudan's border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), reportedly killed two people and injured three others.

The rebels also abducted 10 girls from a local church, and they pillaged and torched homes, stealing food.

The following day, the LRA struck again in Bereamburu village, burning down the local church and health centre, as well as looting medical supplies.

On 13 August, as a result of the intensifying LRA attacks, the UN was forced to suspend all humanitarian activities in the area, and 29 humanitarian workers, including seven UNHCR staff, were evacuated by helicopter,”Andrej Mahecic, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), told reporters today in Geneva.

The recent LRA attacks have triggered widespread panic and fear in the area bordering the DRC and the Central African Republic (CAR), he said. Most of those on the run have already been uprooted by earlier LRA incursions.

“UNCHR condemns the continued LRA attacks on the civilian population and is deeply concerned about the fate of the large number of refugees and IDPs caught in the latest attacks in several villages along the borders of the three countries,” Mr. Mahecic said.

Thousands of refugees from the DRC and the CAR, along with internally displaced Sudanese persons (IDPs) are now without protection or assistance, he added.

Since October 2008, the LRA, which is said to be behind many attacks and atrocities, has “extended its deadly reach into the DRC, Sudan and the CAR, terrorizing the civilian population and causing chaos and mayhem,” the spokesperson said.

Some 360,000 Congolese people have been forced to flee in successive LRA attacks in northeast DRC, while some 20,000 others have fled to Sudan and CAR, according to UN estimates.

In a related development, the World Food Programme (WFP) announced today that it plans to boost its food assistance to southern Sudan this year by 25 per cent due to the surge in the number of people facing severe food shortages to 1.3 million.

Driving the deteriorating food situation are conflict, poor rainfall and high food prices, the agency said.

“We need to act now to assist the increasing number of people facing serious hunger in southern Sudan,” said WFP Sudan Representative Kenro Oshidari.

The agency's move was prompted by the results of the recently-completed mid-year assessment of the region's needs carried out by the Government of Southern Sudan and with the support of WFP and other UN bodies.

Half of WFP's assistance will go to Akobo, an area in Jonglei state that has been hit hard by inter-tribal clashes which have killed hundreds and uprooted thousands of others. Nearly half of the people in Akobo are said to be food insecure, according to the review.

The agency has been airlifting food into Akobo since a mid-June attack on boats ferrying its aid down the Soba River.
Click on labels here below for related reports and updates.

Four suspected criminal investigation police from Tony, Warrap State arrested for murder of Rumbek businessman

Report from southern Sudan by Sudan Radio Service, Friday, 21 August 2009:
Businessman Murdered in Rumbek
(Rumbek) – An investigation into the killing of a businessman last week in Rumbek is still underway.

Omar Hassan was killed by people suspected to be criminal investigation police in Tony, Warrap State last week.

Our correspondent in Rumbek, Angelo Mageng Wade Deng, sent this report.

[Angelo Mageng]: “The people at the road-block told the man to get out of the vehicle. When they checked his luggage they found a sum of money in his bag, They asked him where he got the money from. The man told them that the money came from Rumbek and he was going to buy goods in Khartoum with it. They told him to show a business document, and if he did not show it, he wouldn’t proceed. The people were criminal investigation police at the check point in Tony town. They took the money and they killed the man and put him in a sack and threw him in a well. The investigation is still going on.”

The driver of the bus in which Omar was traveling reported the case to Omar’s brother and to the police in Rumbek.

The police found the body of the man in a well near a river in Tony town.

Four of the criminal investigation police have been arrested and are under investigation in connection with the murder.

South Sudan Gov't cannot account for $8 billion it received over last 4 years?

Ahmed Ibrahim al-Tahir has urged the Government of South Sudan to account for $8 billion that it received over a four-year period.

Report by Sudan Radio Service, Thursday, 20 August 2009:
Al-Tahir Calls on GOSS to Account for 8 Billion USD
(Khartoum) – The speaker of the National Assembly in Khartoum, Ahmed Ibrahim al-Tahir has urged GOSS to account for the 8 billion USD that has been dispatched to them over a four-year period.

Addressing a forum attended by representatives of oil-producing states in Sudan, al-Tahir said that development of the south is the sole responsibility of GOSS and it should be transparent in how they spend their share of the oil revenue.

Sudan Radio Service asked the SPLM secretary for the southern sector, Bol Makueng, for his reaction to al-Tahir’s statement.

[Bol Makueng]: “First of all that chairman [al-Tahir] does not have the interests of the people of south Sudan at heart. Secondly, it is one of their tactics to create havoc here in the south, either through militia so that there is insecurity or through media propaganda so that the country is seen as being a failed or corrupt state. They think that they have the right to do things on our behalf and then we have to account for what they do. This is not acceptable. Now the figures they are talking about are figures that when you go into details later on, you can not trace them to wherever they claim they have sent that money to. Because we don’t know how much oil is sold and how much money it sold at or how much percentage of that money is given to us. That is the paradox of the northern claims. Perhaps they have taken the monopoly of managing the oil money, so they can say anything; they can say they have given us trillions. They are always apportioning blame, apportioning anything bad to the south or to GOSS or to the SPLM."

Bol Makueng was reacting to accusations that GOSS has can not account for 8 billion USD which it received over the last 4 years.
Note to self. If 100 tanks were ordered by Government of South Sudan the order ought to show up somewhere in the accounts, no?

Beltone Private Equity teams up with Kenana Sugar Co., to invest up to $1bn in projects in Egypt and Sudan

Beltone Private Equity, the private equity arm of Egypt’s Belton Financial investment bank, has teamed up with Khartoum-based Kenana Sugar Company to invest up to $1bn in large-scale infrastructure projects in Egypt and Sudan, according to reports.

Hazem Barakat, CEO of Beltone Private Equity, said in a statement that Beltone would provide extensive investment management, corporate finance, and strategic capabilities.

Kenana will provide technical expertise for the venture.

Kenana’s biggest investors are the Sudanese government, the Kuwait Investment Authority and the government of Saudi Arabia. The company was established in 1975, claims to be one of the world’s largest integrated sugar companies located on the eastern bank of the White Nile. Kenana produces 400,000 tonnes of sugar per year.

Beltone Private Equity was established in 2006. As of end October 2008, the company reported over EGP1.5bn ($271m) in assets under management in a diverse range of investments.

Source: AltAssets, 21 Aug 2009 - Egyptian private equity firm teams up with sugar company to create fund

Egypt signs USD 2.3bn oil agreements

ISI - Emerging Markets - ‎47 minutes ago‎
The company's farms span over 200000 feddans in Sudan . Beltone Private Equity had over EGP 1.5bn (USD 270mn) in assets under management at the end of ...

Click on label here below to view previous reports and updates.

Southern Sudan President Kiir launches Cecafa Under-17 Football Championship (Hassan el Bashir Cup) at Juba Stadium

CECAFA Under-17 Youth Championship (Hassan el Bashir Cup) August 19-31 2009 Sudan

From Daily Nation Reporter, Thursday, August 20 2009:
Southern Sudan President Kiir launches Cecafa U-17
The President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kirr on Wednesday opened the Cecafa Under-17 championship at a packed Juba Stadium.

The championship was opened simultaneously in Juba and Khartoum, two of three cities that will be hosting the tournament. The third host city is Wadmedani.

Kenya are based in Juba and were due open their campaign against Zanzibar in a Group “B” on Thursday evening while Sudan welcomed Tanzania and Somalia took on guest team Malawi in Group “A fixtures in Khartoum.

The tournament is the first major sporting event of its kind to be held in Southern Sudan and involves 12 nations.

“The decisive decision taken by Cecafa to have Group “A” matches played in Juba came after sending its delegations to visit the Juba Stadium and perusing security situation in the capital.

The move has proven the relentless efforts and the commitment the government of Southern Sudan has exerted in providing security and development,” a statement from the Office of Vice-president, Government of Southern Sudan said about the tournament.

Sudan’s Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Gabriel Changson Chang also attended the opening ceremony.

Uganda lads, urged on by a sizeable expatriate community from their country, sounded an early warning when they thumped their Ethiopian counterparts 4-0 in the opening match on Tuesday.
Juba Stadium entrance sign

Undated photo of Juba Stadium entrance sign. (Source:

Rwanda/Egypt: Uganda Wins Cecafa U-17 Opener, Egypt Pulls Out - Ostine Arinaitwe - ‎3 hours ago‎
Kigali — Uganda were in great shape beating Ethiopia 4-0 as the Cecafa Under-17 football championship started in Sudan Wednesday. ...

Uganda U-17s battle Kenya in Juba tourney

New Vision - Fred KaweesiSwalley Kenyi - ‎14 hours ago‎
The pair will still have to deliver today if coach Richard Wasswa's youngsters are to seal a quarter-final place in the CECAFA juniors tournament. ...

Rwanda's Junior Wasps Ready For Egypt Battle - ‎Aug 18, 2009‎
... U-17 national team coach, Michael Weiss, has played down Egypt's prowess ahead of this year's CECAFA U-17 Championship, which kicks off today in Sudan...
U-17 date Somalia Malawi's Daily Times

Sudanese sign deal to bolster CPA - Darfur’s rebels should unite ahead of peace talks, U.S. says

Sudanese foes sign new peace deal

Northern and southern Sudan have signed a deal aimed at bolstering a fragile peace accord they signed in 2005, in front of the US envoy to the country.

Sudanese foes sign new peace deal

Photo: The two sides still have major issues to thrash out

Scott Gration said the deal, which agrees how to take Sudan to next year's election, heralded a "brighter future".

But he gave few details, and analysts say it is more of a commitment to work together than a substantial deal.

The two sides were at war for 22 years and have blamed each other for a recent series of deadly clashes.

The BBC's Peter Martell, in South Sudan's capital, Juba, says people are in optimistic mood and are hopeful that the politicians will carry through their promises.

But he says there are several issues that need to be sorted out - not least a referendum which will ask people in South Sudan if they want independence from the north.

The vote is scheduled for 2011, but the exact details have already sparked controversy - with officials from the south threatening to declare unilateral independence if they believe the poll will be unfair.

However, Mr Gration said the new deal engendered a "sense of co-operation" which was "a precursor of good things to come".

"It will result in better co-operation and stronger relations that will result in a brighter future for Sudan, for Khartoum and Juba," he told journalists after the deal was signed.

Full story: BBC News 16:19 GMT, Wednesday, 19 August 2009 17:19 UK - Sudanese foes sign new peace deal.
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Darfur’s Rebels Should Unite Ahead of Peace Talks, U.S. Says.

Rebel movements in Sudan’s troubled Darfur region should unite ahead of talks with the government to promote a single message, U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, said.

“Civil society must also speak up so that their voices are heard on issues related to land reform, elections and human rights,” Graton told reporters in the Southern Sudan capital, Juba, yesterday before heading to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia to participate in Darfur unity talks between the government and rebels groups following frequent clashes in the region.

“The United States is working with all parties to get peace in Darfur, he said. ‘‘Conditions are dire there. We have committed ourselves to resolving them.’’

Source: Bloomberg, Friday, 21 August 2009 by Moyiga Nduru - Darfur’s Rebels Should Unite Ahead of Peace Talks, U.S. Says.
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SPLM and NCP sign agreement in Juba

(Juba) - The SPLM and the NCP signed an agreement concerning the implementation of the CPA following their third trilateral meeting in Juba on Wednesday.

The US special envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, facilitated the talks after meeting with representatives of the two signatories to the CPA in Washington D.C. and Khartoum in June and July this year.

Speaking at a press conference in Juba, SPLM deputy chairman Malik Agaar said they had agreed on key aspects of the CPA implementation.

[Malik Agaar]: “We were trying to reach an agreement on how we will implement the issues of the Abyei border demarcation, security, power-sharing, the two areas (Blue Nile and Southern Khordofan), elections, democratic transformation of the country, making unity attractive and Darfur. These are the issues we have now initialed following the trilateral talks in Juba."

The NCP's advisor to President al-Bashir, Ghazi Salah el-Din, said that his party is still committed to dialogue with the SPLM.

[Ghazi Salah el-Din]: “We have our differences as usual. But I think we have achieved a lot by agreeing on ten out of the twelve issues. That does not mean that we have to wait for another trilateral meeting. I must stress that our discussion and our cooperation and our dialogue with the SPLM is an on-going process.”

Scott Gration said that the two parties have yet to agree on two contentious issues.

[Scott Gration]:”There are still two issues that remain to be fully worked out. They are the referendum and the census. These will be worked out both bilaterally and trilaterally in the next month to fully implement the CPA."

The SPLM rejects the results of the census which indicates the number of southerners living in the north, while the NCP is pushing for a 75 percent ‘Yes’ vote for the referendum law to pass through the parliament in order for the south to be able to vote for secession or unity.

They key issues the NCP and the SPLM agreed on included border demarcation and that the 1956 north-south border shall remain in place until after the results of the Abyei referendum.

On wealth-sharing, the two parties agreed that GONU should transfer GOSS's share of oil revenue on time, as provided for under the terms of the CPA.

On the issue of Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan, the two parties agreed to determine whether there is need for legislation to govern the process of popular consultations.

The partners agreed to prepare the referendum bill for enactment by the assembly not later than September 15th 2009, and to conduct free and fair elections as agreed upon by the National Elections commission.

These recommendations will be forwarded to the presidency for final ratification to commit the SPLM and NCP to implement the CPA.

Source: Sudan Radio Service, Thursday, 20 August 2009 - SPLM and NCP Sign Agreement in Juba
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US special envoy makes surprise stop in Khartoum

From Sudan Tribune, Friday 21 August 2009 - excerpt:
US special envoy makes surprise stop in Khartoum
August 20, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration met today with 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha in Khartoum and presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen.

Yesterday the assistant US Secretary of State Philip Crowley told reporters that Gration has no plans to travel to Khartoum or Darfur during his visit.

Last week the head of the US bureau at the Sudanese foreign ministry Nasr Al-Deen Wali said that Gration will meet in Khartoum with Taha and then fly Juba and Malakal in South Sudan and Al-Fasher in Darfur to inspect IDP camps.

Earlier today Gration told reporters after meeting with Sudan First Vice President Salva Kiir that the US is leaning towards “smart sanctions” that grants exceptions to items needed for development in the semi-autonomous South.

The sanctions "have kept southern Sudan from getting the development that they so desperately need," said Gration, sitting alongside Kiir.

The US special envoy in his testimony before lawmakers last month called for lifting sanctions on Sudan and removing it from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

Gration stressed that the decision to keep Sudan on the terrorism list was “political” one and that the sanctions were undermining his diplomacy.

In his meeting with Al-Deen, the US official was quoted by the official news agency as saying that the sanctions “caused humanitarian and health problems that the Sudanese people have suffered from,”

This week the US announced that its comprehensive policy review of Sudan that will determine its conflict resolution strategy for the largest country in Africa will be completed this month.

Sudanese Sign Deal to Bolster Peace Agreement

Voice of America - Alan Boswell - ‎17 hours ago‎
Representatives of North and South Sudan signed an agreement Wednesday resolving most of the outstanding disputes on implementing their ...

Southern Sudanese Government Hails Call for Lifting Sanctions

Voice of America - Peter Clottey - ‎8 hours ago‎
The Southern Sudanese government has welcomed calls by US special envoy Scott Gration for a partial lifting of sanctions against Sudan. ...

Report by Sudan Radio Service, Friday, 21 August 2009:
Gration: Building On the Legacy in South Sudan
(Juba) – In a press conference on Thursday in Juba, The United States special envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, reiterated the commitment of his government to supporting the peace implementation process in Sudan.

[Scott Gration]: “The main thing we have been doing is talking about our bilateral relations. The United States has enjoyed a special relationship with the Government of southern Sudan for a long time and the SPLM too. And we are talking about the ways that we can build on the legacy that has been started by those who have come before me and how we can strengthen this relationship and how we can help with the development in southern Sudan. I believe that together this partnership that we are working on strengthening will be the foundation of lots of big things that will come in the future.”

Gration said that sanctions on Sudan should be partially lifted to improve the humanitarian situation, especially in Darfur. He said that the sanctions have kept southern Sudan from getting the development the region needs.

[Scott Gration]: “The sanctions that we are looking to roll back are those sanctions that are hurting the very people we are trying to help. There are some sanctions that limit and hamper our ability to deliver humanitarian assistance. Some of these we need to get exceptions for. There are some sanctions that hurt the Sudanese people. Restriction on the internet that keep Sudanese from getting educational programs, links to the outside world that gives them access to better health care and there are other things that we are looking at that will help the Sudanese people in general. Also, in terms of southern Sudan, there are sanctions that while southern Sudan is exempted have spilled over and have kept southern Sudan from getting the development that they so desperately need.”

Scott Gration was speaking in Juba during a five-day visit to Sudan.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Save Darfur Coalition wants to spend $42,000 on a light show for Obama

In preparation for the US chairing the UN Security Council for the whole of next month, Save Darfur Coalition aims to raise $42,000 by August 21st in order to project images of Darfur onto a building near the UN where US President Obama and other world leaders will be sure to see it.  No doubt the gun toting Darfur rebel groups and their supporters will be pleased.

Here is a copy of a USUN press release from the Office of Press and Public Diplomacy United States Mission to the United Nations, 140 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017, 04 August 2009:
Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the September 2009 head of state-level UN Security Council Meeting

On September 24th, the United States intends to convene a head of state-level meeting of the UN Security Council on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament during the U.S. Presidency of the Council. The meeting will be chaired by President Obama. The Security Council has an essential role in preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons and is also the world’s principal multilateral instrument for global security cooperation. The session will be focused on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament broadly and not on any specific countries. Over the next several weeks, we will work closely with members of the Security Council to prepare for this important meeting.
And here is a copy of an email received today, 18 August 2009, from Save Darfur Coalition:
If we can raise $42,000 by August 21, we can project the powerful images of the Darfur/Darfur exhibit and mobilize activists on the streets around the U.N.
You can make it happen!

Your words. Their images. One unforgettable message to the U.N.

The Darfur/Darfur exhibit in Paris

The Darfur/Darfur exhibit in Paris

Dear friend,

"Don't Forget Darfur"

Imagine projecting this powerful message—along with the unforgettable images of the Darfur/Darfur photo exhibit—onto a building near the U.N. where world leaders will be sure to see it.

Well, you and I can make it happen, but only if we can raise $42,000 by August 21. Will you help?

Our window of opportunity is short.

We need to secure these funds before the U.N. General Assembly this September, as this could be our best chance to focus the world's leaders on the millions of people still teetering on the edge of survival in Sudan.

friend, your commitment to this campaign is what's already driving our success. Thanks to the votes of thousands of activists like you, this week we chose "Don't Forget Darfur" as the name for our all-out campaign this September.

Will you go one step further and help us take your message to the U.N.?

Your resolve and support couldn't come at a more crucial moment for Sudan.

While millions of Darfuris continue to live in uncertainty and fear in Darfur, violence in South Sudan has sky-rocketed in recent months. If world leaders don't act now, some experts believe the rise in insecurity in South Sudan could reignite the brutal war that killed over 2 million.

Your donation will support our Darfur/Darfur exhibit — as well as posters, flyers, street teams and press conferences—and could help us avert disaster by bringing the world's attention back to the fight for peace in Sudan.

Through our massive display of images from Darfur, signs placed in your windows, and a global photo petition to President Obama, our "Don't Forget Darfur" campaign will make it impossible for world leaders to ignore Darfur and Sudan a moment longer.

I want to thank you in advance for helping us seize this opportunity. I'll be in touch soon to let you know whether we'll be able to launch our projection this September!


Mark Lotwis
Save Darfur Coalition

Save Darfur Coalition

Photo credit: Darfur/Darfur

Your words. Their images. One unforgettable message to the U.N.

Right now rising violence is threatening the fragile stability of Darfur and the rest of Sudan. But we have a unique opportunity to focus the world's leaders on the millions of people still teetering on the edge of survival there...

If we can raise $42,000 by August 21, we can project the powerful images of the Darfur/Darfur exhibit and mobilize activists on the streets around the U.N. during the upcoming U.N. General Assembly.

Our display would be impossible to ignore. Will you help us make it happen? Give today to help us raise the $42,000 we need by August 21.

Please select a donation amount:
Other: $
Minimum payment: $5
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Security Situation in Darfur on Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The security situation in Darfur is reported to be relatively calm. However, minor banditry activities and car-jacking were reported in North Darfur.

Source: UNAMID Daily Media Brief
EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, August 18, 2009 via APO.

Darfur / Arrival of 79 police officers from South Africa and 95 Egyptian troops

UNAMID's Agwai: Darfur rebels have been emboldened by the international community’s almost exclusive focus on Khartoum to deliver peace

Quote of the Day
"These men with guns do not represent their peoples, the vast majority of whom yearn for peace. The movements have had it too easy for too long. It is time for them to demonstrate that they are serious about peace. They must lay down their weapons and sit around the negotiating table with the government”. - UNAMID commander, General Martin Luther Agwai of Nigeria

Martin Luther Agwai

From Radio Dabanga, Tuesday, 18 August 2009:
Leaving UN-commander Darfur: ‘Rebels do not represent their peoples’
EL FASHER – The UNAMID force commander, the Nigerian general Martin Luther Agwai will hand over his duties to a new force commander Lieutenant General Patrick Nyamvumba of Rwanda. He will be the commander with effect from 1 September.

The transmission of powers will take place today. The ceremony will be attended by Al Hag Atta Al Mannan on behalf of the government. Also Minni Arkuoi Minnawi, senior assistant to the president and the only rebel leader who signed the Darfur Peace Agreement, will attend.

Martin Luther Agwai blamed mainly the rebel movements for the current stalemate in the Darfur conflict. For the Indian national newspaper he said:
“When the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed in 2006 less than a handful of movements were involved in the conflict. Today there are something like 30.

As the movements have splintered into new factions, the prospects for a settlement have diminished. For too long these men have escaped censure, benefiting from the international community’s almost exclusive focus on the government in Khartoum to deliver peace. In fact they have been positively emboldened by it.

These men with guns do not represent their peoples, the vast majority of whom yearn for peace. (…) The movements have had it too easy for too long. It is time for them to demonstrate that they are serious about peace. They must lay down their weapons and sit around the negotiating table with the government”.
He defended himself against criticism for not been able to provide security for the Darfurian population by stating that
‘There’s no peace for us to keep. The Darfur conflict has lasted almost as long as World War II, with the prospects of a lasting settlement looking less likely than ever”. 
He also blamed the lack of effectiveness of UNAMID for the lack of equipment, troops and helicopters. During his command UNAMID lost 39 people, most due to violent attacks. Amongst them were 24 troops, 9 police, 1 military observer, 1 international civilian and 4 local civilian (Source figures: UNAMID website).
Lieutenant General Patrick Nyamvumba

Photo: Lt Gen Nyamvumba's tour of duty will be from 1 September 2009 for a period of one year. Three generals competed for the post in an interview that was conducted in New York on 5 May 2009. (MOD, Rwanda)
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Article (from Sudan Watch archives) by AFP, Wednesday, 12 August 2008:
Darfur rebels are no saints, says UN-AU military chief
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — The military commander of the UN-African Union mission in Darfur on Tuesday urged the world community to put as much pressure on the fragmented insurgency in the war-torn Sudanese region as it does on the Khartoum government.

Martin Luther Agwai, force commander of the joint mission known as UNAMID, told reporters that while it is popular to "bash" the Sudanese government, the reluctance of Darfur rebels to negotiate was often forgotten.

"It takes two to tango," Agwai noted. "Sometimes we forget about them (the rebels). Every day, they say they are fighting for the poor people of Darfur and yet what have they done to show even interest to go to the conference table?

"I am not in any way saying that the (Khartoum) government is clean. But what I am saying is that also the other side cannot be said to be saints. So my appeal is that the pressure should be exerted on both sides."

He said there were now around 30 different rebel groups involved in the conflict, compared to four when the Darfur Peace Agreement was signed in 2006.

Agwai called on Darfur insurgents to unite and come to the negotiating table, which he said was the only way to achieve peace.
"They will have to end on a negotiation table because militarily it's clear no side can win the war in Darfur," he said. "But if you have 15, 20 parties wanting to go to conference table to talk, nothing will come out of it."

The United Nations estimates that 300,000 people have been killed and more than 2.2 million displaced since the conflict in Darfur, a region the size of France, began in February 2003. Sudan claims 10,000 have died.

Since UNAMID began its operations nearly eight months ago, only a third of the 26,000 authorized troops have been deployed.

Agwai said he hoped the force would reach 80 percent deployment by December and full deployment by next August.

UNAMID has said it needs 18 transport helicopters and six attack helicopters which are crucial to give the force the required mobility and firepower.

But no country has so far have provided them.

On July 8, seven UNAMID peacekeepers were killed and 22 injured after they were ambushed by up to 200 heavily-armed gunmen. Agwai said lives could have been saved if the mission had had helicopters.

"Unfortunately, we are sent to the boxing ring with our hands tied behind us," he said, referring more broadly to the lack of adequate equipment and logistical support. "But we will try kickboxing if we can't do hand boxing."

Agwai, a former chief of defense staff of the Nigerian army, was appointed UNAMID force commander in September 2007 after initially turning down the job.

"I was told I was going to command the largest ever UN peacekeeping force on earth," he said. "Little did I know that it's going to be on paper and not in reality."
A la Une - Le général Agwai poursuit sa visite auprès des troupes stationnées au Darfour

Photo: Le général Martin Luther Agwai. Source: A la Une - Le général Agwai poursuit sa visite auprès des troupes stationnées au Darfour.

Monday, August 17, 2009

South Sudan: Gunmen kill newly appointed NCP chairperson in Yambio, Western Equatoria (Update 3)

Report from S. Sudan by Sudan Radio Service, Monday, 17 August 2009:
NCP Chairperson Killed in Western Equatoria
(Juba) – The newly-appointed chairperson of the National Congress Party in Western Equatoria state has been killed by unknown gunmen.

N-C-P chairperson Mariam Biringi was shot dead on Friday at her house in Yambio.

Speaking to Sudan Radio Service from Juba, the NCP member and Minister of Health in the Government of Western Equatoria state, Paulino Zizi, confirmed the incident.

[Paulino Zizi]: “What happened was that unknown gunmen broke into the house of Miriam at midnight. And then they raided 3 or 4 apartments which are in her home. They started knocking on the doors one by one. The first door, an elderly man was in, he got out. He was told to lie down and then they knocked at the other door but no one opened the door. So, they shot at the door to open it. They wounded a boy and he was also told to lie down. When she [Mariam] heard the sound of the gunshot, she went outside. They told her that she should lie down. They first asked whether she was the owner of the house. She said yes. Then they told her to lie down and then they asked her for money which she told them she didn’t have. And then they dragged her to the road, shot her in the back and went away.”

Sudan Radio Service also spoke to the chairperson of NCP, Agnes Lukud, in Juba and she was unable to say whether the killing was politically motivated.

[Agnes Lukud]: “People have different opinions, some say that it is the SPLM but we have not got any accurate information. Because we think that we are partners and we are not sure exactly who has done this but the people of Western Equatoria of the National Congress Party are saying that they will not be able to guess who did it except if the boy will tell us from the way the people were talking, from the Arabic, they will know from their tribal background who the people are. But they thought that these people were soldiers of the government.”

The deputy chairperson of the United South Sudan Party, Brian Bandy, strongly condemned the murder.

[Brian Bandy]: “We are shocked about this incident, really totally shocked and it shouldn’t have happened. Whoever the perpetrators are, the so-called gunmen, what they have done is undemocratic, what they have done is very, very wrong. You don’t go around assassinating political rivals, what you do is put your case forward to the electorate and the people will choose which party they want to form a government to run the country but it is very, very wrong to assassinate this lady. Where were the police?

Mariam Biringi was appointed chairperson of National Congress party in the same week that she was assassinated.

Her burial will take place on Monday in Nyokuron cemetery in Juba.
  1. News results for Mariam Biringi

    Political assassination in Yambio‎ - 1 day ago
    By Justin Ambago Ramba August 15, 2009 — Yambio woke up on Saturday 15/08/2009 to the shocking news of the brutal death of Mrs. Mariam Biringi the ...
    Sudan Tribune - 3 related articles »
  2. SouthSudanNation

    AUG 16/2009, SSN; Yambio woke up on Saturday 15/08/2009 to the shocking news of the brutal death of Mrs. Mariam Biringi the Chairperson of the Women's Desk ... political%20assasstion%20yambio%20ambagoramba.htm -Cached - Similar - 
  3. Letters

    Mrs. Biringi killed allegedly by SPLM/A The death of Mariam Biringi in Yambio was planned and the local police were silent although they got report prior to ... - Cached - Similar - 
  4. Sudan Vision Daily News Paper Official Website - Political ...

    Yambio woke up on Saturday 15/08/2009 to the shocking news of the brutal death of Mrs.Mariam Biringi the Chairperson of the Women's Desk in the National ... - 17 hours ago - Similar - 
  5. Famine, Tribal war, Political assassinations and corruption in the ...

    7 posts - 3 authors
    Mariam Biringi was not a criminal, nor was she an enemy to any body. ... May those who orphaned Mariam Biringi's children never ever live to see the light ... - Similar - 
  6. SudanTribune article : Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in ...

    16 Aug 2009 ... Mariam Biringi, from the Moru tribe, was killed when the armed men raided her house and asked the victim to give them a certain amount of ... - Cached - Similar - 
  7. SudanTribune : Opinions...

    By Justin Ambago Ramba August 15, 2009 — Yambio woke up on Saturday 15/08/2009 to the shocking news of the brutal death of Mrs. Mariam Biringi the ... - Cached - Similar - 
  8. Images - Gunmen kill female leading NCP member in Wester...

    ... Desk of National Congress Party (NCP), in Yambio, the capital of western Equatoria State yesterday evening. Mariam Biringi, from the Moru tribe, was kil. .. - Cached - Similar - 
  9. yambio News at

    Mariam Biringi, from the Moru tribe, was killed when the armed men raided her house and asked the... Tags: Yambio. This beta report credibility rating is ... - Cached - Similar 

Note David Blair's recent report (Monday, August 10, 2009) from Witto, Western Equatoria, southern Sudan: LRA targets children of Sudan
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Update on Friday, 21 August 2009:

Report by Sudan Radio Service, Thursday, 20 August 2009:
Bati on Security in Yambio
(Yambio) – The Minister for Local Government in WES, Samuel Bati, says that Yambio is a very unsafe area due to frequent LRA attacks. He spoke to Sudan Radio Service on Thursday.

[Samuel Bati]: “On the very night Biringi was killed, there were rumors that the LRA were coming towards Yambio, and most of the attention of the security forces were diverted towards that side. In fact it took people by surprise, but the security forces are doing their best to protect the people.”

Samuel Bati said that security is provided to senior officials in the state but not to everybody.

[Samuel Bati]:” We do not provide security to everybody but we do provide protection for all constitutional post holders, they have personal security guards from the police and other organized forces, but if requested, we are able to provide protection. And as you know, we can give security to everybody, even the population here and even the government officials. We have organized forces who conduct patrols within the town and we have forces deployed to defend the town from outside, we have those arrangements in place."

Bati said the deputy governor has formed a committee to investigate the killing of Mariam Biringi.
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Report by Sudan Radio Service, Thursday, 20 August 2009:
Parties in W. Equatoria Fear for Their Security
(Yambio) – Political parties in Western Equatoria state are saying that their security is at risk following the killing of Miraim Biringi, the newly appointed NCP women's leader.

The leader of the National Congress Party in Western Equatoria, Morris Taban, says SPLM leaders in the state are making hate speeches against his party during rallies.

[Morris Taban]: During official functions, leaders of the SPM criticize the NCP in front of the public. This automatically endangers the lives of NCP members anywhere in the state because people listen to the SPLM authorities. The security of members of the NCP in the state is not secured because SPLM leaders say that the NCP is supporting the LRA, or that NCP has got money to buy supporters. Because of these issues our security is at risk."

Morris Taban was speaking to Sudan Radio Service from Yambio.
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From Sudan Radio Service, Wednesday, 19 August 2009:
NCP Blames SPLA for Biringi Killing
(Juba) - The Sudan ruling National Congress party has called for a speedy investigation into the killing of a party official last week by unknown gunmen.

A senior member of the NCP, Mandour Al-Mahdi, accuses the SPLA of being responsible for the death of Mariam Biringi on 14 August.

Speaking to Sudan Radio Service from Juba, the NCP chairperson for the southern sector, Agnes Lukudu, claims that the SPLA was responsible for the crime committed last week.

[Agnes Lukudu]: “Western Equatoria has not yet told us who killed her, but according to the police who went to the scene, the finding at the scene is that the people who were moving there were wearing military boots. They were in a land-cruiser. Nobody would drive around in a land-cruiser at night except for an organized force. We are waiting for a signed statement from the government of Western Equatoria. We did not want to mention this, but the young boy [a witness] identified the people by tribe, but I don’t want to identify people by tribe because it is the young boy who said this. I identify people by tribe from the way they speak. I think this is very clear because the boy who is now in the hospital is telling us that he knew the tribe of this people from the Arabic they spoke.”

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement spokesman for the southern sector, Yien Mathew, said that people should not make assumptions until after the investigations have been carried out.

Mariam Biringi was killed in her house in Yambio in the same week she was appointed as NCP party leader in Western Equatoria state.