Tuesday, August 15, 2023

MOVIE UPDATE: A Good Lie. The Lost Boys of Sudan

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: A film called The Good Lie was posted here at Sudan Watch last week. I found it odd that it ended so abruptly. Here below is a complete version that includes updates and credits.  

The film depicts fighting in southern Sudan during Sudan's second civil war started in 1983. 

The Government of Sudan (GoS) headed by President Al-Bashir was Islamic. GoS granted Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden residency in Sudan for six years after which the US keenly got involved in Sudan to acquire intel.

In 2003 two rebel groups SLA and JEM in Darfur joined in the war against the GoS. Darfur, located in western Sudan, is rich in natural resources. Foreign governments and people with deep pockets were needed to join in the expensive business of mining Sudan's oil, gold, minerals, precious stones.

I've viewed The Good Lie four times as it triggered long forgotten memories of news reports that I had read and archived starting 20 years ago. The film showed gunmen on horses raiding and torching villages in southern Sudan. The same happened in Darfur western Sudan, it was not unique to Darfur.

For example, land was being cleared of people in Darfur at the same time as the horrendous slayings in southern Sudan. Westerners narrative on Darfur was it was Arabs slaying black Africans. 

The narrative expanded to genocide in Darfur perpetrated by Arabs and Janjaweed, gunmen on horses or camels or trucks, raising villages the the ground by fire.

The opening scenes in A Good Lie show they are not unique to Darfur. Black Africans and Arabs got along together for centuries until the Islamists got involved and mixed it all up. Westerners (mostly US) told the story of Arabs committing genocide against Africans in dDarfur. The Islamists in the Government of Sudan.

After the fourth viewing, I visited Amazon online and bought the film for £3.99 GBP so it is always available for me to watch at any time. My MacBookPro doesn’t have a slot to play CDs or DVDs so this is a good way to keep a virtual library of movies I can access anytime. Renting the movie means one only has access to it for 30 days.

More about the film at a later date. Meanwhile, here are some photos from Emmanuel Jal’s Facebook account. They were taken in 2009 during film promos. The blonde woman is Emmanuel’s manager Ms Tania Campbell who I think is English and lives in England.

Click here to watch the full version of The Good Lie: https://youtu.be/n73RdoCaEw4

[UPDATE on 01 Jan 2025: Incase above link to the film is broken, 

The Good Lie - Full Movie can also be seen here in two parts but audio is not loud:

The Good Lie - Part 01 (sound starts a few mins in) https://dai.ly/x81x6wr

The Good Lie - Part 02 https://dai.ly/x81x6wy ]


From Emmanual Jal's Facebook account

Posted Friday 04 August 2023

Emmanuel Jal is in Toronto Canada

Shared with Public

Good morning… flashback to when my friend @nellyfurtado came to support me at the premiere of The Good Lie @tiff_net film festival 

Our song Scars was also picked for the soundtrack and is one of my favourites with guitar @jeffgunn1

Click here to watch the full movie: A Good Lie: https://youtu.be/n73RdoCaEw4

Click here to rent or buy the full movie: A Good Lie.

Note that renting the video expires from 30 days of payment. Buying the video enables one to have access to it at any time, forever.  


Monday, August 14, 2023

Former 'Lost Boy' from Sudan Daniel Ukang still working for his home country and walking in hope

Report from CBS8.com San Diego, USA

Published Monday 07 August 2023 - here is a full copy with video:

Former 'Lost Boy' from Sudan still working for his home country

A 'Lost Boy' from Sudan who walked a thousand miles to freedom is hoping you can walk in a $5K fundraiser to help his homeland. 

In this Zevely Zone,  I went to El Cajon to share a story of survival. 

Daniel Ukang is one of the Lost Boys of Sudan who fled when the Civil War broke out in 1987 in Southern Sudan. At seven years old, he left his family and survived the harsh life of the war. Watch video.

CBS8 News report: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/los...

Source: YouTube https://youtu.be/vZQJ6vMwUkc 


BOOK: Hinterlands of Hope: A Lost Boy’s Journey from the southern Sudan War Zones 

From Amazon book review - about the Author

Daniel Yamun Ukang was born in December of 1980 in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal, South Sudan. He and his family lived in the small village of Yabul-lu, between Raja and Eau, in South Sudan’s western region.

Daniel Yamun Ukang, of the South Sudan Luo tribe, immigrated to San Diego, California in 2001 as a refugee from the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya where he lived for more than a decade with sixteen thousand other Lost Boys. He is the president of the California Sudanese Lost Boys and Girls Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters community-based assistance to the San Diego Lost Boys and provides school supplies to Awoda Primary School in South Sudan. Daniel enjoys playing soccer, listening to gospel music, and spending time with his family. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Mary, and their four children.  --This text refers to the paperback edition.

View original and sample text at Amazon online: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hinterlands-Hope-Journey-southern-Sudan-ebook/dp/B08DP41CVF/ref=sr_1_1


Sunday, August 13, 2023

CBS amazing 12-year journey with Lost Boys of Sudan

NOWADAYS, CBS and BBC are partners. These two film documentaries were produced by CBS 9-10 years ago. In Sudan, war raged then like it does now and has done over past 60+ years. Some things have changed: access to clean safe water is now a human right, access to an education is a human right. Governments have these responsibilities and must be held to account.

CBS News 60 Minutes TV documentary 
By Bob Simon
Broadcast 10 years ago
The Lost Boys, part one 
Apr 1, 2013

Bob Simon first met the Lost Boys in a Kenyan refugee camp in 2001 after they had fled civil war in the Sudan. Some of the young men were relocated to the U.S. -- how are they doing now?


Source: CBS News 60 Minutes - YouTube  https://youtu.be/6-R5YNZxj2E

The Lost Boys, part two

Source: CBS News 60 Minutes - YouTube https://youtu.be/3Qct_fDjiQE


CBS News 60 Minutes TV documentary - Overtime
By Bob Simon

Broadcast 9 years ago

Our amazing 12-year journey with the Lost Boys

Jan 19, 2014

How a 60 Minutes team fell for the Lost Boys of Sudan and became part of their new family in America.


Source: CBS News 60 Minutes - YouTube https://youtu.be/s4I0y0sak8Y


Saturday, August 12, 2023

FULL TEXT: UNITAMS Volker Perthes Remarks to UN Security Council Meeting on Sudan 09 August 2023

Report from Sudan Tribune - sudantribune.com

Dated 09 August 2023 - here is a full copy:

UNITAMS Volker Perthes remarks to the Security Council on August 9, 2023

Image: Volker Perthes briefs the Security Council about the situation in Sudan on May 22, 2023

August 9, 2023 (KHARTOUM) – Hereunder is the briefing that the banned UN Secretary-General Special Representative to Sudan, Volker Perthes, had to present to the Security Council members on Sudan.

Following threats by the Sudanese military-led government to end the UNITAMS if he briefs the Council, the UN decided to prevent him from speaking to the 15-members body and replaced him by Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa.


Security Council session on Sudan

9 August 2023


Madame President

Members of the Security Council,

Thank you for this opportunity to brief you on the situation in Sudan.

More than one hundred days have passed since the eruption of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.

Clashes between these parties continue in various parts of the country, particularly Khartoum, Bahri, Omdurman and Darfur, with neither side achieving victory nor making any significant gains. Khartoum State remains an epicentre of the conflict, with major combat concentrated around key SAF installations including the Sudanese Armed Forces General Command Headquarters.  Fighting is continuing in neighbourhoods. This week the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces both ordered residents to leave their homes in a part of Omdurman, declaring it “an area of operations”.

The parties have exacted tremendous suffering on the people of the Darfur region.  The fighting in Darfur continues to reopen the old wounds of ethnic tension of past conflicts in the region. The brutal violence experienced in El Geneina and Sirba are particular examples of this situation.  This is deeply worrying and could quickly engulf the country in a prolonged ethnic conflict with regional spillovers. The initiative by Chad to convene a grouping of Darfurian stakeholders to address the situation in the region is therefore welcome and should be built upon while ensuring the participation of a broad range of stakeholders, including armed groups, tribal leaders, civil society, and women’s groups.

The situation in the two Kordofan and the Blue Nile States of Sudan continues to be fragile, with persistent military actions and frequent road closures.  In North Kordofan, SAF controls El Obeid city while RSF is controlling areas around the city.

Since June, the SPLM-North Al Hilu faction has continued to make military advancements in SAF-controlled areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, in which SPLM N claims is an attempt to take back territory previously taken from them.

While the East is relatively calm, there are indications of active mobilization efforts in support of SAF, with the emergence of mobilization committees and establishment of military training camps. The mobilization is particularly worrisome and risks plunging the East into conflict along ethnic lines, further highlighting the fragility of the region.

The Northern part of the country remains under Sudanese Armed Forces control.


The conflict in Sudan continues to have immense repercussions on the country and its people who continue to face unimaginable suffering [The humanitarian and protection needs are rising by the day with no signs of a reprieve.  My humanitarian colleague Ms Edem Wosornu will brief you in detail on the mounting humanitarian needs and response efforts.

The indiscriminate and sometimes targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects and infrastructure continue, particularly in Khartoum, Darfur, and North Kordofan, as the parties continue to disregard calls to protect civilians and uphold their international human rights and humanitarian law obligations.

Sexual violence continues to be perpetrated on a large scale, while children continue to be killed or victimized or are at risk of being recruited to fight.

The systematic abductions and killings of human rights defenders in Darfur and Khartoum are on the rise. The parties to the conflict must take concrete actions to end and investigate these violations, and support must be provided to strengthen human rights defenders’ networks and better protect human rights defenders.

UNITAMS and the wider UN have on several occasions denounced specific egregious violations such as ethnically-motivated attacks in West Darfur, systematic looting and rape, or aerial bombardments, and have named those responsible.

Hostilities in the country must come to an end and perpetrators should be held accountable for crimes committed, including sexual violence.


We welcome the ongoing efforts by the African Union and IGAD to end the conflict in Sudan. UNITAMS remains committed to support these efforts, including through the AU-led Expanded Mechanism and its Core Group – which the UN is a part of. We also welcome the continued efforts of the US and Saudi Arabia to facilitate negotiations between the conflicting parties in Jeddah, as well as the initiative of Sudan’s neighbouring countries to help resolve the conflict. The common thread among these initiatives is the call for a permanent cessation of hostilities, facilitation of humanitarian access, and engagement with civilian stakeholders in an inclusive political process.

Coordination between the existing regional and international mechanisms and fora remains essential to maximize the collective leverage of regional and international actors and enhance the effectiveness of mediation efforts. The United Nations is supporting a joined-up approach towards facilitating a comprehensive solution and will continue to work closely with our partners – particularly the African Union and IGAD in this regard, in coordination with others.

We must also highlight that a broad range of civilians remain committed to ending the war and a resumption of a transition leading to a democratic state. Civilians, tribal leaders and others are coming under increasing pressure to take sides in the war, and we continue to urge against this. Such pressure will only lead to a civil war with ethnic and regional repercussions for decades to come. In fact, UNITAMS is supporting efforts by local leaders to prevent or de-escalate conflicts, particularly in Darfur.

UNITAMS also welcomes the ongoing efforts by civilian leaders to consolidate various civilian initiatives under one umbrella to unify anti-war forces in one broad front and prepare for an inclusive political process. It is important to include civil society, women’s rights groups, youth, trade professions, and resistance committees whose voices and engagement are particularly significant in any efforts to end the conflict in Sudan.  UNITAMS continues its outreach with these initiatives and encouraging broad-based inclusivity.

Let me also highlight the important role Sudanese women are playing by leading several anti-war initiatives that call for the immediate cessation of violence, accountability for human rights violations, including sexual violence, and for women’s participation in ceasefire negotiations and any future political process. Their voice must be heard.


Let me close by reiterating that there needs to be a negotiated solution to end this war as soon as possible. There is no other alternative. Calls by some to continue the war in order to achieve a military victory will only contribute to destroying the country. The longer this war continues, the greater the risk of fragmentation, and foreign interference and erosion of sovereignty, and the loss of Sudan’s future, particularly its youth. Now is the time to end this senseless war and return to negotiations. UNITAMS, along with its partners, will continue to engage with both sides towards this goal and we count on the united support of this Council.

Thank you, Madam President.

View original: https://sudantribune.com/article275981/


Tweet of the Week

GOOD LUCK with that. [Ends]

Tweets of the Day: What is the solution to war? The Sudanese do not have any solutions to any problem

Tweets of the Day

Here is a tweet posted by Wasil Ali today and a swift reply by Muaaz.

Wasil Ali - واصل علي @wasilalitaha

Formerly deputy editor in chief w/@SudanTribune_EN


بعد قراءة المحتوى السوداني كل يوم باسال نفسي السؤال ده منذ بدء الحرب. الناس - حسب اتجاهها- شتمت ومازالت تشتم وتهاجم البرهان و حميدتي والجيش و الدعم السريع و قحت والاحزاب وخالد سلك والفكي وعرمان والكيزان وفولكر والخارجية السودانية وغيرهم وغيرهم...

طيب اها وبعدين؟ الحل شنو للحرب؟

Translated from Arabic by Google

After reading Sudanese content every day, I ask myself this question since the start of the war. People - according to their direction - insulted and are still insulting and attacking Al-Burhan, Hamidti, the army, the Rapid Support Forces, shamelessness, the parties, Khaled Selk, Al-Faki, Arman, Al-Kizan, Volker, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, and others and others...

Ok, and then? What is the solution to war?

8:37 PM · Aug 11, 2023 



Reply by Muaaz @Mu3aZ_S_

السودانيين ماعندهم أي حلول لأي مشكله ومامستعدين يساهمو في أي جهد ولا اي حاجه وعايشين كدا بس لما يجي الزي الجنجويد وينتهى منهم كلهم جزء يموت والجزء التاني بتشرد في المنافي والموضوع انتهى

Translated from Arabic by Google

The Sudanese do not have any solutions to any problem, and they are not ready to contribute to any effort or anything, and they live like this, but when the Janjaweed uniform comes and ends, all of them die, and the second part is displaced in exile, and the matter is over.

8:57 PM · Aug 11, 2023




UPDATE Sat 12 Aug 23:41:
Tweet by Wasil Ali at 8:25 PM Aug 12, 2023
Translated from Arabic by Google:
I am in the process of preparing an integrated file for Sudan solutions that will relieve the Sudanese forever

UPDATE 23:54 Sat 12 Aug, Wasil's on a roll tonight:
Translated from Arabic by Google:
Juma added that the tasks of the committee are to look into all RSF crimes, in addition to preparing a legal memorandum supported by evidence to be submitted to the United Nations, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council.
This is not serious talk. The first thing is a legal memorandum for the United Nations, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council to do with it, what exactly? [Ends]

UN chief: Access to clean, safe water is a human right

CLEAN WATER is not a privilege. It is a human right. Yet, 2 billion people still lack access to safe drinking water around the world. Ensuring access to clean & safe water supplies is essential for people to lead safe, productive & healthy lives.‌ -António Guterres (@antonioguterres) 4:01 PM Aug 10, 2023


Sudan: Facebook removed RSF and leader's Hemeti's account. Next @X @elonmusk @instagram please?

WONDERING why Sudan's RSF is not classed as a terrorist organisation. It's all over the place, terrorising, attacking, killing, raping unarmed civilians and children, torturing and executing PoWs, fighting and killing government forces in order to take over Sudan's military, government, land and riches.

Here is a copy of a tweet by Cameron Hudson (@_hudsonc) 4:17 PM Aug 11, 2023 regarding Facebook removing the RSF's and Hemeti's account. It says, Alhamdulillah. Now @X @elonmusk @instagram https://t.co/Bc2RAH9hqI