Wednesday, May 12, 2010

UNAMID: Tense security situation in N. Darfur - Reports of increased gov't troops & JEM in Shangil Tobay. Red Cross may suspend aid (Update 1)

UNAMID (the joint African Union/United Nations Mission in Darfur) said in a statement published late yesterday evening (Tuesday, 11 May) that the security situation in North Darfur, western Sudan is tense following reports of an increase in the presence of Sudanese army troops and heavily armed anti-government group JEM in the Shangil Tobay region.

Shangil Tobay is a settlement 70km (43 miles) south of the capital of North Darfur El Fasher, a government stronghold and hub for aid workers and peacekeepers. The area sits between JEM's current stronghold in West Darfur and South Kordofan.

News just in from SRS today (Wednesday, 12 May) confirms JEM has announced its total withdrawal from the two agreements signed between JEM and Sudan's Government of National Unity. The head of JEM’s negotiating team, Ahmed Togud Lisan, told SRS today that they have reached a deadlock in the two agreements and are prepared to attack government forces in Darfur.

Also, a spokesperson for the Sudanese army forces (SAF) told SRS that SAF is ready to retaliate if JEM strikes. The Sudanese government announced today that they would stop peace negotiations with JEM because JEM does not respect the framework agreement.

The head of the JEM negotiation team, Ahmed Togud Lisan, told SRS today that they are not scared by the government statements.

Yesterday, a leading member of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) told VOA News that President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir’s government will not kowtow (submit) to threats of all-out war issued by JEM.

Meanwhile, the Red Cross' representative in Sudan told SRS today in Khartoum that the International Red Cross (IRC) will cease providing health services in three states of Darfur unless the conflicting parties stop targeting its staff.

"Approximately 70 percent of (people) living in the New Shangil Tobay Camp have left fearing clashes," UNAMID said in a statement. UNAMID said 2,000 people lived in the camp.

Further details in reports from SRS, Reuters and VOA noted here below. Click here for a larger view of the following map showing North Darfur, West Darfur and southern Kordofan.

USAID 2001 SudanOil & Gas Concessions Map

Red Cross Threatens to Suspend Activity in Darfur
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service) - Wednesday, 12 May 2010:
12 May 2010 (Khartoum) – The International Red Cross Committee (IRC) has threatened to suspend its activities in three states of Darfur.

The IRC representative in Sudan, Saleh Dabaka, told SRS on Tuesday in Khartoum that the IRC will cease providing health services in Darfur unless the conflicting parties stop targeting its staff.

[Saleh Dabaka]: “Following the kidnappings which took place in October and November of last year, the IRC suspended all its activities in Darfur due to the danger represented by the arrests, kidnapping and detention of two of our international staff. If the IRC is not guaranteed security by all the parties participating in the conflict, we won’t continue doing our work, because we don’t want to subject our staff to any danger which may affect their lives or our work.”

Dabaka added that the IRC’s work has been reduced in parts of southern Darfur and other areas due to clashes between government troops and anti-government groups.

The IRC’s representative in Sudan, Saleh Dabaka, was speaking to SRS in Khartoum on Tuesday.
JEM Withdraws From Doha Talks And Renegades On Agreement
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service) - Wednesday, 12 May 2010:
12 May 2010 (Nairobi) – The Darfur anti-government group, the Justice and Equality Movement, has announced its total withdrawal from the two agreements signed between JEM and the Government of National Unity.

JEM and GONU signed a goodwill agreement last year and a framework agreement this year in Qatar.

The head of JEM’s negotiating team, Ahmed Togud Lisan, said that they have reached a deadlock in the two agreements. He threatened that JEM is prepared to attack government forces in Darfur.

He spoke to SRS from Doha on Tuesday.

[Ahmed Togud Lisan]: “Following the goodwill agreement, the government clearly does not have any intention of achieving peace. The framework agreement doesn’t exist and has no effect on the ground. This shows that there is no kind of agreement between the government and JEM, regardless of any procedures carried out before. We are not committed to it anymore and we don’t care about any agreement with the Sudanese government. It’s because of the Sudanese government that we reached this decision to suspend the negotiations and all communication. Therefore JEM will continue attacking the government in any position.”

The spokesperson for SAF, Lieutenant-Colonel Al-Sawarmi Khalid, said that SAF is ready to retaliate if JEM strikes.

[Al-Sawarmi Khalid]: “If JEM does not follow the agreement then they will be regarded as abandoning the agreement. On the other hand, we are completely ready to retaliate at any time and any place where they may try to attack SAF or civilians. They have not attacked any SAF positions, but only small villages where they loot markets. We have already welcomed the agreement and we hope it will move forward. We hope JEM will be completely committed with what is stipulated in the framework agreement and continue the negotiations, already the negotiation is continuing with the rest of the other movements, but we hope JEM will retreat from this position and join others in Doha.”

The Sudanese government announced on Tuesday that they would stop peace negotiations with JEM because JEM does not respect the framework agreement.
Sudan Unfazed by Rebel Threats
From VOA - Tuesday, 11 May 2010 by Peter Clottey:
A leading member of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) says President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir’s government will not kowtow (submit) to threats of all-out war issued by the Darfur-based Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel group.

Rabie Abdulatti Obeid said the government has asked the international police agency Interpol to arrest rebel leader Khalil Ibrahim after he refused to abide by a recent ceasefire agreement.

“The warrant of arrest that was issued by the minister of justice of the government of national unity mentioned that Dr. Khalil Ibrahim and his movement committed a lot of crimes in Darfur, as well as the crimes that were committed during the invasion of Omdurman,” he said. [...]

The JEM rebel group threatened an all-out war if their leader, who is believed to be hiding in neighboring Egypt, is arrested.

But, Abdulatti said the government is unfazed by the rebel threats.

“I don’t think that the statement will threaten the government of Sudan as this movement has no capacity to defeat the government’s military. And, even in Darfur, I think that the people of Darfur they hate the Justice and Equality Movement and are not in a position to accept that violation committed against civilians in Darfur,” Abdulatti said.
GONU Justice Minister Calls on Interpol to Arrest Khalil Ibrahim
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service) - Wednesday, 12 May 2010:
12 May 2010 (Nairobi) – The Sudanese minister of justice, Abdulbasit Sabdarat, has requested Interpol to arrest the leader of the Darfur anti-government group, the Justice and Equality Movement.

He requests that Dr. Khalil Ibrahim be handed over to the Sudanese authorities for attack on Omdurman in May 2008.

The head of the JEM negotiation team, Ahmed Togud Lisan, said that they are not scared by the government statements.

[Ahmed Togud Lisan]: “These statements were made for political purposes. It isn’t related to legal procedure. For that reason, they are just trying to increase the psychological pressure on the movement and its leadership by launching statements which exhibit the childhood and adolescence of the ministry. The movement attacked Omdurman and will continuing attacking Omdurman several times if this case is not resolved. We are not paying any attention to statements by Sabdarat. These statements just show the Sudanese government’s inability to face JEM politically and militarily - it has lost touch with reality.”

Ahmed Togud was speaking to SRS from Doha on Tuesday.
Peacekeepers warn of Darfur rebel, Sudan army build-up
From Reuters (Khartoum) Wednesday, 12 May 2010; 09:49:09 GMT:
* Security deteriorates after peace talk stalemate

* Separate tribal clashes killed 107 since March

12 May 2010 (Khartoum) - Peacekeepers have warned of a build-up of Sudanese army and rebel troops near a strategic town in Dafur, where the security situation has deteriorated after peace talks between the government and rebels stalled.

Separately, long running tribal rivalries in the remote western region had led to clashes, killing 107 people since March, they said.

"The security situation in North Darfur is tense following reports of an increase in the presence of government troops and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces in the Shangil Tobay region," the joint U.N./African Union UNAMID peacekeeping force said in a statement published late on Tuesday.

JEM was one of two rebel forces that launched a revolt against Sudan's government in 2003, accusing it of starving Darfur of funding and marginalising its population.

Sudan's president Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who mobilised militias to crush the uprising, is facing International Criminal Court charges of masterminding war crimes in the region.

Two international sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said there were signs JEM was moving south east through Darfur towards the neighbouring oil-producing region of South Kordofan, where JEM has claimed support in the past.

UNAMID said it was monitoring the situation and called on both sides to avoid "further acts of violence".

Shangil Tobay is a settlement 70km (43 miles) south of the capital of North Darfur El Fasher, a government stronghold and hub for aid workers and peacekeepers. The area sits between JEM's current stronghold in West Darfur and South Kordofan.

No one was immediately available from Sudan's army or JEM to confirm the reports of the build-up.

Khartoum has accused JEM of attacking villages in West and North Darfur states in recent weeks to expand its territory.
Both sides signed a ceasefire and initial peace deal in February but talks soon reached stalemate.

UNAMID said fighting broke out between the rival Misseriya and Rizeigat Nawaiba tribes in West Darfur in March.

The U.N. said it appeared a violent incident had sparked a cycle of revenge attacks.

"It is spiralling retribution over a killing... the retaliation just cycles out of control," said Samuel Hendricks, spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
He said rivalries had been exacerbated by competition for pasture, water and other resources.

An initial settlement broke down last week when new fighting broke out in the Mukjar region of West Darfur, said UNAMID.

"It is estimated that since March, the clashes have claimed the lives of 107 people on both sides and have caused many more to flee their homes," it added.
Hundreds flee Sudan army, Darfur rebel buildup
From Reuters (Khartoum) - Wednesday, 12 May 2010; 3:12pm EDT
(Reporting by Andrew Heavens; editing by Philippa Fletcher) - excerpt:
UNAMID said it had reports government troops and forces from the insurgent Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) had been massing in North Darfur state's Shangil Tobay area.

"Approximately 70 percent of (people) living in the New Shangil Tobay Camp have left fearing clashes," it said in a statement. UNAMID said 2,000 people lived in the camp.
News from SRS (Sudan Radio Service)


News from The New York Times

- Headlines Around the Web

What's This?

MAY 11, 2010

A troubled post


MAY 11, 2010

Sudan Seeks Arrest of Key Darfur Rebel Leader


MAY 11, 2010

JEM threatens to resume

Sudan war - Sudan arrests suspected

killers of UNAMID Egyptian

peacekeepers & asks Interpol to

arrest JEM leader


MAY 11, 2010

Bashir Wants INTERPOL to Arrest Rebel Leader


MAY 11, 2010

US observers question Sudan poll

More at Blogrunner »


Photo: By Lynsey Addario for The New York Times (NYT Topics page on Sudan)
P.S. The album "Sudan Votes Music Hopes" is available on

UPDATE on Thursday, 13 May 2010

Sudan rejects claims of new Darfur troops buildup
From Daily Nation by Peter Mwa, Nation Reporter
Thursday, May 13 2010 at 18:21:
Sudan on Thursday dismissed reports by UNAMID peacekeepers that there has been build-up of Sudanese army and rebel troops in the troubled Darfur region.

The spokesman for the Sudanese armed forces said the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) has no power to mobilise in the area.

“The UNAMID warning is an unjustified exaggeration of the power of (JEM),” said Alsoarmi Khaled Saad in a statement.

The joint United Nations/African Union peacekeeping mission had warned of a build-up of Sudanese army and rebel troops near Shangil Tobayi, a strategic town in North Darfur.

The security situation in the area has deteriorated after peace talks between the government and rebels stalled.

According to the mission, long running tribal clashes in the remote western region have killed 107 people since March.

“The security situation in North Darfur is tense following reports of an increase in the presence of government troops and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces in the Shangil Tobay region,” UNAMID said in a statement on Tuesday.

Dismissing the warning, the armed forces spokesman termed the reports by the mission inaccurate.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

JEM threatens to resume Sudan war - Sudan arrests suspected killers of UNAMID Egyptian peacekeepers & asks Interpol to arrest JEM leader

AUTHORITIES in South Darfur, western Sudan have arrested two suspects accused of killing two UNAMID Egyptian peacekeepers on Sunday, 9 May. Here below are further details from SRS, and other reports regarding the Sudanese government's request to Interpol to arrest JEM terrorist group leader Khalil Ibrahim.

Ibrahim faces 14 charges in connection with the 2008 Omdurman attack, including murder and waging war against the state. The Sudanese government says that more than 200 people were killed in that attack.

The Sudanese Minister's remarks on Tuesday came despite an existing Interpol 'Red Notice' for the arrest of Ibrahim on other charges. The Interpol had issued the 'Red Notice' for Ibrahim's arrest in 2006 on a request from Sudan, which had then charged him with terrorism for attacking oil pipelines in Darfur.

Also copied here below is a report from Sudan Tribune entitled "JEM dismisses as ’laughable’ Sudan’s demand that its leader be arrested" plus latest news from BBC entitled "JEM Darfur rebels threaten to resume Sudan war".

Darfur Authorities Arrest Two Suspects Over AU-UN
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service) - Tuesday, 11 May 2010:
11 May 2010 - (Nyala) - Authorities in southern Darfur state have arrested two suspects accused of killing two Egyptian peacekeepers on Sunday.

Last Friday, gunmen attacked a convoy of the United Nations-African Union brigade at Katila, south of Edd al Fursan in south Darfur, killing the two soldiers.

Southern Darfur police director, General Fateh Al-Rahman Osman spoke to SRS from Nyala on Monday.

[Fateh Al-Rahman Osman]: “We arrested them at Edd El-Fursan, but we are not saying that they are the accused, rather they are just suspects. In fact, they are not charged with anything. We only suspect that they might have committed that crime. We are following the normal procedures of interrogation, and God willing, in the coming days when the investigations are over, we will know whether they participated in the incident or not. We found some items at the crime scene. The investigation is going on well.”

The police director downplayed any political or militia affiliations of the suspects arrested.

[Fateh Al-Rahman Osman]: “These people who were arrested were part of a renegade group and they don’t belong to any specific group. They don’t have any political affiliations nor do they belong to any armed group in Darfur. As you know, weapons are widespread amongst the civilians, they also possess weapons just like the rest, but do not belong to any specific movement.”

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has instructed the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum to cooperate fully with the Sudanese authorities and the UN to search the region and capture the perpetrators.

Twenty-four UNAMID personnel have been killed in Darfur since the hybrid force was deployed in January 2008.
Related reports

Sudan arrests two over Darfur peacekeeper killing
Reuters (Khartoum) - Monday, 10 May 2010 08:38:29 GMT - excerpt:
Police told the state Suna news agency they had arrested the two men in the South Darfur area of Edd al Fursan and were now hunting down the rest of a seven-man bandit gang blamed for the attack on Friday. The commissioner of the surrounding Tulus area, Mohamed Al-Hassan Bairag, told Suna the gang had "looted and terrified citizens" in the region.
Sudan arrests suspected killers of Egyptian peacekeepers
Sudan Tribune - Monday, 10 May 2010 - excerpt:
May 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) - Elected governor, Abdel-Hamid Moussa Kasha announced on Sunday the arrest of the gunmen suspected of the ambush against the Egyptian peacekeepers in South Darfur.

Kasha added that that those arrested are bandits denying their affiliation to any party. Sudanese police spokesperson, Mohamed Abdel Majid tolf the official SUNA the police is conducting investigations and collecting data, pointing out that the regular forces were still hunting down the remaining members of the gang.

Yesterday the Egyptian foreign ministry said that the instructions given to the Egyptian mission’s leadership and the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum were to have full coordination with the Sudanese authorities and the UN to search the region and capture the perpetrators.

Also, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called on the Sudanese government to launch an immediate investigation and to identify, apprehend and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Sudan seeks arrest of key Darfur rebel leader
AP (Khartoum) Tuesday, 11 May 2010:
(Khartoum) - Sudan said Tuesday it is seeking the arrest of the leader of Darfur's most powerful group, which froze peace talks with the government a week ago.

Justice Minister Abdel-Basset Sabdarat has asked Interpol, the international police agency, to help in the arrest of the rebel leader "wherever he may be," the semiofficial news agency Sudanese Media Center reported.

The leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement, Khalil Ibrahim, faces charges of conspiracy and murder, the report said.
Ibrahim is currently in Egypt, which has close ties with the government of Sudan.

The rebel group froze peace talks on May 3 after accusing the government of violating a cease-fire. The talks were being mediated by the Gulf nation of Qatar.

The head of the rebel negotiating team, Ahmed Tugod, said the government's decision to seek Ibrahim's arrest will have a negative impact on the peace process.

"The Sudanese government's arrest request has no legal impact but it has potentially put an end to the entire peace negotiating process," Tugod said in a statement Tuesday. [...]
Sudan asks Interpol to arrest rebel chief
Reuters (via National Post) - Monday, 10 May 2010:
(Khartoum) - Sudan's justice minister has asked Interpol to arrest the leader of Darfur's most powerful rebel group, state media said on Monday, a step likely to dash hopes of progress in a faltering peace process.

President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes during a counter-insurgency campaign in Darfur - violence Washington has described as genocide. Khartoum rejects both charges.

The United Nations estimates some 300,000 have died in a humanitarian crisis sparked after mostly non-Arab rebels took up arms in early 2003 demanding more rights for the arid region.

The Sudanese Media Centre quoted Abdel Basit Sabderat as saying the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) leader, Khalil Ibrahim, should stand trial for an unprecedented May 2008 attack on the capital Khartoum, which killed around 200 people.

"The relevant authorities of Interpol have been requested to arrest him wherever he is so that he may face trial ... and be handed over to the Sudanese authorities," SMC quoted Mr. Sabderat as saying.

He urged "all concerned states not to shelter him and to extradite him to face trial", SMC added. Mr. Sabderat was not immediately available to confirm the report.

Mr. Ibrahim has left Qatar-based peace talks and is visiting Cairo, an ally of Khartoum. JEM officials declined to comment.

SMC said Mr. Ibrahim was accused of some 14 charges including murder and waging war against the state.

Khartoum's move against Mr. Ibrahim is likely to end progress in the peace talks, prompted by a rapprochement between Sudan and neighbour Chad, who had hosted Darfur's rebels.

"This means peace process over," said an international source familiar with the Darfur file who declined to be named.

Separately, the state news agency Suna said Sudanese police had arrested two men suspected of killing two Egyptian members of a U.N.-African Union peacekeeping force in an ambush on Friday in Darfur.

The attack on the UNAMID peacekeepers marked a further deterioration of security in the west, as JEM reported government shelling of their positions near the Chad border.

Police told Suna they had arrested the two men in the South Darfur area of Edd al Fursan and were now hunting down the rest of a seven-man bandit gang blamed for Friday's attack.

A total of 24 UNAMID soldiers and police have been killed in ambushes, carjackings and other violent incidents since their under-equipped force moved in at the beginning of 2008.

JEM on Sunday accused Sudan's army of bombing and shelling positions in the remote Jabel Moun area of West Darfur state, saying it was the latest in a series of attacks in the region.

The army said it could not confirm the report of fighting.
Sudan wants Interpol help to 'arrest rebel chief in Egypt'
AFP (Khartoum) - Monday, 10 May 2010 - excerpt:
(Khartoum) - Sudan has sought Interpol's help for the arrest in Egypt of Justice and Equality Movement rebel movement leader Khalil Ibrahim, a website close to the country's intelligence services reported.

In an interview with the Sudanese Media Centre, a daily close to the secret services, Justice Minister Abdel Bassit Sabdarat said he had asked Interpol to "arrest" Ibrahim "wherever he is located" so that he can face justice.

A Sudanese special court accuses Ibrahim of masterminding an unprecedented attack by his JEM rebels on Omdurman, the twin city of the capital.

The fighting resulted in the deaths of more than 220 people and the capture of a large number of rebels. Special courts later condemned 105 to death.

President Omar al-Beshir had said the death sentences would be quashed and that 30 percent of JEM's militants would be freed after a ceasefire deal was signed in February in Doha, Qatar.
JEM dismisses as ’laughable’ Sudan’s demand that its leader be arrested
From Sudan Tribune - Tuesday 11 May 2010:
JEM dismisses as ’laughable’ Sudan’s demand that its leader be arrested

May 10, 2010 (WASHINGTON) - The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) today downplayed the significance of Sudan’s announcement that it wants all states to cooperate in arresting its leader Khalil Ibrahim for his role in the May 2008 military assault at the twin capital city of Omdurman.

The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) has already issued a ’Red Notice’ for JEM chief since 2006 at Sudan’s request which charged him with terrorism for targeting oil pipelines along with a handful of other Darfuri rebel figures.

Today the Sudanese Justice minister Abdel-Basit Sabdarat told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website that Ibrahim still faces 14 counts related to his group surprise attack at the outskirts of Khartoum.

Sabdarat said that Khartoum asked the INTERPOL to apprehend him wherever he is and also urged all states not to harbor him and be keen on extraditing him so that he can face the charges pending.

"This means peace process over," said an international source familiar with the Darfur file who declined to be named when interviewed by Reuters.

The surprise remarks by the Sudanese official appear to confirm reports that president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir expressed his ’extreme unhappiness’ to Egyptian officials this weekend over Ibrahim’s official visit to Cairo.

The Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit and intelligence Chief Omer Suleiman met yesterday with Bashir on a one-day visit to Sudan.

Aboul-Gheit minimized the dispute over hosting Ibrahim saying that Cairo is seeking to assist in resolving the Darfur crisis and achieving peace.

In Cairo, JEM official spokesperson Ahmed Hussein described the remarks by Sabdarat as "childish".

"They are really showing their disrespect to Egypt by timing this announcement when Dr. Khalil is in Cairo discussing with Egyptian officials the fate of the peace process in Darfur. In any case this is just laughable does not mean anything to us but a childish attitude on the part of Khartoum" Hussein told Sudan Tribune by phone from the Egyptian capital.

Hussein revealed two meetings between JEM leader and Egyptian intelligence chief where they discussed the faltering talks in Doha denying any intention to move the venue to Cairo as some have speculated.

Asked whether the issue of the INTERPOL notice came up, Hussein said ’No’.

"Egypt told Bashir that it wants to maintain ties with all parties in Sudan like they did with [SPLM leader John] Garang or otherwise they will have no mediation leverage" JEM spokesperson said.

Following the Omdurman attack, the Egyptian government rejected a request by Khartoum to hand over three JEM officials who were present in Cairo at the time which included JEM’s top negotiator Ahmed Tugd , Ahmed Sharif and Mohamed Ali.

Hussein said that Khartoum is resorting to tactics that aim at deflecting attention from issues the government is facing.

"This is propaganda by Khartoum and an attempt to cover up their military defeats in Darfur and frustration over growing diplomatic engagement of regional and international players with our movements," he added.

"Sabdarat to be more concerned with the Mawasir market scandal their officials were involved in and trying to get people their money back. He can be of more use then or he can advise [president] Bashir to stand before the International Criminal Court rather than demand the arrest of Dr. Khalil" Hussein said.

Khartoum, which mobilized mostly Arab militias to crush the uprising in Darfur, signed a ceasefire with JEM in Qatar in February this year, as well as a "framework" agreement setting out the terms for future negotiations which was hailed as major breakthrough in resolving the seven years old conflict.

Days later, initial discussions reached stalemate when JEM objected to Khartoum starting talks with another Darfur rebel grouping, the Liberation and Justice Movement.

This month JEM suspended talks with Khartoum accusing the latter of breaching the ceasefire.

JEM was one of two mostly non-Arab rebel groups which took up arms against Sudan’s government in 2003, accusing it of starving the remote western region of funding and marginalizing its people. (ST)
Sudan Seeks Interpol's Help In Arresting Rebel Leader
From RTTNews by Staff Writer - Tuesday, 11 May 2010; 2:20 PM ET - excerpt:
"The relevant authorities of Interpol have been requested to arrest him wherever he is so that he may face trial ... and be handed over to the Sudanese authorities," the Sudanese Media Center quoted Justice Minister Abdel Bassit Sabdarat as saying in an interview.

The Justice Minister also urged "all concerned states not to shelter him and to extradite him to face trial" for the an unprecedented May 2008 attack by his JEM rebels on Omdurman, the twin city of the capital Khartoum.

Ibrahim faces 14 charges in connection with the 2008 Omdurman attack, including murder and waging war against the state. The Sudanese government says that more than 200 people were killed in that attack.

Sudan had earlier arrested more than 100 JEM rebels over the 2008 attack on Omdurman, a city just across the River Nile, opposite the capital Khartoum. Most of the JEM rebels detained over the attack were on death row, and some of them have already been executed.

However, Sudanese government has released some 57 rebels belonging to the JEM in line with a ceasefire agreement signed with the group in February, including some 50 rebels sentenced to death over the attack on the city of Omdurman.

The Sudanese Minister's remarks on Tuesday came despite an existing Interpol 'Red Notice' for the arrest of Ibrahim on other charges. The Interpol had issued the 'Red Notice' for Ibrahim's arrest in 2006 on a request from Sudan, which had then charged him with terrorism for attacking oil pipelines in Darfur.

A spokesman for the JEM has indicated that Ibrahim has been in Egypt, an ally of the Sudanese government, since the Qatar-based peace talks that led to a cease fire agreement between the government in Khartoum and the JEM rebel movement.

On 23rd February 2010, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir signed a ceasefire deal in the Qatari capital of Doha with the JEM rebels, marking the first step towards ending the seven-year conflict in the country's western region. However, the JEM left peace talks earlier this month, claiming the government had launched new raids.

The cease-fire deal was mediated by Chad President Idriss Deby, who also shares ethnic ties with Khalil Ibrahim and most JEM leaders. President Deby is from the Zaghawa tribe like most JEM leaders, and has been accused in the past for supporting the Darfur rebel group in its fight against Khartoum.

Chad's mediation to end the Darfur conflict follows a recent dramatic improvement in Chad-Sudan ties. Though the two countries had accused each other in the past of supporting rebels groups operating in their respective territories, relations improved after leaders of the two nations agreed at a meeting in January to end support for the rebels.

Soon after Khartoum signed the cease fire deal with JEM, another Darfur rebel group, the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), also signed a ceasefire with the government. The move left only a faction of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) fighting the Sudanese government in the Darfur region. [...]
Jem Darfur rebels threaten to resume Sudan war
From BBC at 15:45 GMT - Tuesday, 11 May 2010 16:45 UK:

Khalil Ibrahim

Photo: Khalil Ibrahim is thought to be in Egypt
One of the main rebel groups in Sudan's Darfur region has threatened "all-out war" if its leader is arrested.

Sudanese officials have asked Interpol to arrest Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) leader Khalil Ibrahim for planning an attack in Omdurman in 2008.

Jem signed a ceasefire with the government in February but left peace talks earlier this month, claiming the government had launched new raids.

Mr Khalil is currently thought to be in Egypt, which is an ally of Khartoum.

Eltahir Adam Elfaki, chairman of Jem's Legislative Council, told the BBC that "if any attempt is made to arrest Dr Khalil then it is all-out war."

"Even as we speak, the Sudanese government is bombarding areas of North Darfur and West Darfur," he said.

Will peace return to Darfur?

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir over alleged war crimes committed in Darfur - charges he strongly denies.

"Bashir is an indicted criminal - indicted by the ICC - and has no right to ask for anyone to be indicted by Interpol," said Mr Elfaki.

After the ceasefire was signed with Jem, Mr Bashir declared that the war in Darfur was "over".
Another Darfur rebel group, the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), also signed a ceasefire with the government before the elections.

However a faction of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) led by Abdul Wahid is still holding out against the government and has refused to take part in the peace talks.

Darfur was relatively peaceful during Sudan's landmark April elections, which saw Mr Bashir re-elected.
But voting did not take place in much of the area because of the insecurity.

Since the conflict in Darfur began in 2003, some 2.7 million people have fled their homes and the UN says about 300,000 more have died.

The government says such figures are a massive exaggeration and denies claims that it backed Arab militias accused of ethnic cleansing against black African groups in Darfur.
Seen on Twitter re VOA report
This VOA article on JEM is off target because it makes way too many assumptions #articleswritteninairconditionedoffices
5:15 PM May 6th via web
will swanson
Here is a copy of the VOA report, mentioned above

Darfur JEM Rebel Group Risks Losing Dominance
"JEM is actually in a fairly difficult negotiating position."
VOA by Joe DeCapua - 03 May 2010:
Darfur’s main rebel group may risk losing its dominance in the region, as Chad ends support and rival rebel coalition gains strength.
Monday, JEM – the Justice and Equality Movement – officially suspended peace talks with the government, following months of stalled negotiations. JEM has also accused the government of attacking its positions in western Darfur.

E.J. Hogendoorn, Horn of Africa director for the International Crisis Group (ICG), reacted to JEM’S decision to suspend peace talks.

“My initial reaction is that the JEM has been frustrated by the fact that Khartoum has been talking to other rebel factions; and it is now trying to put pressure on the government to deal more seriously with them,” he says.

Why drop out now?

“The talks have been stalled in large part because most of the people were focused on the elections. And I think that there was some perception that once the elections were completed there would be further movement along the talks. But that hasn’t happened,” he says.

Many had criticized the elections, including those in Darfur, as being rigged even before the first vote was cast last month.
Hogendoorn says, “Our understanding is that once the JEM had entered into the framework agreement (with Khartoum) in February that everyone recognized that very little would be completed until the elections were finished.

However, he says, “JEM wants to present itself as the umbrella group that represents all the Darfurian rebels, but there is another fairly large group that has emerged lately that is also in talks with the government that now seems to have the upper hand.”

The other rebels

The coalition of four rebel groups challenging JEM for dominance in Darfur is the Sudan Liberation and Justice Movement.

“If in fact they are able to keep themselves unified, they present a fairly significant force, especially in light of the fact that Chad and Khartoum entered into agreement in which they agreed not to support each other’s rebel groups. And for Chad that meant principally JEM,” Hogendoorn says.

As a result, JEM has lost its biggest military supporter.

“So, JEM is actually in a fairly difficult negotiating position, especially if it looks like the four (rebel groups) are developing their own political agenda. And JEM can no longer credibly claim to be the most powerful Darfuri group operating there,” he says.
JEM and the Sudan Liberation and Justice Movement have different ethnic bases and relations between the two groups are strained.

“JEM largely receives support from a tribe called the Zaghawa in northern Darfur, whereas the Sudanese Liberation and Justice Movement is largely comprised of another ethnic group, the Fur,” he says.

He says the groups have been competing for “attention” and the “spoils of any peace deal.”

The spoils of peace

The ICG analyst says such a peace agreement would lead to an ending of fighting, continued control of territory by the rebels and senior positions in the Khartoum government for rebel leaders.

“Most of the people who have entered the government from rebel factions have been frustrated by the fact that they have very little power relative to their NCP (ruling National Congress Party) counterparts,” he says.

Hogendoorn gives the example of Minni Minawi, a Darfuri rebel leader who became a senior presidential adviser to Omar al-Bashir.

“Although the title sounds relatively powerful, it has really meant very little on the ground in Khartoum,” he says.
Bashir’s strategy?

With the elections over, attention is now focused on the January 2011 independence referendum in South Sudan.

“Obviously, it is in Bashir’s interests to try to settle these conflicts, especially if he fears that the SPLM (party) of the south may try to use Darfuri opposition to put pressure on his government. But it’s unclear really what his thinking is,” he says.

The Darfur conflict began in 2003, after rebel groups accused the government of marginalizing non-Arab ethnic groups. Since then, millions of people have been displaced, with hundreds of thousands crossing into neighboring Chad. The death toll has also been estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

Arab militias have waged much of the fighting on behalf of Khartoum, and many, including the United States, have called the killings there genocide. The Khartoum government rejects the charge and says the casualty figures have been exaggerated.
What’s more, the situation is complicated by the fact that the International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants against President Bashir, accusing him of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.
Click on Egypt label here below for more details.

UNAMID Egyptian peacekeepers killed in El Fasher, South Darfur

UNAMID Egyptian peacekeepers killed in El Fasher, South Darfur

Photos: 8 May 2010 (Nyala) - Egyptian Peacekeepers carry one coffin with one of the two bodies of the peacekeepers (killed Friday, 7 May 2010) at Nyala airport (South Darfur), ready for the repatriation. Two Egyptian peacekeepers were killed in action and three seriously wounded in an ambush near Katila village, 85km south of Edd al Fursan, South Darfur, by a group of unidentified armed men. The injured soldiers were air-lifted to UNAMID's hospital in Nyala and are reported in stable condition. (Pictures: UNAMID - Albert Gonzalez Farran)

Cameron becomes UK's new prime minister & Clegg Deputy

David Cameron is the new prime minister, bringing the Conservatives back into power after 13 years as they agree a coalition in which Lib Dem Nick Clegg will be his deputy. Full story: BBC 23:50 GMT, Tuesday, 11 May 2010 00:50 UK.

Monday, May 10, 2010

10 May 2010 - Eighth Meeting of the UN, African Union and Sudan Gov't Tripartite Mechanism - Safety of Darfur peacekeepers tops talks

JSR, Ibrahim Gambari

Photos: UNAMID was represented by Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari (pictured L above) taking part for the first time, and Deputy JSR Mohamed Yonis. (Photos courtesy of UNAMID)

Eighth meeting of the AU/UN/GoS Tripartite Mechanism

Eighth meeting of the AU/UN/GoS Tripartite Mechanism
Information Note - From UNAMID
(African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur)
Monday, 10 May 2010:
(ADDIS ABABA, 10 May 2010) - The African Union, United Nations, Government of the Sudan Tripartite Mechanism on UNAMID today held its eighth meeting at the headquarters of the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy, and the Sudanese Ministry of Defense’s Director of International Cooperation Lt Gen Magzoub Rahma Al Badawi led their respective delegations. UNAMID was represented by Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari, taking part for the first time, and Deputy JSR Mohamed Yonis.

In his opening remarks, Ambassador Lamamra congratulated UNAMID for its resolve in carrying out its mandate “despite the associated risks and dangers to its peacekeepers to reduce the human suffering of the Darfurians.”

The meeting reviewed the latest developments in the region’s security situation and UNAMID’s current deployment, now at 88% and 74% of its authorized military and police strength, respectively. JSR Gambari outlined the Mission’s priorities as it shifts focus from deployment to employment. These priorities include enhancing the security of civilians and internally displaced people in Darfur; providing more proactive support to the ongoing peace process; promoting early recovery and development in the region; and, assisting in the normalization of relations between Chad and the Sudan.

For his part, Lt Gen Rahma Al Badawi stated that “UNAMID is ours, too” and assured the participants of the Sudanese Government’s continued support to the Mission in fulfilling its tasks.

“This Mechanism will now focus its attention on addressing and resolving issues that impact on the operational effectiveness of the Mission,” said USG le Roy, stressing the importance of the continued collaboration of all parties.

It was also decided that the Tripartite Mechanism will meet on a monthly basis at the operational level in El Fasher and Khartoum, with meetings at a strategic level held every three months. The next meeting at a strategic level is planned to take place in New York in September 2010.


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Safety of Darfur peacekeepers tops talks between UN, African Union and Sudan
From UN News Centre - Monday, 10 May 2010:
The protection of blue helmets serving in Darfur has topped the agenda of the latest talks between the United Nations, the African Union and the Sudanese Government, which are taking place just days after two peacekeepers were killed and three others seriously wounded in an ambush in the war-torn region.
The meeting of the so-called Tripartite Mechanism, held today in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, also focused on the continued implementation of the mandate of the joint UN-AU peacekeeping force, known as UNAMID.

The mission was established by the Security Council in 2007 to protect civilians in Darfur, where an estimated 300,000 people have been killed and another 2.7 million forced from their homes since violence erupted in 2003, pitting rebels against Government forces and their allied Janjaweed militiamen.

On Friday, two Egyptian soldiers serving with UNAMID died after their convoy, carrying out a routine patrol, was attacked by about 20 unidentified armed gunmen who opened fire without warning in a remote area of South Darfur state. Their deaths bring the number of UNAMID personnel killed as a result of hostile actions to 24 since the mission was established.

At present, UNAMID is at 87 per cent of its full strength of some 26,000 military and police personnel.

In his latest report to the Security Council on UNAMID, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wrote that even though the mission is moving towards full capacity, it continues to lack crucial equipment required to enhance the capability of both its military and police units.

“I am encouraged by the progress that UNAMID has made towards full deployment in Darfur. At the same time, continuing shortfalls in terms of the self-sustainment of military and formed police units remain a challenge to the operational capability of the mission,” Mr. Ban wrote.

He thanked troop- and police-contributing countries, urging them to ensure that the necessary arrangements are made for the deployment of the equipment and other facilities. Helicopters and military vehicles such as armoured personnel carriers continue to be in short supply.

Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy, along with officials from UNAMID, including Joint Special Representative Ibrahim Gambari, are attending the Addis Ababa meeting, which is also slated to discuss the provision of a radio broadcasting license for the mission.
Darfur blue helmets to take ‘robust’ defensive action if attacked, says UN-AU envoy
From UN News Centre - Tuesday, 11 May 2010 - excerpt:
11 May 2010 – The head of the joint African Union-United Nations mission in Darfur said today that peacekeepers there will be more robust when defending themselves from attacks, while recognizing that the primary responsibility for protecting staff lay with the Sudanese Government.

Last week, two Egyptian soldiers serving with the mission, known as UNAMID, died when their convoy on routine patrol was attacked by about 20 unidentified armed gunmen in a remote area of South Darfur state.

“[As] UNAMID we are going to be very strict in terms of a robust position so that people will be discouraged from even attempting to attack us,” Ibrahim Gambari, head of UNAMID and the AU-UN Joint Special Representative in Darfur, said in an interview with UN Radio.

“We also want to make it clear that an attack on international peacekeepers is a war crime, a violation of international criminal law,” Mr. Gambari added.

He said the Sudanese Government, as UNAMID’s host, bore the primary responsibility of protecting the mission’s staff and curbing the criminal activities that had led to attacks on peacekeepers by arresting the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.

“The Government has assured us that they will do their best to enhance the security of our staff,” Mr. Gambari said.

The protection of blue helmets serving in Darfur was high on the agenda of the latest talks between the UN, the AU and the Sudanese Government, which took place yesterday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. The meeting of the so-called Tripartite Mechanism also focused on the continued implementation of UNAMID’s mandate.

Mr. Gambari said there was no alternative to a comprehensive ceasefire agreement between the Sudanese Government and one of the leading insurgent groups in Darfur, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), through the Doha peace process. He urged both parties to return to the talks in the Qatari capital, and pledged UNAMID’s readiness to continue facilitating the political process aimed at ending the conflict. [...]
News from SRS (Sudan Radio Service)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

International consultative meetings on Sudan held at AU HQ in Ethiopia's Addis Ababa: NCP and SPLM partnership important to Sudan's future

AU HQ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sudanese delegation in Addis Ababa: NCP and SPLM partnership important to Sudan's future
From Radio Miraya - Sunday, 09 May 2010 21:45:
The consultative meeting on Sudan held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ended on Sunday with the Sudanese delegation affirming that a diplomatic partnership between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the National Congress Party (NCP) is critical for Sudan when faced with future challenges. The Sudanese delegation headed by Minster of Youth Culture and Sports, Amin Hassan Omer, made the statement as the close of the meetings.

He expressed confidence that that both parties will succeed in the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) based on mutual trust.

The meeting also stressed the need to reach a political settlement for the Darfur issue before the 2011 referendum takes place. The meeting concluded with a reiteration of a comprehensive peace process towards restoring peace in Darfur, taking into account the recommendations of the Council of Wise Men and building on the progress made in Doha.
Related reports and updates

Addis Ababa Consultative Meeting on Sudan Wraps Up, Trusts NCP/SPLM Cooperation
From Sudan Vision Daily - Monday, 10 May 2010:
(Addis Ababa-SUNA) - The international two-day consultative meeting on Sudan present and future political developments held at the African Union Head Quarter in the Ethiopian Capital, Addis Ababa was over yesterday. Sudan delegation to the meeting was chaired by the State Minister of Culture and Youth, Dr. Amin Hassan Omer.

The meeting initiated by the African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping; AU, IGAD, UN, EU, AL, OIC, representatives of the UNSC permanent member states, UNMIS and UNAMID Chiefs, AU-UN Joint Chief Mediator, Qatar, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, AUPSC President for the Month- Burundi, AU President for the month-Malawi and the Evaluation and Assessment Commission participated in the meeting .

The issued communiqué’ stated that the meeting had reviewed the situations in Sudan on the heels of last April elections within the framework of progress on the CPA implementation and Darfur peace process.

The communiqué’ stressed that the partnership between the NCP and SPLM was crucial for Sudan leadership’ struggle against future challenges, expressing confidence in the two partners’ ability to fulfill the CPA implementation given their mutual trust. The communiqué stated that the participants in the meeting pledged to support the efforts of the UNAMID, AU-UN Joint Chief mediator and the Qatari mediation in respect of peace in Sudan.

According to the final statement, the meeting underscored the recent national elections had established new facts in Sudan as new legitimate representatives had been elected all levels. Those representatives would be expected to contribute to the peace building process.

The statement further added that the consultative meeting had expressed intension to support the UN and AU resolution to convene a meeting for the High Executive Group of the AU, Joint Mediation and UNAMID for consultation with Sudan Government on Darfur peace process in the light of the breakthroughs the elections had allowed.

Moreover, the meeting emphasized the importance of reaching a peaceful and comprehensive settlement of Darfur issue ahead of the referendum set for January 2011, while taking into account the recommendations of the AU Panel on Darfur, as well as the achievements of Doha forum.
The AU / UN / Government of the Sudan Tripartite Mechanism
From United Nations – African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) /APO
Monday, 10 May 2010:
(ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia) - Today, 10 May 2010, officials from the African Union (AU), United Nations (UN), and the Sudanese Government will convene in Addis Ababa for the eighth meeting of the Tripartite Mechanism on UNAMID.

Following consultations between the three parties on the fringes of the AU Summit on July 2008 in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, the Tripartite Mechanism was established with the aim of expediting UNAMID’s deployment and promoting a constructive relationship with the Sudanese government. Since then, the Tripartite meetings have offered an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the three parties for the benefit of the people of Darfur.

Outcomes of previous meetings
The first meeting, held on 7 October 2008 in Khartoum, reviewed and outlined practical solutions to challenges faced in the deployment of UNAMID, the largest and most complex peacekeeping operation ever attempted by the UN or the AU.

By the third meeting, on 16 November 2008, the Mission had reached 60% troop deployment, and a memorandum of understanding on air operations was signed which enabled UNAMID to make more effective use of Sudanese airport infrastructure. The Sudanese government also began providing police protection to the Mission’s facilities in El Fasher, Nyala and El Geneina.

At the fifth meeting of the Tripartite mechanism, which followed the expulsion of several international NGOs, it was agreed that UNAMID would assume custody of their assets until a final solution could be reached between the Government and the INGOs.

UNAMID representatives
The Mission will be represented by Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari, Deputy JSR of Operations and Management Mohammed Yonis and the heads of UNAMID’s substantive sections.

With the Mission now at 87% deployment, the focus of this summit will be on the protection of UNAMID personnel and the implementation of its mandate. Also among the issues to be discussed will be the provision of a radio broadcasting licence for the Mission in Darfur
Sudan activists - UNAMID receives US Envoy Gration in Darfur - Sudan's delegation at AU HQ meeting on Sudan
Sudan Watch - Saturday, 08 May 2010

Sudanese Defence Minister meets Chadian President Deby - Security Council consults on cutting MINURCAT - Irish troops return home

On Saturday (8 May) Sudan's Federal Minister of Defence, Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein, met with the Chadian President Idriss Déby, in N'Djamena, Chad. The two discussed the deployment process of the joint monitoring forces. The deployment is part of the security agreement reached between Khartoum and N'djamena, in an attempt to flush out opposition activities in both countries.

On Saturday (8 May) the Security Council held closed consultations on cuts to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Chad (MINURCAT) after the Chadian government's call for the withdrawal of the military component, despite warnings that this could impair delivery of humanitarian aid to some 430,000 people.

On Monday (10 May) the first group of Irish troops is due to arrive home from Chad. Irish Minister for Defence Tony Killeen extended his congratulations to the returning contingent and to all those involved in the MINURCAT mission. The Defence Forces have been involved in Chad since February 2008.

Further details below.

SAF deploys border troops along Chad amid allegations of attack on JEM strongholds
From Radio Miraya - Sunday, 09 May 2010 20:37:
As the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) tightened border security with Chad in an effort to promote peaceful border co-existence, allegations of SAF attacks on JEM forces continue to surface. Director of the SAF's office, Lieutenant Sawarmi Khalid Saed told Radio Miraya that the deployment is part of the security agreement reached between Khartoum and N'djamena, in an attempt to flush out opposition activities in both countries.

He pointed out that the military monitors any covert rebel activities whether inside or outside cities, citing two joint military base camps in Adri and Aljineena townships where the military monitors any covert rebel activities. Sawarmi added that ground arrangements are also progressing well.

On Saturday, Sudan's Federal Minister of Defense, Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein, met with the Chadian President Idris Debby, in N'Djamena on Saturday. The two discussed the deployment process of the joint monitoring forces.

Leitenant Sawarmi also denied any clashes with the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). JEM has accused the SAF of attacking their territories.

Speaking to Radio Miraya, Sawarmi admitted that some JEM forces have penetrated some areas of Kordofan, but downplayed their effect on the civilians.

He said citizens are used to seeing JEM troops passing through townships and have not been exposed to any clashes with the SAF. Sawarmi added that JEM merely intimidates and terrify villagers by shooting randomly.

Earlier JEM confirmed that fighting is on-going between JEM forces and the SAF in Kordofan, North and South Darfur. In a statement to Radio Miraya, JEM's speaker at the Legislative Assembly, Althahir AlFaki, accused the SAF of using Antinov war planes to attack areas Kilbas, Feferida, Fireaa, Hileylat and JEM's strongholds in northern Kordofan State, saying that he had just received the information of field commanders there.

AlFaki disclosed that JEM has administrative patrols, active in Dar-Amiss area in Kordofan State.

He also added that the framework agreement signed did not specify the locations where JEM deploys troops.

Click and listen to SAF's Lieutenant Sawarmi Khalid Saed

Click and listen to JEM's Legislative Assembly speaker, Althahir Al Faki
Minister of Defense meets Chadian President
From Miraya Radio - Sunday, 09 May 2010 14:44:
The Federal Minister of Defense, Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein, met with the Chadian President Idriss Déby, in N'Djamena yesterday. They discussed the deployment process of the joint monitoring forces at the borders. Hussein also delivered to Déby an invitation from President-elect Omar Al Bashir to attend his swearing-in ceremony in Sudan follwing his election last month.
Security Council consults on cutting UN military force in Chad
From (UN News) Spero News - Saturday, 08 May 2010:
The Security Council today held closed consultations on cuts to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Chad after the Government"s call for the withdrawal of the military component, despite warnings that this could impair delivery of humanitarian aid to some 430,000 people.

"We are extremely worried about what the potential impact will be on the civilians whom we"re trying to help in eastern Chad," Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes told a news conference, citing 250,000 or more refugees from Sudan"s war-torn Darfur region and 180,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The UN mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) and Chad (MINURCAT) "has been helpful for us" in providing security and extra logistical capacity including medical evacuations, he said.

"That"s why we"ve made clear ourselves, publicly and privately, to the Government of Chad and the Security Council that our preference would be that MINURCAT should stay for a further period until alternative arrangements are made because the consequences for the protection of civilians but also for humanitarians themselves could be very significant," he added.

Last month UN and Chadian officials agreed on a major initial reduction after the Government called for the withdrawal of the military component of MINURCAT, which was set up over two years ago to ensure the security of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Darfur, IDPs and humanitarian workers in both Chad and the CAR, saying the force had served its purpose.

In a report to the Council earlier this week Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon proposed that the military component be reduced from its current 3,300 troops " out of an authorized strength of 4,900 " to 1,400 troops and 500 support elements. The current mandate expires on 15 May.

With new agreements on border security between Chad and Sudan, and with MINURCAT not strong enough to provide complete security in eastern Chad, the Government said it felt it was better for Chadian forces to take over and for the mandate to be adjusted.

"Now we will have to deal with the situation as we find it if MINURCAT has to draw down in the course of this year, which looks like the most likely outcome of all this, we will have to adapt to that and do the best we can," Mr. Holmes said. "But it may have an impact on our ability to help people and on the security problems for the people themselves."

In his report Mr. Ban said MINURCAT would ensure the first drawdown of 1,400 troops by 15 July, with the remaining 1,900 beginning their withdrawal on 15 October. He also proposed that as of 16 May, the current mandate for the protection of civilians would cease, with such security tasks to be carried out by Chadian police forces, primarily the UN-trained D"chement int""e s"rit"DIS).

Meanwhile, the MINURCAT police component would continue to train, mentor and support the efforts of the Government to enable the DIS to become self-sustainable.

Source: UN News
First Irish troops to return from Chad on Monday
From - Sunday, 09 May 2010:
The first group of Irish troops is due to arrive home from Chad on Monday, according to the Defence Forces.

The group, consisting of 212 personnel, will arrive into Dublin Airport at 3.35pm.

Minister for Defence Tony Killeen extended his congratulations to the returning contingent and to all those involved in the MINURCAT mission.

"This was probably the most difficult mission ever undertaken by the Defence Forces and the manner in which it was deployed and operated is testament to effectiveness of the modernisation process implemented by the Defence Forces over the past number of years," he said.

"I would like to thank all members of the Defence Forces who have served in Chad for their dedication, professionalism and hard work in contributing to a safe and secure environment for refugees and displaced persons.

"The Government remains deeply committed to international peacekeeping and, over the coming months, we will be looking at possible options for future deployments."

The Defence Forces have been involved in Chad since February 2008.

High level Egyptian officials visit Khartoum and Juba - Egypt urges Sudan unity ahead of referendum

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit pressed for the unity of Sudan on Sunday, ahead of a referendum on independence which could call into question current Nile Basin water-sharing agreements.

"Egypt is in favour of the unity of Sudan as a part of Africa and a member of the African Union. We will do everything in our power to save the unity of Sudan," Abul Gheit told reporters in Khartoum after talks with President Omar al-Beshir.

Abul Gheit and Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman are also due in the south Sudan capital Juba later on Sunday where they will meet Salva Kiir, the head of the semi-autonomous region.

If the southern Sudanese vote for independence in next January's referendum, this could have an impact on the disputed sharing of Nile waters.

Further details below.

Aboul Gheit and Omar Suleiman are visiting both Khartoum and Juba
From Arab Republic of Egypt Press Office - Minister's Cabinet
Saturday, 08 May 2010:
The Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry stated that Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit and Minister Omar Suleiman will go on a visit on May 9, 2010, to both Khartoum and Juba, and are expected to meet with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and congratulate him on the occasion of winning the Presidential elections held in Sudan last month, and to congratulate General Salva Kiir First Vice President of Sudan on the occasion of assuming the Presidency of the Government of the South.

The Spokesman added that the visit comes within the framework of underlining Egypt's interest in the security, unity and stability of Sudan whose issues are of a strategic priority to Egypt, in addition to Egypt's interest in the future of southern Sudan, in light of the strong ties binding Egypt and the various powers of Sudan, which is reflected by the Egyptian support for the efforts of the Sudanese government in maintaining stability in various parts of the country.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit

Photo: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit arrives to meet Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in Khartoum Sunday, 09 May 2010. (Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

High level Egyptian officials visit Sudan
From Radio Miraya - Sunday, 09 May 2010 14:05:
The Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Abul Ghait and the Egyptian Intelligence Chief, Omar Suleiman arrived to Khartoum today. Speaking to Miraya, the Egyptian Ambassador to Khartoum, Mohammed Abdel Munaim Al Chazali, said that Abul Gait and Omar Suleiman will meet President-elect Omar Al Bashir and the Vice President Ali Osman Taha.

The two officials will also travel to Juba to meet with First Vice President Salva Kiir Mayardit.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit

Photo: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit speaks to the press after meeting Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in Khartoum Sunday, 09 May 2010. (Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

Egypt urges Sudan unity ahead of referendum
AFP - Sunday, 09 May 2010:
KHARTOUM - Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit pressed for the unity of Sudan on Sunday, ahead of a referendum on independence which could call into question current Nile Basin water-sharing agreements.

"Egypt is in favour of the unity of Sudan as a part of Africa and a member of the African Union. We will do everything in our power to save the unity of Sudan," Abul Gheit told reporters in Khartoum after talks with President Omar al-Beshir.

Abul Gheit and Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman are also due in the south Sudan capital Juba later on Sunday where they will meet Salva Kiir, the head of the semi-autonomous region.

If the southern Sudanese vote for independence in next January's referendum, this could have an impact on the disputed sharing of Nile waters.

A 1959 accord between Cairo and Khartoum reserves 55.5 billion cubic metres a year for Egypt and 18.5 billion cubic metres for Sudan, a combined total of 87 percent of the river's water, leaving just 13 percent for other Nile Basin states.

Some of these, which include Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo, say past treaties are unfair and they want an equitable water-sharing agreement that would allow for more irrigation and power projects.

"While Egyptian officials try to downplay the water concerns, some worry an independent South would soon join the groundswell of states objecting to the standing agreements," said a report by the International Crisis Group released on Thursday.

Last month, Egypt rejected any new plans for Nile water allocation, stressing that its share in the river was a "historic right" with Sudan considered a strong ally.

"Sudan and Egypt agree completely on the question of Nile waters. We are ready to continue discussions with other countries and to cooperate to build a bridge and reach a final agreement that will satisfy all the Nile Basin Initiative countries," Abul Gheit said.
Egyptian FM and spy chief start visit to Sudan on Sunday
Sudan Tribune - Sunday 09 May 2010 - excerpt:
May 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) - [...] Egypt is stepping up its involvement on Sudan affairs ahead of the 2011 self determination referendum in the South which is widely expected to result in Africa’s newest state.

Earlier this year, Mubarak has reportedly criticized Khartoum for lacking the will to preserve the unity and warning that there are regional powers wanting to fuel conflict in the area which he described as “vital to Egypt”.

The issue of South Sudan secession is sensitive one to Cairo largely due to its impact on the Nile water agreement and the possible reallocation of share with the new state even though legal experts say that the water agreements are still binding to the new state.

Sudan and Egypt have joined hands last month against other Nile basin which are fiercely pushing for a new agreement fueling tensions and anger on all sides.
Further reading
UNAMID: 2 Egyptian peacekeepers killed, 3 injured nr Katila, south of Edd al Fursan, S. Darfur, W. Sudan (Update 1)
Sudan Watch - Friday, 07 May 2010