Wednesday, May 19, 2010

W. Sudan, Darfur: JEM leader returned to Libya after being detained by Chadian authorities at N'Djamena airport for 19 hours

CHAD refused entry to Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) leader Khalil Ibrahim on his way back to the battlefield on Wednesday (19 May) ordering him to return to Libya after a 19-hour diplomatic standoff at the country's main airport.

"He is in the air," top JEM official al-Tahir al-Feki told Reuters, adding he was returning to Tripoli after 19 hours on board a Libyan Afriqiyah airlines plane.

Chad's Interior Minister Ahmat Mahamat Bachir said his country did not want JEM passing through: "We have re-established relations with Sudan so we cannot allow these undesirable people to pass through Chad," he said.

Chadian airport authorities had detained Mr Ibrahim, denying him access to Darfur via Chad, a JEM spokesman told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Wednesday.

Authorities at N'Djamena airport refused entry to Mr Ibrahim and a number of other JEM members who had arrived from the Libyan capital Tripoli at 1:00 am (0000 GMT), JEM spokesman Ahmed Hussein Adam told AFP.

"When they landed, Chadian authorities confiscated their passports and refused to let them into Chadian territory and ordered them to go back (to Libya)," Adam said, speaking by telephone from London.

Adam said Chadian authorities wanted Ibrahim to fly back to Tripoli en route to Doha.

Also, Adam said Ibrahim had refused to return to Libya, as had the crew of the Afriqiyah airlines plane, and the rebel leader was currently sitting inside the aircraft with his retinue at N'Djamena airport.

Authorities in Chad were trying to get Ibrahim and the JEM delegation to the Qatari capital Doha, the venue of recent peace talks between the JEM and the Khartoum government, Adam said.

Source: See related reports below. Note that the BBC reported it is unclear why Mr Ibrahim had travelled from Libya to Chad; JEM had been told after the signing of the February agreement that it was no longer welcome in Chad.

Khalil Ibrahim

Photo: A spokesman from the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said that their leader Khalil Ibrahim, seen here in 2009, is being held by Chadian airport authorities, denying him access to Darfur via Chad. (AFP/File/Ibrahim al-Omari)

Related reports

Khalil Ibrahim Detained By Chadian Authorities in N'Djamena Airport
SRS - Sudan Radio Service - Wednesday, 19 May 2010:
(Cairo) - The Chadian authorities have been holding Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, the leader of the Darfur anti-government group, the Justice and Equality Movement, at N’Djamena airport since Wednesday morning.

Dr. Ibrahim was on his way from Egypt to his movement’s stronghold in Western Darfur.

A senior JEM official, Mansour Arbab Yonis, spoke to SRS on Wednesday from Egypt.

[Mansour Arbab Yonis]: “The Chadian authorities have been holding him at N’Djamena airport since this morning (Wednesday) since 2 a.m. and he is still being held and he has been denied entrance to N’djamena. We urge the international mediation team, particularly the AU-UN mediator Djibril Bassole to intervene, in order to transport our brother from N’Djamena to the field, but brother Bassole has not taken any serious measures yet.”

Arbab described the move by Chadian authorities as a conspiracy to force JEM to go back to the negotiation table with the government.

[Mansour Arbab Yonis]: “We explain this move as a conspiracy, because they want to force JEM back to the talks by force, without any progress in the mediation. We have informed the Chadian foreign affairs ministry about the movement of the JEM leader, but we were shocked by this weird and new behavior, and we are very sorry about this behavior.”

In January, Sudan and Chad signed a military agreement in Khartoum about border security. According to the agreement, the two countries have deployed 3000 troops to prevent the movement of the each country’s anti-government groups.

The agreement also stipulated that Chad and Sudan will chase out and stop hosting anti-government groups in both countries.

Persistent attempts by SRS to get a reaction from the Chadian authorities were unsuccessful.
Chad denies entry to Darfur rebel leader
The Associated Press (AP) - via The Washington Post - Wednesday, 19 May 19 2010; 12:26 PM by Sarah El Deeb (AP Writer Dany Padire in N'Djamena, Chad contributed to this report) - excerpt:
(Cairo) - Chad's Minister of Interior Ahmat Mahamat Bachir said Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the Justice and Equality Movement, was coming from Tripoli on a Libyan flight. Security units surrounded the plane and denied him entry into the country.

"He was not welcome in Chad," the minister said.

Ahmed Hussein, the spokesman for the group, said Chadian authorities seized Ibrahim's travel documents and those of his accompanying delegation and told them to return from whence they came.

The flight crew, however, refused to take them back to Libya because of their lack of documents.

"This is a serious precedent," Hussein said, calling the move illegal.

He called on Chad and the joint U.N.-African Union peace mediator to intervene to end the standoff and allow Ibrahim back into Sudan's western Darfur region, the site of a seven-year rebellion that has killed hundreds of thousands. Chad is a common route to Darfur.

Hussein said the decision to stop Ibrahim at the airport was a "conspiracy" to force JEM to return to peace talks, hosted by the Gulf emirate Qatar.

He said Chad can't hand Ibrahim over to Sudan because it would risk "grave consequences."
Darfur rebel chief detained in Chad: spokesman
Agence France-Presse (AFP) - Wednesday, 19 May 2010 - excerpt:
(Khartoum) - Authorities at Ndjamena airport refused entry to Khalil Ibrahim and a number of other JEM members who had arrived from the Libyan capital Tripoli at 1:00 am (0000 GMT), JEM spokesman Ahmed Hussein Adam told AFP.

"When they landed, Chadian authorities confiscated their passports and refused to let them into Chadian territory and ordered them to go back (to Libya)," Adam said, speaking by telephone from London.

"The pilot refused to let them onboard the plane because they did not have the necessary documents. Khalil and his delegation are currently in Ndjamena airport," Adam said.

Khalil and his delegation had planned to head to Darfur through Chad, the only passage for them into the war-torn region of western Sudan.

Authorities in Chad are now trying to get Ibrahim and the JEM delegation to the Qatari capital Doha, the venue of recent peace feelers between the JEM and the Khartoum government, Adam said.

Those talks were suspended after the JEM accused the army of attacking its positions last month. The government then issued a warrant for the arrest of Ibrahim.

Adam said that by moving the JEM delegation to Qatar, Chad was "pushing the group to sign an agreement which is against the interests of the people of Darfur."

In January, Chad signed an agreement with Sudan to normalise relations, ending years of tension between the neighbouring countries.
Darfur Jem leader Khalil Ibrahim stopped in Chad
BBC News - Wednesday, 19 May 2010 17:15 UK- excerpt:
The leader of Darfur's main rebel group has been prevented from entering Chad while en route from Libya to Sudan.

Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) leader Khalil Ibrahim was told at Chad's airport to return to Libya.

A top Jem official told the BBC Chad is trying to "pressure" Jem into resuming peace talks with Sudan.

Jem has always had strong ties with Chad, but this has changed in recent months as relations between Chad and Sudan have improved.

The passports of Mr Ibrahim and other Jem members were confiscated and the Jem leader is currently at the airport in Chad's capital, N'Djamena.

The Chairman of Jem's Legislative Council Eltahir Adam Elfaki told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that Chad's actions had not been a surprise.

"We have never been not suspicious," he said.

"We always suspect that sometimes deals that may be done behind the corridors would affect the relation [between Jem and Chad]."

In the past, Jem has regularly used Chad as a base for its troops and a transit point for its officials.

But in February, Chad's President Idriss Deby agreed with Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir to stop supporting rebels in each other's country.

Sudan has long accused Chad of backing rebels in Darfur, while in 2008, Chad accused the Sudanese of helping a rebel group which almost reached N'Djamena, before being beaten back.

It is unclear why Mr Ibrahim had travelled from Libya to Chad.

Jem had been told after the signing of the February agreement that it was no longer welcome in Chad.

And some observers believe that Chad's refusal to admit Mr Ibrahim is a sign that President Deby intends to respect his agreement with Sudan.
Darfur rebel leader caught in airport standoff
Reuters - Wednesday, 19 May 2010
(Reporting by Andrew Heavens; editing by Philippa Fletcher) - excerpt:
(Khartoum) - A Darfur rebel leader was caught in a diplomatic standoff in Chad's main airport on Wednesday after authorities refused to let him enter the country on his way back to the battlefield, his movement said.

Chadian officials met Khalil Ibrahim, the head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), when he flew into the Chadian capital N'Djamena from Libya at 1 a.m. (0000 GMT). They confiscated passports from his party and ordered him to return to Tripoli, JEM's spokesman said.

The showdown is a major setback for the rebel group which in the past had strong links with Chad's leadership and regularly used the country as a base for its troops and a transit point for its officials.

JEM spokesman Ahmed Hussein Adam told Reuters the incident was part of a "conspiracy" by the Chadian government and international mediators against the movement to force it to return to floundering peace talks with Sudan's government.

Adam said Ibrahim had refused to return to Libya, as had the crew of the Afriqiyah airlines plane, and the rebel leader was currently sitting inside the aircraft with his retinue at N'Djamena airport.

"We would like to make it very clear to the Chadian authorities that we condemn their behavior and we condemn their actions and we urge them to allow Dr Khalil to go to the field," said Adam.

"We have information that the Chadian authorities are in contact with Djibril Bassole (the head of Darfur's joint U.N./African Union mediation team). They are trying to hijack Dr Khalil and the others to take them to Doha."

"If they did that kind of thing they would make a very big mistake."

No one was immediately available to comment from Chad's government or the mediation team.

Adam said Chadian authorities wanted Ibrahim to fly back to Tripoli en route to Doha.

Sudan has asked Interpol to circulate an arrest warrant for Ibrahim in connection with a JEM attack on Khartoum in 2008 but Chadian authorities have not said whether they would cooperate.
Chad prevents JEM leader from entering into Ndjamena orders him to leave
Sudan Tribune - Wednesday, 19 May 2010 - excerpt:
(LONDON) - Chadian authorities have refused to allow Khalil Ibrahim leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) to enter into Ndjamena and confiscated his passport.

Khalil was left Egypt yesterday to Libya from where he flow on regular flight into Ndjamena but when he arrived in the Chadian capital the authorities confiscated his passport and ordered him to return to Tripoli, Ahmed Hussein Adam JEM spokesperson told Sudan Tribune.

"They even refused him to leave the plane but the crew said they can’t take him back to Tripoli unless he has valid travel documents," he added.
Here is a copy of a noteworthy comment posted to Sudan Tribune article (see above) entitled "Chad prevents JEM leader from entering into Ndjamena orders him to leave":
19 May 21:34, by silake comba
This behaviour by the Chadian authorities can be interpreted in one case as a preasure on Khalil to go back to the negotiations table in Doha and in this case the Deby regime must have taken this decision either as a result of direct instructions or under preasure from Khartoum or Doha itself. In all cases, it is an unethical conduct and it is a sign of complete lack of morals on the part of Deby who had been rescued, as a regime, by Khail more than once. I think, this incident is expected for a person who is working for others using the Darfurian cause as a truck. At the time when Darfurians of all sectors have been paying the price with soul and blood, Khaill is using these sacrifies to meet the ambitions and interests of Islamists in Khartoum and beyond.He has also been serving the very regime of Deby. This shall be the fate of somebody like Khalil who betrayed the cause of Darfur in favour of his masters in Khartoum and N’jamena.What makes Khalil not to negotiate in good faith is the fact that he is not concerned with or about the Darfurians tragedy. I’m sorry to say this but this is the very truth.
silake Ali Comba, CAIRO
JEM and GONU Trade Insults Over International Justice
SRS - Sudan Radio Service - Tuesday, 18 May 2010:
(Cairo) - The Darfur anti-government group, the Justice and Equality Movement, says President Omar al-Bashir should comply with the ICC warrant arrest instead of calling on Interpol to arrest their leader.

Recently, the Government of Sudan's Justice Minister, Abdel Bassit Sabdarat, urged international law enforcement agency to arrest Khalil Ibrahim.

Khalil Ibrahim addressed members of the Sudanese community in Cairo on Thursday.

[Khalil Ibrahim]: “This situation reflects Khartoum‘s weakness because I was with them for five years inside Sudan and they attempted to assassinate me more than ten times but all attempts failed. I also visited them in Khartoum and now I'm going back to the front. If they want to arrest me, let them arrest me at the front line.”

In an interview with SRS in Cairo, JEM commander Suleiman Sandal said that the Interpol can not interfere in political crises, it can only solve criminal cases.

[Suleiman Sandal]: “Interpol can not intervene in political crimes, Interpol deals with the normal crimes and our conflict with the government is political and military. It is a legal war and it’s being carried out according to international law and they can’t catch him in Egypt because JEM has a presence in Egypt. Egypt is a free country and can host any movement and any person it likes, but if the government wants Dr. Khalil Ibrahim to face justice, let al-Bashir first go to the ICC because he is accused by the ICC of war crimes.”

Suleiman Sandal was speaking to SRS on Thursday from Cairo.
Darfur rebel leader 19-hour standoff ends
Reuters - Wednesday, 19 May 2010 5:25pm EDT
(Reporting by Andrew Heavens, Opheera McDoom and Moumine Ngarmbassa in N'Djamena; editing by Ralph Boulton) - excerpt:
(Khartoum) - Chad refused entry to a Darfur rebel leader on his way back to the battlefield on Wednesday, ordering him to return to Libya after a 19-hour diplomatic standoff at the country's main airport.

Chadian officials had stopped Khalil Ibrahim, the head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), when he flew into the Chadian capital N'Djamena from Libya at 1 a.m. (0000 GMT).

They destroyed the passports of everyone in his party and ordered him to return to Tripoli, Ibrahim said.

The showdown was a major setback for the rebel group which in the past had strong links with Chad's leadership and regularly used the country as a base for its troops and a transit point for its officials.

"He is in the air," top JEM official al-Tahir al-Feki told Reuters, adding he was returning to Tripoli after 19 hours on board a Libyan Afriqiyah airlines plane.

"We are still hopeful he will be able to return to the field," he added.

Libya also shares a border with Darfur.

Ibrahim said there was a "conspiracy" between the Chadian government and international mediators to force JEM to return to floundering Qatar-hosted peace talks with Sudan's government.

Chad's Interior Minister Ahmat Mahamat Bachir said his country did not want JEM passing through:

"We have re-established relations with Sudan so we cannot allow these undesirable people to pass through Chad," he said.

Khartoum has long accused Chad of supporting and arming JEM during the seven-year conflict. But the oil-producing countries began a rapprochement at the end of 2009, and in February Chad brokered a ceasefire and an initial peace deal between JEM and Sudan's government.

JEM is one of two rebel groups that took up arms against Sudan's government in 2003, accusing it of neglecting the remote western region of Darfur and marginalizing its population.

The movement is dominated by the Zaghawa tribe, who live in Darfur and neighboring Chad. Ibrahim has close family links to Chadian President Idriss Deby. JEM also helped Deby fight back two rebel attacks on N'Djamena.

In a statement, Sudan praised the Chadian move against Ibrahim and said it showed Deby's commitment to the agreement not to allow any armed rebel movement to use its territory to launch attacks on Sudan.

"(Khalil Ibrahim) headed toward N'Djamena with no prior arrangements with the Chadian government," the statement added.

Ibrahim said that he refused to be flown to Qatar as proposed by the U.N.-African Union mediation of the faltering Darfur talks.

"They are trying to hijack me and force me to fly back to (Qatar's capital) Doha," Ibrahim said. "But we already signed two agreements and the government breached both those agreements and they are fighting us."

No one was immediately available to comment from the mediation team.
Darfur Group ‘Disappointed’ With Chad
Voice of America (VOA) by Peter Clottey - Wednesday, 19 May 2010 - excerpt:
The Darfur-based Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said its leader, Khalil Ibrahim, was prevented from entering Chad and kept on an airplane for at least 12 hours before Libya came to his rescue.

Ahmed Hussein Adam, JEM’s spokesman, told VOA the group is disappointed with the way their leader was treated.

The United Nations and African Union (UN/AU) chief mediator is mandated to facilitate the return of the JEM leader to Sudan as stipulated in a recent peace accord signed between the group and President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir’s government.

“Dr. Khalil consulted with the leadership of JEM and finally he accepted the offer of the Libyans on the condition that from there (Tripoli) he will go to Darfur and he will go to Sudan. That action did not remove the responsibility of Djibril Bassole, the chief mediator. Because, still now, we want Djibril Bassole to take that responsibility and to facilitate the arrival or the departure of Dr. Khalil from Tripoli to Darfur,” he said.

Officials in Chad stopped JEM’s leader in the capital, Ndjamena and prevented him from using the airport as a transit point on his return trip to Sudan.

The Darfur-based rebel group said Chadian authorities destroyed travel documents belonging to its leader, as well as that of his entourage, and ordered him to return to Libya’s capital, Tripoli.
News from SRS - Sudan Radio Service
- - -

News from The New York Times -

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sudan court orders vote re-run after YouTube "fraud" film - Al-Turabi arrested - Security Situation in Darfur 17 May

THE security situation in Darfur remains tense following reports on Friday 14 May of fighting in Jebel Moon, West Darfur, between the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese Armed Forces, which claim to have killed over a hundred JEM fighters.

In addition, JEM forces have withdrawn from Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur. UNAMID patrols to the area have resumed and the Mission is planning a series of assessment missions to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps near Shangil Tobaya to verify the number of people who settled there after leaving New Shangil Tobaya camp last week.

Meanwhile, Sudanese security agents have arrested the opposition Popular Congress Party leader Hassan al-Turabi and closed down his party's newspaper Al Rai Al Shab.

Armed officers detained Turabi in his Khartoum home late on Saturday and took him to Khartoum's Kober prison. SRS spoke to Al-Turabi’s wife, Wisal Al-Mahdi, on Sunday who described what happened.

Reportedly, a security source told Reuters Turabi's detention may have been related to his alleged links to the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Turabi denies any link.

Also, in other news, Reuters reported that Sudan's Supreme Court ordered a re-run of a state assembly election in Red Sea state after an opposition group sent in a video that appeared to show officials stuffing ballot boxes, the National Elections Commission said on Sunday.

"The video was submitted to the court. They cancelled the elections and said they had to be repeated," said commission spokesman Abu Bakr Waziri. The video was originally posted on online video site YouTube.

Further details below.

Darfur / UNAMID Daily Media Brief 2010-05-17
From United Nations – African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, May 17, 2010/APO:
Security situation in Darfur
The security situation in Darfur remains tense following reports on Friday 14 May of fighting in Jebel Moon, West Darfur, between the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese Armed Forces, which claim to have killed over a hundred JEM fighters.

In addition, JEM forces have withdrawn from Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur. UNAMID patrols to the area have resumed and the Mission is planning a series of assessment missions to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps near Shangil Tobaya to verify the number of people who settled there after leaving New Shangil Tobaya camp last week.

Senegalese battalion advance party arrives in El Fasher
A two hundred-member advance party of a military battalion has arrived today in El Fasher, North Darfur, from Dakar, Senegal, to begin preparations for the deployment of the main body, expected to arrive in July.

The troops will be deployed in West Darfur, where they will be the second Senegalese battalion operating in the region. The peacekeepers will be tasked with patrolling villages and IDP camps as well as safeguarding the movements of aid organisations.

Senegal currently has contributed 826 troops and 161 police officers to the Mission. The new arrivals bring UNAMID’s total military force to 17,304 peacekeepers, representing over 88 percent of its authorized strength.

UNAMID Patrols
UNAMID military forces conducted 76 patrols including routine, short-range, long-range, night, and humanitarian escort patrols, covering 68 villages and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps during the reporting period.

UNAMID police advisors also conducted 126 patrols in villages and IDP camps.
Al-Turabi Arrested By Sudanese Authorities
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service) Monday, 17 May 2010:
(Khartoum) – Sudanese security agents have arrested the opposition Popular Congress Party leader Hassan al-Turabi and closed down his party's newspaper.

Armed officers detained Turabi in his Khartoum home late on Saturday and took him to Khartoum's Kober prison.
SRS spoke to Al-Turabi’s wife, Wisal Al-Mahdi, on Sunday. She described what happened.

[Wisal Al-Mahadi]: “They came at 11:30 p.m. and requested to meet Sheikh Hassan for interrogation but they didn’t have any documents. There was a Doshka and pickups with heavy weapons and a long column of security personnel in front of the house. The senior officer entered the house and we talked to him. Al-Turabi’s daughter chased him from the house, telling him that if he wants Sheikh Hassan he will come to them outside. He refused standing near the chair. Then he left. When we went outside the house, there were two Doshkas and all the roads were closed. They took Sheikh Hassan with his children and guards. They went to the political security department claiming they wanted to interrogate him. Then he was taken to Kober prison. They forbid him any food or drink except by permission from the security headquarters which is impossible to get these days, as the whole government is engaged with what is happening in Darfur.”

Wisal said Al-Turabi’s arrest is linked to the Darfur crisis.

[Wisal Al-Turabi]: “I think the government is thinking that we are helping our brothers in Darfur. The government has been killing our brothers in Darfur now for the last eight years. Nobody has managed to resolve this issue because they don’t want peaceful solutions - just military solutions. But they didn’t succeed because the International Criminal Court has been monitoring them. That is why al-Bashir is being investigated. I am afraid they will transfer him to another place so as to distance him from his family.”

Wisal Al-Mahdi, al-Turabi’s wife was speaking to SRS on Sunday.
Opposition supporters demonstrate in Khartoum

Photo: Opposition supporters demonstrate against the arrest of Popular Congress Party leader Hassan al-Turabi outside his party's headquarters in Khartoum May 16, 2010. (Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

Sudan security close opposition party paper
From Reuters (Reporting by Andrew Heavens, Khaled Abdelaziz and Opheera McDoom; Editing by Jon Boyle) - Monday, 17 May 2010 - excerpt:
* Security says Turabi "summoned" for questioning
* Court orders vote re-run after YouTube "fraud" film

Early on Sunday, security officers raided Turabi's party newspaper Rai Al-Shaab and arrested several journalists, senior officials from his Popular Congress Party (PCP) told reporters.

A security source told Reuters Turabi's detention may have been related to his alleged links to the Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), which has clashed with Sudan's army over the past week. Turabi denies any link.

Separately, Sudan's Supreme Court ordered a re-run of a state assembly election in Red Sea state after an opposition group sent in a video that appeared to show officials stuffing ballot boxes, the National Elections Commission said on Sunday.

"The video was submitted to the court. They cancelled the elections and said they had to be repeated," said commission spokesman Abu Bakr Waziri. The video was originally posted on online video site YouTube.
Suspended newspaper Al Rai Al Shab not part of Journalist Union
From MirayaFM - Monday, 17 May 2010:
The Chairman of the Sudanese Journalist Union, Mahi el-Din Titawi, said that Al Rai Al Shab newspaper faced a publication suspension because the newspaper rejected regulations issued by the Journalist Union according to the Press Charter. Titawi stated that because the newspaper is not part of the Journalist Union, other institutions will interfere under the premise of protecting general safety and security.
Sudan: Election fraud caught on video?
From Global Voices - 22 April 2010 by Ndesanjo Macha:
A video showing election fraud in Sudan is being circulated online. Sudan's National Elections Commission has dismissed it as fake. The video shows election officials stuffing ballot boxes. Opposition groups claim that the video proves their claims of election rigging by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP). Full story.
News from SRS - Sudan Radio Service:

News from The New York Times:

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UNMIS' Jasbir Lidder mediates

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

U.S. Strategy on Sudan - Scott Gration's update

From U.S. Department of State via email
Sudan Updates: A Critical Moment For The CPA, Darfur and the Region
By Scott Gration, Special Envoy to Sudan
Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Washington, DC
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 - excerpt:
Whether or not Southern Sudan becomes independent in July 2011, and regardless of whether it includes Abyei or not, the Government of Southern Sudan will require effective leadership as well as strengthened capacity to undertake effective and accountable governance, provide security, and deliver services to its citizenry. A robust, concerted international effort will be required to assist in this capacity-building effort.

In order to assist in building up the capacity of Southern Sudan, we are undertaking a "Juba Diplomatic Expansion" to include staffing and material assistance on the ground in Sudan to support USG foreign policy objectives. Operating under Chief of Mission authority, staff from the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (S/CRS) and the Civilian Response Corps (CRC) will provide support to Consulate General Juba and complement USAID’s robust presence in the run-up to and following Southern Sudan’s January 2011 referendum. Staff is assisting in strategic and contingency planning, program oversight, and technical assistance, both in Washington and in the field.

In keeping with President Obama’s emphasis on multilateral efforts in Sudan, we are working closely with our partners in the international community through the Troika, Contact Group, and "E6" group of envoys. We have an ongoing dialogue with key regional organizations and states, including the African Union, European Union, Arab League, Sudan’s nine neighboring states, China, Russia, and others. We also regularly engage with the United Nations on UN missions in Sudan. With substantial U.S. input, the Security Council recently renewed the mandate of the UNMIS peacekeeping mission, emphasizing the need for the mission to continue its support to the CPA parties to implement all aspects of the CPA, and requesting that UNMIS be prepared to assist the parties in the referenda process. Promising new leadership on both Sudan peacekeeping missions bodes well for future mission operations. The parties have much to do in the final phase of Sudan’s Interim Period and it is our sincere hope that strong international engagement will further bolster these efforts.

While much attention will be focused on the North-South process over the next year, we continue to work on Darfur and the many important unresolved issues there. A definitive end to conflict, gross human rights abuses, and genocide in Darfur remains a key strategic objective, as made clear in the U.S. Strategy on Sudan. Violence continues in and there are credible reports of continued aerial bombardments by the Government of Sudan. This is unconscionable and we have called on the government to immediately renew its ceasefire.

Following progress in Chad-Sudan relations earlier this year, the Darfur peace talks in Doha saw positive progress with the signing of two framework agreements between the Government of Sudan and Darfur rebels in February and March. We are concerned about the Justice and Equality Movement’s decision to leave the peace talks and are encouraging them to return to the negotiating table The UN and African Union are now working hard to include the voices of civil society representatives in the process, implement a ceasefire on the ground, and enter into meaningful and productive political negotiations between the parties.

While issues such as ceasefires, power sharing, and wealth sharing can be addressed at a high level in Doha, we need to think more creatively about how to bring the people of Darfur into local conversations about compensation, land tenure, and rebuilding their communities. Additionally, as stated in the U.S. Strategy on Sudan, accountability for genocide and atrocities is necessary for reconciliation and lasting peace. In addition to supporting international efforts to bring those responsible for genocide and war crimes in Darfur to justice, we are consulting closely with our international partners and Darfuri civil society on ways to strengthen locally-owned accountability and reconciliation mechanisms in light of the recommendations made by the African Union High Level Panel on Darfur led by former South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Local peacebuilding, rule of law, and reconciliation activities must be revived and strengthened. We should not wait for a negotiated political settlement to begin improving the lives of Darfuris.

[Read more at]

South Sudan Jonglei: Athor's demands include cancellation of election results. UNMIS' Jasbir Lidder mediates

ON THURSDAY (13 May) Radio Miraya reported that in its interview with George Athor, a renegade former senior member of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), Mr Athor demanded the cancellation of the election results, dissolving the current Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and the formation of a new transitional government to supervise holding of the Southern Sudan referendum.

Also, in an interview with Sudan Radio Service (SRS) from an undisclosed location on Wednesday (12 May), Mr Athor said that his talks with the southern government's president-elect are at a standstill. In the interview, Mr Athor is quoted as saying:
“I believe that within days, my attack will be against Bor town because I have learned that Salva is somebody who only likes fighting and he doesn’t want to talk. So it is for him to listen to what we are saying, I am organizing my forces for Bor town, I am organizing my forces for Bor town. [...] my warning to all citizens is that they should leave Bor immediately and any place with military bases, they should leave it, because our target is only the military.”
According to the BBC's James Copnall in Khartoum, on Wednesday morning gunfire was exchanged in Thoudiak between forces belonging to Mr Athor and the Southern army.

Full story here below plus several related reports, including Sudan Tribune's report published Wednesday, 12 May saying:
The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has pledged to mediate peace between the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and the renegade Lt. General George Athor Deng.

In a statement to Reuters today, the general Athor said he had been contacted by a UN official offering him to broker a deal with southern Sudan government.

A delegation from UNMIS, headed by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Jasbir Lidder, on Wednesday met with the Vice President-designate of the government, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, to explore ways to initiate the process.

The meeting discussed the possibility of halting the crisis by reaching a peaceful settlement to the ongoing clashes in the troubled Jonglei state through negotiations with Athor.

The UN team briefed the Vice President about their ongoing phone contacts with Gen. George Athor whom they said was expressing willingness to negotiate with the government.

The delegation expressed UN’s readiness to provide logistical support for the process.

Dr. Machar appreciated the efforts the UN team has exerted in their direct contacts with Gen. Athor, but however said the government would first make further consultations and review the situation before he could promise a decision to the UN body.

A follow up joint meeting between the government and UNMIS representatives is expected to take place in the next few days in order to try to agree on the way forward.
UNMIS Jasbir Singh Lidder (India) Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General

Photo: Jasbir Singh Lidder (India) Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Source: UNMIS - see biography)

Athor demands cancellation of election results
From Radio Miraya - Thursday, 13 May 2010 - excerpt:
Athor, who recently began rebelling against SPLA, warned against what he described as an imminent comprehensive war in Southern Sudan unless his demands are met. Athor is currently in an area between Duk Padiet and Awet.

He also claimed that he is receiving support from within the Sudan People's Liberation Army.

The SPLA spokesperson Kuol Deim Kuol threatened to eliminate Athor's forces by military means if he continues to make ‘false allegations'. However, he stressed that SPLA wants the issue to be resolved peacefully.

Speaking to Miraya, Kuol Deim Kuol denied the presence of Athor's supporters within the SPLA, adding that Athor's forces are not more than a hundred soldiers, and that they have fled to uninhabited areas.

Listen to George Athor

Listen to Kuol Deim Kuol

Read also: Jonglei Governor: SPLA will defend any rebellion against GoSS (11 May, 2010)
Athor Is Ready to Fight SPLA
From SRS (Sudan Radio Service):
Thursday, 13 May 2010 (Nairobi) – The renegade former SPLA lieutenant-general George Athor says he will defend himself if his demands are not met.

Athor whose forces allegedly attacked on SPLA barracks in Doliep Hill last month has been involved in subsequent clashes with SPLA soldiers this month.

In an interview with SRS from an undisclosed location on Wednesday, Athor told SRS producer Daniel Danis that talks between him and the GOSS president-elect are at a standstill.

[George Athor]: “The talks are not going on. They have stopped talking to us and they are attacking us. Not a single soldier can move without the knowledge of the president or the commander-in-chief of the troops.”

[Daniel Danis]: Can you confirm whether you will still maintain your position of defensive and not offensive, because rumors has it that you will probably attack Bor, or any other town within the South.

[George Athor]: “I believe that within days, my attack will be against Bor town because I have learned that Salva is somebody who only likes fighting and he doesn’t want to talk. So it is for him to listen to what we are saying, I am organizing my forces for Bor town.”

[Daniel Danis]: But are you not concern that you might sacrifice the lives of civilians by doing this?

[George Athor]: “Well, my warning to all citizens is that they should leave Bor immediately and any place with military bases, they should leave it, because our target is only the military.”

[Daniel Danis]: Can you really hope to deter or actually fight the SPLA forces?

[George Athor]: “We are not playing chess my brother. Fighting is fighting and I can not tell you how many troops I have.”

[Daniel Danis]: What exactly are you hoping to gain by this action?

[George Athor]: “Our first demand is the abolition of the election results. Because the elections were rigged, and so we don’t recognize it. Second, we want the dissolution of the Government of Southern Sudan, and then all the political parties of southern Sudan should come together to discuss how they can form an interim government that will lead us to the referendum and then elections after the referendum.”

George Athor, a former SPLA lieutenant-general, was talking to SRS on Wednesday.
UN to mediate peace between Gen. Athor and South Sudan
From Sudan Tribune - Thursday 13 May 2010 - excerpt:
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 (JUBA) - Dr. Machar appreciated the efforts the UN team has exerted in their direct contacts with Gen. Athor, but however said the government would first make further consultations and review the situation before he could promise a decision to the UN body.

A follow up joint meeting between the government and UNMIS representatives is expected to take place in the next few days in order to try to agree on the way forward.

Nobody knows the exact location of Gen. Athor who is generally known to be hiding in thick forests somewhere in the north-western part of Jonglei state.
Jonglei Governor: SPLA will defend any rebellion against GoSS
From Radio Miraya - Tuesday, 11 May 2010 22:56:
The Governor-elect of Jonglei State, Kuol Manyang Juuk, has described recent threats made by General George Athor to attack Bor town as a rebellion against the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS). Speaking to Radio Miraya, Juuk said that such threats are not allowed. He added that the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and GoSS will defend anyone who chooses to take up arms against the nation.

However, he downplayed George Athor's threats saying that his forces are 200 Km far from Bor town, adding that Athor's forces are neither in Bor town nor anywhere near.

Earlier, the defeated independent candidate for Jonglei governorship, General George Athor, told Reuters News Agency that he will launch an attack on Bor town.

Click and listen to Jonglei State Governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk
Athor’s threats to attack Jonglei capital amount to rebellion - Governor
From Sudan Tribune - Wednesday 12 May 2010 - excerpt:
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 (BOR) - Athor said he had clashed with SPLA on Monday for the second time and threatened to attack an important town if the assault on his forces persists.

“We are organizing our forces in all areas and we are going to converge in Bor….attacking Bor,” Athor told Reuters adding that he is willing to negotiate.

Reacting to Athor claims, Kuol Manyang told the Sudan Tribune on Monday in Bor that "he (Athor) is far from the state headquarters; about 200 kilometers away," adding he has no forces around Bor town or near Bor town and if he is attacking the State headquarters, then, that is a rebellion that the government of Southern Sudan will not allow.”

"Yes, the State has no forces of its own, but is being defended by the SPLA – by the government of southern Sudan against anybody who takes arms against the nation," Kuol Manyang noted.
Here is a copy of some comments posted at Sudan Tribune article (see above) entitled "Athor’s threats to attack Jonglei capital amount to rebellion - Governor":
12 May 08:42, by Ajawuk Juma
Dear Southerners

The problem of Gen. G. Athor Deng is not between him and the Governor elected Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk but, the so called SPLM Political Bureau and President Kiir ’s administration who always favor the CPA invited guests over our heros and the free fighters.

According to Mr Deng to whom his mother from te same area with Gen. Athor talked with me in Juba this morning , he said that there is series of negotiations going on between Government of Southern Sudan GOSS and Gen. Athor including some generals in SPLM/A.

Deng told me his father did talk to Gen. Athor over the phone and said that is not the way we solve our differences as Monyjang which always make us to be different from other communities.

This problem is going to be solve soon, so the devil heart people should not be too excited. I heard that they are clubbing everywhere.

You can do some celebration but don’t drink over the limit. Remember guys is a critical times for all of us whether u are traitor or liberarors.

We don’t know where the war against referendum will start whether on the border or within the South.
- - -

12 May 04:19, by thomas
Once men start acting like this, I simply stop listening to them. I don’t care whether Gov. Manyang or Gen. Athor is Governor of Jonglei, I don’t know them and I’m not from there. The only thing I care about is innocent people’s lives, none of this is worth one life. We’ve already lost a few soldiers, let’s mourn them. They had bright futures...

Please, I plead with Jonglei citizens, only you know the root cause of this rivalry. It’s all our responsibility to become agents for tolerance, peace, and love. One by one, that is how voices that spread division and violence are drowned out in a sea of love.
- - -

12 May 05:24, by Gatwech
Dear readers,

Gen. Athor’s war is real!

Please read the new article about its devastation on under the title, ’Jonglei State: Gen. George Athor’s war is devastatingly unresolved.’
- - -

12 May 07:12, by Gatwech
Dear readers,

Bor town in trouble!

Kuol Manyang Juuk is not a true soldier. He has proved that he was just hiding behind child soldiers and never captured a town or village while at close range of Kenyan borders. Look at his military incompetence! He thinks that 200 kilometers distance between Bor town and where Gen. George Athor is based is like a distance between heaven and earth.

Gen. George Athor can reach Bor town in one day on foot. And surprisingly, he has several trucks to transport his soldiers. The unpaid SPLA soldiers will not fight effectively even if paid now and they may also split themselves on sectional lines like what initially occured between Dinka sectional soldiers in Doleib Hills who shoot at each other leaving 5 officers dead including ten foot soldiers. They took positions on sectional lines.

Bor town will soon be destroyed. I was sure about that when I read it on that the ring leader Chibitek Mabil, who destroyed Duk county headquarters last year, has now taken thousands of his armed youth to Gen. George Athor, and then promoted as Colonel by Gen. Athor.

Also Thousands of Murle youth are said to have gone missing in Pibor county and may be heading to Gen. George Athor.

Definitely he will attack Bor town and destroy it in the face of SPLA and Kuol Manyang Juuk.

I talked to somebody in Bor town yesterday who confirmed to me that civilians have already started fleeing villages in the outskirt of Bor town and Bor South County.

It is really, very, very serious!!!

You reap what you sow! What goes around comes around. The Ngundeng’s prophesy about the predicted destruction of Bor is now coming to pass!

Watch out!!!
- - -
Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
From Sudan Tribune by Ngor Arol Garang - Wednesday, 12 May 2010 - excerpt:
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 (WUNROK) - ... However after fresh clash with SPLA forces in Jonglei on yesterday, Athor on Tuesday hinted at possible negotiations with regional authorities but preferred mediation of negotiations by choosing both political and military figures he wanted to mediate his talks with regional authorities.

"If they need any negotiation with us, I have no problem because I have already started receiving calls and began direct communications with many people including Salva Kiir Mayardit," Athor further said that he would like negotiations to be mediated by groups of leaders that he already communicated their names to Juba.

The talks "should be mediated by Lual Diing Wol, James Wani Igga, Benjamin Majak Dau, General Peter Gadet, Paul Mayom Akech and those that I have mentioned in previous communications with authorities in Juba," Athor said.

General Athor, who also declined to mention his whereabouts in the third interview with Sudan Tribune, said his forces are not planning to attack any civil administrative unit or military base. "It is not in our best interest to attack any civil administrative unit nor to attack any military base but we will defend ourselves if attacked," he warned.

"We will not tolerate being attacked. We are being attacked. They attacked us yesterday and have seen how we reacted in self defense," he said.

"Their attacks are beneficial to us because we have yesterday destroyed and captured a lot of vehicles including an anti-aircraft machine gun and our forces have discovered bodies of 33 soldiers with different ranks and three officers. On our side, five soldiers and two officers sustained minor injuries and three at critical conditions."

Colonel Malaak Ayuen Ajok, head of information and public relations in the office of the SPLA spokesman, said SPLA do not have orders to launch offensive attacks on forces loyal to General Athor but have deployed their forces to contain his movement out of the area.
South Sudan: ‘No negotiation with a rebel commander’
From The New Sudan Vision (NSV) by Mading Ngor
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 08:58:
(Victoria BC NSV) - The caretaker minister of legal affairs in the government of southern Sudan, Makuei Lueth, said on Tuesday that there is no negotiation with Gen. George Athor.

“There is no question of sending a delegation to a commander who has mutinied. So there’s nothing like that. He must be crushed militarily,” Minister Makuei told New Sudan Vision from Juba.

“As the Government of Southern, it’s decided that this issue should be addressed militarily,” he said.

Minister Makuei said there have not been negotiations with ‘the renegade general’ from the outset.

“The position of the caretaker Government of southern Sudan since day one has been that this thing should be addressed militarily.

“After all he has killed people, how do we negotiate with him? Is he ready to come and answer for the death of these soldiers, those soldiers whom he killed in cold blood in Doleib, is he ready to answer for them?”

“There’s nothing like that.”

Photo: Caretaker minister of legal affairs and constitutional development, Makuei Lueth (Photo by GoSS)
South Sudanese army caught in fresh fighting
From BBC News, Khartoum by James Copnall at 17:43 GMT,
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 18:43 UK - excerpt:
South Sudan army

The south Sudan army says only two of its soldiers died in the latest fighting

There has been fresh fighting in south Sudan between the Southern army and forces loyal to the former general George Athor.

The army has denied claims by Mr Athor that dozens of its soldiers were killed in the clashes in Jonglei state.

Mr Athor was a defeated candidate in April's landmark elections in Sudan, which he insists were rigged.

At least eight people were killed when mutinous troops attacked an army base in Jonglei late last month.

Mr Athor denied leading the troops, but said he sympathised with them.

On Wednesday morning, gunfire was exchanged in Thoudiak between forces belonging to Mr Athor and the Southern army.

The former general said his soldiers fought off a large-scale attack, killing 83 while losing four of his own men.

However, a spokesman for the Southern army said only an 11-man reconnaissance unit had been involved from his side.

He said two of his men had been killed and two wounded.

There was no independent confirmation of the scale of the fighting.
Click on Athor label at the end of this entry to view related reports.

News from Sudan Radio Service (SRS) 13 May 2010:

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sudanese artists campaign for Sudan unity

Sudanese artists have launched their own campaign for maintaining Sudan's unity, a reality that has long evaded politicians in the country.

The campaign comes as Sudan prepares to vote on a referendum next year on whether the south should gain independence from the north.

Musicians, rappers, and painters call for solidarity and warn of grave consequences if the country splits.

Mohamed Vall reports from Khartoum, Sudan's capital.

Source: Al Jazeera - Wednesday, 12 May 2010.