Monday, February 06, 2006

AU envoy warns of global scepticism over Darfur peace talks

German news report quotes the African Union's special envoy to the peace talks in Darfur on Sunday as saying the international community was growing increasingly sceptical about the peace process:
"The international community is drawing the conclusion that Darfur is lawless and the parties are not serious about making peace.

Even worse, there is an imagined perception in the world that neither the government nor the rebel groups sufficiently care for their people.

We must have an immediate cessation of hostilities".
Salim Ahmed Salim

Photo: Salim Ahmed Salim
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Darfur: It's not about religion or race. It's about greed

Op-ed on Darfur by Jane Stillwater. Excerpt:
Why is one faction butchering the other?

Greed. Resources. Land. To create chaos. Wherever there is chaos and lawlessness, those with the most guns win. So, race and religion have nothing to do with it apparently. It's all about who has the most weapons. And who can get into the country to acquire the resources of the ignorant, underdeveloped and poor.

It's the same old story -- governments that prey on their people. The powerful few get it all. ... It's a time-tested formula -- create chaos and then take over. Seize the resources. Buy off the army.

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