Saturday, December 13, 2008

Six Sudanese policemen killed while attempting to stop Fallata from Tullus attacking rival Habaniya tribe in S. Darfur

December 12, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Tribal fighting killed over 35 people and displaced hundreds of civilians in South Darfur on Friday. Elements from Fallata attacked their rival Habaniya tribe. Armed cattle rustlers, from the two tribes, wage regular against each other.

Equipped with heavy weapons, the assailants who came from Tullus attacked the rival tribe at mid day. Thirty-five members of Al-Falata tribe died in fighting with the Habaniya tribe while 17 tribesmen were wounded in the clashes.

Six policemen, including an officer, were among the killed people. They were attempting to stop the tribal conflict. Three of the attackers’ vehicles were destroyed.

The region is home to the Arab tribe, Habaniya, which is embroiled in a dispute with the ethnic African Falatta tribe which lives nearby. Both tribes are herders. Besides the cattle theft they also clash over the area’s resources.

Issa Mohamed Abdallah, a local official in Buram said the police is now totally controlling the area. He also said that more police troops were deployed between Buram and Tullus. The governor declared the state of emergency, he stressed.

Jaafar Ali Al-Gali, one of the Habaniya leaders called on the "uncontrolled groups" to not aggress unarmed citizens and abide by the signed agreements. He further urged the government to beef up security and achieve justice.

Copy of 2 Comments at Sudan Tribune

1. Comment 13 December 2008 by Dinka Bush:
This is one of the deadliest attach which have ever taken place in Darfur, very sad and a disgrace to the African population. It goes without doubt that those behind this attach might have been assisted by Khartoum. Why do they fight each other and they have a common enemy from the other side of the sea. Please fellow brothers of Fallata, there is no other means to make mankind become free from these heinous attachs, LIBERATION IS THE ONLY WAY OUT. With this, you should not forget what your brother around you will contribute. Southern Sudan is almost at the door of separation and there should be a need for you to collaborate with them. Tighten your hearts and fight this common enemy.

2. Comment 13 December 2008 by DAVID N:
Let’s get it on! This Fallata tribes of prostitutes of Africa must be diminished, either they will take advantages with some Hausa prostitutes. Let’s get RizeiGad to attack them! We don’t need these prostitutes from West Africa invading into Sudan!
+ + + Rest In Peace + + +
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From Sudan Watch: found on the internet - something to do with Skype and Sudan:

Hvad kræver messenger og skype af hastighed på forbindelsen

khartoum, Hej Eksperten
Jeg sidder her i Khartoum i Sudan. Jeg har købt mig en internetopkobling via USB modem (dongle). Jeg har målt hastigheden med IT-borgers tester og får et resultat som følger. Upload 102kb/s og Download 295kb/s i gennemsnit over en række målinger.Den svinger meget.

Alligevel vil skype (tale) ikke virke, og messenger (tale) falder udog er ustabil. Hvad pokker gør jeg, jeg troede det var nok hastighed. Er der andre programmer der kræver mindre båndbredde.

Hilsen Henri

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