Sunday, June 18, 2023

TRANSCRIPT: Plea by West Darfur Governor Abaker

Hat tip to Cameron Hudson @_hudsonc. I made the transcript here below.

Near-Verbatim Transcript

Taken from English sub-titles superimposed on the video of Al-Hadath TV interview with West Darfur Governor Mr Khamis Abdalla Abaker

Filmed and aired on Wednesday 14 June 2023


The violence in El Geneina City continues, leaving people in a dire condition.

Thousands fled to neighbouring Chad, and other states. More than 3000 were killed.

One of those victims is the Governor of West Darfur Sate, who was murdered just hours after asking for help. 

Not knowing that his cry for help in the interview would be his last public statement...


“Now you can hear bombing and shelling sounds, those are directly falling on citizens.

Citizens are killed randomly, and in great numbers.

We have lots of wounded people that cannot receive medical care, there are no open hospitals or pharmacies.

All hospitals and medical centres have been bombed completely, and citizens lack medical care.

The number of injuries has surpassed 3000, and it is increasing, and there is no place for them to receive first aid.

Doctors are trying to help within the neighborhoods, yet many wounded people need operations. 

So, the aid is limited, and doctors themselves are now targeted. Three weeks ago, 6 doctors were targeted. 

The issue began between the two parties in a joint force area.

Then it escalated to the area of Masaleet tribe, however, today all the city is violated.

All the city and all the tribes have been violated and targeted by the RSF and their supporting militias.

We spoke with both the central and regional government about the need for deploying a force, yet there is no response. 

All the fight has shifted to West Darfur, and they are directly targeting civilians.

The army base of Division 15 Infantry is about 7 km from my location. 

Yet the army did not come out of their base, not even to secure the city.

This has been going on for 57 days at least, and we have yet to see the armed forces leaving their barracks, not even to protect civilians.

[My message] to the global community: this city suffered a great deal, and these people have been murdered by the thousands.

A genocide was committed in this area, and we ask the global community to intervene urgently to save the remaining lives!

These people have no place to sleep, no food or water and are under shelling.  

Therefore, I plead with the international and regional community to save the remaining lives in this state!"  

[Ends] + + +

UPDATED 5 hours later to add: near-verbatim; closing quotation mark; Masalit tag.

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