Showing posts with label FFC North Darfur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FFC North Darfur. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sudan: FFC says attacks in El Geneina, W. Darfur killing 80+ and displacing 47,000+ was not tribal

Photo: A picture taken during the attacks by Arab herders on camps and villages near El Geneina on December 29-30 (RD)

FFC West Darfur delegation: ‘Violence fomented by deep state’
Report from Radio
Dated 06 January 2020 - EL GENEINA

The delegation of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) that concluded a three-day visit to West Darfur yesterday, said that the violence in El Geneina last week that killed more than 80 people and displaced at least 47,000 was not tribal.

Dr Maryam El Sadig, co-vice president of the National Umma Party (NUP) and member of the FFC delegation, told the Sudan News Agency (SUNA) yesterday that all members of the delegation agreed on this.

She said that the attacks on the two Kerending camps, surrounding villages, and districts near the state capital El Geneina, were the result of “elements of the deep state achieving their personal interests”.

El Sadig said the people the delegation spoke to assured them of their commitment to peaceful coexistence, non-aggression, adherence to the law, and the spirit of the revolution.

‘Situation contained’

The acting military governor of West Darfur said that the efforts of the Sovereign Council and the Council of Ministers to contain the situation have been successful. They managed to address “90 per cent of the causes of the problems”. He claimed arrangements are underway to reach an ultimate solution.

The curfew has been lifted to open the way for humanitarian organisations to deliver aid to those affected.

The governor also said the markets have reopened and commercial trucks that had been stranded in Zalingei because of the violence are arriving from Omdurman.

Many of the victims blame ‘janjaweed’ or ‘militant herders in vehicles belonging to the Rapid Support Forces militia’ for the violence. They also claim the West Darfur state government had prior knowledge of the attacks that started on December 28 and did nothing to prevent or stop it.

Attorney General Tajelsir El Hibir appointed a fact-finding investigation committee into the El Geneina violence on Thursday. El Hibir took part in the government delegation that visited El Geneina last week in order to assess the situation.

Earlier today, El Hibir announced that the investigation committee has started its work. It will do so “in full neutrality, transparent and highly professional” and it is “ready to receive complaints from the public”.


The Businessmen’s Association announced the launch of a “They Are Relatives” initiative to help the victims of the El Geneina attacks.

The Association's information secretary, Mohamed El Amin Tebeidi, said at a press conference in Khartoum on Sunday that the association “so far collected more than SDG 1 million to support those affected with food and medicines”.

The businessmen also plan to set up a campaign in the area raising awareness of the importance of peace, spreading love, lending a hand, helping families affected by the war in the region, and removing grievances.

Sudanese activists started solidarity projects last week.

Members of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Sudan (OCHA) visited El Geneina, as part of a broader delegation, which included government officials from the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Social Development and Welfare, and representatives of WFP and Unicef.

According to OCHA some 40.000 people have been displaced. Approximately 5,000 people have crossed the border into Chad, seeking refuge in villages near the border with Sudan.

- - -

High Committee: ‘West Darfur crisis not tribal’
Report from Radio
Dated 09 January 2020 - EL GENEINA / KHARTOUM
Photo: Displaced children play among salvaged belongings after the violence in El Geneina (RD)

The High Committee for Managing the West Darfur Crisis, which began on December 28, 2019 around El Geneina, and claimed dozens of lives last month, asserts that “the events were not tribal, as has been reported by the media”. International humanitarian efforts are underway to assist more than 40,000 people displaced by the violence.

On Wednesday, the committee said in a press conference held at the Teiba Press Hall in Khartoum that based on evidence and facts, such as audio recordings, written evidence, and a statement by the University of El Geneina, in addition to the circumstantial facts in the place of the events, such as killing, fire, rape, and theft, confirm that the events are not tribal.

The committee holds the responsibility for the incidents to “the state’s governor, the security committee, and other defendants”.

Member of the committee, lawyer Abdo reported that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia in El Geneina is holding members of the regular forces and civilians.

He said that these detainees have not been charged. He described the step as a crime, noting that the RSF do not have the jurisdiction to detain any person, and demanded that the authorities release the detainees immediately.

The High Committee for the Management of West Darfur Crisis stated that 180 cases of assault with gunfire, nine cases of murder, three cases of rape, and 18 armed robberies in West Darfur preceded the recent events.

The committee noted in the conference that throughout these events, individuals or groups did not move to attack an ethnic group, village or settlement in a sign that affirming that the events were not tribal.

The committee appealed to international organisations and others to contribute to resolving the crisis, noting that the affected people are now in urgent need for tents, shelter, water, food, and health services.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

ICC: Hilal knows truth about Hemeti & Darfur war (Part 2)

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor:  The following article by Radio Dabanga dated 27 Nov 2017 features the Nov 2017 arrest of Sheikh Musa Hilal in North Darfur by Hemeti’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Coloured highlighting is mine.

See the second photo: a captive’s shoulder appears to be newly bruised, his shirt is being roughly pulled, he looks dazed and exhausted, the arm of a lowlife RSF thug seems to be raised in a violent manner.  

The eyes of the captives look strange, like they have been through hell. Surely they feel shocked, devastated, humiliated and ruthlessly betrayed by Messrs Bashir and Hemeti. 

Hemeti inveigled himself into Bashir's life who treated Hemeti like the son he never had. Bashir felt protected by Hemeti. Together, Bashir and Hemeti protected themselves. 

The arrest took place during the Bashir era. Hemeti ordered the RSF to bring Musa Hilal to Khartoum "dead or alive". Musa Hilal sought peace for Darfur, had the skills and gold to do so, posing a threat to Bashir's regime and Hemeti's lust for power in Darfur and its gold.

Musa Hilal is a warrior, for 16 years he has known the truth about his former underling Hemeti, the RSF and Janjaweed, what went on in Darfur and Khartoum, and the policing of vast areas far away from Khartoum. 

Musa Hilal’s daughter is married to Chad’s president Idriss Deby. Hemeti hires men from Chad for his RSF. 
Musa Hilal and his relatives and affiliates have been locked up in Omdurman prison for almost two years.  Have they been given a fair trial? Who is checking that they are being properly treated and cared for?

Could the UN/International Criminal Court (ICC) arrange to transport Musa Hilal and his relatives and affiliates to the safety of the ICC in The Hague where the truth could be told to help bring peace to Sudan?

Musa Hilal and his relatives and affiliates must be kept safe, treated respectfully and taken good care of now and in the future as they could help bring peace to Darfur and Sudan - and, in turn, South Sudan.

Article from and by Radio
Dated 27 November 2017 - MISTERIYA / KHARTOUM
Musa Hilal, Revolutionary Awakening Council leadership arrested in Darfur
Musa Hilal, chairman of the Revolutionary Awakening Council, arrives as captive in Khartoum on Monday (RD)

Musa Hilal, former janjaweed leader and chairman of the Revolutionary Awakening Council, as well as his sons, brothers, entourage, and senior members of the Council’s leadership, were arrested on Sunday and arrived today in Khartoum.
The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reports that the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (known as Hemeti), has affirmed that Hilal was arrested on Sunday at Misteriya area, North Darfur. Gen. Hemeti, says that Musa Hilal was “involved in a plot against Sudan which has external dimensions”.

Hemeti said that in addition to Hilal, a number of his aides and three of his sons have also been detained. He also referred to detention of “a person who holds a foreign nationality among the forces of Musa Hilal”, indicating that this man had advanced communication equipment, “a matter which confirms the involvement of foreign parties in the acts for undermining the security and stability in Darfur”.

Hemeti affirmed stability of the security situation at Mustariha area, reiterating determination of his forces to continue implementing their duties.

Sons and brothers
Sources from the area also confirm the Hilal’s sons Habib, Fathi, and Abdel Basset were also held, along with his brothers Omar Hilal, Adam Ramadan, and Mohamed Barma Yusuf.
Brothers, sons and affiliates of Hilal were also captured (RD)

The arrests seem to verify claims made by Hilal’s Council last month of a plan for the RSF to capture him and send him “alive or dead” to Khartoum. In a statement, the Council accused “influential parties” within the government of “seeking to punish Hilal”, who has refused to cooperate with the government’s current campaign of arms collection.

Witnesses have told Radio Dabanga that at least 11 members of the Border Guards militia were killed in Sunday’s clashes. Callers said that civilians, including at least three women, were also killed during Sunday’s clashes, but exact numbers have not yet been ascertained. The area is reportedly under siege – all roads in and out are controlled by the RSF. Large military reinforcements have arrived with “tanks, armoured vehicles, and 500 armed vehicles”.

Arms collection
A spokesman for the RSF, Colonel Abdelrahman El Jaali, confirmed the death of the RSF director of general supplies, Brigadier Abdelrahim Gumma, in Hilal’s heartland of Misteriya during the confrontations that led to the arrest. Col. El Jaali told SUNA that Gumma was killed when he went to investigate an ambush on two vehicles transporting Hilal-led militia elements arrested within the framework of the forcible arms collection campaign.

He stressed that the state will go ahead in its project for collecting weapons and confronting those who tend to undermine the national security.

Also on Sunday, a spokesman for the RSF, Colonel Abdelrahman El Jaali, announced the arrest of Haroun Mahmoud Madikheir, the spokesman for the Revolutionary Awakening Council at Wadi Bari south of Misteriya of Kutum locality in North Darfur. Madikheir was reportedly on his way to Chad with his bodyguards.

El Jaali said in a statement to SUNA that the rapid support militia managed to arrest the most important person in the leadership and the founder of the Revolutionary Awakening Council accompanied by his personal guard.

Monday, September 09, 2019

Sudan: Hilal's N. Darfur supporters call for his release

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor:  The International Red Cross ought to visit Musa Hilal and other detainees in Omdurman prison in Sudan to check on their welfare and ensure that they are receiving adequate care and that their human rights are respected and adhered to regardless of their crimes. 

Article from and by Radio
Dated Monday 02 September 2019 - MISTERIYA
North Darfur supporters of Musa Hilal continue to call for his release
Musa Hilal's sons, arrested in North Darfur, arrive in Khartoum, Novermber 17, 2017 (RD)

Supporters of former Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal, being held in an Omdurman prison for almost two years, organised a large demonstration in Misteriya in North Darfur on Sunday, demanding his release.

In a statement, the organisers of the demonstration demanded from the newly established Sovereign Council and Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdouk to intervene, and release all political prisoners in the country “as soon as possible, without any conditions”.

“The failure to release all political detainees is a conspiracy in order to isolate them politically, and exclude them from the ongoing political process,” the statement reads.

The demonstrators appealed to the Forces for Freedom and Change and other political and civil forces to pressure the authorities to release all “political prisoners and prisoners of war”.

Hilal was detained, along with his sons and hundreds of his militiamen, by members of the Rapid Support Forces, in November 26, 2017, when they refused to hand their weapons during a large disarmament campaign in Darfur.

RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemeti’ said at the time that Hilal and his supporters were “involved in a plot against Sudan which has external dimensions”.

After the deposal of President Al Bashir and the release of a number of political detainees, mainly fighters of armed movements, relatives and followers of Musa Hilal have publicly called for his and his men’s release more than once.

On August 27, ten of Hilal’s imprisoned affiliates entered into a hunger strike to protest their continued detention in a military prison in Omdurman. According to the spokesman for Hilal’s Revolutionary Awakening Council, “they have been subjected to systematic ill-treatment by the prison authorities and deprived of their most basic rights such as medical treatment and to meet their relatives through visits”.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Eid in Sudan: 9 killed, several injured after RSF launched assault on Shangal Toubaya, North Darfur

HERE is a copy of a tweet by Samir R. Osman @samir_r_osman timestamped 4:11am and 12:11 11 Aug 2019 saying Nine killed and several injured, on the first day of Eid-al-adha, after Janjaweed (RSF) launched an assault on ٍShangal Toubaya Village in the state of North Darfur, Western Sudan.”
To visit the above tweet click here:

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 1 - Sun 11 Aug 2019 14:42 GMT UK
9 killed (some say 12-unconfirmed) & many injured in what some say is an RSF attack, and what others say is conflict between some shepherds and the citizens in Nevasha camp in Shangel Tobai-West Darfur. The camp is now under siege by an armed force.  

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 2 - Sun 11 Aug 2019 15:44 GMT UK
Reports coming out of the region are saying "janjaweed" launched the attack.  A name historically given to armed militias, including the rebranded RSF. Sources unable to confirm if the attackers are RSF or armed herders. 

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 3 - Sun 11 Aug 2019 19:26 PM GMT UK
The news below was tweeted in Arabic by باهي سطيح @IsSudanNewDubai at 10:34 am on 11 Aug 2019. So, I used Google translator for an English version. The translation gives a picture of what happened. To view the Arabic tweet click here: 

Facts in the details of this incident:
An armed group of shepherds killed three farmers and wounded another displaced people west of Shangel Toby, North Darfur, 60 km southeast of Al-Fashir.
The shepherds entered their livestock farms in Shangel Tubai, and human rights activist Haitham Silva told Page News, a resident of the area, that the shepherds had been killed.
Three farmers injured, another injured during skirmishes to remove livestock from farms
The rescue tracked down the perpetrators until their logic reached their point and the two sides gathered to fight, but the mayor of the area committed to bringing the perpetrators to justice. The relatives of the dead refused to bury the bodies until the state government and the regular forces were present and separated the two sides. [Ends]

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 4 - Mon 12 Aug 2019 12:55 GMT UK
Article by Radio online
Dated Monday 12 August 12 2019 - SHANGIL TOBAYA
Herders shoot three farmers dead in North Darfur
Rizeigat camel herders in North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

Three farmers were killed and another was wounded in a revenge attack by herdsmen in El Salam locality in North Darfur on Saturday. The farmers had removed the herders’ livestock from their farms.

“When a group of camels trespassed on farms in the neighbourhood of Dolma, 20km north of Shangil Tobaya, on Saturday morning, the farmers took the animals and handed them to the police of Shangil Tobaya,” a relative of one of the victims told Radio Dabanga.

“That evening, about 20 armed herdsmen on camels and four others on motorcycles arrived at the area, and immediately started shooting at the farmers present. Abdelrahman Saleh, Ahmed El Nur, and Ali Yahya died instantly. Adam Abdelshakour was wounded.”

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) in North Darfur condemned the killing in a statement on Sunday.

The FFC members called on the acting state governor “to fully play your role in protecting unarmed civilians and agricultural land”. They proposed the establishment of a joint team of regular forces tasked with protecting farmers and people living in the area from such attacks. The herders should graze their livestock at pastures defined in the state maps.

The North Darfur activists also proposed the establishment of an independent committee to investigate the crimes committed by militant herders and other gunmen in the state in the past years.
The area of Shangil Tobaya (OCHA map of North Darfur)

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 5 - Mon 12 Aug 2019 13:26 GMT UK
Here is a copy of a tweet by Prof Eric Reeves @sudanreeves dated 14:06 11 Aug 2019: “This map indicates where violence in North #Darfur has been most concentrated over much of the past two years (Jan 2017 - March 2019). There has been especially intense violence just north of Shangil Tobaya, but much of North and Central Darfur have seen seen genocidal violence”
To visit the tweet click here:

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 6 - Mon 12 Aug 2019 13:50 GMT UK
Article from The
Written by Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Dated Monday 12 August 2019 11:06 AM
Clashes kill 3 civilians in Sudan's Darfur
Violence over grazing land, one of the causes of the war that erupted in 2003, had been rare in Darfur recently
Photo: Sudanese villagers walk in the war-torn town of Golo in the thickly forested mountainous area of Jebel Marra in central Darfur on June 19, 2017. AFP PHOTO/ASHRAF SHAZLY

Clashes over pasture between farmers and herders in Sudan's western region of Darfur killed three civilians on Sunday, a doctors' committee linked to the country's protest movement said.

"Three citizens were killed this morning in Shengel Tobay, in North Darfur state, and another was wounded," the Central Committee of Sudan Doctors said.

Violence over grazing land, which was one of the root causes of a deadly war that erupted in 2003, has been relatively rare in Darfur recently.

The latest incident marred the first day of the Eid Al Adha and was Sudan's first since months of protests brought down longtime ruler Omar Al Bashir and created an opportunity for civilian rule.

Ethnic African rebels took up arms against Mr Al Bashir's regime, which they accused of marginalising the remote region, in the war that broke out more than 15 years ago.

Khartoum armed Arab pastoralists to quash the rebellion, leading to massacres that resulted in genocide charges against Mr Al Bashir and others in international courts.

While the fighting has subsided in Darfur, tension over pasture remains and those responsible for the war's darkest hours have not been brought to justice.

"The former regime fuelled the conflict and contributed to deepening the crisis by not helping to provide sustainable solutions, and not holding perpetrators accountable," the doctors committee said.

Mr Al Bashir was removed in April after 29 years in power and a temporary power-sharing agreement was reached a week ago by the country's generals and civilian protest leaders.

But the document that will serve as Sudan's de facto interim constitution does not mention the fate of Mr Al Bashir and others wanted by the International Criminal Court.

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 7 - Mon 12 Aug 2019 14:07 GMT UK
Here is a copy of a tweet by Prof Eric Reeves @sudanreeves Shangil Tobaya has been one of the most ravaged areas of North Darfur over the past several years (see monograph at ). It is clear that #Hemeti, the #RSF, and the #TMC have no desire or will to rein in ethnically-targeted murder, rape, and destruction: 
To visit the above tweet click here:

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 8 - Tue 13 Aug 2019 11:39 GMT UK
Here is a copy of a tweet posted by Tariq Haleeb on his Twitter page @TariqHaleeb date stamped 3:10 am 12 Aug 2019:
1. Janjaweed were armed herders & still continue familial ties.
2. A simple armed shepard has enough ammunition for defence only.
3. To launch and sustain an attack needs a lot of ammunition which a simple shepard cannot buy.
To visit the above tweet click here:

SUDAN WATCH UPDATE 9 - Fri 16 Aug 2019 14:02 GMT UK
Here is a copy of a 15 August 2019 tweet by Eric Reeves @sudanreeves
- with a great map (explanation here: - showing violence in North Darfur, January 1, 2017 - March 2019 - saying, The new TMC-appointed governor of North #Darfur lies just as shamelessly as his political predecessor. There has been no meaningful effort to bring marauding Arab militia forces or #Hemeti’s Rapid Support Forces under control; their ethnically-targeted violence is unrelenting:”
To visit the above tweet click here: 

Further Reading
Film: MEET THE JANJAWEED - Hemedti is positioning himself as paramilitary ruler of Darfur (Alex de Waal)
Sudan Watch - Tuesday, August 13, 2019