Thursday, June 09, 2005

Friedhelm Eronat is behind Cliveden Sudan and Darfur oil deal - It's blood for oil in Southern Sudan

Intermission interrupted to share some important news. [June 10 update: The following post, drafted June 9, has been edited to insert additional material. Light blogging continues. If anyone has further info on issues raised here, please let me know and I will add info and link at end of this item and/or in a fresh post at a later date. Thanks. This story may be added to and remain on front page here during six week intermission.] As noted here previously, Sudan confirmed in April that geological studies and surveys proved there are "abundant" quantities of oil in the western region of Darfur. The following excerpt, from a report at Aljazeera April 19, 2005 entitled Sudan discovers abundant oil in war-torn Darfur, covers most of the details provided in April by various newswires [see also AKI report April 20, 2005]
"Sudanese Energy and Mining Minister, Awad Ahmed al-Jazz, said that a newly discovered oil field in Darfur was expected to generate 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day by August this year. At the same time, Mohamed Siddig, a spokesman for the energy ministry also announced that drilling for oil had started in Darfur "on the basis of the geological studies and surveys which proved the presence of oil in abundant quantities in Darfur." Siddig said the ABCO consortium, in which the Swiss company Cliveden has a 37 percent share, owned the rights to the field. He also said work on the first oil well, southwest of El-Fasher in North Darfur State, was underway. Apparently, previous surveys showed that the region has untapped oil, gold, iron, silver as well as natural gas. Currently Sudan exports around 300,000 oil barrels per day. The country's main oil fields are in the south."
This evening (Thurs June 9) on television here in Britain, I watched a Channel 4 News special report on Sudan by Jonathan Miller. The report covers news logged here at Sudan Watch over the past year but the big news is, it revealed the name of the person behind the mysterious Swiss oil company Cliveden. It has given me a lead to google further info [see notes below]. When I last posted on Cliveden, I could not find who was behind the company which appeared to be either Swiss or UK based. Jonathan Miller's investigation is important. He has discovered that the Khartoum government has signed a 25-year contract (which he has a copy of) with a consortium to drill for oil in southern Sudan and reveals the man behind Cliveden and the oil deal is Friedhelm Eronat a former US citizen (who often acted on behalf of Mobil overseas and ex-business partner of convicted Mobil dealmaker J. Bryan Williams) turned British citizen now living in Chelsea, London. How on earth did he get British citizenship so quickly? My understanding from Channel 4's TV news report is that as an American citizen he would have been jailed for 10 years for doing such a deal because of US sanctions. Why do the same rules not apply in Britain? [Note, the point of copying various report excerpts and notes here below is to show how it was known in 2003 there was oil in Darfur - Cliveden's 25-year deal was signed in October 2003. Darfur rebellion began in earnest February 2003. Genocide in Darfur started around Feb/March 2004 causing, over the ensuing year, causing the deaths of some 300,000 - 400,00 Darfurians and millions to flee the region or country. South Darfur is an extremely dangerous and a "no-go area" for UN staff. Scroll down here below to see a map showing how few refugee camps are located in South Darfur, where oil is being explored. Drilling has started.] Here is a transcript of Jonathan Miller's report entitled "Briton involved in Sudan oil drill" - below which is a rare photograph of Friedhelm Eronat, courtesy Channel 4 News. The report, I believe, opened with a mention of Darfur, saying "What a place to be looking for oil": Say Darfur, we think genocide, ethnic cleansing. But to Khartoum and its corporate partners, deep below dustbowl Darfur lie abundant hidden riches. In 2003, as Sudanese government forces and their murderous militias hounded black Africans from their homes, Khartoum signed a deal to drill for oil in Darfur. In April this year, with the burning and killing still going, the oil minister announced they had struck oil. A potential windfall for a pariah regime and its friends. So what on earth does the human misery of war torn Darfur have to do with the exclusive London borough of Chelsea? Well, the man who was behind the Darfur oil deal lives here. Right here, in fact, in this multi-million pound mansion. Until two years ago he was an American citizen. Now though, he's British. His name: Friedhelm Eronat. Peter Felter knows Cliveden's secrets, and Friedhelm Eronat's too. He was his lawyer for eight years and ran the whole empire for four before he was sacked. He is taking the Group to an employment tribunal. Cliveden's rigorously defending the action. Peter Felter was the chairman of Cliveden Sudan at the time of the Darfur oil deal. He said: "He's a complex personality. Very rich, very charming, a very good salesperson. He now is Mr Big Oil, untouchable. He doesn't care about the minor issues of Darfur or genocide." We could not find any film of Friedhelm Eronat. But Channel 4 News has obtained the only known photographs. In 1990 Mr Eronat set up a global oil empire: the Cliveden Group. It operates in Europe, America and Africa. Friedhelm Eronat was at the heart of the deal to get at Darfur's oil. In late 2003, through his company, Cliveden Sudan, he acquired the biggest stake in the consortium drilling for oil. Mr Felter said: "Cliveden Sudan was bringing not only money of course, but it also was bringing quite a level of expertise in looking at the geology in Sudan." Darfur is vast. For many years geologists have suspected it holds abundant reserves of oil. Cliveden Sudan now has the biggest share in a concession granted by Khartoum called Block C. It is almost as big as Scotland arcing across South Darfur and down into southern Sudan. The consortium says an aggressive oil exploration programme is currently underway. Block C is at the southern end of the conflict zone. Many thousands of Darfurians there have been forced to flee to makeshift camps. Channel 4 News has seen the contract granting the concession to explore for oil in Darfur. This gives us an unprecedented insight into the workings of a deal that would normally remain secret. It reveals that the agreement runs for 25 years. And that the consortium which includes Cliveden will - once oil is produced - pay up to $8m in bonuses to the Khartoum government. It also shows how they will share the profits - starting with 70% to the government of Sudan and 13% for Cliveden Sudan. From another document we know that Cliveden Sudan is registered in the British Virgin Islands, a tax haven, and has a business address in Switzerland. Normally, it is impossible to determine the true owner of such companies. But our document reveals that in December 2003, Friedhelm Eronat personally owned Cliveden Sudan. Channel 4 News has obtained confidential photographs, taken by African Union monitors last July in Suleia, a village just to the north of Block C. The following month I went to other nearby burned villages. In them, I met people still on the run from Suleia. They said theyd been bombed by government planes. Some had then been shackled and burned alive, many shot dead; others wounded; women, raped. Suleia is 180km from Block C's first well. Cliveden Sudan insisted to us that the 'wells' are 1000km from the conflict zone. So how did Cliveden Sudan get into bed with a regime accused of war crimes, in the very province the ethnic cleansing is happening? Here's how. Channel 4 News can reveal that Friedhelm Eronat's Sudan venture was very much a Chelsea-set affair. The whole deal brokered by his close neighbour, Lebanese businessman, Eli Calil. If his name sounds familiar it's because he is alleged to have helped bankroll last year's failed coup in the West African state of Equatorial Guinea, an allegation he denies. Mr Felter said: "He was purely and simple an introducing instrument. It was quite natural to ask Eli Calil he said he said I think I know a company that might be interested because they are already in Chad and he therefore introduced the Sudanese lot as it were to Eronat." One of Darfur's rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement is adamant that the search for oil will enflame the conflict. They want all exploration to stop, until there is peace. Ahmad Hussein Adam of the JEM said: "So when they say they discover oil in Darfur, who is going to benefit from that? Are they the people of Darfur? Of course not. Absolutely not, the only beneficiaries is the ruling elite and ruling minority of the regime." In the rebels' view, Cliveden Sudan has joined those accused of propping up a pariah regime, whose members include UN war crimes suspects. Yet, under British law, Friedhelm Eronat has done nothing illegal in doing a deal with Khartoum. But then there is the ethical argument. Mr Felter said: "I would say for Eronat he would deem it pretty irrelevant because it is about getting a signature on a document and I don't think it would be in his mind again Eronat is not interested in Darfur or political issues, he's interested in making money." We've discovered another interesting fact about the mysterious Mr Eronat. A US Treasury Department notice lists individuals who have renounced their American citizenship. One name on the list: Friedhelm Eronat. And the date: October 2003, just before the Darfur oil deal was signed. Co-incidence: maybe. But the effect was certainly helpful. Under US sanctions against Sudan, an American doing business with the Sudanese state oil company could face ten years in jail and fines of half a million dollars. Mr Felter said: "In terms of doing business in Sudan of course one advantage of denouncing your US citizenship is that suddenly you can also do deals in Sudan. If there is a direct connection or not I can't say but the timing was good." In fact, we have learnt that it was in August 2003 that Friedhelm Eronat acquired a British passport. We showed our evidence to a Conservative MP John Bercow, with a long interest in Darfur. In his view, Mr Eronat's new passport and the timing of his Sudan deal raise disturbing questions. Mr Bercow said: "What discussions took place between the British and US administrations about his activities in the oil business? What assurances were sought about the prospective scope of his activities? "What benefit did the British government think that an oil deal of this kind between a company and the government of Sudan could do to help the long-suffering people of Darfur? And what does the British government think that this deal will do for the credibility of its foreign policy towards Sudan?" Mr Eronat has told Channel 4 News that he is not a shareholder or officer of Cliveden Sudan and that he does not work for or financially benefit from Cliveden Sudan. Also that Cliveden Sudan is not the operator of the concession, but a shareholder. In a statement to this programme, Cliveden Sudan said "there has been no commercial oil find in Block C." As the International Criminal Court, backed by Britain, investigates the Sudanese regime for war crimes, and efforts to stop the killing gather pace, a British businessman has thrown oil on the flames in Darfur - and has done so legally. 
Rare photo of Friedhelm Eronat courtesy Channel 4 News UK. Friedhelm Eronat is the man behind the Darfur oil deal
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Sudan's oil deal with Swiss company Cliveden The following report dated October 22, 2003 [via European Coalition on Oil in Sudan] at Al-Sahafah Sudanese newspaper mentions Swiss company Cliveden in an agreement on oil prospecting and production signed for the Block 2 which extends from the Bahr al-Jabal State [southern Sudan] to the borders of the Central African Republic and Chad: KHARTOUM, Oct. 22, 2003 -- An agreement on oil prospecting and production was signed yesterday at the Ministry of Energy and Mining for the Block 2 which extends from the Bahr al-Jabal State [southern Sudan] to the borders of the Central African Republic and Chad. The agreement was signed between the Ministry of Energy and Mining and a group of [oil] companies including the Swiss company, Cliveden, which has a 37 per cent share; High Tech, with 28 per cent; the [national] Sudanese [oil] company, Sudapet, with 17 per cent share; Khartoum State, with 10 per cent; and the Hejlij Company with 8 per cent share. In a press statement after the signing of the agreement, the minister of energy and mining, Dr Awad Ahmad al-Jaz, said these companies had extensive expertise in the oil industry. He added that the presence of the Swiss company Cliveden was going to give a strong impetus in this field. - - - US backs off genocide charge in Darfur Note this excerpt from a report by Brian Smith entitled US backs off genocide charge in Darfur May 3, 2005: Sudan's minister of energy and mining announced last week the discovery of an oilfield in Darfur with abundant deposits. The announcement did not take oil experts by surprise, as previous reports had indicated that Darfur has untapped oil, gold, iron, silver and natural gas deposits. The country's ABCO Corp., in which Swiss company Cliveden has a 37 percent stake, has already started drilling southwest of El-Fasher in North Darfur state. The southern civil war, which lasted 20 years, was prolonged by the question of how the region's oil wealth would be distributed. Sudanese political analyst Mohamed Issam explained, "If you look back to the original demands made by the [Darfur] rebels at the start of the rebellion, they were asking for 80 percent of Darfur's oil wealth." He added, "Now they know for a fact the oil is there. The perception that the government is benefiting from Darfur's resources will fuel resentment and definitely complicate the [peace] negotiation process. - - - Darfur rebel group JEM say oil drilling in Darfur must stop LONDON, April 19 -- Sudan on Tuesday said its ABCO corporation -- in which Swiss company Cliveden owns 37 percent -- had begun drilling for oil in Darfur, where preliminary studies showed there were "abundant" quantities of oil. "The Sudanese people have never benefited from these (oil) discoveries," said Ahmed Hussein, the London-based spokesman for the Justice and Equality Movement. "The oil must wait until a final peace deal is signed." Here is a copy of a report dated April 19, 2005 by Nima Elbagir via Reuters Darfur's two main rebel groups called on the Sudanese government on Tuesday to stop oil exploration in the country's war ravaged western region until a resolution to the two-year-old conflict has been achieved. Sudan on Tuesday said its ABCO corporation -- in which Swiss company Cliveden owns 37 percent -- had begun drilling for oil in Darfur, where preliminary studies showed there were "abundant" quantities of oil. "The Sudanese people have never benefited from these (oil) discoveries," said Ahmed Hussein, the London-based spokesman for the Justice and Equality Movement. "The oil must wait until a final peace deal is signed." "We call upon international companies to not invest in Darfur under these conditions and under this regime," Hussein added. Sudan's main oilfields are in the south and disputes over oil prolonged negotiations to end 20 years of civil war. Mohamed Siddig, a spokesman for Sudan's Ministry of Energy and Mining, told Reuters by phone on Monday: "The drilling (in Darfur) was undertaken on the basis of the geological studies and surveys which proved the presence of oil in abundant quantities." A peace deal signed in January revived interest in Sudan's potential oil reserves but analysts say the conflict in Darfur, where tens of thousands have been killed and at least 2 million driven from their homes, has scared off investors. Sudan Liberation Movement spokesman Adam Ali Shogar told Reuters from the Chadian capital N'Djamena that the drilling for oil was a waste of time. "I welcome this discovery for the Sudanese people but if they find oil -- even if they find gold --, without a just distribution of wealth and a resolution to the conflict it is pointless." Sudan began exporting oil in 1998 and exports around 300,000 barrels per day, which is set to rise to 500,000 bpd by August. Work on the first Darfur oil well, southwest of El-Fasher in North Darfur State, is under way. Analysts say the discovery of oil wealth could give the two sides of the conflict more to fight over. "If you look back to the original demands made by the rebels at the start of the rebellion, they were asking for 80 percent of Darfur's oil wealth," Mohamed Issam, a Sudanese political analyst, told Reuters from Khartoum. "Now they know for a fact the oil is there. The perception that the government is benefiting from Darfur's resources will fuel resentment and definitely complicate the (peace) negotiation process," he added. - - - Update June 11: A kind reader here helpfully points out an error in Nima's report above: the company representing the joint venture partners on Block C is called APCO - not ABCO. A website for Advanced Petroleum Company (APCO) was accessible but today when I clicked into it, it throws up a blank page. Maybe the site has been deleted? Even if it has been deleted, is there any way to know the ULTIMATE owner of that domain name? Apparently, Standard Who searches don't go very far. If any readers can throw light on this or anything to do with APCO or Cliveden please let me know for future Sudan oil posts. Thanks. Today, I came across a World Energy News article at IHS Energy. The article is extracted from International Oil Letter, Vol 21 issue 21 published 2005-05-25: APCO fails with its Dokhon 1 wildcat in Block C - Sudan Despite some initial encouragement, APCO has abandoned its Dokhon 1 wildcat in Block C, Muglad Basin, after testing fresh water over an unspecified interval. The well was drilled to a total depth of 3,433m seeking a Lower Cretaceous Abu Gabra sandstone primary objective and is estimated to have cost US$ 5.5 million to drill. It is located around 2km south of the Hiba 1 duster drilled by Chevron in 1979 and is the first well to be drilled on the block for 20 years. Block C covers 65,000 sq km mainly in the Muglad Basin, south-west of the oil producing area of Block 1 and 2 where the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company has significant oil production. APCO (Advanced Petroleum Company) is a joint venture between Cliveden (37%); High Tech Group (28%); Sudan Petroleum Corporation (17%); State of Khartoum (10%) and Hejlij Co (8%). 
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Secret World of the Chelsea Oil Tycoon 
On googling for Friedhelm Eronat and Cliveden Sudan, I came across a great post by British blogger Adrian Gatton who is an investigative journalist and independent film-maker based in London, UK. The post provides an excerpt from his report entitled "Secret World of the Chelsea Oil Tycoon" published in London's Evening Standard newspaper May 26, 2005. Sorry, I have not had a chance to contact the Evening Standard archive for full article:
He is at the centre of the new scramble for Africa but few have heard of him. A bitter struggle with his former lawyer, however, has opened the door on the remarkable life of Friedhelm Eronat. Friedhelm Eronat is one of the world's most successful oil dealmakers. He is also one of the most secretive men in Britain. He has an estimated fortune of at least $100m (£55m) built on controversial deals worth billions - in far-flung, difficult places such as Nigeria, Russia and Kazakhstan. But details about him are scant. He eschews publicity.
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Chinese-backed Cliveden? 
Here are some snippets I have gathered from google searches. Sorry some of the links have broken or require special subscriptions. The notes provide a pointer to further information on Friedhelm Eronat. Most interestingly, snippet (1) mentions "Chinese-backed Cliveden". (1) November 2004 report entitled "Before coup, Chinese-backed Cliveden eyed Equatorial Guinea" via Platts Oilgram News - The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. -- New York - Friedhelm Eronat, ex-business partner of convicted Mobil dealmaker J. Bryan Williams and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Justice Department's pending James Giffen Kazakh bribe case in ... (2) Platts Oilgram News - The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. - New York - Friedhelm Eronat, ex-business partner of convicted Mobil dealmaker J.Bryan Williams and an unindicted co=conspirator in the Justice ... coms2/plattsbrowse_PN__1681_1760 (3) Africa Energy Intelligence No. 319 - 27/03/2002 report - Chairman of Cliveden Petroleum, Friedhelm Eronat is a London-based trader who was highly active in the Caspian sea countries in the 1990s. (4) The New Yorker Archives The Price of Oil report by Seymour M. Hersh Issue of 2001-07-09 Posted 2003-04-07. Excerpt: In Mobil's case, the company's in-house investigators came to believe that the proposed swap between Kazakhstan and Iran was but one element in a complex of seemingly high-risk business deals that were devised by Bryan Williams. The investigation also led to the two other Americans named in Tabbah's suit: James H. Giffen, a New York merchant banker and adviser to Kazakhstan's President Nazarbayev; and Friedhelm Eronat, a businessman who often acted on behalf of Mobil overseas. The business dealings and friendships among the three men date back many years, and they have done billions of dollars' worth of deals worldwide. The three might never have become the focus of grand-jury scrutiny if they hadn't fallen out with Farhat Tabba. (5) Online Journal Big Oil, The United States and corruption report by Larry Chin: Federal authorities began working on the case in 1999, triggered by a British case in which a Jordanian businessman Farhat Tabbah filed a claim in British court alleging that Giffen had stiffed him out of $40 million of commissions for his help in the oil swaps. According to reporter Seymour Hersh's investigation of the case, Tabbah claims that London oil trader Friedhelm Eronat helped Tabbah arrange the shipments between Mobil and the Kazakhstan government. Eronat denied a major role in the deal. (6) Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections - Is oil intrinsically dirty?: "Gabon's" - The Tengiz oil field on Kazakhstan's Caspian coast is one of the 10 largest oil deposits in the world, and also the centre of a huge scandal involving ExxonMobil. This country is listed at position 88 in the TI index. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in 2001 that Jordanian businessman Farhat Tabbah had filed a lawsuit in London alleging that Mobil trader Friedhelm Eronat and a representative of the Kazakhstan government conspired to cheat him of millions of dollars in commissions for assisting in a profitable 10-year oil swap between Mobil and Kazakhstan. (7) 12.03.04 Time for Transparency - Coming clean on oil, mining and gas revenues -- Information contained in legal assistance documents passed to Global Witness reveal that CC-1 is, in fact, Vaeko boss Friedhelm Eronat (8) AC Vol 45 No 21 ... Friedhelm Eronat, an oil trader also active in Sudan and in Central. Asia, has used his connections with them to secure three big concessions, ... bpl/afco/2004/00000045/00000021/art00001 - - - It's blood for oil in Southern Sudan Veteran journalist Julie Flint has written extensively on Sudan and researched and co-authored a Human Rights Watch report on Darfur titled "Darfur Destroyed." She wrote this commentary for The Daily Star Lebanon, published Friday, June 10, 2005: When UN Secretary General Kofi Annan went to Darfur recently, he went to the front line - to Labado, where more than a hundred people died in one of those aerial bombardments the Sudan government says isn't happening. When he went to Southern Sudan, he went to the back line - to Rumbek, administrative center of the new Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), where the children of a relief generation greeted him with banners saying: "Kofi, no food, hunger imminent." Had Annan gone to the front line - to a village like Payuer, on the east bank of the White Nile - he would have received a very different message. "The war's not over." Five months after Africa's longest-running civil war ended - officially, at least - Rumbek and Payuer are worlds apart. Everyone visits Rumbek; almost no one visits Payuer. Peace will not break down in Rumbek, but it could in Payuer. Rumbek is a seethe of UN officials, relief workers and rebel commanders turned ministers-in-waiting. It has a secondary school (built by the British in 1948), roads, solid brick buildings, satellite dishes and restaurants with napkins. It has children who hold up banners that appear to have been dictated by adults. The biggest security problem the town has experienced since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed on January 9 was a fatal hit-and-run accident involving a UN driver. The driver fled into the local police station. Relatives of the victim attacked the police station, took the driver away and lynched him. There are no cars in Payuer, no police and no paper to write slogans on. No one like Annan has ever visited Payuer, and until recently the place received no relief from the UN. Two years ago, Southerners displaced from government attacks on villages around the Adar oilfields were living in stone-age conditions there - eating leaves and re-boiled fish heads; sleeping without blankets or mosquito nets; dying of malaria, kala-azar, diarrhea, respiratory infections and wounds sustained during indiscriminate aerial bombardments. Things are a little better now: there's a small market offering shoes, clothes and oil brought from government towns for the few, the very few, who can afford them. There are a couple of aid workers investigating malnutrition (and finding less than they expected). There are cattle too, although most of them belong to Fellata - Sudanese Muslims of West African origin who have crossed to their prewar dry-season grazing grounds in rebel-controlled territory for the first time since 1983. There is universal relief that aerial bombardment has stopped, but also widespread skepticism about the durability of peace. People here aren't asking for food: not one person, among scores interviewed in the course of a week, even mentioned it. Their message to the international community is this: "You forced this peace through. Now take the government militias away - or see peace fail." Throughout the war, the Khartoum government used ethnic militias to divide and rule, denying any hand in the resulting mayhem. "Tribal trouble," it said, as it says now in Darfur. The CPA was negotiated, and signed, only by the Khartoum government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). The militias had no involvement in it. And in Northern Upper Nile, around Payuer, they are not fading away. Far from it: they are recruiting - at government urging, defectors say - training and attacking. Not quite as before, it's true. But attacking nonetheless. Since the CPA was signed, government-supported Southern militias have attacked two SPLA positions around the oilfields near Payuer and displaced Southern civilians from a number of villages. The government has responded by promoting the militia leaders, confirming local people in the belief that the attacks were government-inspired. Militiamen who have chosen to join their kin in SPLA-controlled territory have paid a heavy price: their villages have been attacked and looted, and their families displaced. The people of Payuer see a short-term and a long-term goal in the continued activation of the militias. Both involve oil, an industry currently worth more than a billion dollars a year to the Khartoum government. In the short term, they say, the government means to keep oil flowing, in ever greater quantities, by forcibly removing any people who still live in its way; in the long term, Khartoum will use the militias to fight against the separation of the South (and its oil) if Southerners vote for separation in a referendum in six years' time. The war in Southern Sudan was fought for 21 years and took more than a million lives without ever reaching the UN Security Council. Darfur was raised at the Security Council in May 2004, barely a year after the rebellion there began. The oil war that has raged in Southern Sudan from 1998 onward never captured international imagination, and indignation, in the way that Darfur has. But it was every bit as terrible. Villages were burned, civilians slaughtered, women and children raped and mutilated. Most of the oil discovered in Sudan is located in the South, and to exploit it the government first had to capture the land under which it lay. Hundreds of thousands of Southerners were displaced and remain displaced. Negotiations over oil were among the most difficult in the discussions that led to the CPA. Under the agreement, existing contracts remain valid, but can be reviewed in the event of environmental or ecological problems. New contracts will be negotiated and approved by the National Petroleum Commission, a joint government-Sudan People's Liberation Movement (which controls the SPLA) body which will be the industry's regulatory body. The GoSS will get 50 percent of net revenue from oil produced in the South. But here's the rub: the CPA does not give a categorical definition of the South. It defines the border as the border which was in place at independence in 1956. But even this border was controversial, and there is already disagreement over where the giant Heglig oilfield belongs, with some SPLA officials accusing the government of altering its administrative boundaries to shift it from South to North. If the government sets Southerner against Southerner to try to hold onto oilfields like Adar, or if it seeks to play the boundary card, the SPLA will have only itself to blame. In the weeks before peace, the SPLA signed a number of seemingly illegal deals unilaterally granting oil concessions in the South. Khartoum has challenged the agreements as violations of the CPA - and leading industry analysts agree. As a particularly trenchant critic of SPLA "greed" says: "We have a government which doesn't yet exist - the "Civil Authority of New Sudan" - handing out oil licenses, the rights to which it doesn't own, to so-called oil firms which no one has ever heard of and which appear to have none of the technical, financial, management or operational requirements to take on the Sudd," the Nile swamplands which are at the center of the disputed leases. "If this is the way the South is going to approach the postwar environment, rather than accepting 50 percent of oil revenues and a role in the negotiation of any new oil licenses, then the whole peace agreement will fail. We'll be back to another decade or two of war and the petroleum will stay in the ground for another century."

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

G8 Summit - Two fingers to America

Intermission interruption. Light blogging continues. Just wanted to record this little gem: today, Lord Clive Soley published the following post on the July G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, UK:
"I am actually getting quite hopeful about the possibility of some progress on both Africa and global warming. Whatever else you think Tony Blair and Gordon Brown do seem to have set an agenda which is getting a real political response. It's too early to be sure so keep your fingers crossed!"
In the comments at Clive's, I posted this re Monjo's response to Hooman Majd's post at the Huffington blog:

Hello Clive, glad you are getting hopeful. Me too. Their agenda is getting really wide media coverage and creating a lot of debate in the blogosphere. Sir Bob Geldof and Bono et al are doing a great job generating G8 publicity and awareness among young people. Love the chaos of inviting hundreds of French to turn up by boat.

Here is an excerpt from one of the best posts by a blogger I've ever read:

***Tony Blair needs to develop a spine. We should definitely pull out from Iraq if the US won't comply with our wishes elsewhere. *** Let's remind America that we do not need the United States***

The post at The Monjo Blog, entitled "Two fingers to America" is authored by Geoffrey Roberts, a 25 year old blogger from Clacton, now living in Colchester. Wish I had written it:


Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Rest break. Back asap. For up to the minute world news relating to the Sudan, click into the Sudan Tribune, Google News on Sudan, and POTP.

Be sure to read reflections on the politics of aid in Africa You let her into the house? by Lara Pawson, following Ethan's post Scavenger hunts, ugly Americans, and other options June 6, 2005.
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G8 and African Poverty

See Geoffrey Roberts' post at The Monjo Blog on G8 and African Poverty - excerpt:
"Yes free-trade would be nice, but first we need free people, living in free democracies, with defined property rights, accountable police and judiciaries, and efficient, low, taxation. Debt cancellation or relief, plus foreign aid and economic investment should be done on basic conditions for governance."
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Genocide under our noses: What to do about Darfur?

Note this copy of an insightful comment, left by Nate (a 27 year old high school teacher in San Francisco, California) at a post by Michael Stickings entitled Genocide under our noses: What to do about Darfur? featuring a piece by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times:

"I empathize with your moral outrage, but we can't change human nature. We are at root selfish creatures, and attempts to "rewire" humans to be more communitarian and altruistic have been responsible for the worst crimes against humanity. (See Stalin and Mao)

There is a legitimate case to made that we (Americans) should do something now in Darfur. We should set a standard that we, as the police force of the world, will not tolerate genocide. But we should only do this out of self-interest: a stable Sudan is better for us than a chaotic, violent Sudan. Setting a precedent that we won't allow such an atrocity to happen would also be beneficial for us.

However, in my view, any appeal to international justice, while well-intentioned, is to be disregarded. Only by acting out of enlightened self-interest do we further the cause of a more just, humane world.

There will be no perfect solutions in Darfur. It is still a Hobbesian world, in which a grim cost-benefit analysis is the best model to solve complex conflict.

I would caution anyone, myself included, who wishes to do something about Darfur to rely on the so-called "moral" dimension. Do we also have a moral obligation to save the rainforest from destruction? End the rampant trade of sex slaves in Eastern Europe? End the awful oppression in numerous dictator states? End the horrific poverty in shantytowns across India, Brazil, etc?

No. We do what we can, when we can, and we do our best when acting our of mutual self-interest with our cause. Some causes deserve more attention, and they must be chosen based on our ability to act effectively. We act most effectively when our own self-interest is at stake.

So let us formulate a case of intervention in Darfur that allows for Hobbes to co-exist with our own sense of morality. I think this approach will bear more fruit."

Blair and Bush to announce new famine initiative - SLA/JEM infighting kills 11 - Germany mulls over Khartoum's blockade policies

A report in today's Scotsman says US President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair will announce a joint initiative today costing the 674 million dollars (GBP 370 million) to help an estimated 14 million people threatened by famine in Africa, the White House said.

The announcement appeared intended to take the sting out of Bush's opposition to Blair's more expensive plan for doubling aid to Africa. The amount of Britain's contribution to the joint initiative was not disclosed, but it was said to be less than Washington's.

Bush and Blair are to meet at the White House this afternoon. The joint initiative will focus on the food needs of people vulnerable to famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea. It also will address humanitarian needs in other countries in Africa, a senior White House official said.

Ethiopian boy
CNN Photo: An Ethiopian boy drinks water from an old bottle.

Bush has rejected Blair's efforts to persuade the world's wealthiest nations to back his plan to double aid to Africa. The prime minister, the host of this year's summit of the major eight industrialised democracies, hopes to use the meeting in early July in Gleneagles, Scotland, to raise an extra 50 billion dollars (GBP 27.5 billion) a year by selling bonds on the world's capital markets.

"It doesn't fit our budgetary process," Bush said last week. The Bush administration says the mechanism would conflict with US budget laws by binding future governments to providing money.

Bush and Blair are to hold a news conference this afternoon, where they are expected to announce their joint initiative. They will call on other countries to increase their commitment to address humanitarian emergencies in Africa, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the announcement has not been formally made.

Blair's US visit is part of a blitz of trips to lobby foreign leaders ahead of the Scotland summit. In coming weeks, Blair is to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

Blair's wish list is likely to be a tough sell in the US. Bush opposes the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, and his administration questions views that man-made pollutants are causing temperatures to rise. The White House has also rejected many of Blair's proposals on African debt relief.

Yesterday, Blair's official spokesman said Blair wasn't looking for any breakthroughs in Washington.

"This visit is part of the preparation for Gleneagles, not Gleneagles itself," the spokesman said. "So we are not expecting ... to see the final US position tomorrow. That will come at Gleneagles."
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Press briefing on Tony Blair's visit to Washington and the EU Constitution

10 Downing Street's Morning Press Briefing from 6 June 2005 on PM's visit to Washington and the EU Constitution.
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Arms bill hits US$1 trillion

June 7, 2005 report at BBC, DefenseNews and China's Standard. Excerpt:

Global military spending blasted past the US$1 trillion mark in 2004, with the U.S. alone accounting for nearly half of the total because of its "war on terror," the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute found.

Military spending reached US$1.035 trillion last year - or US$162 for every inhabitant of Earth - compared to US$956 billion in 2003, the institute revealed Tuesday in its annual report.
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ICC launches Darfur war crimes investigation

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched a formal investigation into suspected crimes against humanity in Darfur.
"The investigation will be impartial and independent, focusing on the individuals who bear the greatest criminal responsibility for crimes committed in Darfur," the ICC said in a statement.
It did not name any suspects. Telegraph June 6, 2005.

AFP reports that Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo will brief the United Nations in New York later this month about his plans to investigate Darfur.
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Rebel infighting in South Darfur kills 11, injures 17-AU

The last round of Darfur peace talks collapsed in December after the Darfur rebel group SLA leadership boycotted talks because of a government offensive on the ground in Darfur. Rebel divisions have plagued previous rounds of talks, AU officials say.

Last month, after the rebels met with Libyan leader Col Gaddafi, Darfur peace talks were supposed to resume May 30 or June 1. Rebels postponed the talks to June 10. You have to wonder at the reason for the delay. As stated here recently, anything could happen in the run up to June 10. And it has. African Union said today in a statement that on June 3 SLA attacks on the JEM-occupied town of Gereida in South Darfur killed 11 people, injured 17. Some houses were burnt down.

JEM occupied Gereida town, south of Nyala, despite calls for them to evacuate and allow AU forces to takeover.

"The JEM and SLA are hereby called upon to cease hostilities and pull out their forces completely from Gereida," AU spokesman Mezni said.

"The government of the Sudan is urged to continue its current laudable restraint and the rebel forces are called upon to show similar restraint at this moment when all efforts are being made to reconvene the Abuja political talks on June 10, as scheduled," he added.
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Note, graphic below showing location of refugee camps. Not many appear to be situated in South Darfur where oil was recently discovered. South Darfur is a dangerous area which many people seem to be fighting over. A horrific day-long premeditated militia attack took place there in a town called Khor Abeche in March of this year.

Darfur crimes graphic

Reuters graphic shows a detailed map of Sudan's Darfur region and location of refugee camps.
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Obasanjo hopes talks finally resolve Darfur crisis

Nigerian President, Chairman of the African Union, Olusegun Obasanjo, hopes the next round of peace talks will make a final resolution to the crisis in the west Sudanese region of Darfur, his spokeswoman said Monday.

"The Darfur talks will resume on June 10 in Abuja (Nigeria's capital). AU Chairman Obasanjo is hoping the talks will finally meet the settlement of the Darfur crisis," Obasanjo's spokeswoman Remi Oyo told Xinhua by telephone from Abuja.

Oyo said both the Sudanese government and two main rebels in Darfur had agreed to come for the Abuja talks.

Najeeb el-Kheir Abdu-el-Wahab, minister of state in the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, said Sunday in Khartoum that the government has formulated a 18-man delegation to participate in this round of talks.

The delegation, headed by ruling National Congress's political secretary, will arrive in Abuja Wednesday, el-Kheir told reporters.

This round, which is expected to last for three weeks, will mainly focus on the issue of the political solution based on the declaration of principles which had been discussed during the lastround, he said.

And the talks would be held in a complete secrecy with little leakage to the media so as to ensure it be final and successful, said el-Kheir.

The representatives of the European Union, the African Union, the Arab League, the United States, France and Sweden are also expected to participate in the talks.
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Darfur rebels might not arrive on time for peace talks

Note Darfur rebels regret deadly internecine clashes.

Also, Tues June 8 report excerpt via SudanTribune:

SLA President Abdel Wahed Mohamed al-Nur also said he would go to Abuja, but said the AU had not given them enough time to prepare their team, which was coming from the field in Darfur and all round the world.

"They told us on June 2 and we have told them in the past we need two weeks to prepare our team," he told Reuters. "The AU just want to make it look like we are the ones delaying the talks."


Nur said the SLA had requested a delay until June 15 to collect their team. "We are a guerrilla movement, we are not a government -- we rely on the AU for transportation," he added.

The SLA leadership boycotted the last round of talks in December in protest against a government offensive launched in their part of South Darfur.

They said they would not return to talks until government forces had withdrawn from all the areas they had occupied during this operation. The AU confirmed almost two months ago that the Sudanese armed forces had carried out the withdrawal.

The smaller rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), said they would be in Abuja on time, but declined to say whether their leader Khalil Ibrahim would be present.
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Sudan to resume talks with exiled group

Agencies, Arab News

KHARTOUM, 6 June 2005 -- Stalled peace negotiations between the Sudanese government and exiled opposition groups are to resume in Cairo next weekend and continue until a final deal is reached, officials said yesterday. Talks between the government and the opposition National Democratic Alliance will start next Saturday, Sudanese state radio quoted Ibrahim Ahmed Omar, secretary-general of the ruling National Congress party as saying.

Omar also predicted that with many outstanding issues already resolved, an agreement could be signed a few days after the discussions commence, saying "the final agreement will be signed by the two sides on June 16." The NDA, a coalition of northern, southern, eastern and western opposition groups, including the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement, confirmed talks with the government would resume on June 11. "The discussions will start on Saturday," NDA vice president Abdul Rahman Saeed told AFP.

But he did not share the government's optimism that a deal could be signed five days later, saying "it was possible, but not certain." Saeed explained that the talks will kick off with meetings aimed at reaching a deal on how to implement an initial agreement the two sides signed in January, particularly on political and military issues. "We have already agreed," he said, adding that the discussions will focus on "implementing what we have agreed upon."

Meanwhile, Sudanese President Omar Bashir said he hoped rebels would join talks in the Nigerian capital next week aimed at reaching a peace deal for Darfur. "The government is committed to take part in the Abuja talks with a high-level delegation that possesses a full mandate and we hope observers and rebels will participate with high-level delegations too for reaching a peaceful political settlement that leads to peace and stability in Darfur," Bashir said.

He said he hoped the round of talks starting on June 10 "will be a final one that paves the way for convening a comprehensive conference for the people of Darfur for boosting peace, stability, development and services in the region," according to Omdurman Radio.
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4-5 Jul 2005 - Libya hosts African Union leaders, seeking African solutions in Darfur

TRIPOLI. 4-5 July 2005. Report excerpt: This second summit in 2005 of the 53-nation African Union could be sobering as it will be the one where the leaders measure their efforts to ease or end one of the continent’s most serious and difficult recent catastrophes -- the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
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Germany mulls over Khartoum's blockade policies

By Der Spiegel

HAMBURG, Germany, June 6, 2005 (Sudan Tribune) -- The Bundeswehr, German Federal Armed Forces, mission to Sudan, which was approved by parliament on April 13, might be stopped far earlier than originally planned.

Defence Minister Peter Struck is considering calling off the deployment of up to 75 soldiers, who should serve as military observers in a 10,000-troop UN force, the German news magazine Der Spiegel reported.

The reason for this is the Sudanese government's blockade policy.

With devious measures, it is trying to hamper the deployment of UN soldiers: thus, the first four Bundeswehr staff officers, who recently travelled to the capital Khartoum, were only granted visas for four weeks - although the UN mission is to last more than six years. A deployment agreement with the United Nations, so that visas are no longer required, is also being blocked.

Moreover, apparently, other countries do not keep their promises they gave to the United Nations either: instead of the planned 10,000 soldiers, the world organization has so far only 1,500 troops available.

The Blue Helmets are to secure a peace agreement that was signed between Khartoum and the rebels in the south after 21 years of civil war.

After a meeting with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York, Struck wants to decide at the end of June whether to stop the Sudan operation.

Germany already has 7,500 soldiers serving on missions overseas, with the largest contingents in Afghanistan and the Balkans.
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Note, perhaps Khartoum are afraid of this:

June 6 Deutsche Welle report Preparing Germany's Military for War report. And this:

EU may send peacekeeping force to Darfur

Copy of Financial Times report by Guy Dinmore and Hubert Wetzel in Washington, and Daniel Dombey in Vilnius, April 21 2005:

UK, French and German forces could be sent to stop the violence in Sudan's region of Darfur as part of a European Union peacekeeping mission -- that is one of several ideas to be discussed by EU foreign ministers next week, officials said on Thursday.

The proposed EU peacekeeping force, which would be the second sent to Africa, would support an African Union observer mission made up largely of Nigerian and Rwandan troops who are already in the region, although in too small numbers to have any real impact.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Payback time for US on Iraq

Tony Blair must tell George Bush to repay British support over the war on terror by backing moves to end African poverty, campaigners have demanded.

The Prime Minister flies to Washington today for White House talks with the president of the United States tomorrow.

Payback time for US on Iraq
Picture: Mark Wilson/Getty Images: Blair to visit Bush for talks at White House tomorrow

"Tony Blair has got to go there [the White House] and make George Bush sit up and notice public opinion here" - Sir Bob Geldof, Live 8 organiser

Story in full at The Scotsman Mon June 6, 2005

[Listen up buddy: contribute 0.7% GDP p.a. like the rest of us - AND ON TIME - or else we won't think much of America anymore]
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Prime Minister Blair will press President Bush for more funds at a meeting tomorrow.

Blair's plea, and Mr Bush's resistance to it, highlight key gaps in their approaches. Blair's is fueled by a strong sense of moral obligation for rich nations to help poor ones - and a public more willing to spend government money on far-away problems. Bush aims to help generously on AIDS, but otherwise target aid where it won't be swallowed by corrupt or inept officials. It's one reason Washington gives foreign countries just 16 cents per $100 of gross domestic product, one of the rich world's lowest rates.

Read more by Abraham McLaughlin, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor.
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From the Financial Times June 6 2005:

Tony Blair flies to Washington today in a bid to prepare the ground for a successful Group of Eight summit at Gleneagles. He has a tough task ahead. With only a month to go and public pressure mounting, the summit is poised between triumph and disaster.

Mr Blair and Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer, have raised expectations with talk of a summit that will go down in history for tackling climate change and poverty in Africa. The promise of a Live 8 concert to put pressure on the G8 promises to raise public excitement still higher.

Read Editorial comment.
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In his blog from Kampala, Uganda, Peter Quaranto links to an article from June 5 New York Times headlined: "Bush Maintains Opposition to Doubling Aid for Africa." Peter says he hopes to blog a response to President Bush later this week and adds:

"But for now I will just say that I see this is both an abdication of global moral responsibility and perpetuation of the deep injustice of contemporary U.S. policy towards the African sub-continent. This is not to say that aid is the answer to all the crises facing many African nations - far from it actually - but aid can go a long way in helping meet the basic needs of masses of human beings.
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Excerpt from Gulf Times report Mon 6 June, 2005:

LONDON: British Finance Minister Gordon Brown yesterday urged rich, oil-producing countries in the Gulf, which have profited from a recent spike in oil prices, to join a global push to lift Africa out of poverty.

Speaking ahead of a crucial week of negotiations for Prime Minister Tony Blair who is due to meet US President George W Bush in Washington tomorrow as part of a bid to drum up support for a plan to help Africa at a Group of Eight (G8) summit in Scotland next month, Brown pressed the need for urgent action.

"I would like to see the oil-producing states, the countries that have done well out of the rise in oil prices, being willing to make a contribution also to the new development agenda, and particularly to debt relief and to international aid," he told GMTV.

"I've been in touch with the countries concerned asking them to make their contribution too," he said.
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British Prime Minister Tony Blair could stay in power for three more years to help steer the European Union out of the crisis over the EU draft constitution, ally Peter Mandelson said yesterday. Full Story sapa-AFP via Dispatch online 6 June 2005.
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Downing Street is drawing up secret plans to hold a second G8 meeting if the Gleneagles summit fails to deliver for Africa.

Sources close to No10 said Tony Blair is prepared to call an emergency "crisis meeting for Africa", probably in the autumn.

He would use the public goodwill towards tackling poverty following next month's Live8 concerts to bounce reluctant world leaders into returning to Britain for a second summit.

Usually leaders of the leading industrial nations meet once a year. Full Story by Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent Mirror EXCLUSIVE: WE'LL MEET AGAIN 6 June 2005

Cross-posted at Passion of the Present. Tags:

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Uganda, Congo and Khartoum facing war crimes probe

BBC report today confirms the International Criminal Court at The Hague is to launch an inquiry into alleged war crimes in Darfur:

The New York-based Human Rights Watch group said the Sudanese authorities in Khartoum have not taken any meaningful steps to bring to account those responsible for the alleged crimes, the BBC's Geraldine Coughlan at The Hague reports.

The ICC plans other trials later this year against alleged perpetrators of war crimes in two other African nations, Uganda and Congo, a BBC correspondent says.

[Note, the report says two million people have fled Darfur - population is estimated at around 6 - 6.5 million]

Arab League chief tours Darfur - Sudan urges Arabs to support Darfur mission - SPLMs Garang leaves Egypt for Washington

Excerpt from an AFP report at Aljazeera Sunday June 5, 2005:

Mussa, who toured Darfur on Friday and Saturday (two days after Zoellick) and met AU officials there, indicated that the league "fully supports the African Union in its endeavours in Darfur".

He said AU officials briefed him on the situation in the region and informed him that a semblance of calm was returning to certain areas of Darfur, particularly those where there was a visible AU presence.

The Arab League chief returned to Khartoum after touring the Abu Shouk camp for displaced persons near El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state.

"I cannot see any justification for [international] concentration on differences between the Arab and African tribes in Darfur," he commented.

"We reject plans for driving a wedge between these two groups of tribes who are now mingling and intermarrying with each other," Mussa added.
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Sudan urges Arabs to support Darfur mission

Some news reports today are saying Sudan called on Arab countries yesterday to support efforts by the African Union to stabilise the situation in Darfur.

Excerpt from Peninsula On-line: "We express our gratitude to the Arab League for its positive contribution to efforts being exerted for addressing the Darfur crisis," said Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail. "And we are looking forward to a direct Arab support to the African Union and to the AU forces in Darfur," he added at a joint news conference with visiting Arab League secretary general Amr Muss.
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Note, report today says "Sudan says US stance changed".

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Garang to Washington for talks on peace implementation

John Garang, chief of SPLM, left Egypt Saturday for the US wrapping up an official visit.

Spokesman for SPLM said Garang will meet during his visit to the US with officials at the US Department of State and Congressmen for talks on a number of issues related to the implementation of Sudan peace agreement and the reconstruction of areas destroyed by war.

During his visit to Egypt, Garang held talks with President Husni Mubarak on Egypt's leading role to solicit regional and international support for reconstruction efforts in southern Sudan. - via MENA/ST June 4, 2005.

Darfur and G8: Mbeki suggests Western taxpayers donate another GBP 50 million to AU "institutions"

Cape Town June 3 IOL report:

Supporting peace and stability initiatives on the African continent was one of the practical outcomes desired at the forthcoming G8 summit in Scotland, President Thabo Mbeki said on Friday.

"What the operations in Darfur in Sudan have done is to show that the capacity of the peacemaking, peacekeeping institutions of the African Union are not as strong as they should be," Mbeki told delegates attending the World Economic Forum meeting on Friday.

He said the peacekeeping institutions providing soldiers and police have proved to be weak, partly because of their newness.

"So, why then don't we all of us agree, that let us dedicate these sort of resources to the strengthening of the institutions of the African Union that are dedicated to the matter of peace and security on the continent."

Mbeki said this would lessen the sorts of logistical problems currently being experienced in Darfur.

Mbeki said he did not think there would be much debate about this, but Africans needed to say this was one of the outcomes they wanted from the G8 meeting at Gleneagles in July.

"The issue of peace and security and stability on the continent is critical to its development and therefore why don't we generate GBP 50-million ... in order to finance these institutions of the African Union so that they are capable of discharging their duties with regard to peace."

Mbeki cautioned against getting entangled in debate about the best mechanisms, such as the proposed international financing facility. - Sapa

{This is what African leaders are good at, sniffing out and wangling more money from the West to spend on more talk, meetings, fancy cars and travel to administer war, arms, ammunition and fighting. No mention of actual security forces. Seems the only paid jobs in African countries like Sudan are to do with fighting or politics.

Note Mr Mbeki makes no mention of the leadership and governance in Sudan, northern Uganda and DR Congo. Many a post here at Sudan Watch has pointed out the African Union has said over the past year re Darfur that funding shortages is not the cause of the holdup: it is the Khartoum regime holding up the "accommodation" of African Union troops. African politics dictates the speed at which African Union troops are found and deployed to Darfur.

I'd rather trust the UN, EU and NATO to discern whether African Union "institutions" need more hard cash or not.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was perfectly satisfied with the $300 million recently pledged in cash and kind for the AU mission in Darfur.

America's Mr Zoellick is a good accountant keeping a keen eye on what is needed. $4.5 million has been pledged for southern Sudan of which $2 billion is from the US.

Maybe the least hard cash that is given directly to Africa, where leaders and their entourages get their hands on it and into their pockets, the better. African leaders have brought this upon themselves by proving over many decades they are completely untrustworthy.]

Japanese aid group inks oil deal with Sudan - China opposes UN Security Council enlargement with Japan

This sounds interesting. A Japanese company called SIG, established in April by a Japanese NGO, Reliance, which has provided humanitarian support in Sudan since the 1990s said it plans develop oil fields in eastern Sudan and use the profit from oil development to finance humanitarian support in Africa.

Excerpt from an AP report June 5, 2005:

A company established by a Japanese nongovernment organization providing humanitarian support in Sudan has obtained concession rights for oil and natural gas in the African nation, a Japanese newspaper reported Sunday.

Systems International Group, a Tokyo-based medical equipment company, and the Sudan government will formally sign the agreement next Sunday, the Mainichi newspaper reported.

The company, known as SIG, will develop oil fields in eastern Sudan bordering Eritrea and Ethiopia, the region believed to have large oil reserves, the Mainichi said.

The contract is believed to be about $100 million for approximately 25 years, the newspaper said. The company will invest about $8 million by August to set up a joint venture with Sudan.

After a geological survey of about one year, the joint company plans to have a contract with a Japanese trading company to develop oil in Sudan. SIG has already set aside Y500 million, the Mainichi said, quoting company officials as saying.

SIG was established in April by a Japanese NGO, Reliance, which has provided humanitarian support in Sudan since the 1990s.

The company said it plans to use the profit from oil development to finance humanitarian support in Africa.

Nearly 3 people million are displaced inside in the western Darfur region, where they've been driven from their homes by war.

China, which has aggressively sought oil and gas supplies abroad, has already signed contracts with Sudan.
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UN reform: China opposes UN Security Council enlargement with Japan

Note above item, followed by this report by AFP June 3 via China Daily:

China would block any move to give Japan, India, Brazil and Germany permanent seats in an enlarged UN Security Council, China's UN ambassador Wang Guangya said.

"This is a dangerous move and certainly China will oppose it," Wang told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York.

"It will split the house and destroy the unity and also derail the whole process of discussion on big UN reforms," Wang said.

China has opposed Japan being granted permanent status on the Security Council, demanding it first correct its attitude to its wartime history. Tensions between the two countries have risen in recent months.

Brazil, Germany, India and Japan have formed a group, called G4, to lobby for permanent seats on the Security Council.

It has circulated a draft resolution, which could be voted on at the UN General Assembly in September, proposing a 25-member Security Council, 10 more than now, with six new permanent members.

Wang said China leaned toward a rival plan, proposed by Italy, Mexico and Pakistan, to enlarge the Security Council to 25 members, but without additional veto-weilding permanent members.

"We see many good points in their formula because this will expand the Security Council and this will give certain members who they believe are important a longer term," he said.

In the Italy-Mexico-Pakistan plan, some non-permanent members could be re-elected at the end of their two-year stints on the Security Council, unlike the current practice.

The G4 nations plan to put their motion to the General Assembly if they are certain they will get the support of two thirds of the 191 UN members so that it will be passed.

The text does not say which countries should become permanent members but proposes two for Asia, two for Africa, one for Western Europe and one for Latin America.

Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe would each get one of the new non-permanent seats.

India, Japan, Germany and Brazil say that all of the new permanent members should have the same right to veto a resolution as the current five permanent members: Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. But the United States has opposed extending the veto.

China could not technically block a motion put to the General Assembly but could kill it off later. The change to the Security Council would also require changes to the UN charter. This would have to be passed by the parliaments of two thirds of the UN members, including the five permanent members.

Altering the charter is the fourth stage in the G4 plan. Wang said, "I hope it will not come to the fourth stage."

Japan has made winning a permanent seat on the Security Council a top goal of its foreign policy. But China says Japan has not atoned enough for the past to deserve a seat.

China has strongly attacked Japan recently over Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's annual pilgrimage to a shrine that honors Japanese war dead, including 14 war criminals.

China has called Koizumi's visits to the Yasukuni shrine the biggest obstacle in bilateral relations. Amidst angry exchanges between the two countries over the shrine, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi last week canceled a meeting with Koizumi in Tokyo. The shrine honors 2.5 million Japanese war dead.

Koizumi has defended his visits, saying the pilgrimage is a Japanese way to honor the dead. On Thursday, he again demanded that other countries not "interfere" and signalled he was ready to go again.
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Russia to train pilots for UN mission in Sudan

The Russian Defense Ministry has decided to send a helicopter squad to Sudan to train pilots and aviation engineers for the UN mission in the African country, a ministry source said Saturday.

Russia will send four Mi-24 helicopters and 100 to 110 pilots and other aviation personnel to Sudan by October, the Interfax news agency reported, citing the defense ministry source.

The ministry source said a similar helicopter squad is completing its work in Sierra Leone and will leave the country in September. (Xinhua) June 4, 2005 via SudanTribune.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Red Cross airlifts food aid to Darfur refugees

The Red Cross said today it had begun airlifting food supplies to refugees in Darfur, saying a rising number of attacks on aid convoys made it too risky to move the food by road.

A chartered Russian plane had left Khartoum early today carrying the first shipment of a planned 4,000 tons of food aid.

The Red Cross plans to operate 12 flights a week for the next two months to Nyala and El-Fasher, Darfur's main centres.

From there, the supplies of sorghum, lentils and cooking oil will be trucked into rural Darfur where whole communities are in need of humanitarian assistance, the Red Cross said.

In a statement, the Red Cross said the airlift had been prompted by dwindling food supplies and the growing number of people dependent on food aid.

"This situation is underscored by increasing insecurity on the roads from Khartoum to Darfur where attacks on aid convoys are on the increase," the group said. Full Story at Ireland On-Line June 4, 2005.

Thanks for nothing Clare Short: Most Britons think African aid is wasted: poll

Right now, my heart goes out to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and those on the UK's Commission for Africa. Trying to help Africa must seem like climbing the sheer face of the Eiger with a sack of rocks on your back. Africa sure is a lot of teeth gritting hard work for a great many people.

Why do we even care work so hard for Africa? If the situation were reversed, they wouldn't life a finger for us. They resent us and hark back to hundreds of years ago, blaming anyone else but themselves. If they go back any further looking for excuses, they may as well start blaming the Vikings. They come across as not appreciating help they get from the West. In fact they make clear their resentment at being told to get their house in order when it comes to corruption and spending their wealth on wars. This, I believe, is why many people in the West could be starting to tire of the decades of effort and billions of dollars that have gone into helping Africa.

It's not a matter of us doing it out of the goodness of our hearts. Or thinking we need to tell them what to do for their own good. It is in the whole world's interest that Africa - like an unruly, costly neighbour - sorts itself once and for all. We won't put up with it any longer. Africa has had plenty of time and opportunities.

Many people in the West must be sick of hearing about poverty in Africa while nothing much changes. Take Live Aid and Ethiopia 20 years ago as an example. Since that time, Asian countries like Singapore have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and worked extremely hard to make a living and fit in with the rest of the world. Millions of Africans leave Africa and come to the West to get an education and work but don't return home, leaving millions of Africans living in the dark ages without an education to pass on or the means to feed and raise healthy families. Now, we hear how many Africans and their fat cat leaders are sick of hearing the West portraying them as poor and in need. Today, I feel like telling them all where to get off and asking them why they think we should care.

The next post here below features a report that quotes the head of the African Union as saying that in 27 years time, the population of Africa will double. At least they are getting down to the maths. If Africa is not educated and sorted out by then it may become unmanageable.

Maybe the time has come for Africans and Arabs to get off their lazy irresponsible backsides and start convincing us here in the West why sending billions of hard earned taxpayers' money to Africa and risking the lives of international aid workers is worthwhile.

Maybe they ought to explain why we should care when they allow Africa's wealth to be spent on creating wars and destruction to maintain a handful of corrupt thugs who are adept at suppressing and culling millions of human beings. I include the word Arabs here because the regime in Khartoum are Arab and their militia are Arab [why Sudan is classed as an African and not Arab country is beyond me - it falls under the Arab League and African Union. The Sudan has been colonised by the Arabs for a long time. Surely it has an identity crisis. Maybe southern Sudan will have to break away from Arab Sudan]:

Here is a copy of an Agence France-Presse report from London June 4, 2005 via

The vast majority of Britons believe that sending billions of dollars in aid to Africa would be a waste of money at a time when their government is proposing such a plan, a poll showed Saturday.

The YouGov survey conducted for The Daily Telegraph newspaper showed that 83 percent of those questioned lacked confidence that additional aid would be well spent.

Some 79 percent of respondents thought African governments were responsible for their continent's plight, while 51 percent cited civil wars as a factor which had contributed to the problems of Africa.

The poll was conducted as Prime Minister Tony Blair tries to secure US support for his government's plan to ease poverty in Africa he wants to present at the G8 summit of leading industrial nations in Scotland next month.

Washington has been lukewarm to Blair's proposals calling for doubling aid with an extra 25 billion dollars (20 billion euros) annually until 2010 and then, following a review, an extra 50 billion dollars per year.

The G8 groups Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States.
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Blair calls for action on crises in Africa

Following report source: Money Correspondent:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair - bedeviled by Iraq and in search of a more positive legacy - departed Ethiopia late Thursday after calling for a concerted international action to finally address the crises afflicting Africa, the only continent to have grown poorer over the last 40 years.

Britain is preparing to use its upcoming chairmanship of the G-8 group of industrialized nations to spearhead the effort, and at a conference to discuss African's future, Blair pressed the international community to raise $150 million to help those caught up in violence in Sudan's Darfur region.

Blair also said Britain plans to train 20,000 African peacekeepers over the next five years to boost the continent's ability to respond to conflicts like that in Darfur - where pro-government Arab militia have been raiding African villages, killings tens of thousands and pushing more than one million from their homes.

The British prime minister was in Ethiopia to chair a meeting of his Africa Commission, which he says will spell out what Africa needs to develop and explain what has held it back. The commission's findings are expected in time for Britain's G-8 presidency and the leadership of the European Union later in 2005.

"Next year will be the year of decision for Africa and the international community," Blair told the commission, whose members include Band Aid star Bob Geldof, Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. "The time for excuses will be over."

But Blair acknowledged that Africa likely will still need outside help.

"There will be times when Africa cannot stop a conflict on its own," he said, suggesting a EU rapid-reaction force being set up could respond to a crisis in Africa if African peacekeepers fail to stem future problems. The EU force could be on the ground and ready to go in 10 days, he said.

Slashing farm subsidies

Troops may help provide peace, but prosperity will depend on the United States and Europe giving Africans the chance to earn their way out of poverty and slashing farm subsidies would be a good start, experts said.

Western countries spend about $1 billion a day supporting their farmers, subsidies that African countries argue undercut the competitive advantage of one of their main revenue sources and effectively cut them out of markets they could dominate.

Gikanga Hezron of Heinrich Boll Foundation, a German-based political group, said Blair must lead by opening up the lucrative British market to African farmers.

The subsidies "are very serious as they threaten the livelihoods of millions of African producers. If they are stopped, the lives of millions of Africans would change dramatically," African Union Commission Chairman Alpha Oumar Konare said through a spokesman.

Africa's population will double in 27 years

Even if "its debt is canceled and foreign aid is doubled, Africa would still be far from approaching the $67 billion dollars it needs annually to develop," Konare said.

In 27 years, Africa's population will double, which could be an opportunity if the continent prospers - but could pose a risk to the entire planet if poverty persists, he added.

Blair expressed the same concerns.

"We know that poverty and instability leads to weak states which can become havens for terrorists and other criminals," Blair said. "Even before 9/11, al-Qaida had bases in Africa. ... They still do, hiding in places where they can go undisturbed by weak governments."

In the past 50 years, 186 coups and 26 major wars have killed more than seven million people and cost Africa $250 billion. Half a dozen African nations are still troubled by serious conflicts, the United Nations says.

African countries are also saddled with $305 billion in debts, and their products account for barely two percent of world trade. Investment in the continent has shrunk to $11 billion a year.

HIV complicates efforts to spur economic growth and development in Africa. More than 26 million Africans are infected with HIV and an estimated 15 million have died from AIDS, including many people from the continent's relatively small educated and business class.

"The problems are multiple, we know them all," Blair said. "The difference is this time we have to put together a plan that is comprehensive in its scope and has at its core a real partnership between Africa and the developed world."
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Clare Short uses Darfur and Africa as a political football for own gain

Mathaba.Net News publishes a report today by James Lyons, Press Association Political Correspondent about Clare Short a left wing British MP who resigned her post in the current British Government over the war in Iraq.

Clare Short is known for speaking out loudly and unintelligently against the US and British Government and the war on Iraq. Now, since the run up to the general election last month, she is pushing for the British and other Western governments to wage war on Africa by invading Darfur militarily without a UN resolution.

Ms Short's attitude and behaviour is an embarrassment to this country. Before and after her resignation was accepted, she aimed to bring down democratically elected Tony Blair and used Darfur as a political football with which to kick at him before the general election, even enlisting American lefties who use Darfur as an issue with which to bash Bush.

Note, Ms Short does not care to mention the world's worst/most neglected humanitarian crises in northern Uganda and DR Congo - neighbours of Sudan - where at least four million people have perished. Far worse things are happening in those countries where there is little or no outside help: anarchy, cannibalism, child soldiers and horrific violence, mutiliation and rape is used as a weapon of war. Neither do the cronies who band with Clare Short mention the poor, oppressed the suffering in N Uganda and DRC. Instead, they spring up online and get on the Darfur bandwagon with campaigns to garner support, followers and donations using American style activism that, like cults, indoctrinate people into believing if they took action on this, that and the other they could "make a difference" and change the world or whatever. Rubbish. Bah. Puke.

Look beneath the surface of what these people portray and you will find they are seeking opportunites to further themselves through their campaigns turning issues into a full time business funded by donations ala Human Rights Watch or International Crisis Group that do very well for themselves thank you very much. I would like to see anyone in the UK who is involved in political or religious campaigning online to make clear what it is they are truly about and what is the real story and motivation behind their "take action NOW" zeal. And when their propaganda infiltrates mainstream media, I want their organisation to be named as religious and/or political campaigning and for whom. Too many people are getting away with spreading propaganda in mainstream media, worldwide and the public seem to be swallowing it.

Take Oxfam for instance. We know when we donate to Oxfam why we are donating and what the money will be used for. When they issue a Press Release or are the source of news in the press, we have a good idea of their motives. But there are websites springing up online that give the impression they are trying to make a difference for "the greater good", when in fact they are using issues to fight political battles and score points maybe (and probably) to gain influence and power for their own self interests. Sort of like Mother Theresa going around the world and taking on the voice of the poor, cap in hand, when really her motive is to create opportunities and a job for herself to make a living and further ambitions through networking, PR and back scratching.

Bear in mind, when reading the following Press Association report, that Clare Short has sour grapes because her resignation was accepted by the Government which resulted in her not being in Cabinet as part of one of the greatest initiatives ever tried by a British Government: namely, to help the world's poorest nations whilst holding presidency of the G8 and European Union. Whether they fail or succeed is a matter of opinion. Blair and Brown have worked on this for several years. At least they have tried their very best, which is more than can be said for the US Government right now, who say that helping Africa any further does not fit their budgetary process. [Oh Yeah buddy, supporting the US through thick and thin over Iraq didn't fit with things here either. Thanks for nothing America]. Here is a copy of the report:

Organiser Bob Geldof wants to highlight the plight of the continent as world leaders meet in Britain at the G8 summit.

But the former International Development Secretary said the "jolly and vacuous" events made her "very queasy".

The original Live Aid, which raised cash, was a success but the aims of the summer shows were simply too vague, she told Channel 4 News.

"To have a big pop concert to say 'let's make the world a better place, let's make poverty history' but you don't have to do anything in particular, I think starts to demean the seriousness of the suffering of those who are extremely poor and oppressed and suffering," she said.

"This general concert, it almost becomes an insult to the reality of the complexity of the needs of Africa, the harm that Europe has done Africa, the struggles of some of the people in the continent for reform from their own oppressive governments.

"Just being so jolly and vacuous like this, I don't know, it doesn't feel right to me. It makes me feel very queasy."

Outspoken Ms Short, who eventually quit the Cabinet over war with Iraq also poured scorn on Tony Blair's efforts.

The Prime Minister has made African development and global warming key priorities at next month's summit.

However, Ms Short predicted that despite "hype and spin" during the build-up little would be achieved.

"We'll get very generalised statements of good intent," she said.

"The thing that I think most glaringly says people don't care about Africa - whatever they say - is the situation in Darfur."

Ms Short is no stranger to controversy. She caused fury while in office by suggesting that the inhabitants of the stricken island of Montserrat were seeking "golden elephants".

After threatening to resign if Britain went to war with Iraq without a second UN resolution she was persuaded to remain in the Cabinet.

She subsequently resigned and quickly became a fierce critic of Mr Blair, repeatedly suggesting he should go.
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Shame on you Becky Tinsley for using Darfur to score political points

Here is a copy of a post I drafted on March 5, 2005 but kept in my drafts folder. It was never published at this blog. I am publishing the draft copy here today for future reference.

If I were a Tory supporter and an article entitled Darfur disgrace ought not to win votes for Tories appeared in today's Scotsman I'd be dismayed at the author and the Scotsman for publishing blatant propaganda. As it is, the piece in the Scotsman is entitled: "Darfur disgrace ought not to win votes for Labour" and is published several weeks before Britain's general election.

Where has Rebecca Tinsley been this past year when the death toll in Darfur was reported as 10,000? Up until recently, I don't recall seeing a single report of hers right through the year when the death toll was reported as almost half Rwandan genocide proportions.

Note how she and the other protestors outside Downing Street kept their demonstration for the last week of the General Election campaign. Tinsley and her do-good friends have orchestrated a political campaign on the backs of Darfurians.

Shame on you Becky Tinsley for using the starving and dead people of Darfur as a political football.

Having said all of that, the Scotsman's so-called "news" report is rubbish anyway. Facts are not straight and perspective is twisted and biased. I am not giving the report any more time of day. I am only mentioning it here as some readers may already have come across the Scotsman report and not realised it is political propaganda.

By the way, if anybody is wondering what happened to the dear old Scotsman: we have a General Election in this country - and (too long to go into details here) the Scotsman appears to be anti Blair. Over the past year the Scotsman has done some great reporting on Darfur - award winning stuff - but notice how they've cooled down - put Darfur lower on their agenda - but during the election campaign given great space to activisits using Darfur for political gain. Shame on the Scotsman too. I've gone right off them for their propaganda.
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P.S. Note Becky Tinsley's site Waging Peace states:

"Waging Peace is a mainstream, progressive, non-partisan political advocacy group, based around the Internet.

At a time when faith in old political structures has collapsed, we aim to influence decision-makers on such matters as war and peace, defending and extending democracy, the environment and human rights.

We also seek to help elect Members of Parliament who share our values."

[Ahem. "We also seek to elect Members of Parliament who share our values". What does that mean? Sounds to me like they are undermining democracy. Seems their game in the run up to the election is to target MP's who were anti the war in Iraq and get votes for them - or something - I don't really recall and cannot be bothered to look into the site again.

I just don't like the look of what Waging Peace are doing. I may be naive, and there many be many more groups like this - but the more stuff that goes on and the more Americanised politics here in Britain become, the more of a turn-off it will be for voters. Political campaign workers scratch their heads wondering why so many people float or do not vote. I think people are getting sick and mistrustful of politics and simply do not care anymore, one way or another because it all turns out the same, no matter which way it goes.
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UN peacekeepers needed for Darfur, northern Uganda and DR Congo says GOAL chief

In a report at today's Guardian, John O'Shea, chief executive of the international aid charity GOAL (great work in the Sudan) raises four ultra important issues: Darfur, DR Congo, northern Uganda - and corruption. Excerpt:

"The fact that Geldof is doing something that brings the third world into focus has to be good. However, you have got to maximise the publicity the involvement of someone like Geldof brings in a very focused way and I think harping on about the same thing is not as effective as it should be."

Like others, he is concerned that the aims of Make Poverty History - more and better aid, dropping the debt burden and easing trade restrictions - do not address the bigger problems facing the continent.

"The two biggest issues are not being addressed. If Geldof was to really maximise the effect of these concerts, and I am sure he wants to, he has got to look at the two things which Africa needs," Mr O'Shea said. "One is an army provided by the UN, a peacekeeping army that will go into Darfur to protect the people, that will go into the Congo to protect the people, that will go into northern Uganda to stop the fighting and protect the people - that is what these concerts should be addressing. There is a fire raging, we need someone to put out the fire, not to hand out chocolate." The other big issue being overlooked, he added, was the corruption of some African regimes.

Friday, June 03, 2005

European Commission allocates EUR 12 million to victims of the Darfur conflict who have fled to Chad - EUR 400 million awaiting South and North Sudan

The European Commission makes the following announcement today on its allocation of EUR 12 million to victims of the Darfur conflict who have fled to Chad.

[Note the break down, listed below, re EUR 400 million donation for South and North Sudan. Since southern Sudan appears to be in desperate need of funding and the violence in Darfur has, especially compared to this time last year, greatly reduced, it looks like EUR 50 milliion will soon be released and split evenly between South and North Sudan.]

The EC has released 12 million euros in humanitarian aid for the victims of the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan, to alleviate the consequences of the population movements affecting Chad.

This aid is to cover the immediate needs of the refugees, the host population and returnees. It will be channelled through the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), under the responsibility of Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid.

Since the beginning of the crisis in February 2003, the political and humanitarian situation in Darfur has brought massive population displacements that have not been confined to Sudan. In 2004, fighting and attacks on civilians in Darfur drove a large number of Sudanese refugees into Chad. There are currently more than 213 000 Sudanese refugees in eleven camps spread around the Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti, Biltine and Ouaddai regions of Chad. Water and agricultural resources are scarce in these three regions, which are quite unsuited to large population influxes.

The decision is intended to provide for the refugees' main needs in areas such as health, water and hygiene, food security, protection of the civilian population, education, shelter and basic necessities like cooking equipment, blankets and so forth. The decision also covers the most pressing needs of the host population directly affected by this influx.

The situation in Darfur and the scale of the humanitarian crisis are such that there is no prospect of a swift return to Sudan for the refugees. Current events in Sudan mean that there may yet be further waves of refugees.

The European Commission has donated a total of EUR 213 million to the region since the beginning of the Darfur crisis, including aid to Sudanese refugees in Chad. EUR 86 million has been channelled via ECHO, of which EUR 72 million was for Darfur and EUR 14 million for Chad.

For further information see:

Given conditions in the country, this cooperation strategy must also respond to basic needs at the local level.
The cooperation-strategy paper sets out a framework for the EU's contribution to Sudan, corresponding to an indicative amount of EUR 400 million, broken down as follows:

EUR 127.5 million: 9th European Development Fund - allocation for new programmes;
EUR 191 million: transfer to cover lost revenue from farm exports. These funds will be allocated to food security operations;
EUR 16.5 million: programmes already decided but still to be implemented;
EUR 43 million: 9th European Development Fund - contingencies, notably humanitarian needs;
EUR 5-10 million annually: indicative budget allocations (not including humanitarian assistance).

The response strategy adopted by the Commission will focus on two primary sectors: food security and education. It will target in particular the resettlement of displaced persons, with an emphasis on capacity-building for good governance. The strategy may also cover demobilization, disarmament and reintegration operations, including mine clearance, the training of security forces and other actions under Article 11 of the Cotonou Agreement. It also concerns human rights, good governance and the rule of law and provides direct support to the peace process, initiatives to consolidate peace and efforts to strengthen civil society and the healthcare sector.

Immediately following the signing of the strategy paper and of the national indicative programme, the Commission and Sudanese government must study and approve a memorandum of understanding. This will take place in cooperation with the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/government of South Sudan, the goal being to reflect the country's new institutional set-up in the wake of the Naivasha Agreement and the scenario planned for the post-conflict period.

Once the strategy paper has been signed, a EUR 50 million programme will be quickly launched to bring the benefits of peace as rapidly as possible to the North as well as the South (EUR 25 million for each region). The programme's core aim is to organize projects bringing together the country's communities that will be implemented in partnership with local NGOs and non-state actors.

More information: ECHO.
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Zoellick in Darfur to support African Union

America's two billion dollar man is in town.

"This visit is ... to assess the humanitarian and security situation (and) to show support for the African Union mission," a senior State Department official said.

[Maybe that is code speak for dishing out some money. The United States has contributed some two billion dollars for southern Sudan and Mr Zoellick, who is a very experienced accountant, is in charge of guarding that the funds are spent wisely.]

Zoellick held private talks on Darfur with the leaders of Nigeria, Rwanda, Zambia and Uganda

According to the above Reuters report:

Mr Zoellick said he would meet AU and UN officials, tribal leaders and aid workers in Darfur and discuss how to get more food to the region and improve security.

At the beginning of the year, the WFP had predicted the number of people needing food would peak at 2.8 million.

But persistent insecurity has stopped local farmers from planting crops and women are scared to leave their villages for food or firewood because they fear attacks, it says.

"The rural population is becoming more and more food insecure," Jamie Wickens, WFP's associate director of operations, told Reuters. "It's getting to be very serious, a vicious cycle," he said.

As well as meeting Bashir, Zoellick held private talks on Darfur with the leaders of Nigeria, Rwanda, Zambia and Uganda. The first three plus Senegal have agreed to send troops to Darfur as part of an expanded AU peace force.