Thursday, May 11, 2006

AU mediators issue Open Letter to Darfur rebels: May 15 deadline to sign DPA

Darfur mediators defend peace deal after protests, reports Estelle Shirbon for Reuters May 10, 2006. Excerpt:
Six AU mediators issued an open letter on Wednesday to the rebel groups who rejected the [Darfur Peace] agreement, explaining in detail the benefits the deal is designed to bring to them and to the people of Darfur.

"There are so many attempts to misrepresent the agreement," said Sam Ibok, head of the AU mediation team and one of the signatories of the open letter.

After two years of peace talks in Nigeria, only one faction of the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), led by Minni Arcua Minnawi, accepted the settlement drafted by AU mediators.

A rival SLA factional leader, Abdel Wahed Mohammed al-Nur, is still in the Nigerian capital Abuja where he is facing diplomatic pressure to belatedly sign the deal. The deadline for any signatures to be added is May 15.

Nur is weak militarily but the international community is desperate for him to endorse the agreement because he is a member of the Fur tribe, Darfur's largest. Minnawi has more fighters but he is from the smaller Zaghawa ethnic group.

"The open letter is first and foremost aimed at Abdel Wahed (Nur) and his people," said Ibok.

He added that a campaign was being prepared to inform people in Darfur about what the deal offered them. This would include explanatory leaflets in Arabic.

The open letter said some of the suspicions the rebels had expressed about the agreement stemmed from ignorance or misunderstanding of its content.

"At the moment you have nothing. Everything in the agreement is a gain, and if you obtain the support of the people, you can gain still more," said the letter, referring to elections that the agreement says must be held in three years.

"Whoever wins those elections, governs Darfur," the letter said, stressing that this represented an avenue for the rebels to pursue some of the demands that the accord does not meet.

Turning to security arrangements, the mediators wrote that these were the best part of the deal for the rebels. "At long last, there is a clear plan for dealing with the problem of the Janjaweed," the letter said, spelling out a sequenced plan in which the government must disarm the Janjaweed before the rebels are required to lay down their weapons.

"Demilitarised zones are created along humanitarian supply routes and around camps for internally displaced persons, and in buffer zones that separate the forces of the parties," it added.

AU commission chairman urges UN force for Darfur - Six month delay for UN Darfur force

The African Union commission chairman said Wednesday that a large UN peacekeeping force should be deployed quickly in Darfur.

"We need a massive and strong commitment without delay," Konare said. Full report (ST/AP) May 10, 2006.

Note, it will take at least six-months for UN peacekeepers to be on the ground in Darfur, western Sudan.

Darfur's JEM rebels had no intention to agree peace - Pronk

UN SGSR Jan Pronk blogs his account of the run up to the signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement in Abuja. Excerpt:
The JEM, not surprisingly, opted out. I do not think the latter ever had the intention to reach an agreement. Abdul Wahid did. However, he did shy away for peace, because he was afraid to confront his constituency. He kept saying that the agreement did not meet the expectations of his people. No wonder, because he had raised these expectations by making promises he could not keep.

Salim's text was a 'take it, but not leave it' paper. Parties could improve the text, leaving the basic structure intact and provided that they would agree on the amendments.

Abdul Wahid, however, took distance from his negotiators and said that the text was unacceptable. Khalil, the leader of the JEM, did the same, using language that insulted President Obasanjo who was chairing the talks very charmingly, and left.

Not the worst of accords on Darfur (Julie Flint)

Julie Flint, in her latest opinion piece on Darfur (Daily Star May 9, 2006) says the rebel movements have from the beginning suffered from delusions of grandeur (I agree) and their region is "of little or no strategic importance: It has now water and no oil" (sorry to disagree - she is my favourite journalist on Darfur - there does appear to be oil in Darfur, see previous Sudan Watch entries re Darfur oil, listed here below).

The piece explains that even those who have rejected the Darfur Peace Agreement acknowledge that its security provisions are surprisingly good. Excerpt:
The Sudan government must withdraw its forces from many areas it currently occupies, and must disarm the Janjaweed within five months - before the rebels even begin to lay down their guns. Guarantees include an independent advisory team that both Canada and Norway, outspoken critics of the Sudanese government, are keen to head up. The government must downsize the paramilitary Popular Defense Force (PDF) and Border Guards in which Janjaweed have been hidden. The hated PDF must be abolished in three or four years. Thousands of rebels will be integrated into the Sudanese armed forces. Some will even be given command posts.

The agreement's weakest points, from Darfur's viewpoint, are its provisions for power-sharing. At the federal level, the rebel movements have won few concessions and have been refused the third place in the national hierarchy. But they have the fourth - in itself a gigantic step up. The government has won the battle to keep Darfur divided into three states, until a referendum on a single region, and controls 50 percent of state legislatures to the rebels' 30 percent, with 20 percent going to independents - a division that could, in reality, produce an anti-government majority. Critically, however, the movements will control the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority (TDRA) and annual income of hundreds of millions of dollars. It is the TDRA which will be the real power until elections. It will implement the peace agreement, supervise reconstruction and economic development, and help the return and resettlement of the refugees. All the TDRA's commission heads will be the movements' nominees.
Further reading

Jul 12 2004 Oil and Darfur

Dec 4 2004 Oil and Darfur - India signed new pipeline deal - France interested in Uranium and has drilling rights

Dec 20 2004 Rebels attack Darfur oil, Libyans mediate in Abuja, AU probe attack on AU helicopter

Mar 29 2005 Rebels attack villages in South Darfur - Sudanese FM blames SPLM over Darfur, oil

Apr 3 2005 Oil found in South Darfur - Oil issues threaten to derail Sudan hopes for peace

Apr 16 2005 Sudan says oil discovered in impoverished Darfur

Apr 18 2005 New oil field in Darfur expected to produce crude oil by August 2005

Jun 9 2005 Friedhelm Eronat is behind Cliveden Sudan and Darfur oil deal

Jun 10 2005 Friedhelm Eronat and Cliveden Sudan named as buyer of Darfur oil rights

Jun 17 2005 Chinese sign up with Eronat's Cliveden and Canada's Encana to explore oil in Chad

Apr 26 2006 Uranium in Darfur? - Iran 'could share nuclear skills'

EU says Darfur peace deal "big step forward" for Africa - Donors to secure financing for AMIS

European Union support for the African Union would not diminish in the coming months. The EU supports the convening of a donor conference to secure financing of the African Union peace mission in Darfur in accordance with peace agreement..

Sudan's SPLM criticizes performance of the national media

Southern Sudan's SPLM is not happy with the performance of the national media is expressing a single opinion, alone with one party's view and that it does not reflect the policy of the Government of National Unity, Khartoum Monitor reported May 10, 2006.

SPLM spokesman demanded that the media reflect the entire spectrum of opinions: "There is no difference between the media now and the media before the [Comprehensive] peace agreement", he said.

He said the upcoming referendum would be seen as a litmus test of the media as it would require a media that shows concern for political and cultural diversity, and which also acts as a reminder of the new regime: "It is in the interest of the National Congress to highlight the fact that there is a new regime", he explained.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sudan allocates 8 seats in fed parliament to SLA Minnawi

Sudan has reserved eight parliamentary seats for Darfur rebel Sudan Liberation Movement faction of Minni Minawi that signed a peace accord with the Sudanese government on last Friday 5 May in Abuja.

SLA may take the seats as soon as the implementation of the peace agreement starts. According to the signed Darfur peace Agreement, twelve seats in the National Assembly in Khartoum are allocated to the rebel movements. Full report ST/SRS May 10, 2006.

Firepower needed to keep Darfur peace - Blair

Peacekeeping forces in Darfur must have the arms needed to enforce a truce there, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday. AP report May 9, 2006:
A UN Security Council meeting has demanded that rebel groups in Darfur join the peace deal signed last week.

Blair, asked about the deal during his weekly House of Commons question session, said it was crucial that Sudan drop its long-standing opposition to letting the United Nations take control of the force of 7,200 African Union peacekeepers in Darfur.

Sudan has said that the peace deal has largely addressed its objections to that transfer of power.

"Secondly, we have to make sure that in the new force that is deployed we have sufficient firepower that we are able to make sure that any agreement is properly policed," Blair said. "And we are looking at this now, urgently, with particularly the United States of America but other NATO partners to see what more we can do."

"The situation in Sudan is very, very serious indeed, there are thousands of people dying needlessly," he said.

Blair said the troubles in Darfur underlined the need for a standing peacekeeping force for Africa.

"In the end the problem in these situations is not just humanitarian, it’s that unless the opposing sides can be kept apart - and that requires military force - it’s very, very difficult for the humanitarian aid to be effective," he said.
May 11 2006 AFP Firepower needed to keep Darfur peace - Blair

UN calls on Sudan to send food aid to Darfur

The UN humanitarian chief called on Sudan to send food aid to Darfur, saying Tuesday that promised international aid would not reach there in time to stave off imminent shortages, Associated Press reported May 9, 2006, excerpt:
Jan Egeland spoke to reporters in Khartoum after returning from a tour of Darfur that was marred by rioting by refugees during a visit to their camp. The refugees attacked a translator in Egeland's entourage, believing he was with the feared Janjaweed militia, then killed a translator working for African Union peacekeepers.

Egeland warned that Darfur is facing food shortages over the next five months because of the rainy season and that Western donations will take time to reach the region. "This year, donors were too late," he said, adding that some had been unaware of the problems raised by the rainy season, when

"I have come with a strong appeal to the govenment" to provide food aid from its strategic stocks to get through "this crucial hunger gap." He said some 40,000 tons a month were needed. (ST/AP)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Interview with SLM leader Abdelwahid Muhammad Nur

Asharq Alawsat Newspaper interview with Leader of the SLM Abdelwahid Muhamed El Nur May 9, 2006 by Aidroos Abdelaziz, excerpt:
Abdelwahid Muhammad Nur, leader and founder of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLA), has launched a scathing attack on "the peace agreement in Darfur," which the Sudanese Government and the wing which split from the SLA, led by Mini Arkoi Minawi, signed in Abuja last Friday. He said the agreement does not fulfill even 1 percent of the aspirations of the Sudanese people in Darfur.

Nur told Asharq al-Awsat that he will "absolutely" not sign this agreement unless radical changes are introduced into it. He, however, stressed that he is for peace and is committed to the two cease-fire agreements signed in Abuja and N'djamena. He said he will not carry arms against anyone, but he will not stop his peaceful struggle.
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Photo: Darfur rebel group SLM leader Abdelwahid Muhammad Nur

May 9 2006 Sudan Tribune Darfur main rebel faction may reject the signed accord - In an Arabic language letter addressed to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan by the political advisor and Foreign Secretary of the rebel group, Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim, the SLM said today that the signing of its leader on the document of Darfur Peace agreement was done under unusual conditions.

South Darfur: UN evacuates Kalma Camp, after attack

UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland, aid workers and journalists were forced to evacuate a refugee camp in Darfur on Monday May 8 after a demonstration spun out of control and an aid worker was attacked.

The melee at the Kalma Camp in South Darfur occurred after thousands of Darfuris were protesting to demand international troops be posted there to protect them. Full report Reuters May 8, 2006.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Rest break. Back soon.

Sudan news updates at POTP and CFD and Sudan Tribune.

Darfur peace talks Abuja May 2006

Photo: Amani Bashir, left, and Taiba Mohamed both of the main rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), at a peace talks meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, Friday, May 5 2006. Sudan's government and the main Darfur rebel group signed a peace plan Friday, marking major progress in an internationally backed effort to end the death and destruction in western Sudan. (AP Photo/George Osodi)
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Thursday 4 May Abuja Talks: No Progress Yet

Yup, unfortunately there's nothing new. Seems like this is going to end up where it started and probably even worse. The rebels are still begging and pleading to America oh great America for help. They want what most hungry people want... more, more & MORE! Unsatisfied with the conditions, they still refuse to sign the draft and want changes made. What's nicer to know is that it seems all along they were unhappy with the talks (that's right for the past 2 years) and actually wanted them to be mediated by the UN or US instead of AU.

I thought the rebels actually cared about their people and would have signed imediately. Apparently they don't. Their hatred for the Khartoum government is intense and is not going away anytime soon. They're intent on giving them a real headache.

The rebels don't want to compromise as the Khartoum government already has by offering to sign. The rebels want to be stubborn... stubborn at the expense of the lives of their own people.

Hi, I'm mister rebel... I'm hungry... Khartoum government don't give me money... I want food... They don't give... Waa... I tink I betta start war... Kill kill kill... people pay attention and then I take power...

1- Khartoum government must seriously come up with a long term plan for the development of the impoverished regions in Sudan or else this is going to continue to happen.

2- The rebels must stop pretending they're fighting against the Khartoum government for the cause of their people. They're only fighting for themselves.



Aaaah Finally! This is truly a happy day for me and many other people. The main and most powerful rebel group has agreed together with the Khartoum government on a Darfur peace deal. This could not have happened if it wasn't for the efforts on all sides and the compromises that the Khartoum government made. Only 2 small rebel groups haven't signed yet but nevertheless a peace can now be easily secured and things can go back to normal.

But wait... normal? This whole thing started because the rebels weren't happy with the "normal" conditions. The whole region was and still is impoverished. Now is the time to seriously pump money into the Darfur region and develop it. I just hope those rebels who will take up powerful positions won't end up being corrupted as many officials already are in the Khartoum government. They better have an honest heart and build a tiny well equipped hospital for a start.

Regardless though, I'm very happy now and satisfied. Time to start thinking about the eastern rebels immediately ;)

Sunday May 7 Sudan Welcomes UN Peacekeepers

So now after the Darfur peace deal has been signed, the government of Sudan is now welcoming the UN peacekeepers in Darfur. Seems like things are moving smoothly... so far that is. The burden will now be on the UN's shoulders mostly so let's hope they do a good job. ...

[Thanks Drima! See Sudan Watch Sunday May 7, 2006: Khartoum re-iterates its refusal for dispatch of international troops to Darfur, western Sudan]
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Darfur peace talks Abuja May 2006

Photo: Ahmed Asamani, head of the Sudanese Fulani tribe attends the peace talks meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, Friday, May 5, 2006. Sudan's government and the main Darfur rebel group signed a peace plan Friday, marking major progress in an internationally backed effort to end the death and destruction in western Sudan. Two rebel groups, though, rejected the accord backed by the African Union, United States, Britain, the European Union and the Arab League and skipped the signing ceremony in a hall at a Nigerian presidential villa. (AP Photo/George Osodi)

Protests greet UN's Egeland in Darfur, before Gereida visit

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs was greeted by protesters on Sunday as he arrived in Nyala, the largest city in southern Darfur, to assess the humanitarian crisis in the region, CNN Senior Correspondent Nic Robertson reported today:
As Jan Egeland stepped off his plane, several dozen protesters chanted and waved banners saying "No to international interference," an apparent reference to a proposal to send U.N. peacekeepers to Darfur to calm the violence that has killed 180,000 people and displaced 2 million others.

Saturday, a spokesman for the Sudanese government suggested that Sudan would welcome U.N. peacekeepers, but a foreign ministry spokesman told Reuters on Sunday that the government had not yet decided whether to allow the so-called "blue helmets" into the region.
Further reading

May 7 2006 BBC report UN's aid chief heads for Darfur: Mr Egeland says access for aid workers is at its worst for two years. He is expected to travel to the town of Gereida which is held by the rebel group which signed the peace deal and have talks with local leaders and visit refugee camps before heading to Khartoum on Monday for meetings with Sudanese officials.

May 7 2006 IRIN report UN humanitarian chief visits strife-torn Darfur: Humanitarian workers had last week expressed fears that Gereida, which provides refuge to an estimated 90,000 displaced persons, might come under siege following a series of attacks on rebel-controlled villages in South Darfur. Leaders in displaced communities said more than 300 villages around Gereida have been abandoned because of the threat of attack since November 2005. Excerpt:
According to United Nations sources, on 24 April, the Sudanese government used an Antonov plane and two helicopter gunships to attack the rebel-controlled village of Joghana, southeast of Gereida, which displaced an additional 25,000 people. Earlier, on 16 April, government forces attacked and retook the rebel-controlled town of Donkey Dreisa, 50 km north of Gereida. On 21 April, Janjawid militia and government forces jointly attacked Dito town, 25km northeast of Gereida. The attacks have exacerbated the already dire situation for many civilians across Darfur.

Interfactional skirmishes have also complicated the situation. Fighting between two SLA factions escalated near Shangil Tobayi and Tawilla in North Darfur during the second half of April, displacing thousands.
Mar 2 2006 Gereida, South Darfur - "I know how many women and children have been killed. That is ethnic cleansing, and it should stop," UN envoy Pronk declared

Mar 11 2006 AU calls for SLA to withdraw from Gereida, South Darfur - JEM rebels say 27 killed by gov't, Janjaweed in Gereida area

Mar 16 2006 Sudanese air force bombed villages of Donkey Dreisa and Omgonya in South Darfur last month?

Apr 3 2006 Sudan Watch: What's going on in Janana, S Darfur? 60 villages attacked by Janjaweed while Khartoum "safeguards" Norwegians from being in Sudan for next 2 weeks?

Apr 28 2006 AU confirms Sudan gov't bombing of Joghana, S Darfur - In 3 months, 200,000 people forced to flee, says UNICEF

May 3 2006 Sudan's SLA rebel attacks on aid workers in North Darfur breaks international humanitarian law

Darfur peace talks Abuja May 2006

Photo: Leader of the Sudanese delegation Mazjoud el-Khalifa (R) exchanges the African Union (AU) draft peace agreement for Darfur with Minni Minawi, leader of the Sudanese Liberation Army rebel faction in Abuja. The AU promised to continue international efforts to bring lasting peace to Sudan's western Darfur region despite the refusal of a rebel group and a faction of another to sign a United Nations-sponsored agreement. (AFP/Wole Emmanuel)

Khartoum re-iterates its refusal for dispatch of international troops to Darfur, western Sudan

After noting here late last night that U.S. hails Sudan's willingness to accept UN force in Darfur we awoke this morning to find a second report that gives some credence to an earlier one by Kuwait News Agency (see below):

Report from Cairo (Reuters) by Mohammed Abbas May 7, 2006 via today's Scotsman - Sudan says undecided about UN peacekeepers in Darfur:
Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim [official spokesman of Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs] told Reuters media reports saying Sudan would welcome UN peacekeepers were untrue.

"This is not accurate. I don't know who made this statement. ... It has to come after an assessment by the Sudan government. If the need arises then Sudan may decide to do so. Otherwise no one has the right to impose foreign forces on Sudan," he said.

"The situation is, after the signing of the peace accord, Sudan may look into any proposals to helping prevent tragedy," Ibrahim said.

"In this context if there is any possibility for U.N. forces to replace the African forces already in Darfur, this is the decision of Sudan and it is not going to be imposed on Sudan."

He gave no timeline for possible troop replacement. Sudan has also refused to allow a U.N. planning team into the country to assess needs on the ground..
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Report by Kuwait News Agency - Khartoum re-iterates its refusal for dispatch of international troops to Darfur - May 6, 2006:
The Sudanese government on Saturday re-iterated its refusal for the dispatch of international troops to the Darfur region without its consent.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Jamal Mohammad Ibrahim told reporters that the government alone has the right to evaluate whether the Darfur region is in need for other troops besides the current African Union troops.

He asserted that no party has the right to dispatch troops to Darfur without consent of the government, reiterating the government's adherence to the regional and international organizations particularly the decision of the African peace and security council which set September 30 as a final date for ending the African Union's mission in Darfur.

On the other hand, the Sudanese government announced that the government of the Netherlands has officially expressed its willingness to finance the Darfur Fund following the signing of the peace deal last night in Abuja.
UPDATE: May 7 2006 Sudan Tribune Sudan says no foreign troops without its consent - "The government will assess whether or not it will need the assistance of foreign troops and it may decide to ask for a UN deployment," foreign ministry spokesman Jamal Ibrahim said. "But such a decision is the prerogative of the government ... What is sure is that no foreign forces will come to Sudan without the consent of the government."

Related reports

May 6 2006 UN troops all clear for Darfur - Sudan welcomes UN peacekeepers in Darfur after Agreement

May 6 2006 Government of Sudan vows to show its commitment to full implementation of peace package

May 6 2006 UN Sudan Mission welcomes deal between govt, key rebel faction

May 7 2006 Sudan will welcome UN Peacekeepers in Darfur

Saturday, May 06, 2006

AU mediators say door still open until mid-May for SLM and JEM to get on board Darfur deal

The African Union has promised to continue international efforts to bring lasting peace to Darfur despite the refusal of a rebel group and a faction of another to sign a UN-sponsored agreement, Sudan Tribune reported May 7, 2006 - excerpt:
"Our hope is to have everybody on board. The AU and the international community will continue the efforts to have a deal where every single movement (rebel group) will be in," AU spokesman Nouredine Mezni said.

"The door is still open till mid-May to have the others on board. It is the AU Peace and Security Council that will decide the matter," he said.

The council is expected to meet on May 15, but Mezni did not disclose the venue.

JEM spokesman Ahmed Hussain said "all options are still open. What I can say for now is that we are committed to our people and we are standing with them."

Nouri Abdallahi of the al-Nur SLM faction also said his group was still open to negotiations, but added that delegates would start leaving for home Saturday.

US hails Sudan's willingness to accept UN force in Darfur

Citing comments by Sudanese government representatives indicating they were now willing to accept the UN force, US Ambassador John Bolton said: "we view this as a very encouraging sign, the first positive outcome from the Abuja peace agreement." Full report Sudan Tribune May 7, 2006.

May 7 2006 Blogger News Network Sudan will welcome UN Peacekeepers in Darfur

Egypt welcomes Darfur peace accord - Egypt ready to contribute to peackeeping efforts in Darfur

Egypt on Saturday welcomed the Darfur peace agreement that was signed between the Khartoum government and a main rebel faction in Sudan's western region of Darfur, the official MENA news agency reported.

Egyptian presidential statement expressed full support for the document which is expected to bring an end to three years of conflict, and called on all parties to the Darfur conflict to sign the agreement and abide by its terms.

"Egypt will continue offering humanitarian assistance to the battered Darfur and be ready to contribute to peacekeeping efforts in the area," said the statement. - Xinhua report May 6, 2006.

AU Darfur mediator hails Libyan leader Col Gaddafi

Excerpt from Ljbc report May 3, 2006. Note, the date of the report. I am including it here today because Libyan leader Col Gaddafi deserves credit for all he has done over the past two years to date to help broker peace for Darfur and open up routes for emergency aid into Darfur.
The African Union mediator at Abuja negotiations on Darfur, Salem Ahmed Salem, underlined the importance of Libya's role at Abuja talks to find a solution to the negotiations between the Sudanese government and the two movements, SLM and JEM.

The African mediator, commended the Leader's prominent role for the sake of establishing peace, security and stability, saluting the leader's tireless efforts to solve the problem of Darfur region within the African framework.
Libya, Sudan leaders in Khartoum

Photo (Mar 26, 2006) Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi (L) is welcomed by Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir upon his arrival in Khartoum. Kadhafi arrived in the Sudanese capital to participate in the two-day annual summit of Arab leaders.(AFP/Suna)

UN Sudan Mission welcomes deal between govt, key rebel faction

The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) on Saturday welcomed the signing of a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and a main rebel faction over the conflict in Sudan's western Darfur region.

UNMIS spokesman Bahaa Elkoussy told Xinhua that the peace agreement signed on Friday by the Sudanese government and a key faction inside the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Minni Arkou Minawi, was "a big transformation."

"We hope that this big transformation will have positive impacts on the security and humanitarian situations in Darfur," Elkoussy said.

The spokesman added that disarmament of the militias and the rebel armed forces would facilitate the activities of the United Nations and other international organisations in Darfur. Xinhua May 6, 2006.

Government of Sudan vows to show its commitment to full implementation of peace package

Upon concluding the agreement, the leader of the Sudanese government delegation, Magzhoub Al-Khalifa, said:
'Peace in Darfur and in Sudan begins from this Abuja agreement. We as government will take responsibility and show commitment to the full implementation of the peace package.'

'There will no longer be any incidence of ceasefire violations as we will ensure that it does not happen from this moment onward,' he vowed.
See full report "World hails Darfur peace deal as first step to peace" Deutsche Presse-Agentur May 6, 2006.

Note, the report says Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo conceded that the AU peace document may not be satisfactory to all those involved, saying the government of Sudan will likely 'complain, but they will not derail in the implementation.'

Canada congratulates parties to Darfur Peace Agreement

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay today applauded the Government of Sudan and members of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) represented by Minni Arkou Minawi for signing the Darfur Peace Agreement in Abuja, Nigeria, at the peace talks led by the African Union (AU). He also welcomed the decision by a substantial number of members of the SLM/Abdul Wahid negotiating team to abide by the terms of the agreement, even though the movement itself has not yet signed.

Since September 2004, Canada has contributed a total of $218 million in support of diplomatic, humanitarian and African Union-led efforts to end the violence and bring peace to the people of Darfur. Canada remains a top contributor to the African Union Mission in Sudan, having provided 25 helicopters, two aircraft, 105 armoured personnel carriers and related equipment, as well as civilian police and military expertise. Full report Foreign Affairs Canada, May 5 2006 via Judeoscope.

EU welcomes signing of Darfur peace pact - EU's support to the African Union "will not waver over coming months"

From Xinhua Brussels May 5, 2006:

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana extended here on Friday his welcome to the signing in Abuja of the long-awaited peace agreement on Darfur, urging those who have not signed to reconsider their positions.

"This is most certainly a major development for Darfur, for Sudan and for the entire African continent," said Solana in a written statement.

Solana appealed to all the parties present in Abuja to implement this agreement immediately and in full and to" do so resolutely and sincerely. "

"The violence in Darfur must stop. Security must now be restored so that the displaced persons and refugees can return home," he added.

He also appealed to those who have not signed in Abuja to reconsider their positions, for the sake of the peace process.

"The European Union welcomes the action of the African Union both in Abuja, with the mediation of Mr Salim Ahmed Salim, and in the field, in Darfur," he said.

"The European Union's support to the African Union will not waver over the coming months, which will be fundamental to the implementation of the peace agreement and therefore to the return to stability," he added.
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Solana expresses support to peace efforts in Darfur

Kuwait News Agency May 6, 2006:

European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana underscored in a phone conversation with president of the African Union Alfa Konari on Thursday the European Union's support of the African Union's peace efforts in Darfur.

Solana emphasized EU's blessings for a lasting peace agreement among all fighting parties in Darfur, according to a statement issued by Solana's office which indicated that he was in constant contact with all parties of the conflict in the embattled Sudanese province.

Britain welcomes Darfur peace deal - UK will play its full part in helping to turn "historic" Agreement into peace

From the Press Association May 6, 2006:

Britain has welcomed a peace deal aimed at ending three years of conflict in the Sudan.

International Development Secretary Hilary Benn welcomed the "historic" agreement.

Mr Benn announced an additional GBP 9m (USD 17m) to the United Nations' common humanitarian fund for Sudan, on top of GBP 40m (USD 75m) already committed.

"This is a very significant agreement which means that the process of bringing peace to Darfur can now begin," he said.

"This is the first step towards ending the truly terrible suffering of the people of Darfur, so many of whom have lost their lives, and with a further two million people forced from their homes.

"The real challenge now is to turn the agreement into peace and a better life for the people of Darfur. The UK will play its full part in helping to make this happen."
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May 6 2006 BBC UK welcomes peace deal in Sudan - "This is the first step towards ending the truly terrible suffering of the people of Darfur. The real challenge now is to turn the agreement into peace and a better life for the people of Darfur" - Hilary Benn, UK International development secretary.
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Irish government welcomes Darfur peace deal

Irish Independent, Ireland - May 5, 2006 - The Government has welcomed the new peace deal aimed at ending the conflict in Darfur.

Bush thanks African leaders for Sudan work - in a call from Air Force One

(05-06) 08:19 PDT ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE, (AP) -

US President GW Bush aboard Air Force One

Photo: US President George Bush speaks to Nigeria's President Olusegun Obasanjo, regarding the recent progress towards peace in Darfur, while on board an Air Force One May 6, 2006. (Reuters)

President Bush thanked two African leaders on Saturday for their role in helping negotiate a peace pact to end the violent conflict in Sudan's Darfur region.

Bush called Olusegun Obasanjo, the Nigerian president who hosted the long talks on Darfur, and Denis Sassou-Nguesso, the president of the Republic of Congo and current head of the 53-nation African Union.

Bush, who made the calls from Air Force One while flying to Oklahoma for a university commencement address, told Obasanjo that "we need to work together to transition this to the United Nations," White House spokesman Dana Perino told reporters.

U.N. troops all clear for Darfur - Sudan welcomes U.N. peacekeepers in Darfur after Agreement

CNN report Saturday, May 6, 2006 1449 GMT:

A Sudanese government spokesman has said that United Nations peacekeepers now would be welcome in Darfur after a peace agreement between Khartoum and one of the rebel groups.

Bakri Mulah, secretary-general for external affairs in the Information Ministry, issued the invitation on behalf of the Khartoum government after the agreement was reached Friday in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Sudanese government initially rejected calls for U.N. peacekeepers to replace the thousands of African Union peacekeepers now in Darfur.

"We heard the appeal of the U.N. secretary general (for U.N. peacekeepers to joint those of the African Union)... . Now there is no problem," he said.
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Sudan Welcomes U.N. Peacekeepers in Darfur After Agreement

Associated Press report via Fox Saturday, May 06, 2006:

In Cairo, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa welcomed the agreement and urged the rebel groups that opted out to reverse their decisions.

Moussa, in a statement faxed to The Associated Press, expressed confidence that the agreement would end the violence and open the way for reconstruction and development.

Khartoum had dropped opposition to a U.N. peacekeeping force, citing new conditions created by the peace deal.

"There would be no problem to have the support of the United Nations and other partners, the U.S. and EU, to help in implementation," Mullah told AP.

Mulah said the agreement also would help in repairing relations between Sudan and Chad, strained over the flood of refugees from Darfur.

Beyond that, he told AP, he expected Minnawi, the head of the Sudan Liberation Movement, to play an important role in the peace process as a member the Sudan's national unity government.

Mulah said the agreement was not closed to other rebel groups who had refused to sign.

"The other parties still have a chance to do so, but if they refuse then they will be treated just like the Janjajweed (the anti-rebel militia the government was accused of backing) or any other outlaw factions.

"This is not a government stand, it is that of the international community, the AU, the U.N. and the U.S. They will not tolerate any violation of the agreement, " he warned.

Main points of the Darfur deal

Click here to see the main points covered by the document signed by the Sudanese government and the main rebel faction. Courtesy May 6, 2006 7:55 Makka Time, 4:55 GMT

"Those who don't sign, we will continue to appeal to them" - Obasanjo

Applause and cheers sounded Friday as Sudan's government and the main rebel group signed a peace agreement and then proceeded to initial each of its 85 pages. The hall in a Nigerian presidential villa was filled with traditional leaders in white turbans, fighters in camouflage turbans, diplomats and journalists, AP/ST reported May 6, 2006:
Unless the right spirit, unless the right attitude and right disposition is there, this document isn't worth the paper it is signed on," said Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, a key figure in peacemaking efforts across Africa and host of the protracted Darfur talks. "Those who don't sign, we will continue to appeal to them. The window of opportunity must not be allowed to close."

Alkhalifa and Minnawi

Photo: Majzoub al-Khalifa, (R) head of the Sudanese government's negotiating team, and rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction leader Minni Arcua Minnawi (L) shake hands after signing the deal in the Nigerian capital Abuja May 5, 2006 (Reuters/ST).
Minni Minnawi's rival, Abdel Wahid Nur met with Obasanjo for hours Friday, delaying the signing ceremony, and then briefly went into the hall where the accord was to be signed.

He left, telling reporters the proposed accord was "a big disaster" because he believed it did not go far enough to guarantee disarmament of the Janjaweed militia linked to the atrocities. Nigerian security forces tried to stop Nur from speaking to reporters, then barred reporters who had followed him out from returning to witness the signing.

"The deteriorating situation in Darfur must be addressed urgently, and not put off until if or when a U.N. force may be in place," said Paul Smith-Lomas, who directs the Darfur operations of the British aid group Oxfam.

AU threatens to treat Darfur insurgents as war criminals if peace deal not signed in next 10 days

The African Union threatened on Saturday to treat insurgency movements' leading members refusing to sign the Darfur Peace Agreement as criminals of war if they did not sign the document within the next ten days, Kuwait News Agency reported May 6, 2006 - excerpt:
The African Union President said in statements quoted by the Sudanese daily "Akhbar Al-Youm" that a period of 10 days had been granted to insurgency movements that had not signed the agreement, following which the file would be referred to the African Peace and Security Council and then on to the UN Security Council.

He reaffirmed the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1591 and said that leading members of the armed movements were criminals of war and would be trialed as such.

The Sudanese government and the Leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Meni Arkowi Menawi had signed a peace agreement yesterday in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, which would end the conflict in Darfur.

Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) refused to sign the agreement despite relentless efforts by mediators.

Deliberations are to take place at a later date so as for parties that signed the agreement to set a date for its implementation.

Bush sent letter to Minnawi assuring US support of Darfur peace accord - Ceasefire due in 7 days - US asked Rwanda to add 1,200 peacekeepers to AMIS

AP report at Guardian and Sudan Tribune May 6, 2006 - excerpts:
Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, who helped spur negotiators to agree to stop the killing in Darfur, said Friday the embattled East African country is far from safe even if the peace agreement should take hold.

Zoellick also said the United States had asked Rwanda to send in 1,200 troops to supplement the 7,000 African Union monitors already in place.

Speaking to reporters by telephone from Abuja, Nigeria, where the drawn-out talks ended in Friday's signing, Zoellick said that he hoped for a significant decline in violence.

Nevertheless, he said, Darfur "is going to remain a dangerous place. There is still a lot of distrust and fear."

In response to questions, Zoellick said there were "spoilers still there."

"That is a reality and certainly a danger," he said.

At the same time, Zoellick said, "there is a lot of sense of trying to have a new start for the people of Darfur."

President Bush intervened during the difficult negotiations, sending a letter to the largest rebel group, Minni Minnawi, with assurances that the United States would give strong support to implementation of the peace accord, assist monitoring compliance, hold accountable those who do not cooperate and support a donors' conference for Darfur, Zoellick said.

The deputy secretary said he read the letter to the assembled parties during the night.

A cease-fire is supposed to take effect in seven days, and the government is required within 37 days to complete a plan to move armed militia to restricted areas, remove heavy weapons and for disarmament of the warring groups.

"There will be a push definitely to move forward the U.N. peacekeeping force," he said. However, a rainy season in June will delay the process of reorganizing the African Union forces into U.N. blue berets. Zoellick, having talked with several African leaders, said that there are estimates it would require at least four to six months.

The United States will do whatever it can to help the peacekeepers, Zoellick promised, but he stressed "this was an African event and there is a lot of emotion."

"One of the trials of this whole process is there is a deep legacy of distrust and fear," he said. "One of the things that prolonged the discussions in Abuja month after month is that people were just talking past each other.''

"It was not traditional negotiations," he said.

Further reading

May 6 2006 Reuters Annan pushes Sudan to move fast on UN peacekeepers: Kofi Annan pressed Sudan's government on Friday to quickly let UN planners begin preparing for a peacekeeping mission in Darfur after the signing of a long-delayed peace agreement. "Now is the time for them to allow the assessment mission to go in, for us to move expeditiously, and I do intend to be in touch with the Sudanese authorities precisely on this point," Annan told reporters.

May 5 2006 Reuters US says Rwanda may send in more troops to Darfur: "It's a time to turn from guns and bullets," Zoellick told US-based reporters in a conference call from Abuja, where he helped in marathon negotiations to reach a deal with Sudan's main rebel group and the government. Two smaller groups have not signed it.

May 5 2006 Darfur rebels who refused to sign risk UN sanctions - Breakaway members of Nur faction embraced Minnawi and Khalifa while tribal leaders cheered

May 5 2006 International mediators making efforts to include Darfur rebel factions SLM and JEM in peace deal

May 5 2006 Sudan govt, Minnawi's SLA sign Darfur peace deal - 2 rival factions refused the deal

May 5 2006 SLA's Minnawi accepts amended Darfur deal with some reservations re power sharing

May 5 2006 Reuters Chronology of Darfur conflict, peace efforts

May 5 2006 BBC analysis Who are Sudan's Darfur rebels?

Quote of the Week

"It's a time to turn from guns and bullets."

- US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, May 5, 2006, Abuja, Nigeria.

Minni Arcua Minnawi signs Darfur Peace Agreement

Photo: Rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction leader Minni Arcua Minnawi signs a deal with the Sudanese government in the Nigerian capital Abuja May 5, 2006, after days and nights of intense talks under global pressure. The government of Sudan and the main Darfur rebel faction signed a peace agreement on Friday to end three years of fighting that has killed many thousands of people and forced 2 million to flee their homes. (Photo Reuters/STR)

UNICEF staffer shot and wounded in eastern Chad

An employee of the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF), was shot and wounded. The aid worker was evacuated to the capital, N'Djamena, to receive medical assistance and remained in a serious condition, officials said.

A man dressed in military fatigues jumped down from a pick-up truck and shot the aid worker at close range in the arm on Friday night in the town of Abeche, before making off with her United Nations jeep, officials quoted witnesses as saying.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Annan stresses need for aid to Darfur; decries 'appalling' rights violations there

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan today called on the world community to do more to aid the people of Darfur, saying their human rights have been violated in the most "appalling" way, and describing the situation in that part of Sudan as an "inexcusable tragedy" - May 5, 2006 UN News Centre report excerpt:
"Even in the best-case scenario, the AU will be expected to shoulder this immense challenge for several more months. It deserves the international community's help. The lives of the people of Darfur depend on it."

He also noted the "intensive efforts" going on to help the warring parties in Darfur reach a political agreement to end the violence, saying he still hoped that "within the next day or two" there could be an agreement embracing all parties and calling on each of them to "seize this opportunity...for the sake of their people who have suffered so much."

Darfur rebels who refused to sign risk UN sanctions - Breakaway members of Nur faction embraced Minnawi and Khalifa while tribal leaders cheered

"We are reaffirming that the fighting ends now in Darfur ... We shall go ahead with peace and we shall be serious," [SLA leader] Minnawi said at a signing ceremony at the Nigerian presidential complex.

Two other rebel factions refused to sign, complaining that the document fell short of their basic expectations.

Diplomats said this could pose problems in the implementation phase.

"There will be tests because not all have shown courage and leadership today," said U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick at the signing ceremony.

"Those parties are bound by the cease-fire as all are," he added.


The rebels who refused to sign also risk U.N. sanctions such as travel bans or a freeze on assets.

Diplomats had said all along it was most important to persuade Minnawi to sign as he controls more SLA fighters than Nur, while JEM is marginal in terms of forces on the ground.

Nevertheless, Zoellick, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and other leaders and diplomats tried until the last minute to coax Nur into signing, delaying the ceremony by several hours.

Their efforts failed, but a group of members of Nur's faction who were upset with him for refusing to sign burst into the signing ceremony as it was almost ending and said they wanted to be associated with the peace agreement.


In an emotive moment, the breakaway members of the Nur faction embraced Minnawi, their former rival, and Khalifa, the government chief, while elderly Darfur tribal leaders in traditional robes and turbans cheered and chanted.

Full report Reuters Estelle Shirbon May 5, 2006.

Situation at Darfur peace talks in Abuja "still evolving"

May 6 2006 US Department of State report -- The situation at the Darfur peace talks now under way in Abuja, Nigeria, is "still evolving," but the United States hopes that this will be a "good and hopeful day" for the people of Sudan and Darfur, says U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. Excerpt:

McCormack again cautioned reporters that even if an agreement is reached on paper, there will be a need to implement that agreement, and "that," he stressed, "is going to require as much if not more work on the part of the parties involved and the international community."

"We will be right there," he pledged, "to see that it is implemented, but first we have to get signatures on a piece of paper -- and, at this point, I am not aware that we have that quite yet."

Asked what happens if only one party signs on to the accord, McCormack said: "You continue to move forward. ... If that is in fact the case, you continue working the political process.

"There is no substitute," he stressed, "for a political accommodation -- a political settlement -- in order to ultimately solve the grave humanitarian and security issues that exist there. ... Ultimately, you are not going to solve the issues in Darfur absent that political agreement."

Asked if the P5 (the five permanent representative countries on the U.N. Security Council -- the United States, Britain, China, France and Russia) might be consulted on the issue, McCormack said, "It could very well come up" with regard to the P5, but he said he did not expect the Quartet to take up the issue.

He told reporters that the British government has suggested a possible meeting on Darfur at the United Nations in New York, which he termed a "very interesting idea."

McCormack added, however, that the current U.S. emphasis is on the Abuja talks and "making those work and doing what we can to see that they move forward."

International mediators making efforts to include Darfur rebel factions SLM and JEM in peace deal

Despite massive pressure from international mediators, only the Sudanese government and the main faction of one of the rebel groups - the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) - agreed to sign the deal, Sudan Tribune reported May 5, 2006. Excerpt:
Another SLM faction and the second rebel group - Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) - refused to sign it, but Zoellick said mediators were making efforts to make them change their position.

US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick on Friday said international mediators were trying to get the Abdulwahid al-Nur-led SLM faction to change its hardline position.

"You need to look at the proportions that are represented by the groups. You have the group that has the most significant forces on the ground, Minni Minawi group," he said.

"We are getting contacts with Abdulwahid al-Nur and his people saying they don't want to be left out," he assured.

He said the AU Peace and Security Council would meet on May 15.
- - -

May 5, 2006 BBC report Who are Sudan's Darfur rebels? - excerpt:

The two groups fighting in Sudan's Darfur region - the Justice for Equality Movement (Jem) and the larger Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA/M) - have very different ideological backgrounds.

SLA Secretary-General Minni Arkou Minnawi published a political declaration calling for armed struggle, accusing the government of ignoring Darfur. "The objective of the SLA/M is to create a united democratic Sudan.

JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim Muhammad published The Black Book: Imbalance of Power and Wealth in the Sudan, which accuses Arabs of having a disproportionate representation at the top levels of government and administration.

Although JEM and SLA come from different ideological backgrounds they have managed to co-operate in their fight against the government and the Arab militia, the Janjaweed.

But they have continued to maintain separate identities and this has led to tensions.

JEM still has links to Hassan al-Turabi, which is why it is accused by the government of being involved in an alleged coup plot in Khartoum, which it accuses Mr al-Turabi of masterminding.

Sudan govt, Minnawi's SLA sign Darfur peace deal - 2 rival factions refused the deal

The government of Sudan and the main Darfur rebel faction signed a peace agreement on Friday to end three years of fighting, Reuters Estelle Shirbon reported May 5 2006 18:06 GMT - excerpt:
Majzoub al-Khalifa, head of the government's negotiating team, and rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction leader Minni Arcua Minnawi signed the agreement in the Nigerian capital Abuja after days of intense negotiations and international pressure.

Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo praised the SLA chief for being not only a military commander but a political leader.

"Leadership comes to the fore when hard decisions are to be made," he said to applause from diplomats gathered at Obasanjo's presidential compound.

"Unless the right spirit is there, the right attitude, this document will not be worth the paper it's written on. The spirit that led to the signing should continue to guide the implementation," Obasanjo added.

Both the government and the SLA faction said they were signing the document despite reservations over power sharing and security in order to end the suffering in Darfur.
Note, the report says it was unclear whether the agreement, signed after two years of African Union-mediated talks, will translate into peace on the ground in Darfur. A rival faction of the SLA and the smaller Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) have rejected the deal.- - -

Sudan, main Darfur rebel group seal peace deal

The deal was signed by representatives of Khartoum and the main faction of the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM), led by Minna Minnawi, in the presence of the peace talks host Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and mediators - Sudan Tribune reported May 5, 2006:
But another rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and a smaller faction of the divided SLM refused to sign, saying they would not accept the United Nations-sponsored deal.

But while Minnawi’s SLM faction eventually agreed, the smaller SLM faction and the JEM said the proposal still failed to answer demands that Darfur’s three states be united into a single autonomous region.

Abdelwahid Al-Nur, the leader of the smaller SLM faction, said: "We need the document to be improved upon. We are not going to sign it."

A spokesman for Minnawi, Saifaldin Haroun, said the SLM had accepted the AU proposal with the new changes, "but we need to sit with the other SLM (faction) and the JEM and discuss with them."

"We need to go together or else there is going to be a problem. The areas in which we need changes effected are power sharing and security arrangement," Haroun added.

He thanked the international community for its efforts to salvage the talks, which were mediated by the AU in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

"We cherish the international community and we do not want to lose their support. Our acceptance of the document is the first step to peace," he added.

Despite massive pressure from international mediators, both the SLM groups and the JEM had initially refused to sign the deal, even at the risk of international sanctions.

Zoellick Friday insisted the peace proposal could satisfy the warring parties.

"What this agreement does, it creates an obligation on the government to take the steps many people around the world want them to take in terms of disarming and neutralizing the Janjaweed," he said.

"It also creates an opportunity for the rebel movements to begin (the) integration process. They already have an obligation to ceasefire."

Zoellick said "the agreement creates political opportunities so people will have to decide if they want to be part of it or not."

Sudanese government accepts amended Darfur deal - AU

Reuters Fri May 5, 2006 6:07 AM ET 11:07 AM UK:
The government of Sudan has accepted the amended version of a peace agreement for its western Darfur region, a senior African Union mediator said on Friday.

Asked if the government accepted the deal, the AU official said, "Yes."

Earlier the main rebel faction [SLA] also accepted the agreement but two other rebel factions have rejected it.
Sudan's Janjaweed Militia

Reuters - Estelle Shirbon Fri May 5, 2006 7:01 AM ET 12:01 PM UK:
The government delegation, which had earlier accepted the AU draft, told a meeting of African heads of state and Western diplomats they would also accept the new terms.

"They have great misgivings about the amendments and they say practical problems will arise in the implementation ... but they don's want to give anybody grounds to continue the war," said Sam Ibok, head of the AU mediation team.

Ibok said the government's main misgiving was the integration of rebels into security forces. Khartoum representatives said the numbers of rebels to be absorbed into government security forces were too high.


Mediators clapped and embraced at the end of the session with the government delegation and everyone in the room had a wide smile on their faces despite the all-night marathon talks.

"We are hoping those who are outside the agreements now will not do anything to impede the implementation because if they do there will be a robust response from the AU and the U.N. Security Council," Ibok said.

Earlier a rival faction of the SLA and the smaller Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rejected the deal citing a wide range of objections. AU negotiators said they would bring rival SLA faction leader Abdel Wahed Mohammed al-Nur back to the talks to ask him if he would reconsider and accept the deal. Minnawi has more support among SLA fighters than Nur, observers say, and JEM is marginal in terms of forces on the ground. But it is unclear how useful an agreement signed by only one of the three factions would be. "JEM frankly doesn't matter but Abdel Wahed does.

There are provisions in the agreement for armed groups that are not signatory to be made to observe the agreement," said a Western diplomat, who has been involved in the crafting the blueprint. He said these provisions could offer an avenue to include Nur's faction during the implementation process and he also added there would likely be U.N. sanctions against those who blocked the agreement.


Initial plans were being made for a signing ceremony at 1200 GMT in Abuja, though that was not confirmed and there was some discussion of inviting U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir to witness the signing.
Further reading

May 5 2006 BBC 12:26 PM UK Who are Sudan's Darfur rebels?

May 5 2006 Unfogged Peace Accord in Darfur

SLA's Minnawi accepts amended Darfur deal with some reservations re power sharing

The leader of the largest faction of Darfur rebels agreed on Friday to sign a peace deal with the government despite reservations, African Union mediators said - Reuters Fri May 5, 2006 5:02 AM ET 10:02 AM UK:
"It's done. Minni is going to sign. He has accepted with some reservations ... but he is going to sign," said Noureddine Mezni, a spokesman for the AU of Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) leader Minni Arcua Minnawi.

In a transcript of Friday morning's talks provided to Reuters by the AU, Minnawi is quoted as saying: "I accept the document with some reservations concerning the power sharing."

The main rebel group, the SLA, is split into two factions but observers say Minnawi has more support among SLA fighters than his counterpart Abdel Wahed Mohammed al-Nur.

Nur's SLA faction and the third rebel faction, JEM, have rejected the peace settlement drafted by AU and Western diplomats.
Benn and Goulty

Photo: UK Cabinet member Hilary Benn, right, and Alan Goulty of the British delegation, attends the Darfur peace talks in Abuja, Nigeria, Wednesday, May 3, 2006. (AP/George Osodi)

May 5 2006 Reuters UPDATE 09:11:12 GMT 10:12 UK: Biggest Darfur rebel faction to sign peace deal-AU. Mediators hope to win government support for the amended draft. There was no immediate word on whether JEM and the other SLA faction would be brought back into the discussions.

May 5 2006 Sudan Tribune (unsourced report): The chief AU mediator at the talks, Salim Ahmed Salim, said more meetings would resume at 9.00am (0800 GMT) after a stormy overnight session, but sounded far from optimistic about how the negotiations could proceed - excerpt:
"It was rough and tough. I'm not encouraged. I think we've reached a point of reality," he told reporters. "We've one consideration in mind, that is the plight of the people of Darfur. It will be a bad day for the people of Darfur if, after all the efforts made and days spent, the (rebel) movements are still wanting," he warned. "We've made the parties realise that their people are dying. They need to think over this. It's time for the leadership of the (rebel) movements to step forward and to help their people," he told reporters.

"These are great opportunities which good leadership must take, but this leadership in the movements is in question," he said. Tugod said a peace deal should include a larger provision to bring leaders from Darfur into the Sudanese federal presidency.

As drawn up by the AU, the proposed peace plan would call for a referendum in Darfur to decide whether to create a single administrative region, but only after fighting has halted and national elections have been held.
May 5 2006 12:15 PM UK Mail & Guardian report excerpt:
"Yes Mr Minni Minnawi, of the SLM faction, has accepted to sign the peace agreement although he expressed some reservations on power sharing," said AU spokesperson Nouredine Mezni.

The SLM is the main insurgent group. But a smaller rebel faction, the JEM, was still holding out.

"I have heard of it but we are not part of it. That has not changed our position," said JEM spokesperson Mohammed Tugod.

A spokesperson for the SLM confirmed his faction's agreement to sign: "The last decision we took is that we accept the AU proposal with the new changes but we need to sit with other SLM and the JEM and discuss with them," said Self Eldin Haruon.

"We need to go together or else there is going to be a problem," he added. "The areas in which we need changes effected are power sharing and security arrangement."
JEM's Ahmed Tugod

Photo: Ahmed Tugod, the chief negotiator for Sudanese Justice and Equity Movement (JEM), gestures at the Darfur peace talks in Abuja, Nigeria, Wednesday, May 3, 2006. (AP Photo/George Osodi)

SLA (faction of Darfur rebel group SLM) ACCEPTS DEAL

May 5 2006 Reuters UPDATE by Estelle Shirbon Fri May 5, 2006 7:01 AM ET 12:01 PM UK: "I accept the document with some reservations concerning the power sharing," SLA faction leader Minni Arcua Minnawi told Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick and a host of senior diplomats meeting at Obasanjo's Abuja compound.

A spokesman for Minnawi's group later said the main reservation was what they saw as insufficient representation in terms of parliamentary seats. The agreement Minnawi's SLA faction accepted was an amended version. These amendments included stronger guarantees for the rebels in the security arrangement. In particular, provisions for rebel fighters to join the Sudanese armed forces were strengthened, as was a requirement Sudan disarm its proxy Janjaweed militias.

Darfur talks on brink of collapse as SLA & JEM rebels say no

The chance of salvaging a workable peace agreement for Darfur after two years of negotiations appeared remote on Friday after two of the three rebel factions rejected a proposed peace plan.

After the all-night talks at the Nigerian presidential villa ended, Zoellick berated the rebel leaders for rejecting the deal even though he and other diplomats extracted extra concessions for the rebels over the past two days.

"These (concessions) are all the opportunities, but it requires leadership on the part of the (rebel) movements and frankly that's in question," Zoellick told reporters at the end of the session.

Mediators placed their last hope for a deal in Minni Arcua Minnawi, the leader of the larger faction of the SLA.

"We are going to meet Minni again in a few hours. He said he would do his best to bring the others on board," said AU spokesman Noureddine Mezni as the all-night talks broke up.

Full report (Reuters) Estelle Shirbon May 5, 2006. Excerpt:
One faction of the SLA and the smaller Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), rejected a peace settlement but the other faction of the SLA, considered the most powerful, was still undecided after the marathon talks and said it would meet mediators again at 0800 GMT.

"We said that unless fundamental changes are made to this document, it's extremely difficult for us to sign it," JEM chief negotiator Ahmed Tugod told Reuters after emerging from a meeting with heads of state and diplomats.

The SLA faction led by Abdel Wahed Mohammed al-Nur took a similar position after its own meeting with a mediation team that included Zoellick, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and British International Development Secretary Hilary Benn.

Tugod said the JEM rejected the AU draft because it did not meet a series of key rebel demands.

These are a Darfur regional government, a post of Sudanese vice president, greater representation in national institutions, compensation for victims of the war and the allocation of 6.5 percent of Sudan's national income to a Darfur development fund.

Most of these demands have been known for months and mediators have long said they could not be met in full.

The Sudanese government had said it would accept the original AU draft, but the U.S.-led diplomatic push aimed to persuade Khartoum to give a little extra ground in the hope this would bring the rebels round.

The U.S. initiative focused on a trade-off of concessions on two key points. Provisions for the rebels to join the Sudanese army would be strengthened and in exchange requirements on disarming the Janjaweed would be amended in a way that suited the government better.

The rebels are split into two movements and three factions with complex internal politics and a history of infighting. This has hampered the entire peace process.
Related news reports:

May 5 2006 AP (Michelle Faul): Abdelwahid Muhamed El Nur of the main rebel SLA walked out of the negotiations before dawn Friday saying: "We are not going to sign." The action came shortly after a similar declaration from the small JEM, while a splinter rebel faction said it needed time to consult with colleagues in Sudan.

May 5 2006 4:31 AM UK Guardian AP report (Michelle Faul) Small rebel group won't sign Darfur plan - Ahmed Tugod, chief negotiator for the small JEM told The Associated Press that the main sticking point was his rebels' demand for the post of second vice president.

May 5 2006 5:31 AM UK Guardian AP report (Michelle Faul): Abdelwahid Muhamed El Nur of the rebel SLA walked out of the meeting with negotiators, saying: "We are not going to sign."
The action came shortly after the leader of a small guerrilla group issued a similar declaration, while a splinter rebel faction said it needed time to consult with colleagues in Sudan and would return later Friday morning.
May 5 2006 news round-up at Passion of the Present (Eric's posting in US east coast time zone).

May 5 2006 06:33 GMT 07:33 UK BBC report: Eleventh hour peace talks over Darfur break up after two rebel groups say no to a deal. SLA says it will return to negotiations in a few hours. BBC's Alex Last, who is at the talks, says that final hopes for a peace deal now lie with the largest rebel faction in Darfur, another SLM faction, led by Mini Menawi. After a series of meetings with mediators through the night, his group agreed to come back for further discussions at about 0800 GMT.

UK: Margaret Beckett became Britain's first female Foreign Secretary today

"Margaret Beckett will start work today with a daunting inbox, a set of issues that have been around for a while but which are all reaching crisis point" Richard Beeston, The Times Diplomatic Editor, writes in a opinion piece on the challenges facing Margaret Beckett, the veteran minister who became Britain's first female Foreign Secretary today.

Margaret Beckett replaces Jack Straw, who replaces Geoff Hoon as Leader of the House of Commons. See at a glance: Tony Blair's new Cabinet - Britain - Times Online May 5, 2006.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

US, UK, EU, UN, AU, Canada, Sudan burning the midnight oil for Darfur Peace

Darfur peace talks in Abuja are expected to last into Friday morning. With patience and time running out, the European Union and Britain put the onus on the rebels and African leaders. Associated Press report excerpt:
The European Union called on the rebels to come to a "definitive agreement," and said failure would be "irresponsible considering the enormous human suffering."

British Foreign Affairs Minister Ian Pearson warned: "The international community will not understand if they (the rebels) fail to take this opportunity to bring peace to Darfur and security to its people."

Revisions to the peace plan made available to AP called for 4,000 rebels to be integrated into Sudan's armed forces and another 1,000 into the police force. In addition, 3,000 rebels would be given training and education at military colleges. The initial proposal mentioned no figures.

The new deal also would provide for rebels to comprise 33 percent of all newly integrated battalions nationwide, and 50 percent in areas to be agreed, notably Darfur.

Zuma said Wednesday his government had considered integrating no more than 100 rebels into the armed forces, and he expected a final agreement to rest somewhere between that figure and the proposed 4,000.

Zuma said Khartoum was willing to agree to the new proposal for a speedy disarmament. The initial proposal was for them to be confined to barracks for an unspecified transitional period.

Other significant changes included giving the rebels 70 percent of all legislators' seats in the three Darfurian provinces. It would be a major concession from Sudan's government but still does not meet rebel demands for the position of second vice president in the central government instead of the proposed special adviser to the president, which would be the No. 4 instead of No. 3 position in the Khartoum government hierarchy.

Rebel negotiators said they remained concerned about security arrangements. The agreement calls for a protection force for civilians but does not detail its composition. They want a joint protection force including rebels and government, African Union and UN forces.
- - -


May 4 KR report: Saif Haroun, a spokesman for the SLM, said the US and British proposal provided for 7,000 to 8,000 rebel troops to be incorporated into Sudanese military and police forces - a plan he said he welcomed.

But late Thursday, Haroun said that rebels and Sudanese officials were still at odds over how and when to disarm the janjaweed. The government says Darfur is home to many Arab militia groups that weren't part of the conflict, and it doesn't want to be obligated to disarm all of them.


May 4 Sudan Tribune report: There was some hope from Ahmed Hussein, a negotiator of the rebel JEM, who said after meeting Benn and Zoellick that it had received "some amendments" on security, power-sharing and compensation."

"We have always remained very positive about the peace agreement, we just wanted the world to acknowledge our demands," he said.

"So now we are going to review the amendments and we should formulate an opinion, hopefully tonight."
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May 4 White House report: When asked if Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Taha has returned to the Abuja talks, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said "to my knowledge he is not back there."

[Note, any sign of VP Taha arriving in Abuja might signal good news]

Sudan's Janjaweed Militia


May 4, 2006 JIM LEHRER: Do you have the feeling that both sides, meaning the Sudan government and the rebels of Darfur, want this thing resolved now?

SG Kofi Annan

SG ANNAN: That is what they say, but we have to test it. We have to really press them to do it.

The lead negotiator for Sudan has gone back to Khartoum, because they indicated they were ready to sign the agreement as put forward by the mediator; the rebels were not ready to sign.

And people have been working with the rebels, and I hope, when the Sudanese mediator, Ali Taha goes back, with the help of all of these presidents and all of this on the ground, that they will be able to steer them in the right direction and get them to sign, because that's the only viable solution.

But it has to be a serious agreement, an agreement that will stand the test of time and make a difference on the ground, not something patched up that doesn't hold...
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May 4 Reuters report says officials had suggested on Thursday the deadline was likely to be breached as all involved worked into the night to secure a deal - excerpt
Western and African diplomats presented the government and the rebels with an amended version of the peace package on Thursday and put them under intense pressure to accept the plan.

"A package has been put together and presented to the parties, but there are no takers yet," said a senior member of a US-led team of diplomats.

"What we are saying to the (rebels) is, 'Please take it and then we can put pressure on the government'," said the diplomat, requesting anonymity.
May 4 2006 CP: Two top Canadian diplomats were summoned to the Nigerian presidential palace Thursday as part of a small team of international negotiators hunkered down for a crucial night of peace talks on Darfur.
Canada's high commissioner for Nigeria, David Angell, and UN Ambassador Allan Rock were joined by officials from the US, Britain and the EU at President Olusegun Obasanjo's residence in Abuja.

Annan holds emergency meeting on Darfur

Secretary General Annan Thursday called an emergency meeting of a 17-nation group known as "Friends of Darfur". Among those attending were the ambassadors representing the United States, China, Russia, the European Union and the African Union - VOA:
Mr. Annan said the Friends of Darfur group also discussed boosting humanitarian assistance once a peace deal is reached, and increasing support for an African Union force known as AMIS that will be charged with keeping the peace.

"We need to strengthen the African Union force, because they will have to take steps to initially begin implementing the agreement once it is signed, and as the follow-on U.N. force is going to take time, it is extremely important that we take measures to strengthen the African force, which will mean additional troops, additional logistical support, additional financial support," he said.
May 4 2006 UN News Centre Top UN humanitarian aid official sounds alarm over world inaction on Darfur

EU calls on Sudan to allow UN team visit straight away

European Union Declaration by the Presidency 4 May 2006 - excerpt:

The EU expresses grave concern about the serious fighting currently occurring in Darfur, which is in contradiction with the positive spirit of the Abuja talks. The EU reiterates its strong condemnation of all cease-fire violations and in particular of attacks on civilians and humanitarian agencies. It urges the Government of Sudan and the leaders of the SLM/A and the JEM to take the necessary steps to ensure that the N'djamena cease-fire is strictly respected by all forces they claim to have under their control, and to fully cooperate with AMIS.

The EU believes it to be essential for the transition from AMIS to a UN operation in Darfur to happen as quickly as possible. The EU expresses its concern at the continued failure of the Sudanese Government to allow the visit of the UN planning team and calls on it to do so straight away.

Sudan denies approval of rebels' demands to amend Darfur peace accord

According to Sudan News Agency (SUNA), Sudanese government's disapproval to amendments to the preliminary accord was clear and unchanged, confirming that no amendments will take place without the government's approval, which has not taken place yet.

Some media outlets claimed that the government has approved some amendments to the accord's draft as requested by the rebels.

Darfur rebels presented with new peace deal

"A package has been put together and presented to the parties, but there are no takers yet," said a senior member of a US-led diplomatic team at Darfur peace talks in Abuja - Reuters Estelle Shirbon reported:
"What we are saying to the (rebels) is, 'Please take it and then we can put pressure on the government'," said the diplomat, requesting anonymity.

He said it was possible the parties would agree to the new peace package at a meeting due to take place at the Nigerian presidential villa but there was no certainty.

The new deadline is midnight (2300 GMT) on Thursday.

A senior AU source said the midnight deadline was likely to slip but only for discussions to continue late into the night.

"The clock will stop at midnight but this is it. There is no extension," he said.

Message is clear now: There is no political way out of the Chida Hotel without a deal

"The gaps between the parties are so wide that only the kind of concerted international pressure we're seeing here has a chance of working," said a Western diplomat who is closely involved in the talks and requested anonymity, Reuters (Estelle Shirbon) reported:
"The message to them is very clear now: There is no political way out of the Chida Hotel without a deal," he said, referring to a small hotel on the outskirts of the Nigerian capital Abuja where the talks are taking place.

Observers say a collapse of the Abuja talks would be disastrous.

"The scenario of failure is very scary. You can be sure that the government would go after these guys (the rebels)," said one Western diplomat, adding that parties who block a deal would likely face U.N. sanctions.

Zoellick's team, along with Britain's International Development Secretary Hilary Benn and a host of European Union and Canadian diplomats, shuttled between government and rebel delegations.

Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and Congo Republic Denis Sassou Nguesso, who is also chairman of the AU, were due to meet with the two sides and mediators in the evening to ratchet up pressure for a deal.

A senior AU source said this would take hours and the midnight deadline was likely to slip but only for discussions to continue late into the night.

"The clock will stop at midnight but this is it, there is no extension," he said.

SLM rebels back proposal to end war in Darfur

Sudanese rebels today endorsed a new proposal drafted by the US and Britain to help end the war in Darfur, saying it meets their key demands and could set the stage for a peace accord, says Associated Press report by Michelle Faul May 4, 2006 - excerpt:
Jaffer Monro, spokesman for the largest rebel group, the SLM, told The Associated Press that the US-drafted revisions to an earlier draft made an agreement possible.

"We are going to study them, but the improvements give us the sign that we can agree, that we do not need to renegotiate and that there will be no further delay for the final agreement," he said.

The concessions from the Sudanese government make agreement possible, though the rebels remained concerned about security arrangements, according to the negotiator.

The European Union's executive Commission, which has been closely following the talks in the Nigerian capital, also said Thursday a deal was imminent and announced it would contribute $125 million for a humanitarian and initial recovery package.

Sudan appeared ready Wednesday to agree to faster disarmament of Arab militias in Darfur and to accept more rebels into its security forces, government spokesman Abdulrahman Zuma said.

European Commission Welcomes the Imminent Darfur Peace Deal and Announces Euro 100M Aid Package

The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel, praised today the efforts of negotiating parties in Abuja as the Darfur peace talks are reaching conclusion, and announced a euro 100M package covering humanitarian and immediate recovery needs for the region, PR Newswire reported May 4, 2006 - copy:

"This agreement will be a real progress on the way towards a peaceful and prosperous Sudan and I wish to congratulate the African Union negotiators and the parties for their determination in achieving the agreement which should be signed soon. It will then be our joint challenge to rapidly bring the concrete peace dividends and consolidate peace on the ground," said Mr. Michel.

Since the beginning of the Darfur crisis, the European Commission has provided close to euro 400M in humanitarian aid and support to AMIS (the AU mission in Sudan).

The Commission will continue to meet its responsibilities as a major donor during the post-crisis recovery. Commissioner Michel said: "We are impatient to turn our efforts towards rehabilitation and development of Darfur, with the involvement of all the afflicted populations of the region. We will also maintain our humanitarian effort as long as the vulnerable people need it. In coordination with the international community, we are putting together a euro 100M package covering humanitarian and immediate recovery needs for the region."

Security on the ground remains a major concern as increasing violence in recent weeks has been affecting civilians and humanitarian workers likewise. Commissioner Michel called on the Government of Sudan and rebel movements to respect their commitments and ensure the safety of the population. He also stressed the importance of ensuring immediate, safe and full access for humanitarian workers to bring aid to those in need. He urged all parties to collaborate on the smooth transition from AMIS to the UN peace-keeping mission.

The current AMIS mandate expires on 30 September. The UN forces will then take over from the AU mission. In the meantime, the Commission continues to provide support to AMIS.

SOURCE Delegation of the European Commission to the U.S. Web Site: EUROPA

[via Coalition for Darfur with thanks]

Konare, Solana, Louis Michel in Brussels

Photo: Alpha Oumar Konare, Javier Solana and Louis Michel address a joint news conference after discussing the situation in Sudan, in Brussels March 8, 2006. (Reuters) via Sudan Tribune (Sudan Watch archive)

Negotiator: Darfur rebels may be ready for deal - Proposal calls for thousands militants to join Sudanese security forces

Good news. Just in from Associated Press - excerpt:

A proposal drafted by the US and Britain to help end the war in Darfur meets key rebel demands and could set the stage for a peace accord, a rebel negotiator said Thursday.

The negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity because the parties involved had been asked not to reveal details of the proposal, said it called for thousands of rebels to be integrated into Sudanese security forces.

Sudanese government officials were not immediately available for comment.

The negotiator said the draft called for a minimum of 4,000 rebels to be integrated into Sudan's armed forces and another 1,000 in the police force. In addition, 3,000 rebels would be given training and education to prepare them for civilian life.

The negotiator said the concessions from the Sudanese government make agreement possible, though the rebels remained concerned about security arrangements.

Negotiations went late into the night Wednesday, as Zoellick met with Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, a key figure in peacemaking efforts across Africa.

African leaders including Obasanjo and Denis Sassou-Nguesso - president of the Republic of Congo and current head of the 53-nation African Union - scheduled a meeting with AU mediators six hours before the deadline to make a final push for an agreement. Following that, African presidents were to meet with the warring parties.

US credited Khartoum with taking significant steps to cooperate in the global war on terror

Sudanese government spokesman Abdulrahman Zuma said Wednesday his government was considering agreeing to faster disarmament of Arab militias in Darfur and accepting more rebels into its security forces, key concessions included in a revised peace agreement drafted with the help of Zoellick and Benn, the Associated Press reported today - excerpt:
"Through this so-called American initiative, it seems that the government is going to make some concessions, especially about reintegration and disarmament," Zuma told the Associated Press.

While the rebels may embrace the United States as an alternative to the African Union, the U.S. relationship with Khartoum is complicated.

On Friday, Washington counted Sudan among six state sponsors of terror, even while it credited Khartoum with taking significant steps to cooperate in the global war on terror.

The U.N. Security Council a year ago authorized seizure of assets and a travel ban on individuals defying peace efforts or violating human rights law in Darfur. Those sanctions were imposed for the first time last week against a commander of the Sudanese air force, a Janjaweed militia leader and two rebel commanders.