Thursday, March 09, 2006

World Bank hosts meeting on Sudan aid

Pravda March 9, 2006 reports the World Bank met Thursday with Sudanese leaders and international donors to review development aid amid continuing conflict between the government and rebels in Darfur. Excerpt:

The north-south conflict was separate from the continuing violence in Darfur in the west. Pronk insisted that aid to southern Sudan should not depend on progress on talks over Darfur.

US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, however, said before the World Bank donor talks: "We cannot consider the (funding plan) without addressing the ongoing conflict in Darfur."

In meetings Thursday and Friday, officials from the World Bank, the United Nations, the United States and other donor countries were meeting with representatives of Sudan's north and south to discuss that aid and reconstruction and development efforts, reports the AP.
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Mar 9 2006 (UK DIFD) Benn calls for immediate aid for Africa food crisis from new Humanitarian Fund

South Sudan land mine blast prompts threat of UN team expulsion by Sudanese authorities

Reuters March 9, 2006 reports a land mine has killed one child and injured four in the town of Malakal, south Sudan, the latest in a string of blasts prompting Sudanese authorities to threaten UN mine clearers with expulsion from the area, officials said.

"We have ordered them (deminers) to either start their work and finish it as soon as possible, or they leave the town immediately," deputy governor of the large town of Malakal, Dok Jok Dok, said late on Wednesday.

The mine explosion on Saturday was the 11th incident in Malakal town in the past eight months, where most of the victims have been children. Fifteen have been killed and more than 20 have had limbs amputated.

PHR: email or fax AU Chair Konare to help civilians in Darfur - International Women's Day not observed by Sudan's New Government of Unity

On International Women's Day [read Janjaweed rape babies] 8 March 2006, Irish aid agency GOAL Sudan team helped some rural Sudanese women to gain more respect and autonomy from the men in the community.

GOAL's schooling for girls and adult education for women has proved a winning combination in improving the position of women in a rural village in north Sudan.

In Rumbek, the South Sudan government together with NGOs, UN agencies and other institutions took the opportunity of International Women's Day to press for the observance of women's rights in Sudanese liberated areas of SPLM/A, reports Sudan Tribune but, sadly, the article makes no mention of the rest of Sudan.

Contact the AU chairman, Mr Alpha Oumar Konare, and urge him to support an expanded peacekeeping force in Darfur

Here is a message to us all from Physicians for Human Rights March 8, 2006:

On International Women's Day: Take action to help civilians in Darfur

As we celebrate International Women's Day, tens of thousands of Sudanese women are at risk of being raped, both in Darfurand in refugee camps in Chad. Government-sponsored militias continue to kill civilians in the Darfur region, and now the violence is spilling over into neighboring Chad. Yet there are only 7,000 African Union soldiers patrolling this region, which is the size of France.

At the United Nations there is growing momentum to transition the under-resourced African Union force into a United Nations peacekeeping force. On March 10, leaders of the African Union will meet to decide whether to invite a United Nations peacekeeping mission to join or supplant the current AU mission. This is a critical opportunity to call for a UN force large enough to protect civilians under threat in Darfur.

On International Women's Day, please join PHR in taking action to help civilians in Darfur!

What you can do:

Please contact the AU chairman, Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare, and urge him to support an expanded peacekeeping force in Darfur.

See our website to learn more:

[Note link leads to a sample letter urging Mr Konare to exercise his leadership by formally requesting from the UN Security Council an effective transition of the AU forces to a Chapter 7 UN peacekeeping operation. I have now emailed Mr Konare and signed it with my full name and link to this blog entry]

What You Can Do Now

E-Mail or Fax Mr Alpha Oumar Konare, Chairman of the African Union Commission

Declare your support for this vital intervention as the only way to adequately protect the lives and safety of civilians in Darfur.

Contact information for Chairman Konare:
Fax: (251) 11 5513036
Tel: (251) 11 5514554 / (251) 11 551 77 00 ext. 120
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Mar 8 2006 Press Release by Darfur-Canadian Women Association
Telephone: (403) 217-9121
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Statement by the Women Delegates to the Darfur Peace Talks, in Abuja, Nigeria, on the Occasion Of the International Women’s Day March 8, 2006.
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Mar 8 2006 From the UN website, this early history of International Women's Day - with thanks to DSTPFW.

Chief editor of Khartoum's al-Watan newspaper arrested

Local media in Khartoum reported a bounty of 100,000 US dollars placed on the head of the UN special envoy Jan Pronk by the leader of the Sudanese General Students' Union, Mohamed Abdallah Sheikh Idris.

In reaction to threats made against Mr Pronk by militant youth, Sudanese police arrested the chief editor of al-Watan newspaper Sidahmed al-Khalifa to investigate the announcement made by the islamist student organisation.

Full article (ST Khartoum) March 8, 2006.

Update Mar 9: Al-Azaim was also detained.

US hopes Libya could expand its mediation efforts for peaceful solution to Darfur conflict

China View March 8, 2006 reports US Special Assistant to the President on African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said the US supports the African Union's efforts to help restore peace in Darfur, according to the reports from Libyan capital Tripoli. Excerpt:

Frazer, who arrived in Tripoli on Tuesday for a two-day visit, said at a press conference that the US supports the AU's actions in Darfur and would like to see an extension of AU peacekeeping mission's mandate in the region with the logistic and financial assistance of the UN.

Frazer said her Libya tour is for the purpose of holding talks with Libyan and African leaders to seek effective cooperation in building a good future for the people in Darfur. She also praised Libya for its efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to the conflict in Darfur and expressed hopes that Libya could further expand its mediation efforts.

On US-Libyan ties, Frazer said the two countries enjoy sound relations that are growing ever better.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Darfur summit in Egypt to host leaders from Sudan and Libya

UPI report March 8, 2006 confirms Egypt will host leaders from Sudan and Libya in a three-way summit next week to address the ongoing crisis in Darfur ahead of the upcoming Arab summit to be held in Khartoum on March 28-29.

Leaders from the three north African countries met one month ago in Libya where they voiced collective opposition against plans to replace the current 7,800-strong African Union peacekeeping force with a U.N. mission.

Egyptian President on European Tour

Cairo, March 9, 2006 (BNA) Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak left today for Rome within his European tour that will take him to Italy, Austria and Germany.

This tour came to contain important issues at the Arab and international levels. Mubarak will discuss during his tour the situation in Iraq and Palestine in addition to the developments in Darfur.

Khartoum to consider UN role in Darfur once peace agreement reached

News just in from Reuters says Sudan may consider allowing a UN mission into Darfur once a political settlement to the conflict in the area is reached, Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha said on Wednesday.

"If there is a political settlement then by way of providing guarantees to make the settlement hold, then we can look into the role of the UN," he told Reuters.

Update: Mar 9 2006 Reuters - Taha said Sudan could consider an unspecified UN role if peace talks with rebels being held in the Nigerian capital Abuja yielded a political settlement to the conflict. But Solana said that was too limited. "That goes a little bit too far, because that means he only will accept after the Abuja talks have given a result, but we cannot risk not to start with the planning if necessary in case the Abuja talks take longer," Solana told Reuters.

Dr Rod Pullen appointed as UK's Special Representative at Darfur peace talks in addition to Dr Alan Goulty

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Press Release March 8, 2006 reveals the Foreign Secretary today announced in a written statement to the Houses of Parliament that Dr Rod Pullen, a senior grade diplomat and experienced Ambassador who has spent much time in Africa, has been appointed as the UK's Special Representative at the Inter-Sudanese Peace Talks on Darfur. He took up his position on 6 March.

This appointment is a further indication of the British Government's commitment on this issue. It is in addition to that of Dr Alan Goulty, HMA Tunis, who will continue as the UK's Special Representative for Darfur. Dr Goulty will continue to focus primarily on pushing the parties to reach a comprehensive and viable agreement and on getting key regional players (especially Eritrea, Libya) and the international community on-side. He will continue to visit Sudan as necessary, in consultation with HMA Khartoum. He will also be expected to pay occasional visits to the Abuja talks, in consultation with Rod Pullen, if there is a particular requirement.

The Darfur Peace Talks are held under African Union mediation. The UK is a key international partner to the talks, and has maintained an observer at the talks in support of the AU since the beginning. In response to the unacceptably slow progress made by the parties to the Peace Talks, the UK has appointed Dr Pullen as its Special Representative.

Darfur: EU and partners will give AU all the support they need and produce a road map for their peace process

This sounds like good news. IRNA reports that European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana told reporters after a series of meetings held in Brussels today that, quote:
"We cannot maintain the situation in Darfur as it is now. We have to give to the African Union all the support they need. We have to produce a road map for their peace process."
Konare, Solana, Louis Michel in Brussels

Photo: Alpha Oumar Konare, Javier Solana and Louis Michel address a joint news conference after discussing the situation in Sudan, in Brussels March 8, 2006. (Reuters/ST).

Alpha Oumar Konare, Chairman of the African Union (AU) Commission, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Vice-President of Sudan, Robert B. Zoellick, US Deputy Secretary of State, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peace-keeping Operations attended the meetings.

Konare said he was very satisfied to see "that our partners will support the political process and the establishment of the road map."

Note, the meetings come a day ahead of the multi-national Sudan Consortium meeting to be hosted by the World Bank on Thursday in Paris to discuss the financial needs caused by the conflicts in Sudan.

Alpha Oumar Konare, Chairman of the African Union

Photo: Alpha Oumar Konare, Chairman of the African Union Commission is seen prior a meeting at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Wednesday 8 March 2006. The havoc in Darfur, in western Sudan, where some 400,000 people are reported to have been killed and more than two million displaced, is worsening at an alarming rate. The chaos has been spreading west into neighboring Chad for the past few years as more than 200,000 Sudanese have fled across the border from Darfur into eastern Chad. (EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET)

Sudan Tribune reports today that the above discussions were notably to focus on plans to the transfer to UN control of an African Union-run peacekeeping mission in the western region, torn by ethnic conflict since 2003.

"We are going ... to get very serious on Sudan," EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on the eve of the talks.

Javier Solana

As well as the continuing violence in Darfur, they were also discussing problems with Sudan's North-South peace agreement, in particular discord over oil revenues, as well as relations between Sudan and Chad.

"Peace in the whole of Sudan is vital, not only for this big country - the biggest in Africa - but also for the entire African continent and the Arab world," said Solana.

Update: VOA news - EU Offers Support to African Peace Efforts in Darfur.

African Union: Support UN Protection Force for Darfur (Human Rights Watch, March 8, 2006)

African Union: Support U.N. Protection Force for Darfur (Human Rights Watch, March 8, 2006): "African foreign ministers meeting in Addis Ababa on Friday should call for a transition of the African Union Mission in Darfur to a larger United Nations peacekeeping force with more resources to protect civilians from increasing attacks, Human Rights Watch said today." [via Coalition for Darfur, with thanks]

Southern Sudan: Khartoum Reneges on Promises (Human Rights Watch, March 8, 2006)

More than a year after the Sudanese government and southern-based rebels signed the peace agreement that ended their 21-year war, Sudan's ruling party has failed to undertake promised reforms that would help end human rights abuses throughout the country, Human Rights Watch said in a briefing paper released today. See Human Rights Watch, March 8, 2006 report: Southern Sudan: Khartoum Reneges on Promises. [via Coalition for Darfur with thanks]

South Sudan ceasefire violation: SAF ambush SPLA forces at Kharasana nr oil-rich Abyei, killing 12, wounding 26 soldiers

Reuters March 8, 2006 reports a ceasefire violation in South Sudan: SAF militia allied to Sudan's army killed up to 12 former southern rebel soldiers in the first clashes since the two sides signed a peace deal last year to end Africa's longest civil war, officials said on Wednesday.

A senior UN military source in Khartoum said the ambush, which happened at around midnight (2100 GMT), was being investigated by UN peace monitors in the oil-rich region of Abyei in central Sudan. The attack was in the town of Kharasana, about 40 km (25 miles) north of the regional capital Abyei town.

Note, South Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement does not cover separate conflicts in Sudan's east and the western Darfur region.

Sudanese students offers reward for head of UN envoy

What is the matter with these people? Perhaps the extract below [see Darfur: The dangerous game of Sudan's ruling party] related to the following article, gives some clues.

March 7, 2006 article from Khartoum at Sudan Tribune says in a new development of the continual mobilization against the UN takeover in Darfur, a pro-ruling party student organization said it would reward Pronk's head. Excerpt:
According to AL-Watan daily newspaper, president of the General Union of Sudanese Students Mohamed Abdallah Sheikh Idriss has announced a 100,000 US dollars' reward for the head of the UN representative to Sudan, Jan Pronk.

About 200 Sudanese students demonstrated on Tuesday urging the United Nations to leave their country and calling it a colonial force, days ahead of a decision to deploy U.N. troops to the violent Darfur region.

"This is our message to you Jan Pronk: Get out of our country, leave immediately," Sheikh Idriss, told the chanting crowd. Pronk is the top UN envoy in Sudan.

Sheikh Idriss warned that all the students of Darfur stood against any foreign intervention pointing out that in the universities of Khartoum alone there were more than 9,000 students, who were all time bombs ready to go off in the face of tyranny.
Khartoum demo

Photo: There is growing anger about the possible deployment of UN forces (BBC) - see today's news of protests over Darfur peacekeepers.
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Darfur: The dangerous game of Sudan's ruling party

Excerpt from a related comment at Sudan Tribune dated March 6, 2006:
"The danger today is not international intervention but the very dangerous game played by the National Salvation Revolution leaders and their ruling National Congress Party (NCP) with the international community, which may lead to their own defeat and the country's destruction.

The scenario of this dangerous game began with voices rising from influential sides in the government warning that the transfer of the Darfur mission meant that Al-Qaidah would be involved and that the organization's members would infiltrate the region from nine fronts. This was followed by the inauguration of the so-called Darfur Jihad Organization, an armed group set up to resist intervention by foreign troops in coordination with, as its founding statement said, "all the Jihadist organizations on the Islamic arena".

Another organization, the Exterminator of Evil Forces was also created. The Sudanese Media Center (SMC), which is closely linked to the government, said to have received a statement from the group, in which the organization denied having links with Al-Qaidah. The Salvation government has created a conducive environment for the formation of such organization by calling for mobilization and jihad against the UN troops and announcing what was said to be "the one million men swearing the oath of death"."

Libya, US discuss relations and Darfur problem

Libya's LJBC News reports March 8, 2006 that Libya's Secretary of Cooperation Affairs at the Secretariat of Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation discussed with the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi Frazer, the prospects of cooperation between the two countries.
During this meeting, attended by the director of European Department at the GPC for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation and the head of the American Liaison Office to Libya, the means of promoting this cooperation at different levels were addressed.

Jendayi Frazer praised the efforts made by Libya to find peaceful solutions to the problem in Darfur and eastern Sudan.

Libya and the US underlined the importance of finding a political fair solution to the Darfur issue through negotiations and dialogue among the disputing parties, in addition to continue support to the efforts made within the framework of the African Union.

Libya receives Sudanese Vice-President Ali Taha

Libya's LJBC News reports Mar 8, 2006 Libyan leader Col Gaddafi received on Tuesday evening, Ali Uthman Mohammed Taha, the Vice-President of Sudan.

Taha briefed Col Gaddafi on the latest developments concerning the problem in Darfur, which Sudanese President Al-Bashir has briefed the Libyan leader about its latest developments in his telephone call earlier Tuesday.

Libya's Secretary of AU Affairs at the GPC for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation attended the meeting.

EU pays for 60% of AU operation and could help further - EU, US push Sudan for UN mandate in Darfur

EU, AU and UN Sudan talks underway in Brussels. Reuters/WP report by Ingrid Melander, Mar 8, 2006 confirms EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Development Commissioner Louis Michel began a day of meetings with African Union and Sudanese leaders as well senior United Nations and US officials. Excerpt:

Talks kicked off with a working breakfast between Solana and the Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha. "Taha is a key player in the Sudanese government ... We hope he hears the message" on shifting to a UN mandate, an EU official said.


US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, due to join the talks during the day, said he would push for a UN mission. "We believe that, to the maximum extent possible, the AU forces in Darfur should be incorporated into the UN mission in which Africans should play a key leadership role," Zoellick said in a statement before leaving Washington. "No one party can do it alone -- Africans must play a key role, the Government of National Unity in Sudan must assume responsibility, and the UN. must be active as well," he added.


At the Security Council's request, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has begun planning for a shift from a 7,000-strong AU force to a larger and better equipped UN mission for the troubled area. UN officials have sought NATO and EU support.

The African Union will meet on Friday in Addis Ababa to decide whether to hand its mission to UN command. Sudan has been lobbying AU states to reject this changeover.

The EU was also pressing the Sudanese authorities to inject new urgency into stalled negotiations with Darfur rebels in the Nigerian capital Abuja, the official said.

On the eve of the talks, Solana played down the possibility of European troops getting involved on the ground.

"I'm sure the Africans will prefer to do it themselves," he told a news conference in Innsbruck, Austria, on Tuesday, when asked if he expected European boots on the ground. "The African Union does not want any," Solana said, adding: "If it was the UN., it could be open. But it is very logical that the bulk of the force will be Africans."

He noted the EU already pays for 60 percent of the AU operation and could help further with strategic airlift, logistics and communications.

African Union Commission Chairman Alpha Oumar Konare was also to take part in Wednesday's talks along with Hedi Annabi, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations. (Additional reporting by Mark John in Innsbruck)

See Mar 7 2006 EC Press Release - European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel, will call all parties for more progress in the peace talks on Darfur, in a series of high level meetings with the UN, the African Union, the USA and the Sudanese Government, tomorrow in Brussels.

Protests over Darfur peacekeepers

Do the protests over Darfur peacekeepers not make you feel sick? Khartoum has a knack for gathering protestors to march against any move to protect the people of Darfur. Who are the protestors? Are they paid by Khartoum? Why do they (and Africans and Arabs elsewhere) never protest about the suffering of their brothers and sisters imprisoned in refugee camps many who are still dying from malnutrition, disease and attacks in their own country by fellow citizens.

Khartoum demo

Photo: Thousands of Sudanese protest against UN force (Reuters) by Opheera McDoom and Jilan Sherif Mar 8, 2006.

In a BBC report today, the BBC's Jonah Fisher says although 10,000 United Nations troops are being deployed to southern and eastern Sudan, the prospect of a UN mission in the west is unacceptable to many Sudanese. Excerpt:
Stirred up by violent rhetoric in Islamic newspapers, many thousands of people are expected to march to the UN headquarters.

Our correspondent says many believe their country's sovereignty is at stake, with the West eager to turn Sudan into another Iraq.

Death threats against Western diplomats have been published and militia groups have warned of a holy war.
Kalma Camp, South Darfur

Photo: AU soldier in Kalma Camp, South Darfur faces a crowd holding a placard saying "WE NEED INTERNATIONAL FORCE TO PROTECT US" (Courtesy flickr file of Andrew Heavens, a journalist based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia who authors Meskel Square blog)

Protestors included militias backed by Khartoum government

Mar 8 2006 UPI report at Washington Times:
Sudanese, shouting "Down, down, USA" and "Jihad, victory, martyrdom," marched through Khartoum protesting a United Nations plan to protect those in Darfur.

The protesters, numbering in the thousands, condemned a U.N. plan to take over peacekeeping operations in the Darfur region, where violence has already killed more than 200,000 civilians and made about 2 million others homeless.

The marchers included militias backed by the Khartoum government, the BBC reports. Currently, a 7,000-man force of the African Union is involved in peacekeeping efforts, but the force is facing financial problems.

The BBC report said Sudan has vowed to leave the AU if the body allows the United Nations to take over to end the violence. Many of those opposed to the plan accuse the West of wanting to turn Sudan into another Iraq.
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Mar 8 2006 Coalition for Darfur points to a report by Reuters that says, quote:
"The protestors handed a statement to UN offices demanding the immediate eviction of the top UN envoy in Sudan, Jan Pronk. Sudanese women bearing kalashnikovs joined the march, declaring their readiness to fight foreign troops.

The defense minister also rallied troops against intervention at a military demonstration in Khartoum.

"Jihad, victory, martyrdom," the soldiers chanted. "Our martyrs are in heaven, and we are ready," said Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein."

AU regrets Sudan's press campaign against AU troops

Sudanese press is not alone in denigrating the role of the African peacekeeping force in Darfur. It is happening in the western media too. AU soldiers deserve praise and medals, not unfair criticism for failing to stop a war.

AU in Darfur, Sudan

Photo: African Union soldier at Kalma camp for internally displaced people near Nyala, southern Darfur, Sudan (by journalist Andrew Heavens at Meskel Square blog)

The AU's mandate in Darfur reduces its soldiers to act as monitors, not a protection force with Chapter VII mandate. Given the shortage of equipment and resources they have to work with, they are doing an excellent job and proving themselves to be great ambassadors of their home countries.

AU in Darfur, Sudan

Photo: African Union soldier on parade outside his base at Nyala, southern Darfur, Sudan (Courtesy Andrew Heavens)

An AU spokesman says AMIS is the biggest mission ever mounted by the African Union since its inception, comprising more than seven thousand African men and women, who are proud to demonstrate African solidarity with the people of the Sudan. They have been performing their duties in the best manner possible, making great sacrifices on behalf of Africa. See Sudan Tribune article Mar 7 2006.

AU in Darfur, Sudan

Photo: African Union troops parade in Nyala, southern Darfur, Sudan (Courtesy Andrew Heavens)

Note, the above article says some officials in Khartoum were recently quoted by the local press as saying that AMIS was causing the spread of the AIDS epidemic and carrying out Christianization activities in Darfur.

AU in Darfur, Sudan

Photo: African Union soldier at Kalma camp for internally displaced people near Nyala, southern Darfur, Sudan (Courtesy Andrew Heavens)

Sudan, Egypt, Libya to hold new Darfur talks

AFP Mar 8, 2006 reports Sudanese President Bashir is to hold a new mini-summit on the Darfur crisis with his Egyptian and Libyan counterparts ahead of an Arab summit in Khartoum later this month, presidential advisor Mustafa Osman Ismail said Tuesday. Excerpt:
"The summit shall be convened before the Arab summit and it may be held either in Cairo or Tripoli," Ismail told reporters after Cairo talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Ahead of the meeting, he had said he expected the mini-summit to be convened within 48 hours. But afterwards he did not elaborate on how soon before the March 28-29 summit it would go ahead.

The three leaders already met in Misrata, Libya on Febraury 28 and voiced strong opposition to Western plans to replace an African Union force in Darfur with UN peacekeepers. Ismail Tuesday reiterated Khartoum's strong opposition to the plans. "Sudan’s position on this issue is clear, and that is that the AU forces should remain in Darfur and carry on their duties," he said."
Kadhafi, Bashir and Mubarak

Photo: Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi (C) receives Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (L) and Sudan's President Omar al-Beshir (R) as Libya hosts a two-day summit of African leaders on finding peace in Darfur, on May 16, 2005.

Mar 8, 2006 AngolaPress reports Egypt to host three-way summit on Darfur. Excerpt:

CAIRO,03/08 - Leaders of Egypt, Sudan and Libya will hold a three-way summit here next week to discuss the conflict in Sudan's western Darfur region, the official MENA news agency reported on Tuesday.

"A three-way consultative summit grouping Egypt, Libya and Sudan is to be held here (Cairo) next week," Sudanese presidential adviser Moustafa Othman Ismail was quoted as saying.

Ismail said that the three countries agreed to meet ahead of the upcoming Arab summit slated to be held in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on March 28-29.

Sudanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Samani al-Wasila al-Sheikh on Tuesday reiterated his country's opposition to the deployment of UN peacekeeping troops in Darfur.

"The best solution to the problem is to provide more material and logistic aid to the African Union peacekeeping troops to help them carry out the mission," al-Wasila told the Cairo-based "Voice of the Arabs" radio by telephone from Khartoum.

EU to hold talks with international officials on Darfur

AP Mar 7, 2006 reports European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana will hold a series of meetings Wednesday with officials from the US, African Union and Sudan on how to advance international efforts to solve the conflict in Darfur, his office said. Excerpt:

The talks at EU headquarters will focus on how key donors like the EU and the United States can help spur peace talks between the Darfur rebels and the Sudanese government, his office said in a statement Tuesday.

Officials said Solana would hold talks with Deputy US Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, Sudan's Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and Alpha Oumar Konare, chairman of the AU's Commission.

UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hedi Annabi also is to attend the round of talks aimed at keeping peace efforts alive. Peace talks between Darfur rebels and Sudanese officials in Abuja, Nigeria, are "crucial," the EU said.

"Only a political solution, based on mutual concessions by all sides, will enable this region to stabilize and its people to regain their confidence so that the displaced persons and refugees can return home," it said in the statement.

The Brussels talks also are expected to focus on ensuring that oil revenues are fairly split among ethnic groups in Sudan.

The AU's peacekeeping mandate expires at the end of March. On Friday, ministers are to discuss whether the AU should hand over the mission to the U.N. with the AU mission is quickly running out of funds.

The UN Security Council recommended on Feb 3 that the United Nations start planning to take over peacekeeping in Darfur. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has urged major powers to take part, saying an expanded force will need the kind of assets only a highly capable military can provide. (ST/AP)