Friday, April 02, 2010

Sudan: Statement by EU HR Baroness Ashton - EU fully supports AU Panel for Darfur Chairman Mbeki

Sudan: Statement by EU HR Ashton following meeting
From the website of EU at the UN, published 23 March 2010:
Summary: 23 March 2010, Brussels - The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Vice President of the Commission, Catherine Ashton met today with President Thabo Mbeki in his capacity as the Chairman of the African Union's High Level Panel on Sudan. President Boyoya was also present at the meeting. HR Ashton made the following statement after the meeting:

"The EU fully supports President Mbeki in his important efforts to facilitate and mediate in a difficult and challenging situation in Sudan.

The international community has to work closely together now, with strong African leadership, in order to see this difficult process through.

The first priority is credible and peaceful elections in April. Following the elections, all parties have to fully respect the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, addressing rapidly the remaining outstanding issues and abstaining from any unilateral actions. North and South should start coming together on key issues related to the referendum in January 2011 when the South Sudanese decide their future.

Conflict and poverty are not inevitable - working together we can help the Sudanese people to make a difference for peace, justice and reconciliation."

Ref: EU10-028EN
EU source: European Union
UN forum:
Date: 23/3/2010
Click here to view profile of British Labour peer Baroness Ashton, who has been selected as the EU's new high representative for foreign affairs. See also:

Investigate and publicise abuses that have been committed by Darfur rebels in Sudan

Quote of the Year
“I think we have to do two things, one; make very clear to these Darfur rebel leaders who are refusing to talk peace and unity - and that includes Khalil Ibrahim and Abdulwahid - that they will lose if they don’t agree. Abdulwahid is sitting in the palace; maybe he shouldn’t be allowed to stay there any more, waging a propaganda war against the peace process and unity. Maybe Khalil Ibrahim should not be treated so much as the man we talk to. If I was mediating the peace talks, I would name and shame those leaders. I would investigate and publicize abuses that have been committed by these rebel movements. There are many big abuses committed by rebel groups but they never get publicity. I would ask the people of Darfur who they would want to lead them by empowering the very civil society that both Khalil Ibrahim and Abdulwahid at the moment reject.” - Julie Flint in an interview with SRS (Sudan Radio Service) Nairobi, 02 February 2010.

Full story: SRS, 02 February 2010 - More Reality And Less Rhetoric In Darfur Urges Flint
Note that in the interview, Julie Flint called on the international community to put pressure on the Darfur rebels and to withdraw the privileges which are bestowed upon some movements. Right on Julie! Keep up the great work, you deserve a medal for your courageous reporting.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

SPLM says Arman would not stand against Sudan's President Bashir

Report from SRS (Sudan Radio Service) Thursday, 01 April 2010 (Nairobi):
Yasir Arman, the SPLM’s nominee in Sudan’s presidential elections, has withdrawn his candidacy.

In an announcement on Thursday evening, the SPLM said that Arman would not stand against President Omar al-Bashir.

The SPLM are citing irregularities in the elections process, a failure to resolve the Darfur conflict and what opposition parties describe as NCP attempts to rig the elections, scheduled for 11-13 April, as their reasons for withdrawing. Seventeen opposition parties are expected to announce later on Thursday whether they will boycott the elections.

The SPLM position on whether they will participate in the poll or call for a postponement remains unclear, despite a meeting on Wednesday in Khartoum between senior SPLM and NCP officials to discuss the issue.

President al-Bashir, speaking on Tuesday, threatened that any delay in the elections would result in the postponement of the referendum to determine the future of southern Sudan. The referendum is scheduled for January 2011.
Yasir Arman
Photo: Yasir Arman

Key candidate quits Sudan polls
Southern Sudan's main candidate for national president pulls out of the race, casting doubt on the electoral process.
Full story:

Sudan opposition stunned by Arman's withdrawal
The decision to withdraw the candidacy of Yasir Arman was reached in the Southern Sudan’s capital, Juba, during the party’s Political Bureau extraordinary meeting which took place on Wednesday.
Full story:

SPLM quits Sudan presidential poll
The decision "We decided that Yasir [Arman] should end his campaign for the presidency of the Republic," Riek Machar, the SPLM vice-chairman, said.

Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from the capital, Khartoum, said Arman's withdrawal is significant because he was seen as the favourite to compete with Omar al-Bashir, Sudan's president.

"Yasir Arman is a Muslim from the north but he joined the Sudan's Liberation Movement when it was fighting the government in the north," he said.

"For many years, he was a high-ranking official in the SPLM until 2005 when the peace agreement accord was struck putting the war between the north and south at hold.
Full story:
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News from SRS (Sudan Radio Service) Wednesday 31 March 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Security situation in Darfur 31 March 2010 - UNAMID JSR meets with SLM leader Abdul Wahid Al-Nur in Paris, France

Quotes of the Day
“We have just arrived from Khartoum. We have been involved in a lot of activities pertaining to the election itself. I have just come from briefing the president of GoSS. I want to assure you that the elections are on. There has been debate lately, sometimes even misquoting the SPLM. We are committed to the elections as scheduled by the NEC. We want to assure you that the process, for which this PPC process will be very useful, is on. Let me repeat, the elections are on.” - Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar, Juba, southern Sudan, 31 March 2010 (Source: Alex de Waal's blog, Making Sense of Sudan - Political Parties Council in Juba)

“SPLM is our strategic ally; SLM is not competing with the SPLM. The SPLM is the leading force for change in Sudan, and we need to remain allies” - SLM Chairman Abdul Wahid Al-Nur, Washington, DC, 22 July 2008 (Source: GOSS Mission-USA, copy here below).
THIS blog, Sudan Watch, refers to Abdul Wahid Mohamed Al-Nur as leader of SLM, not SLA. Click on SLM-Nur label here below to view previous reports. Sometime in the future, I hope to label all blogposts stored in the archives of Sudan Watch, Uganda Watch and Congo Watch.

Once all of the posts have been labelled, readers will be able to see, at a glance, how Cdr. Al-Nur repeats the same nonsense (see report here below) over and over, like a parrot. Who is priming and paying him and what is France and Russia's role in the battle for Darfur, I wonder.

Note that Cdr. Al-Nur directs the Darfur war from Paris and wants to become president of Sudan without facing election. Who knows if it is true that he has many supporters in Darfur? Maybe he is a coward and doesn't want to know.

Also, copied here below, for the record, is a press release from the official website of GOSS Mission-USA regarding Luka Biong Deng's meeting with Cdr. Al-Nur in Washington, D.C. on 22 July 2008, plus some related reports for future reference.

UNAMID Daily Media Brief / 2010-03-30
EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, March 31, 2010/APO)
Security situation in Darfur
The security situation in Darfur remains relatively calm.

UNAMID military forces conducted 102 patrols including routine, short range, long range, night, and Humanitarian escort patrols, covering 101 villages and Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps during the reporting period.

UNAMID police advisors also conducted 166 patrols in villages and IDP camps.

UNAMID JSR meets with SLA-AW leader
On 28 March, UNAMID Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari met in Paris with Abdul Wahid Mohammed Al-Nour, leader of the Sudan Liberation Army-Abdul Wahid (SLA-AW) faction, as a follow up to their earlier meeting on 21 March. The SLA-AW leader reiterated his commitment to peace if certain conditions on the ground were met and indicated that he would be willing to participate in the peace process anywhere, ‘even in Khartoum,’ if those conditions are met, particularly regarding the security of the people of Darfur.

The SLA leader promised not to obstruct UNAMID’s activities in Darfur and to facilitate its access and those of humanitarian organizations to areas in which his movement is present. JSR Gambari expressed hope that SLM-AW will join the peace process in the not-too-distant future. Both men agreed to remain in close contact.
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H.E. Dr. Luka Biong Deng Meets with Cdr. Abdul Wahid Al-Nur
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Press Release
Source: GOSS Mission-USA
Date: 22 July 2008
Location: Washington, DC
The Minister of Presidential Affairs of the Government of Southern Sudan and Member of the SPLM National Liberation Council, H.E. Dr. Luka Biong Deng met with the Chairman of Sudan’s Liberation Movement, Cdr. Abdul Wahid Mohamed Al-Nur

Luka Biong Deng
Photo: Dr. Luka Biong Deng

Abdul Wahid Al-Nur

Photo: Abdul Wahid Al-Nur

The Minister of Presidential Affairs of the Government of Southern Sudan and Member of the SPLM National Liberation Council, H.E. Dr. Luka Biong Deng and Mr. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, the Head of the Government of Southern Sudan Mission to the United States, Member of the SPLM National Liberation Council, and the SPLM Representative to the United States met with the Chairman of Sudan’s Liberation Movement, Cdr. Abdul Wahid Mohamed Al-Nur on Saturday July 19, 2008 in the Capital of the United States. The Minister was wrapping up a week long official trip to the United States.

The two discussed a wide range of issues including: the importance of the resumption of cooperation between the SPLM and the SLM, leveraging Abdul Wahid’s popular support in Darfur towards finding a satisfactory and sustainable political resolution to the Darfur Conflict, The SPLM Roadmap for Darfur, and the challenges and opportunities of the current political crisis in the country that resulted from ICC’s approval of an Arrest Warrant for the President of the Republic of Sudan, Omer El Bashir.

According to H.E. Dr. Luka Biong Deng, the rift that now exists between the Sudan’s Liberation Movement (SLM) and The Sudan’s People Liberation Movement (SPLM) after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) has been created by overt political propaganda that has depicted the SLM as an extremist force and the SPLM as a moderate one.

“SPLM is our strategic Ally; SLM is not competing with the SPLM. The SPLM is the leading force for change in Sudan, and we need to remain allies”, said Chairman Abdul Whaid Al-Nur. He stressed the need for discussions between the two movements around the SPLM Roadmap for Darfur in order to settle points of difference to begin a process of cooperation and coordination between two movements. Cdr. Al-Nur also emphasized the importance of the establishment of direct channels of communication between the respective Leadership of the SLM and SPLM.

In the spirit of comradeship and solidarity that was present throughout their hour long meeting, H.E. Dr. Luka Biong and Cdr. Abdul Wahid Al-Nur parted with the resolve to act expeditiously on issues of agreement and the commitment to discuss the SPLM Roadmap for the resolution of the Darfur Crisis. Furthermore, Cdr. Abdul Wahid committed to a meeting with the Chairman of the SPLM, General Salva Kiir Mayardit.
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Related reports

Abdel Wahid Mohammed Nur

Photo: A picture taken on August 13, 2007 shows the leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Abdel Wahid Mohammed Nur addressing journalists after a meeting with Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade at Wade’s residence in Paris (AFP/Sudan Watch archives)

SLM Abdel Wahid al-Nur declares his aim is to become President of Sudan
Sudan Watch - Jul 25, 2006
Here is the answer to my question about Minnawi and Nur: if Minni Minnawi takes up the top position in Darfur, what becomes of his rival Abdel Wahid al-Nur? UN SGSR Jan Pronk, in his latest blog entry, reveals that this week, Abdel Wahid al-Nur declared that his aim is to become President of Sudan. Note also, Mr Pronk confirms JEM's aim is not peace but power in Khartoum ...

Darfur commanders impeach President of SLM/A Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Nur
Sudan Tribune - Aug 01, 2006
July 31, 2006 (PARIS) - Military commanders of Sudan Liberation Movement known as Abdelwahid al-Nur Faction dismissed Abdelwahid al-Nur from the leadership of the movement, a press release said ...

Sudan’s SPLM unveils roadmap to counter ICC move
Sudan Tribune - ‎Aug 13, 2008
August 13, 2008 (KHARTOUM) - A high ranking Sudan People’s Liberation Movement official unveiled the content of a roadmap presented by his party to the National Congress Party‎ ...

US official says Darfur's Nur forfeited peace opportunity
Sudan Tribune - ‎Mar 13, 2010‎
March 13, 2010 (DOHA) - The leader of Sudan Liberation Movement Abdel-Wahid Mohamed Nur has wasted a "historical" opportunity to join the peace talks and ...

Back to bloody square-one in Darfur
Daily Star - Lebanon - Julie Flint - ‎Mar 15, 2010‎
I learned about it when Abdul Wahid Mohammad al-Nur, the chairman of the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), called me by satellite telephone to invite me to ...

SLM chief Abdulwahid al-Nur explains why he won't join Darfur Sudan peace talks
SRS - Sudan Radio Service - Mar 16, 2010
In an interview with SRS from Paris on Monday, Abdulwahid al-Nur said peace is not about the distribution of political influence.
Over the weekend, the US Special Envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration, told the press in Doha that al-Nur has wasted a "historic" opportunity to join the peace talks. In response, al-Nur described Gration as a colonizer who ignores the conflict in Darfur ...

UN to probe attack on peacekeepers in South Darfur
Sudan Tribune - ‎Mar 26, 2010‎
The area was the theatre of heavy fighting between the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur (SLM/AW), and the regular army and militias ...

Darfur rebels say shot down Sudan helicopters
Reuters - Andrew Heavens, Khaled Abdelaziz - ‎Mar 28, 2010‎
The insurgents' Paris-based leader Abdel Wahed Mohamed al-Nur is refusing to negotiate with Khartoum, and dismissed a ceasefire signed last month between ...

Two key Darfur rebel groups warn against holding April vote
Sudan Tribune - ‎Mar 31, 2010‎ - extract:
March 30, 2010 (PARIS) - The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) today joined the calls for delaying the vote. "Any elections held now under these circumstances will deem them meaningless and will not achieve the desired outcome of stabilizing country and transforming it to a democratic one," Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune today. [...]

JEM, which is currently engaged in peace talks with Khartoum, echoed Al-Nur’s call saying that the "bare minimum standards" for holding them should exist stressing that the bulk of Darfuri population has not been registered in the census or the voter registration process.

"Excluding [Darfuris] from participation in shaping the future of their country through the ballot box at this critical juncture of the history of the country would weaken their sense of belonging, and works to amplify the voice of the advocates of self-determination for Darfur" according to a statement signed by JEM spokesperson Ahmed Hussein Adam.

JEM slammed the "arrogance" of the NCP in dealing with other political powers saying it does not help building the "national consensus".

"Holding elections in April places obstacles before the peace talks process, and in particular the power sharing portion. Prioritizing the conducting of elections over achieving peace offers conclusive evidence that the NCP does give much care to peace, and unable to depart from the selfish interests of party loyalty to the supreme national interest".

JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim during meeting with Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen in Ndjamena refused to finalize a ceasefire agreement unless he reaches an agreement on the power sharing with the government. Khartoum rejects to give his group a vice-presidency and to postpone elections ...

Fifty EU Election Observers from UK deploy to S. Sudan - Darfur issue could still be resolved after the elections

Sudanese people have a wonderful way with words. A year or so ago, Sudan's president Al-Bashir warned warmongers to go lick their elbows (try licking your elbow to see what he means). Last week, Mr Bashir said he will cut off the fingers of international observers if they interfere.
The Sudanese president gave a stern warning to foreign election monitors threatening to expel them if they call for a delay of the polls scheduled for April 11th.

The warning appears directed at the US based Carter Center which last week called for a slight delay in elections because of logistical and procedural issues.

The NEC deputy chairman Ahmed Abdullah insisted the elections would take place on April 11, as planned.

But Bashir had tougher words to the US based elections watchdog. "We brought these organizations from outside to monitor the elections, but if they ask for them to be delayed, we will throw them out... any foreigner or organization that demand the delay of elections will be expelled sooner rather than later, " he said.

"We wanted them to see the free and fair elections, but if they interfere in our affairs, we will cut their fingers off, put them under our shoes, and throw them out," he added.
Heh. Best of British luck to Paul Moorcraft and all other election observers. Thinking of you, wishing you well. Click on labels at the end of this post to read more about Paul Moorcraft and European Union observers for Sudan's elections.

UK Elections Observers Deploy To Help Sudan Move Towards Democracy
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Tuesday, 29 March 2010:
29 March 2010 - (Khartoum) – the UK-based Centre for Foreign Policy Analysis, says it will deploy fifty election observers in south Sudan as part of the international community’s mission to observe Sudan’s general elections scheduled for April this year.

Speaking to the press in Khartoum on Saturday, the Director of the CFPA, Prof. Paul Moorcraft, emphasized that the observers are independent.

[Paul Moorcraft]: “We have fifty observers in the group. They come from a wide range of professions in the United Kingdom. We are independent; we are not aligned to government, although some of the people in the team have a military background or government background or academic background, they are here as neutral, absolutely neutral observers, independent, not tied to any government or creed or philosophy. Fifty people, many of them are lawyers, constitutional lawyers, some of them are eminent professors and some of them have been most of the time in observation recently. So we put together a very experienced varied team who speak Arabic. We tried to put together a team that will understand this country.”

Prof. Moorcraft said the CFPA wanted to help the Sudan move towards real democracy.

[Paul Moorcraft]: “In the final report which we will make, we will put our observations down and if there are some things that we think in our opinion could perhaps in terms of procedures be done better, we would make some suggestions as a way of perhaps trying to help. We are here simply to observe and this is a major operation. So we are here to look at the transition from your previous systems to a multi-party democracy. We are here to help but not to interfere. We are here to see what went right and perhaps one or two things that went wrong and we will record it as honestly and faithfully as we can. That is what we are here to do. We are here to help Sudan.”

Moorcraft described the recent statement by President Omar al-Bashir that he would expel foreign observers if they continue to call for the postponement of the elections as a “threat”.

According to him, the CFPA was invited by the National Elections Commission to assist with the observation of Sudan’s general elections in April.
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Election Observer Presses for Elections to Go Ahead
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Wednesday, 31 March 2010:
31 March 2010 - (Khartoum) – An international election observer says tribal conflicts in south Sudan should not serve as a pretext to postpone the elections.

Speaking to SRS in Khartoum, Paul Wesson from the UK-based Centre for Foreign Policy Analysis explains why he thinks the elections should be conducted as scheduled.

[Paul Wesson]: “I think the issue is that in the whole country you have 17 million people having an election and the election should not be delayed because of the actions of a few thousands people in one area. But if there is no election in that area, then that can be dealt with at a later stage, but the important thing is to have elections for the 17 million people — yes, the electorate is 17 million people - and the tribal conflicts are carried by a few thousand people who perhaps don’t have the national picture in their minds. It is possible that if an election doesn’t take place in one state or in one constituency it could be held separately at a later stage. The important thing is that the main election takes place.”

Wesson also suggested that the anti-government groups in Darfur should allow the elections process to go ahead as scheduled. He says that the Darfur issue could still be resolved after the elections.
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Two Citizens of Rumbek Comment Election Process
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service:
29 March 2010 - (Rumbek) – As the general election campaigns intensify and the election nears, SRS collected views of people in Rumbek, the capital of Lakes state.

[Vox 1 - male]: “I think the elections are going to be fair and free. I am going to vote in these coming elections because it is something I have been waiting for and the person I am going to vote for is some one that will implement the will of the southerners especially after the long struggle that took 21 years to achieve.”

[Vox 2 - female]: “The elections process is good and I think I am not a politician to comment about it. I work in the hospital. I think unity could be good for us southerners. I would like southern Sudanese to stay united. Let there be no such thing as this belongs to that and this to that. My right as a citizen is to unite with others so as to have one voice in achieving our long-awaited freedom.”

Those were views of two people in Rumbek concerning the elections.
More news from SRS - Sudan Radio Service:

Chad's Deby wants MINURCAT to leave

Chadian president Deby says Chad can do without MINURCAT because Chad and Sudan are setting up their own force to secure the 500-kilometer border.

Phillipe Conraud, humanitarian coordinator for West Africa for the aid group Oxfam, says the absence of MINURCAT could affect the distribution of food to people in more dangerous areas along the border with Sudan. But in some of the regions most at risk for food shortages, he says there are no MINURCAT forces to begin with.

Full story from VOA, 23 March 2010: Chad Seeks Withdrawal of UN Peacekeepers Protecting Food Distribution

Security situation in Darfur 23 March 2010 - Adapting to Climate Change in Darfur

Darfur / UNAMID Daily Media Brief 2010-03-23
EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, March 24, 2010/APO:
Security situation in Darfur
The security situation in Darfur remains relatively calm.

UNAMID military forces conducted 121 patrols including routine, short range, long range, night, and Humanitarian escort patrols, covering 109 villages and Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps during the reporting period.

UNAMID police advisors also conducted 159 patrols in villages and IDP camps.

UNAMID takes part in local Climate Change Conference
UNAMID today joined policy-makers, UN agencies, donors and other stakeholders, including the Sudanese Federal Ministry of the Environment and the State Farmer’s Union, today in El Fasher, North Darfur, to take part in a two-day visioning conference entitled “Adapting to Climate Change in Darfur.”

The forum afforded the various parties the opportunity to debate and research the impact of climate change on livelihoods in Darfur and to facilitate collaboration among them to help meet the pressing needs of the region.

The issues discussed included population growth, urbanization, dwindling water supplies, as well as preparations to deal with the increasingly frequent droughts in the region and the resulting food shortages.

The participants plan to visit, tomorrow, the Golo dam, which supplies much of El Fasher’s water and is suffering from the impacts of desertification.

The organizing of the conference was led by UN Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sudan, Mr. Toby Lanzer.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sudan: April elections as scheduled - Election monitor deadline extended - SLM's Minnawi calls for delay

SUDAN'S elections on the 11th, 12th and 13th of April, will be keenly watched by the international community.

Sudan' elections April 2010

At an International donor conference for Darfur on the weekend, organisers in Cairo, Egypt fell far short of the $2 billion they'd hoped to raise, due to concerns over Sudan's security situation ahead of April's elections. Read more at Deutsche Welle (DW-WORLD.DE) Tuesday, 23 March 2010: Sudan instability hampering international aid to Darfur.
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April elections as scheduled

THE National Elections Commission (NEC) has repeated its commitment to conduct the April elections as scheduled.

Also, the NEC has extended the period for receiving applications from local and international observers who would wish to participate in the April elections.

However, the leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), Mini Arkou Minnawi, says that the postponement of the April general elections, will pave the way for the conduct of free and fair elections in Sudan.

Note that the SLM is not registered as a party to participate in April’s elections. Reportedly, Mr Minnawi claims his party is being intentionally excluded from participating in the elections.

Full story here below.

NEC Still Committed To April Elections
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Tuesday, 23 March 2010:
(Khartoum) – The National Elections Commission has repeated its commitment to conduct the April elections as scheduled.

The NEC met on Monday in Khartoum to analyze a report by the Carter Center last week requesting NEC to delay the elections. The deputy chairman of the commission, Prof. Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah, addressed the press after the meeting.

[Prof. Abdallah Ahmed Abdallah]: “The report by the Carter Center stirred up the media. However, we would like to inform you that the report is not from NEC. The NEC has gone through the details. We saw a need to study the report in detail and that’s why we formed a committee to look into the report. And the conclusion is the elections will be conducted as scheduled, God willing, on the 11th 12th and 13th of April.”

Aside from a newly-deployed European Union mission, the Carter Center is the only international elections observation mission in Sudan.
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Election Monitor Deadline Extended
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Tuesday, 23 March 2010:
(Khartoum) – The National Elections Commission has extended the period for receiving applications from local and international observers who would wish to participate in the April elections.

An NEC expert on elections, Mohamed Abdul-Daiem, told the press in Khartoum on Monday that they have received hundreds of applications from NGOs willing to observe the conduct of elections in Sudan.

[Mohamed Abdul-Daiem]: “After we had declared the 21st March as the final date for accepting applications for institutions wanting to observe the elections, we continued to receive applications and we realized that many civil society organizations are still carrying out trainings. And so, in appreciation of their efforts, we decided to include them in the observation process and we extended the initial date until 30 March. This will enable these organizations to participate in the first democratic exercise in Sudan. This morning, we received 8192 applications from local observers all over the country. We are now examining these applications and we will then issue them with identity cards.”

Mohamed Abdul-Daiem was speaking to the press in Khartoum on Monday.
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Minnawi Calls For Delay in Elections
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Tuesday, 23 March 2010:
(Khartoum) – The leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement says that the postponement of the April general elections, will pave the way for the conduct of free and fair elections in Sudan.

Mini Arkou Minnawi, who is the senior presidential assistant, spoke to SRS from Khartoum on Tuesday.

[Mini Minnawi]: “The voices that are calling for postponement of the elections are right. Although the NCP do not accept the idea, it would have a positive impact on the security situation in Sudan. It would also impact on whether the elections will be free and fair. So we should consider all these issues, then move together towards finding the solution. But personally, I’m not part of these elections.”

Minnawi’s movement is not registered as a party to participate in April’s elections.

Minnawi claims that the NCP and the intentionally excluded his party from participating in the elections.

[Mini Minnawi]: “Our brothers in the NCP and the NEC have colluded to exclude us from these elections. But we will talk about that after the elections, because it is premature to talk about the result of the elections before we discuss the conduct of the elections.”

That was the leader of SLM, Mini Arkou Minnawi speaking to SRS from Khartoum.
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More news from SRS

Tuesday 23-Mar-2010

Sudan Al-Merriekh football news - FIFA hearing April 15 re attacks by Egyptians on Algeria team in Cairo last Nov

Sudan Sports Latest
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service, Tuesday, 23 March 2010:
(Nairobi) – The International Football Federation (FIFA) will hold a hearing on April 15 regarding the attacks by Egyptians on Algeria team in Cairo late November.

The Algerian team claimed that Egyptian fans threw stones at the team’s bus before their world cup qualifier game against Egypt.

Egypt won the match which led to a playoff in Omdurman. Algeria qualified for South Africa’s world cup finals after beating Egypt 1-0.

Al-Merriekh arrived in Khartoum on Monday evening from Chad where they played a Champions league game against Gazelle FC on Sunday.

Al-Merriekh drew with Gazelle 1-1. Al-Hilal will return to Khartoum on Tuesday from Abidjan.

Amal Atbara will play against Al-Mawrada in Atbara in their premier league match on Tuesday evening.

Voter registration in Darfur, Sudan has exceeded 60%

Voter registration in Darfur has exceeded 60%. UNAMID will help provide security for observers and transportation of ballots in Darfur during the vote.

"Any foreigner or organization that demand the delay of elections will be expelled sooner rather than later, " Sudan's president al-Bashir said in remarks carried by the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera television.

"We want them to observe the elections, but if they interfere in our affairs and demanded the delay, we will cut their fingers and put them under our shoes and expel them," he told supporters, according to his remarks carried by Al-Arabiya television web site."

Meanwhile, the head of the U.N.-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur said Monday he expected elections in Darfur to go smoothly, despite fears of violence and calls for the poll's delay.

Ibrahim Gambari, who took over the UNAMID mission in January, said he doesn't think security will be "a major consideration."

"The security will be pretty good, if our experience in the registration period was anything to go by," he told The Associated Press after attending an international fundraising conference for Darfur in Cairo.

Gambari said an agreement between Sudan and Chad to stop supporting rebels in their respective countries, a general decline in fighting in Darfur and diminishing rebel control over territory have already had a positive impact on security.

Full story by Sarah El Deeb SARAH (AP) CAIRO, Tuesday, 23 March 2010: Sudan prez threatens to expel election observers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Coca-Cola and USAID expand global water partnership - UNICEF in Sudan marks World Water Day 2010

Most recent figures from the Sudan Household Health Survey 2006 show that about 40 per cent of the population does not have access to safe drinking water and more than two-thirds have no access to adequate sanitation.

Each year around 305,000 children die from preventable illnesses in Sudan and one of the big killers is diarrhea, which is caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.

UNICEF in Sudan is calling for improved access to safe drinking water across the country to mark international World Water Day on March 22, which will focus on water quality this year.

Full story: UNICEF KHARTOUM/JUBA, SUDAN, 22 March, 2010 - UNICEF in Sudan marks World Water Day 2010 with focus on water quality
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The Coca-Cola Company and USAID Expand Global Water Partnership
WASHINGTON, 22 March 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire:
Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and The Coca-Cola Company announce an additional joint investment of US$12.7 million in their global partnership, the Water and Development Alliance (WADA). Through this investment, WADA will support eight new multi-year programs throughout sub-Saharan Africa in Angola, Burundi, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. These programs will begin as 3-year initiatives, representing a shift toward longer-term efforts and exemplifying each organization’s shared commitment to lasting, sustainable solutions to global water challenges. With this new investment, USAID and The Coca-Cola Company will have committed a total of $28.1 million since 2005 to support 32 projects in 22 countries worldwide in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

France invites Sudan, not Bashir, to summit - French company to build solar plants in Sudan

France invites Sudan, not Bashir, to summit
From Reuters PARIS Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:53am EDT - excerpt:
(Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked Sudan to take part in a Franco-African summit in May, but has made clear that Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir should not attend, the Elysee said on Monday.

Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court last year for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur, and could be arrested if he stepped foot in France, which is a staunch supporter of the ICC.

Sarkozy's office said Bashir would not be welcome.

"The president has indeed sent a letter to Omar Hassan al-Bashir to ask him to nominate the person who will represent Sudan at the Franco-African summit," said an official, making clear that the Sudanese leader himself could not come.

The summit had originally been set to take place in Egypt but France was concerned that Cairo would invite Bashir in person so reached a deal to switch the meeting to the French Riviera city of Nice, leaving Paris in charge of invitations.

Bashir had to cancel a trip to Turkey last year after Ankara came under pressure from the European Union not to host him because of the ICC indictment. [...]

Sudan's state news agency SUNA said that in his letter to Bashir, Sarkozy had also expressed France's gratitude for the recent release of French hostages in the region.

Four French hostages were freed in the past two months in Darfur. Three were kidnapped in neighboring countries but aid sources said they were all being held in Darfur.

(Reporting by Yann Le Guernigou; Writing by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Giles Elgood)
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French company to build solar plants in Sudan
From Sudan Tribune, Friday, March 19, 2010 (PARIS):
Solar Euromed, a French solar power company said on Friday it signed a ten billion USD contract with the Sudanese Ministry of Energy and Mining to design, build and manage solar power plants over a 10-year period.

A solar power plant

A solar power plant

The first two projects of respectively 100 MW and 150 MW are expected to be operational by 2013/2014. They aim to provide affordable power and water supply to several affected Sudanese regions, including the Darfur region.

"Both projects will contribute to the stabilization and the development of the Sudanese population," the company said.

The solar power, which is seen as environmentally-friendly solution to produce a renewable energy, is using the Sun, structures made out of metal and glass, and greenhouse gas emission-free.

Solar Euromed, located in the Corsica island in France, employs 20 and posts a revenue of some EUR 3 million annually.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) considers this technology will experience a very steep growth in the coming years to reach up to 11% of the world total electricity installed capacity by 2050. (ST)

Sudan Sports Latest

Sudan Sports Latest
From SRS - Sudan Radio Service:
Monday, 22 March 2010 - (Nairobi) – Four Sudanese clubs participating in two African competitions played matches on Sunday evening.

In the African Champions League, Al-Hilal drew nil-nil with Africa Sport National in Abidjan, while Al-Merriekh drew with Gazzelle FC of Chad 1-1.

In Egypt, Khartoum FC lost their African Confederation Cup game against Petrojet 3-0.

Khartoum FC will have to defeat Petrojet 4-0 in Khartoum or face elimination from the competition.

The other confederation cup game took place in Atbara where Amal hosted Costa de Sol of Mozambique and defeated their guests 4-2.

Basketball next and on Saturday in the premier league Maktaba Omdurman defeated Al-Shurta 97-81 and Al-Gipti beat Merriekh 87-73.

In the first division league there will be two games on Tuesday evening. Al-Suri will play Al-Rabie and Al-Hilal confront Bait Al-Mal.
Other News from SRS


Thanks to a Sudan Watch reader in Khartoum, Sudan for sending in the following piece on youth resistance in Sudan.

Click here to visit VJ Movement and see video report by Mia Bittar, Khartoum entitled "WE ARE FED UP!" SUDANESE YOUTH CRY OUT FOR CHANGE.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Enough's report re LRA in S. Darfur, Sudan may not be true

THE widely publicised report from Enough that Joseph Kony had found safe haven in south Darfur as guests of the Sudan government, may not be true.

Click here to read more of "The ring of truth" by Peter Eichstaedt, Sunday, 21 March 2010 at this blog's sister site Uganda Watch.
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Flag of Lord's Resistance Army

Flag of Lord's Resistance Army

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First picture, after more than a decade, of Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony (LRA), exposed

First picture, after more than a decade, of Joseph Kony, leader of the nefarious Lord Resistance Army. The picture shows Kony (l), and his second in command Vince Otty (r). In the middle: Riek Machar, Vice President Government of South Sudan". Kony and Otty have been indicted by the International Criminal Court.

Source: May 30, 2006, Jan Pronk - Joseph Kony (LRA), exposed
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From The Daily Telegraph
Profile: Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army
By David Blair, 29 November 2008:
"Africa's children will only be safe when this mystical psychopath meets his well-deserved end"

Joseph Kony

Also, see BBC News online report Uganda rebel fails to sign deal - from the archives of Sudan Watch's sister site Uganda Watch 29 November 2008.

Donor conference aims to raise $2 billion for Darfur, Sudan

HERE below are several photos from the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur, co-chaired by Egypt and Turkey with backing from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, 21 March 2010.

The conference is intended to raise $2 billion for infrastructure, health, water and other projects in the war-ravaged Sudanese region.

Let's hope that water projects will be a top priority in Darfur.

Assistant to Sudan's President Minni Arko Minnawi

Photo: (From L to R) Assistant to Sudan's President Minni Arko Minnawi, Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmad Aboul Gheit and Secretary-General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu attend the international conference for reconstruction and development in Darfur of Sudan in Cairo March 21, 2010. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

Minni Arkou Minnawi

Photo: Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, right seen as he co chairs the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. At left former leader of the largest faction of the Sudanese Liberation Army, and Sudanese Senior Assistant to the President, Minni Arkou Minnawi. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Donor conference for Darfur

Photo: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit (R), Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu (C) and the Sudanese presidential aide Meni Minawi (L) attend a one-day aid conference in Cairo on March 21. (AFP/Khaled Desouki)

International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur

Photo: Former South African president and chairman of the African Union (AU) panel on Darfur Thabo Mbeki, center, greets Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, right, as Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu looks on during the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Former Sudanese president Abdulrahman Siwar al-Dhab

Photo: Former Sudanese president Abdulrahman Siwar al-Dhab (L) and Qatari state minister Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Mahmud arrive to at the opening session of an aid conference for Darfur in Cairo on March 21. International donors were urged Sunday to dig deep into their pockets at the conference. (AFP/Khaled Desouki)

Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Arab League

Photo: From left to right, Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Arab League, Sudanese Senior Assistant to the President, Minni Arkou Minnawi, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Akmal Eddine Ihsan Oglo, are seen during the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur, which co-chaired by Egypt and Turkey with backing from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, March 21, 2010.

The conference is intended to raise $2 billion for infrastructure, health, water and other projects in the war-ravaged Sudanese region. (AP Photo/Amr Nabi/Yahoo! News 21/3/10 10:54)

Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu

Photo: Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, left, talks to his Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Aboul Gheit, during the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

International donor conference for Darfur

Photo: From left to right, Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League, Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Akmal Eddine Ihsan Oglo, are seen during the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Qatar's State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ahmed al Mahmud

Photo: Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa (R) speaks with Qatar's State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ahmed al Mahmud before the international conference for reconstruction and development in Darfur of Sudan in Cairo March 21, 2010. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

Assistant to Sudan's VP Minni Minnawi

Photo: Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa (R) shakes hands with Assistant to Sudan's President Minni Arko Minnawi before the international conference for the reconstruction and development in Darfur of Sudan in Cairo March 21, 2010. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Akmal Eddine

Photo: Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Arab League, right, listens to the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Akmal Eddine Ihsan Oglo, before the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Samani al Waseelah

Photo: Samani al Waseelah, Minister of State for the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, looks on before the opening of the International donor conference for the development and the construction of Darfur. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Full story: Donors conference seeks $2 billion for Darfur by HADEEL AL-SHALCHI, The Associated Press, Sunday, March 21, 2010; 6:38 AM.