Who is trying to disrupt peace in South Sudan and why? Where are the UN peacekeepers? 10,000 were agreed well over one year ago but barely more than half that figure have materialised. Few countries are keen to lend troops for such missions.
Photo: A recently returned family living temporarily in Bor, South Sudan. Their home village, 75 km to the north, has no services whatsoever. Full report by Helene Caux in Bor, South Sudan, November 29, 2005.
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Sudanese presidency asks SPLM/A to explain Jonglei State fighting
Earlier this month, seven people were killed in Jonglei State in clashes between SSDF armed militias and the SPLM/A.
This appears to have occurred around the time when Uganda's LRA terrorist group chief Joseph Kony fled his hideout in Southern Sudan into DR Congo. [Note between 1996-1999 Uganda backed Sudan's SPLM/A so Khartoum armed Uganda's LRA]
Feb 5, 2006 Sudan Tribune report says the Sudanese presidency demanded an explanation from South Sudan's rebel group SPLM/A re fighting in Jonglei area at end of last week.
SSDF claims Jonglei State fighting was tribal conflict over water and cattle
Feb 6, 2006 Reuters report says the UN claims there have been clashes between SSDF and SPLM but the SSDF denies involvement, claiming it was just tribal conflict over water and cattle.
SSDF says Jonglei State Governor must resign for instigating instability
Feb 11, 2006 SSDF Press Release says a delegation of SSDF went to Waat to investigate recent fighting between the White Army of Uror County and the SPLM/A and claims the fighting was instigated by the governor of Jonglei State and Major Gen. George Athor.
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