Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

4 SUDAN FILMS: TMC RSF Janjaweed, bodies in Nile, Hemedti & secret hit squads

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: I saw the following film in a tweet I found online last night. I cannot verify the source or footage nor pass it by. Please excuse me if it is fake. To me it looks real.

I have seen the film several times, each time I studied it in detail. I imagined being in the position of the people filmed sitting on the ground, looking up at the (words fail me how to describe them) so-called men in combat uniforms, acting erratic, crazy and self-important. Who are these people, where are they from? Are they drugged, former child soldiers?

Look at the fear on the captives' faces, they look deflated and exhausted. I dread to think what they have seen for their faces and body language to look as they do in the film. Actors can't act in this way.

I find the film shocking and haunting. Anyone watching it who fails to be able to empathise with anyone involved in this film is desensitised to the atrocities committed in Sudan and South Sudan.

Who are the captives in this film? They look like they've been through war. Are they protestors? Rebels? Ex soldiers? They seem shocked, one is lifting a hand to signal a peace sign. Who is caring for them? Where are they now? Do they have family? Are dead bodies of protestors in background?

I must publish this film now in case it disappears before being seen by people in positions of power who could help. The film makes you smell and taste cruelty, the air, mood, fear, despair.
To see the above tweet and film click here: 

Sudan Watch Ed: Here are some links showing what people are tweeting, please be cautious and mindful, beware of propaganda before deciding to tweet or re-tweet, many people's lives and livelihoods are at stake: #Sudan  #SudanUpraising   #السودان #العصيان_المدني_الشامل  #Internet_Blackout_In_Sudan  #IAmTheSudanRevolution 
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UPDATE 3: Tue 25 June 2019 18:00 GMT UK


"Sudan's 'strongman' fighting protestors"
To see the Channel 4 News film on YouTube click here:
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"Hotspots: Inside Sudan and Syria"
To see the Sky News film on YouTube click here:

Published at YouTube on 22 Jun 2019
Sky's Stuart Ramsay and Alex Crawford send a special report from the revolution in Sudan and the last stronghold of the Islamic State in Syria.

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"Sudan’s Secret Hit Squads Used to Attack Protests" - BBC Africa Eye documentary
To see the BBC film on YouTube click here:

BBC News Africa
Published at YouTube on 13 Feb 2019
These are images Sudan’s government does not want you to see: teams of masked, plainclothes agents chasing down protesters, beating them, and dragging them off to secret detention centres in Khartoum.

Who are these hit squads? Where are these detention centres? And what happens inside their walls?

BBC Africa Eye has analysed dozens of dramatic videos filmed during the recent uprising, and spoken with witnesses who have survived torture at the hands of the Bashir regime. Some of these protesters tell us about a secret and widely feared holding facility – The Fridge – where the cold is used an instrument of torture.

Investigation led by:
Benjamin Strick
Abdulmoniem Suleiman
Klaas Van Dijken 
Aliaume Leroy  

Produced and Edited by:
Suzanne Vanhooymissen 
Tom Flannery 
Daniel Adamson  

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The War for our Minds (By Werner K, Soldier of Africa)

Working in my "Office"

Photo and caption by Werner K while on active service during a most dangerous time in Darfur, western Sudan (from the archives of 2 Dec 2006): This is me working in my "office", which is a tent with air conditioning. At least the heat in El Fashier is not as bad anymore as a month or two ago. The nights are actually getting cold now. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Here is a copy of a blog post by one of my great blog mates, Werner (pictured above) at Soldier of Africa blog, Wednesday, 17 February 2010:
The War for our Minds

The War for our Minds

Do you consider yourself to be somebody with scrupulous values and good moral judgement? Do you think you will always be able to make informed decisions or maybe you are just informed which decisions to make.

The following is a list of some of the techniques used by governments and paramilitary organisations around the world to make us see their points of view. Read them and ask yourself again if what you know is true:

Ad hominem
A Latin phrase that has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments.

Ad nauseam
This argument approach uses tireless repetition of an idea. An idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth. This approach works best when media sources are limited and controlled by the propagator.

Appeal to authority
Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action.

Appeal to fear
Appeals to fear and seeks to build support by instilling anxieties and panic in the general population, for example, Joseph Goebbels exploited Theodore Kaufman's Germany Must Perish! to claim that the Allies sought the extermination of the German people.

Appeal to prejudice
Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition. Used in biased or misleading ways.

Bandwagon and "inevitable-victory" appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to join in and take the course of action that "everyone else is taking".

* Inevitable victory: invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action.
* Join the crowd: This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their best interest to join.

Beautiful people
The type of propaganda that deals with famous people or depicts attractive, happy people. This makes other people think that if they buy a product or follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful.

Big Lie
The repeated articulation of a complex of events that justify subsequent action. The descriptions of these events have elements of truth, and the "big lie" generalizations merge and eventually supplant the public's accurate perception of the underlying events. After World War I the German Stab in the back explanation of the cause of their defeat became a justification for Nazi re-militarization and revanchist aggression.

Black-and-white fallacy
Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (e.g., George W. Bush: "Either you are with us or against us.")

Common man
The "plain folks" or "common man" approach attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. It is designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the target audience. Propagandists use ordinary language and mannerisms (and clothe their message in face-to-face and audiovisual communications) in attempting to identify their point of view with that of the average person. For example, a propaganda leaflet may make an argument on a macroeconomic issue, such as unemployment insurance benefits, using everyday terms: "Given that the country has little money during this recession, we should stop paying unemployment benefits to those who do not work, because that is like maxing out all your credit cards during a tight period, when you should be tightening your belt."

Demonizing the enemy
Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman (e.g., the Vietnam War-era term "gooks" for National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam aka Vietcong, or "VC", soldiers), worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations.

Direct order
This technique hopes to simplify the decision making process by using images and words to tell the audience exactly what actions to take, eliminating any other possible choices. Authority figures can be used to give the order, overlapping it with the Appeal to authority technique, but not necessarily. The Uncle Sam "I want you" image is an example of this technique.

The creation or deletion of information from public records, in the purpose of making a false record of an event or the actions of a person or organization, including outright forgery of photographs, motion pictures, broadcasts, and sound recordings as well as printed documents.

The use of an event that generates euphoria or happiness, or using an appealing event to boost morale. Euphoria can be created by declaring a holiday, making luxury items available, or mounting a military parade with marching bands and patriotic messages.

An attempt to justify an action on the grounds that doing so will make one more patriotic, or in some way benefit a group, country, or idea. The feeling of patriotism this technique attempts to inspire may not necessarily diminish or entirely omit one's capability for rational examination of the matter in question.

Glittering generalities
Glittering generalities are emotionally appealing words applied to a product or idea, but which present no concrete argument or analysis. A famous example is the campaign slogan "Ford has a better idea!"

A half-truth is a deceptive statement, which may come in several forms and includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade blame or misrepresent the truth.

Intentional vagueness
Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or attempting to determine their reasonableness or application. The intent is to cause people to draw their own interpretations rather than simply being presented with an explicit idea. In trying to "figure out" the propaganda, the audience forgoes judgment of the ideas presented. Their validity, reasonableness and application may still be considered.

A Euphemism is used when the propagandist attempts to increase the perceived quality, credibility, or credence of a particular ideal. A Dysphemism is used when the intent of the propagandist is to discredit, diminish the perceived quality, or hurt the perceived righteousness of the Mark. By creating a "label" or "category" or "faction" of a population, it is much easier to make an example of these larger bodies, because they can uplift or defame the Mark without actually incurring legal-defamation. Example: "Liberal" is a dysphemism intended to diminish the perceived credibility of a particular Mark. By taking a displeasing argument presented by a Mark, the propagandist can quote that person, and then attack "liberals" in an attempt to both Example: "Racist" is another dysphemism intended to diminish credibility of a particular mark: (1) create a political battle-ax of unaccountable aggression and (2) diminish the quality of the Mark. If the propagandist uses the label on too-many perceivably credible individuals, muddying up the word can be done by broadcasting bad-examples of "liberals" into the media. Labeling can be thought of as a sub-set of Guilt by association, another logical fallacy.

Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears and arouse prejudices in their hearers in the intent that the bad names will cause hearers to construct a negative opinion about a group or set of beliefs or ideas that the propagandist would wish hearers to denounce. The method is intended to provoke conclusions about a matter apart from impartial examinations of facts. Name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against the an idea or belief on its own merits.

Obtain disapproval or Reductio ad Hitlerum
This technique is used to persuade a target audience to disapprove of an action or idea by suggesting that the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus if a group that supports a certain policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people support the same policy, then the members of the group may decide to change their original position. This is a form of bad logic, where a is said to include X, and b is said to include X, therefore, a = b.

Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.

Quotes out of context
Selectively editing quotes to change meanings—political documentaries designed to discredit an opponent or an opposing political viewpoint often make use of this technique.

Individuals or groups may use favorable generalities to rationalize questionable acts or beliefs. Vague and pleasant phrases are often used to justify such actions or beliefs.

Red herring
Presenting data or issues that, while compelling, are irrelevant to the argument at hand, and then claiming that it validates the argument.

Assigning blame to an individual or group, thus alleviating feelings of guilt from responsible parties and/or distracting attention from the need to fix the problem for which blame is being assigned.

A slogan is a brief, striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Although slogans may be enlisted to support reasoned ideas, in practice they tend to act only as emotional appeals. Opponents of the US's invasion and occupation of Iraq use the slogan "blood for oil" to suggest that the invasion and its human losses was done to access Iraq's oil riches. On the other hand, "hawks" who argue that the US should continue to fight in Iraq use the slogan "cut and run" to suggest that it would be cowardly or weak to withdraw from Iraq. Similarly, the names of the military campaigns, such as "enduring freedom" or "just cause", may also be regarded to be slogans, devised to influence people.

This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. For instance, reporting on a foreign country or social group may focus on the stereotypical traits that the reader expects, even though they are far from being representative of the whole country or group; such reporting often focuses on the anecdotal. In graphic propaganda, including war posters, this might include portraying enemies with stereotyped racial features.

Testimonials are quotations, in or out of context, especially cited to support or reject a given policy, action, program, or personality. The reputation or the role (expert, respected public figure, etc.) of the individual giving the statement is exploited. The testimonial places the official sanction of a respected person or authority on a propaganda message. This is done in an effort to cause the target audience to identify itself with the authority or to accept the authority's opinions and beliefs as its own. See also, damaging quotation
"The Bulgarian Martyresses", 1877 painting by the Russian painter Konstantin Makovsky depicting the rape of Bulgarian women by Ottoman troops during the suppression of the April Uprising a year earlier, served to mobilise public support for the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) waged with the proclaimed aim of liberating the Bulgarians.

Also known as association, this is a technique that involves projecting the positive or negative qualities of one person, entity, object, or value onto another to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it. It evokes an emotional response, which stimulates the target to identify with recognized authorities. Often highly visual, this technique often utilizes symbols superimposed over other visual images. These symbols may be used in place of words; for example, placing swastikas on or around a picture of an opponent to associate the opponent with Naziism.

Unstated assumption
This technique is used when the propaganda concept that the propagandist intends to transmit would seem less credible if explicitly stated. The concept is instead repeatedly assumed or implied.

Virtue words
These are words in the value system of the target audience that produce a positive image when attached to a person or issue. Peace, happiness, security, wise leadership, freedom, "The Truth", etc. are virtue words. In countries such as the U.S. religiosity is seen as a virtue, making associations to this quality affectively beneficial.

Posted By Werner K to Soldier of Africa on 2/17/2010 01:06:00 PM

Saturday, February 06, 2010

ICC Haskanita: URF's Bahar Idriss Abu-Garda dismisses Sudan Tribune report

Speaking to Sudan Radio Service (SRS) on Monday, 01 February 2010, from Doha in Qatar, URF Commander Bahar Idriss Abu-Garda described a report by Sudan Tribune as inaccurate. The report in question (from Washington, Monday, 30 January 2010, entitled "Two Darfur rebel commanders expected to appear before ICC next week: sources") was published at Sudan Tribune on Sunday, 31 January 2010. Read more here below.

AMIS peacekeepers slain at Haskanita

AMIS peacekeepers slain at Haskanita

Photo: Troops stand behind the coffins of Nigerian peacekeepers killed in Darfur during a funeral ceremony in Abuja October 5, 2007 (Reuters) Credit: Photo and caption from Sudan Tribune report, 31 Jan 2010.

Here is a copy of the report by SRS dated Tuesday, 02 February 2010:
Abu-Garda Dismisses Reports of ICC Summonses in Haskanita Case
(Doha) - The leader of the Darfur anti-government movement, the United Resistance Front, Bahar Idriss Abu-Garda, has dismissed allegations that two commanders of Darfur movements have been summoned by the International Criminal Court.
On Sunday, the Sudan Tribune reported that two Darfur rebel commanders charged with masterminding an attack on African Union peacekeepers in Haskanita in 2007 will appear before the international court.

According to the report, the names of the two rebels have not been disclosed but they are believed to be Abdallah Bandah, from the United Resistance Front, led by Abu-Garda and Saleh Jarbo Jamous, from JEM.

Speaking to SRS on Monday from Doha in Qatar, Bahar Idriss Abu-Garda described the report as inaccurate.

[Abu-Garda]: “This information is not true; I dismissed it in an interview with the Arabian TV channel. The only party that can summon these people is the ICC, up until now they didn’t announce anything or even decide to do so. You can’t know anything till the court announces. You remember in the past before I went to the court, several names were mentioned, at that time they were saying Commander X, sometimes Commander Alsasi, these talks were many, but they all turned out to be just suppositions.”

Abu-Garda voluntarily appeared before the ICC in connection with the assault on AU peacekeepers in 2007 that left 12 soldiers dead. [end of SRS report]
Also, here is a copy of the first six comments at Sudan Tribune's report (see above) entitled "Two Darfur rebel commanders expected to appear before ICC next week: sources". Note, the five words in the first comment that I have highlighted in red.

31 January 05:48, by Nuer and Equatoria Dominated SAF & Malitias
They are supposed to be killed, what type of peace they are keeping besides bringing their sex presitution looking for only ladies for sex and comsuming alcohol. Soon more will be killed.
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31 January 08:32, by Time1
The Darfur rebels are ready to clear their name and they have nothing to hide, however Omer bashir should also be brave and appear in c ourt to clear his name, if he thinks he is really innocent then he should have nothing to be afraid of.but Omer bashir clearly knows that he is a war criminal that is why he does not want to stand trail.
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31 January 14:00, by Wed Deng
If those two commanders are to be taken to ICC, there will be no law because the Bashir is now here with Us and he has killed thousands of people while peacekeepers were around. I hope they are bribed by Bashir.
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31 January 10:45, by Time1
There is no law and order in the north Sudan? look at the mismanagement in Darfur? or in the east? the political crisis and intimidation of opposition in Khartoum and centre? or in the occupation of Halayeeb? First of all there is no freedom for opposition in north Sudan, no freedom of press, frequent arrests of oppositions and killing of darfurians.

This are the main point obstructing peace in Sudan:

1-Omer bashir committed war crimes in Darfur, muslims massacring muslims in Darfur, you Arabs discriminate against black africans of Darfur even when they are muslims, war still in Darfur and central Sudan, where is the peace in the north, are you dreaming to make you feel better?

2-The president of north Sudan is the only serving president in the whole continent who has been charge with war crimes and genocide, he is wanted by ICC and is a fugitive of international justice, does that show a good image of the Arabs in north Sudan?

2-you are already int he US lists of Terrorists states,you sponsor bin ladin, you support LRA in terrorist rebels, you support al shabab in Somali and islamic rebels in ethiopia, i do not see north sudan coming off that lists very soon.

4-What oil does north sudan have, currently? let not talk about oil that north will have in the future, because everyone will have oil in the future, but currently north sudan depends 90 of its budget on oil which is 50% of oil from south sudan, everybody know Sudans oil is in the south, in uppernile and unity states the major oil producing states in Sudan, north sudan has no oil, when south sudan seperates we will see that big mouth of having oil in north sudan, the fact is north Sudan is dependent on south Sudans oil currently.

5- North is a dictatorial system, one party states run by NCP since 1989, everybody knows north Sudan is run by a dictator and an ICC war crimnal, there is no democracy in north sudan, the Hardline Islamic cultuure mixed with Hardline Arab culture does not allow for democratic and sercular systems of governance in north Sudan.

Until north Sudan change its culture of hardline islamic believe mixed with hardline Arabic culture, they will not move forward.
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31 January 11:28, by jur_likang_a_ likan’g
The UN Secretary General should be duty bound to uphold the 1948 Universal declaration of Human Rights in order for him to maintain the work ethics of this global esteemed office. I strongly urge Mr Ban Ki Moon to withdraw his statement on the Independence of South Sudan.

It should be noted that the results of self-determination of South Sudan referendum should be the determining factor for the future of South Sudan and only South Sudanese will solely be responsible for that by their votes when it comes to the time. Non participants in this referendum should not make unnecessary comments that cause insecurity in South Sudan. Specifically those people who hold high offices in UN, EU and AU should not make irresponsible statements on matters concerning 2005 CPA. This agreement is a testimony that the world pointed that the war in South Sudan should halt and the future of the land belongs to the inhabitants of this part of the globe that has known nothing other that dehumanisation, dealienation and neglect by the so-called national leaders who actually run a government of the few.

Two Darfur rebel commanders expected to appear before ICC next week: sources
31 January 12:43, by Shadrack Nuer Machut
Why is the ICC tempting every issue without quick and positive reactions? It is not a matter of calling everybody but it matters a lot to intervene possibly.
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Click on Haskanita label here below for related reports. Also, see reports from SRS - Sudan Radio Service 25 Jan - 02 Feb 2010: