Saturday, April 08, 2006

What is the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing?

Someone has just asked me what is the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing. Good question. I found it difficult to articulate a short answer. The following excerpt from Encyclopaedia Britannica says some critics see little difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing:

Ethnic cleansing is the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship.

The term ethnic cleansing, a literal translation of the Serbo-Croatian phrase etnicko ciscenje, was widely employed in the 1990s (though the term first appeared earlier) to describe the brutal treatment of various civilian groups in the conflicts that erupted upon the disintegration of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. These groups included Bosniacs (Bosnian Muslims) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbs in the Krajina region of Croatia, and ethnic Albanians and later Serbs in the Serbian province of Kosovo. The term also has been attached to the treatment by Indonesian militants of the people of East Timor, many of whom were killed or forced to abandon their homes after citizens there voted in favour of independence in 1999, and to the plight of Chechens who fled Grozny and other areas of Chechnya following Russian military operations against Chechen separatists during the 1990s.

According to a report issued by the United Nations (UN) secretary-general, the frequent occurrence of ethnic cleansing in the 1990s was attributable to the nature of contemporary armed conflicts, in which civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure are not simply by-products of war, but the consequence of the deliberate targeting of non-combatants... [I]n many conflicts, belligerents target civilians in order to expel or eradicate segments of the population, or for the purpose of hastening military surrender.

Ethnic cleansing as a concept has generated considerable controversy. Some critics see little difference between it and genocide. Defenders, however, argue that ethnic cleansing and genocide can be distinguished by the intent of the perpetrator: whereas the primary goal of genocide is the destruction of an ethnic, racial, or religious group, the main purpose of ethnic cleansing is the establishment of ethnically homogeneous lands, which may be achieved by any of a number of methods including genocide.

Another major controversy concerns the question of whether or not ethnic cleansing originated in the 20th century. Some scholars have pointed to the forced resettlement of millions of people by the Assyrians in the 9th and 7th centuries BC as perhaps the first cases of ethnic cleansing. Among other examples cited are the mass execution of Danes by the English in 1002, attempts by the Czechs to rid their territories of Germans in the Middle Ages, the expulsion of Jews from Spain in the 15th century, and the forced displacement of Native Americans by white settlers in North America in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Others argue that ethnic cleansing, unlike earlier acts of forced resettlement, is the result of certain uniquely 20th-century developments, such as the rise of powerful nation-states fueled by nationalist and pseudoscientific racist ideologies in conjunction with the spread of advanced technology and communications. Examples of ethnic cleansing understood in this sense include the Armenian massacres by the Turks in 1915-16, the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews in the 1930s and '40s, the expulsion of Germans from Polish and Czechoslovak territory after World War II, the Soviet Union's deportation of certain ethnic minorities from the Caucasus and Crimea during the 1940s, and the forced migrations and mass killings in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the 1990s. In many of these campaigns, women were targeted for particularly brutal treatment - including systematic rape and enslavement - in part because they were viewed by perpetrators as the "carriers," biologically and culturally, of the next generation of their nations. Because many men in victimized populations left their families and communities to join resistance groups once violence began, women and children were often defenseless.

The precise legal definition of ethnic cleansing has been the subject of intense scrutiny within various international bodies, including the UN, the two ad hoc international tribunals created in the 1990s to prosecute violations of international humanitarian law in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda (the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [ICTY] and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [ICTR], respectively), and the International Criminal Court (ICC), which began sittings in 2002.

In 1992, in reference to the hostilities in Yugoslavia, the UN General Assembly declared ethnic cleansing to be "a form of genocide," and in the following year the Security Council, citing widespread and flagrant violations of international humanitarian law within the territory of the former Yugoslavia, established a tribunal to investigate allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including ethnic cleansing. In its examination of the capture of the town of Kozarac by Bosnian Serbs, the ICTY described the ethnic cleansing that took place there as the process of rounding up and driving "out of the area on foot the entire non-Serb population." In a subsequent case, the tribunal recognized similarities between acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing, noting that both involve the targeting of individuals because of their membership in an ethnic group. The significant difference between the two remains, however: whereas ethnic cleansing aims to force the flight of a particular group, genocide targets the group for physical destruction.

The establishment of the ICC reinforced the links between ethnic cleansing and other offenses such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. In its finalized text on the elements of the crimes in the court's jurisdiction, the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court made clear that ethnic cleansing could constitute all three offenses within the ICC's jurisdiction. Genocide, for example, was defined as an act that may include the systematic expulsion of individuals from their homes; the threat of force or coercion to effect the transfer of a targeted group of persons was recognized as an element of crimes against humanity; and the "unlawful deportation and transfer," as well as the displacement, of civilians were recognized as elements of war crimes.

Despite continuing controversies over its definition, the concept of ethnic cleansing has become firmly anchored within international law. It remains to be seen how mechanisms to prevent and deal with ethnic cleansing will develop and be implemented.

Friday, April 07, 2006

UNHCR: Insecurity forces 44% cut in Darfur budget

Citing deteriorating security that has severely limited its operations and access in Darfur, the UN refugee agency 9 Mar 2006 announced a 44% reduction in its 2006 programme budget for the region.

Collecting firewood

Photo: Displaced women on their way to collect firewood in the Douma area of Darfur. Soldiers from the African Union and the government escort them twice a week to collect wood, guarding against rape by janjaweed attackers. (UNHCR/H.Caux)

Darfur - European Parliament urges UN Security Council to draft clear mandate under Chapter VII of UN Charter, on or before 1 Oct 2006

European Parliament says Darfur is "tantamount to genocide" AP reported earlier today. More on this from Noticias Info 7 Apr 2006 - excerpt:

In a resolution on Darfur, adopted by 76 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions, Parliament deplores the continuation of violence and rape by all sides, and condemns the Government of Sudan's continued support for the Janjaweed militia. It urges the United Nations Security Council to meet to address the violence in Darfur, which is tantamount to genocide, and to act on its responsibility to protect civilians by drafting a clear mandate under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, on or before 1 October 2006 (following the expiry of the mandate of the African Union mission in Darfur on 30 September 2006). It calls on the UN Security Council to extend the arms embargo in Darfur throughout Sudan and support the African Union's efforts in Darfur to reach full operational capacity and to robustly interpret its mandate to protect civilians until the transition to a UN mission.

MEPs underline that the mandate of the AMIS force has primarily been to observe violations of the humanitarian ceasefire agreement. They criticise the international community for not having acted to protect civilians sooner and call upon EU Member States to honour the commitments they have already made to provide military observers, staff officers and civilian police to increase security in Darfur and to ensure that the current AMIS mission is adequately funded and equipped to enable it to interpret its limited mandate as broadly as possible.

Parliament welcomes the decisions taken by the UN Security Council in March on a ban on offensive flights in Darfur. It calls for an effectively enforced no-fly zone across Darfur. It further calls on the EU, the US and other international actors to take all necessary action to help end impunity by enforcing the Security Council sanctions regime and seeking for this regime to include targeted sanctions against individuals who obstruct the deployment of the UN force and otherwise contribute to abuses of civilians.

MEPs call for the international community to support the International Criminal Court's investigation into violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in Darfur. They join the UNHCR in calling for an end to forced conscription of Sudanese refugees in Chad and also call for the implementation of a Chad-Sudan border monitoring force, as foreseen in the accord signed by the Presidents of the two countries on 10 February 2006. They strongly criticise the Government of Sudan for preventing Jan Egeland, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, from visiting Darfur.

Parliament asks the African Union to continue to play a leading role in the Abuja peace talks, and for all those involved in the talks to work to achieve these ends. It calls on the Government of Sudan to work alongside the NGO community for the benefit of its people and urges the Government to revise the Organisation of Voluntary and Humanitarian Work Act 2006 to bring it into line with international human rights standards. MEPs insist that Sudan's Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) facilitate the issuing of visas and travel permits to humanitarian workers and stop the harassment of international NGOs; they criticise the lack of independence of the HAC from the Government of Sudan;

Parliament calls on the Government of Sudan to release Ms Amouna Mohamed Ahmed, Ms Fayza Ismail Abaker, Ms Houda Ismail Abdel Rahman and Ms Zahra Adam Abdela while their case is investigated and considers that these girls should be given appropriate care as victims of attempted rape.

Finally, MEPs criticise Russian and Chinese efforts to block UN Security Council actions over Darfur. They urge the international community to exert more pressure on these countries in order to prevent their economic interests in oil and arms sales from undermining efforts to bring peace to Darfur.

[Note, Austrian Presidency of the EU 1 January - 30 June 2006. See A Guide to the European Parliament]

UN's Mendez on Darfur: "Left unattended, the situation may degenerate into genocide"

The situation in Darfur "may degenerate into genocide" as African peacekeepers struggle to protect the civilian population, the UN official charged with preventing genocide said Friday - DPA report 7 Apr 2006 - excerpt:

Juan Mendez said the African Union force in Darfur has been hampered by a lack of funding and support for its troops and "half measures" by the Sudanese government in support of its mission.

The failure to protect civilians in a conflict zone could lead to genocide, Mendez warned. But he refused to characterize the current killing in Darfur as genocide, stressing that he has no legal authority on the issue. Instead his role is the prevention of genocide.

The UN on Friday marked the 12th anniversary of the massacre of 800,000 Rwandans by holding a debate on ways to prevent genocide. The worsening situation in Sudan was a focus of the debate.


Mendez, who bears the title of UN special envoy on prevention of genocide, accused Khartoum of "bad faith" in its dealings with African peacekeepers.

Khartoum has only allowed the AU to import limited amounts of fuel, ammunition and armoured carriers for its troops and blocked imports of jet fuel, which forced the AU to ground critical flights to monitor the vast region of Darfur, he said.


"The Sudanese have played games with the consent that they originally gave to the AU," Mendez said. "In my mind, it's a bad faith attitude toward the consent the Sudanese government has given.

"It is high time that the AU, the UN Security Council and all of us tell the government of Sudan that consent is indispensable and should be given in good faith," he added. "The situation has become urgent."

Due to the lack of funds and war equipment, the AU has decided to withdraw its 7,000 troops from Darfur by year's end. The UN Security Council is discussing the formation of a UN peacekeeping operation to replace the AU despite opposition by Khartoum, which prefers the African force.


Mendez said Khartoum's expulsion of a Norwegian relief group from Darfur this week would make the civilian population more vulnerable to attacks. He said Khartoum has "more than once" expelled international humanitarian groups from Darfur.

"Left unattended, the situation may degenerate into genocide," he said.

[hat tip Coalition for Darfur]

UN assembly president calls Darfur violence "ethnic cleansing"

UN General Assembly President Jan Eliasson said Thursday that "ethnic cleansing" has taken place in Darfur, but stopped short of describing the violence as genocide - AP report 7 Apr 2006 - excerpt:
The UN has said crimes against humanity have likely been committed in Darfur, but not genocide as the United States and several other nations claim.

"Of course this is ethnic cleansing," Eliasson told Swedish public radio. "Genocide, I don't know if you can use that definition. But that matters less for the individual people who are affected."

"Darfur is a political and humanitarian tragedy and an infected wound in world politics," said Eliasson, who also is Sweden's incoming foreign minister.
- - -

The International Criminal Court (ICC) - Summary

Note, many quarters, including the British Government and UN special envoy Jan Pronk, refer to what is happening in Darfur as "ethnic cleansing". Perhaps the following excerpt from International Justice Tribune on Darfur, Sudan may help explain why anyone within the UN cannot take it upon themselves to refer to Darfur as genocide:

The Security Council referred the Darfur situation to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on 31 March 2005 in Resolution 1593 (2005), after almost two months of negotiations over how to prosecute the crimes occurring in Darfur.

The Resolution was voted in by 11-0 with four members abstaining: the United States, Algeria, Brazil and China. The International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, chaired by the Italian judge Antonio Cassese, concluded in its report published on 31 January 2005 that crimes against humanity and war crimes such as killings, rape, pillaging and forced displacement have been committed since 1 July 2002 by the government-backed forces and the Janjaweed militia.

It declared, however, that the government of Sudan was not pursuing a policy of genocide in Darfur.

UN envoy to travel to East Africa to discuss Darfur peace

A senior UN official is to travel to east Africa early next week to discuss prospects for a UN takeover of the African Union peacekeeping mission Darfur, AFP reported April 7, 2006.
Jean-Marie Guehenno, the UN under-secretary general in charge of peacekeeping operations, told AFP Thursday that the official would first stop in Addis Ababa for talks with AU officials before holding contacts with Sudanese authorities and other regional leaders. A diplomatic source said Guehenno's deputy, Hedi Annabi, would make the trip.

"The priority at this time is to clear misunderstandings which Sudanese authorities and others may have had about the role of a UN force in Darfur," Guehenno said.

"As all UN peacekeeping forces, the mission will be deployed with the consent of the host country," he added.
The UN has indicated it could send peacekeepers by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2007 to take over from AU troops.

US passes legislation that expands sanctions against Sudan

Congress is now on vacation for Easter. The House passed legislation that would expand sanctions against Sudan, AP reported 7 Apr 2006.

Job: Danish Refugee Council seeks Programme Manager, Sudan

The Danish Refugee Council invites applications for the position of Programme Manager in Darfur, Sudan. Further information please visit the link provided or contact Emergency Coordinator, Anette Christoffersen, email: Application deadline has been extended until April 23 2006. Please forward your application in English to:

German parliament extends Sudan mandate for another six months

German legislators voted in favor of extending Germany's participation in the UN's Sudan Mandate (UNMIS) for another six months, DPA/Irna reported Friday.

A number of 78 German military monitors and soldiers are taking part in the UN mission of whom there are presently only 28 observers in Sudan.

Post-World War II German troops had never been deployed in the African Continent before the Sudan peace mission.

EU parliament says Darfur is "tantamount to genocide"

The European Parliament called Thursday for a meeting of the UN Security Council to address violence in Darfur and said Darfur was "tantamount to genocide," AP reported 7 Apr 2006:

EU lawmakers voted unanimously to urge the 25 EU governments, the US and other countries to enforce sanctions against those who obstruct the deployment of a UN force in Darfur.

In a resolution, EU deputies called on Sudan to facilitate the issuing of visas and travel permits to humanitarian workers and stop the harassment of aid agencies.

TEXT- AU Security Council on progress of Darfur peace talks

Click here to read the African Union Peace and Security Council Briefing 6 April 2006 on the progress of the Darfur peace talks.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

World Health Day

Today is World Health Day. The brain drain siphons away nearly one quarter of the few African doctors available in the poorest parts of the continent, according to a World Health Organisation report.

7th April World Health Day

Photo: An internally displaced Sudanese woman receives with her child medical attention at a Spanish Red Cross health center in Beleil camp, near the town of Nyala in Sudan's southern Darfur region, in 2004. (AFP/Jose Cendon/Yahoo)

New UN Press Release web site

UN Pulse announces a new Press Release web site has been launched April 6.

UAE, Sudan ink MoU to fight against terrorism

The UAE and Sudan on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organised crimes.

Lieutenant General Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Interior and his Sudanese counterpart Al Zubair Bashir Taha inked the MoU in the presence of top officers from both sides and a representative of UAE foreign ministry. The Sudanese Minister is leading a high-level interior ministry delegation.

Shaikh Saif said: 'It continues the cooperation between us and opens a door for new horizon of coordination between the two countries. This MoU affirms our commitments in establishing the foundation of cooperation with friendly countries.' Full report Khaleej Times Online 6 Apr 2006.

Norway would send troops to Darfur: prime minister

Norway may offer troops for a UN peacekeeping operation in Darfur, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday.

Mr Stoltenberg said at UN headquarters that his government was "very concerned" that things are getting worse in Darfur.

"We're strongly supporting the work of the African Union (in Darfur)," he said. "We are also considering sending military personnel to Darfur if there is a strong international basis for doing so, but it is not there yet." Full report by Deutsche Presse Agentur via ReliefWeb 6 Apr 2006.

Norwegian Refugee Council hopes to return to South Darfur

Some media reports published in the last two days have suggested that Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has been asked to leave Sudan. This is not correct. NRC has been asked to discontinue its humanitarian aid operation in the state of South Darfur in Western Sudan, says NRC 6 Apr 2006.

On Monday NRC was informed by the NRC's agreement with Sudan on camp coordination in Kalma camp would not be renewed. NRC was also informed that its presence in South Darfur was not wanted, and NRC was asked to leave the state. No reasons were given by the authorities as to why NRC had to leave the state of South Darfur. While this is being resolved, NRC continues its humanitarian aid programmes in North and South Sudan.

Kalma Camp, South Darfur

Photo: African Union soldier at Kalma Camp, South Darfur. Sign says: "WE NEED INTERNATIONAL FORCE TO PROTECT US"

NRC has been coordinating relief work in Kalma camp in cooperation with the local authorities in South Darfur since mid 2004. Kalma camp is the largest camp for internally displaced persons in Sudan with almost 100,000 people. As an implementing partner of World Food Programme (WFP), NRC has also been distributing food aid to some 50,000 people in an area south of the state capital of Nyala in South Darfur, and has been running an education programme for 16,000 children in Kalma camp.

See list of previous entries at Sudan Watch on Kalma camp, South Darfur.

RNW: UN envoy criticises Security Council and Khartoum

The following snippets and photo of Jan Pronk are from a Radio Netherlands article, by RN Security and Defence editor Hans de Vreij 6 April 2006, entitled: UN envoy criticises Security Council and Khartoum.

Jan Pronk, former Dutch government minister and now UN envoy for Sudan, has criticised Western diplomacy with regard to Sudan as lacking intelligence. He also says the Khartoum government is held together by lies and tricks, and the UN Security Council's statements are not backed up by deeds. His comments came at a discussion meeting with students, held on Wednesday in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam.

UN envoy criticises UN Security Council and Khartoum

Photo: As head of the UN mission in Sudan (UNMIS), Mr Pronk currently fulfils two different roles. On the one hand, he is responsible for ensuring that peace is maintained in Southern Sudan. For that purpose, he has a UN peacekeeping force in that part of the country, which - as he says himself - is proving successful in calming the sporadic resurgence of the regional conflicts in that area. However, the object of most attention is his second role: that of trying to bring peace to Darfur and of caring for the victims of the ethnic conflict in this western part of Sudan - the two million local refugees which account for around one third of the total population of Darfur.


Speaking in Amsterdam, Mr Pronk pointed out, for example, that the AU troops in Darfur are strictly observing the local curfew regulations, which means all kinds of militia groups are free to operate after dusk.


The fact that Mr Pronk criticised the government of Sudan - "held together by lies and tricks" - comes as no surprise, especially since there have been many verbal onslaughts from Khartoum against the UN envoy. However, Jan Pronk was also critical of the people who represent the Darfur rebel movements at the peace talks in the Nigerian capital, Abuja: "They are people who live in the Netherlands, Britain or the US and do not feel the urgency of achieving peace."

He believes there's considerably more willingness to achieve peace among the military forces on both the government and rebel sides. They may be engaged in the fighting, but they also have first hand knowledge of the misery it is causing.


Mr Pronk's criticism also extended to the White House, which has launched the plan to deploy a NATO peacekeeping force in Darfur. He regards this as a misbegotten idea and one which will simply infuriate all Muslims because of the association with events in Afghanistan and Iraq. "Western diplomacy is indeed extremely foolish at this moment," he said, "We're strengthening the regime and strengthening the opponents in Sudan against a UN intervention".

He also played down reports about the threat of war with Sudan's western neighbour, Chad. He believes the risk of all-out war is extremely small, but confirmed that incursions by militia forces have been taking place on both sides of the border.
- - -


Lologo Transit camp, south Sudan

Photo: A Sudanese boy walks in the Lologo Transit camp, near the southern Sudan capital of Juba on 02 April. UN emergency relief coordinator Jan Egeland called on the international community to put pressure on Sudan to allow aid groups to work freely in Darfur. (AFP/File/Simon Maina)

Apr 4 2006 UNMIS statement protesting the decision by the government of Sudan not to welcome the visit of UN's Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr Jan Egeland, to Sudan.

Apr 6 2006 EU Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on access for humanitarian operations in Darfur.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

UK wants Egeland to brief UN Security Council "on his entire experience" of problems with Sudan

After it was reported today that Sudan clears UN visit to Darfur, Sudan's Foreign Ministry now says Jan Egeland's visit has been postponed "due to the keenness to make a success this visit", Sudan News Agency reported.

Reuters says Mr Egeland said a visit to Nairobi to launch a famine appeal for East Africa would delay an immediate return to Darfur. "I cannot go now. This is not a game. This is serious humanitarian work," he said. "I had agreed on a time with them and I cannot just come and go when they please."

The UN Security Council was briefed on Egeland's problems with Sudan Tuesday morning by Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hedi Annab. The UK's UN ambassador, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, said he wants Egeland to brief the Security Council "on his entire experience."

Note, could this be the game Khartoum was playing: a UN Security Council meeting is due to consider travel bans against eight people, including Sudanese officials - late today Reuters says the US recommends sanctions only against one Janjaweed and a rebel - no Sudanese officials, and hey presto, Sudan allows the UN's Jan Egeland to travel to Darfur again.

US recommends sanctions on one Janjaweed and a rebel

The US is opposing the inclusion of any Sudanese official on a potential UN Security Council sanctions list of individuals blocking peace in Darfur, two diplomats said on Wednesday, reports Evelyn Leopold for Reuters today:

Britain and other nations on a council sanctions committee have recommended a list of eight names of people including some Sudanese government officials who would be subject to a travel ban and an assets freeze. All 15 council nations have to approve.

But the US recommended just one middle-ranking Janjaweed militiaman and a rebel fighting opposing the militia, the diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The names were not disclosed.

Washington expects to include names of government officials in the future, a US official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. It wants to be able to gradually increase pressure on Sudan and to make sure there is a solid case against any people on the sanctions list, he said.

Russia, China and Qatar, the only Arab member of the council, appear to want to ditch the sanctions list altogether, diplomats said.

EU on Europe's Darfur role

Cristina Gallach, Brussels Spokesperson of EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, writes the following commentary in the International Herald Tribune April 5, 2006 entitled Europe's Darfur role:

Regarding "Where is Europe's voice against genocide?" by Kenneth Jacobson (March 21, Views): Far from being "missing in action," Europe is taking center stage in the effort to bring about a solution to the crisis in Darfur, Sudan.

Since January 2004, the European Union has been the main provider of support to the African Union's efforts to stabilize Darfur on all fronts: humanitarian, political and in the security field, including police and military. So far the European Union has also provided 500 million euros in humanitarian aid.

Jacobson claims that the EU has not supported the United States in requesting stronger action by the United Nations. This is not true. Only a few weeks ago, high level EU officials hosted a series of meetings in Brussels between representatives from the United States, Sudan, the African Union and the United Nations. The aim was to get agreement on a smooth transition from the current, overstretched AU force to a stronger UN force later this year. Two days later, the African Union took the decision to do just that and speed up the peace process.

In the coming months, the European Union will step up assistance for the peace process; increase financial aid and other support for the African Union mission; and help the United Nations to prepare for its mission.

It is also factually wrong to suggest that the European Union has remained silent on the human rights abuses in Darfur. The European Union has repeatedly spoken out against them.

More importantly, these are not just words. The EU applies an arms embargo to Sudan, and the EU ministers have also stressed support for targeted sanctions against those blocking the peace process, committing human rights violations or violating the cease- fire and the arms embargo.

Jacobson asks if there is truly "a new Europe." I would draw his attention to the 12 crisis-management operations that the EU is conducting worldwide.

Of course we should always see if we can do more. But the empirical record backs up the assertion that the European Union is fully engaged to promote peace and protect the vulnerable.

Sudan clears UN visit to Darfur

Quelle surprise. Sudan has said it will allow Jan Egeland, the UN undersecretary, to visit Darfur, three days after it barred his flight to Darfur. Will we ever know what this stunt and media game was all about? More later, if I can find out.

Al-Samani Al-Wasleea

Photo: Elsamani Elwasilah Elsamani, Sudan's state minister for foreign affairs, said in a press statement that "we reiterate our commitment to receive concerned officials from the United Nations and all other those who are engaged in extending humanitarian aid and assistance".

The visit of Egeland, the UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs, had been postponed for 10 days because of "internal reasons", the statement said, without elaboration.

Full report AP/Aljazeera 5 Apr 2006. Photo courtesy Sudan Tribune.

Apr 3 2006 What's going on in Janana, S Darfur? 60 villages attacked by Janjaweed while Khartoum "safeguards" Norwegians from being in Sudan for next 2 weeks?

Apr 4 2006 Annan met with AU, EU on Darfur - Seeks to speak to Sudan's president over ban on UN aid chief's trip to Darfur

Apr 4 2006 Amnesty International Statement on Sudan's blockade of humanitarian aid

Apr 5 2006 Norway sends protest to Sudan

Amnesty International Statement on Sudan's blockade of humanitarian aid

Amnesty International Statement April 4, 2006 condemns Sudan's blockade of humanitarian aid . The Statement points out this latest trend does not affect only international NGOs - on 13 March 2006, SUDO was ordered by HAC to close its offices in al-Jeneina, capital of West Darfur State, and Zalingei, West Darfur State.

Also, a further concern is the enactment of new legislation regulating the work of NGOs - excerpt:
"Amnesty International calls on the government of Sudan to abide by its repeated commitments to cease the obstruction of humanitarian aid. The undue delay and/or often unreasonable withholding of travel permits and exit visas should cease. Illegal closure and suspension of humanitarian organisations must also be halted.

Amnesty International also calls on the President of Sudan not to sign into effect the 'Organisation of Humanitarian and Voluntary Work Act, 2006' until all provisions that contravene international standards on freedom of association and the Sudanese Interim National Constitution are amended.
Note, Mar 15 2006 Sudan closes offices of rights group

Foreign donors turning backs on Darfur - UNICEF

International donors are turning their backs on Darfur UNICEF said on Wednesday - Reuters:
Dan Toole, head of emergency programmes for UNICEF, said large parts of Darfur were off limits to aid workers as government forces and local militias battled each other as peace talks faltered.

"Donors are just not coming up with the money. I can understand that they are fed up [--] the peace process isn't moving forward, security is deteriorating -- we have no access to the area of the border with Chad, there are parts of south Darfur you can't even travel anymore -- and donors have not kicked in adequate funds."
[I say, "fed up" may be an understatement. How many more years will this go on for? 20 ... 50 ... or what? Surely if the Arabs were made to cough up a few billion dollars for humanitarian aid for the Sudanese people, they'd pay more attention to what their brothers in the Sudan are doing]

Sudan needs help

Cartoon by M.e Cohen, courtesy

Note, Apr 5 2006 Sudan clears UN visit to Darfur

International Day for Mine Awareness

Why aren't landmines banned? Who manufactures and sells them? The UN's mine action office in South Sudan, in a statement issued to mark the first International Day for Mine Awareness, stressed that thousands of landmines were obstructing the implementation of South Sudan's peace deal.

Without demining, reconstruction of roads, schools, hospitals and any other post-war recovery and development project cannot be implemented.

According to UN estimates, 1,800 people have been killed by landmines in the Sudan. Between 15,000 and 20,000 are killed by landmines and unexploded ordnance around the world each year. Some 20 percent of them are children. AFP/ST 5 April 2006.

Sudan VP Garang crash initial report blames pilot-SPLM

A report into the death of Sudanese First Vice President John Garang blamed pilot error for the crash of the helicopter last year.

The initial report also ruled out mechanical failure in the helicopter which crashed into a hill killing all 14 passengers last year just three weeks after Garang took office, a spokesman of Garang's Sudan People' Liberation Movement (SPLM) said on Wednesday.

"The initial report suggested it was pilot error," said Walid Hamid of the SPLM. He said the report added there was no hill sensor on the helicopter and the pilot was flying at 5,300 feet and the hill was 6,000 feet. There was no mention of foul play. Full report Reuters 5 April 2006.

Aug 1 2005 John Garang Sudan's first VP and former rebel leader killed

Aug 1 2005 Sudan VP Garang killed in crash

Mar 14 2006 Insurers pay out on Garang crash

AU's Darfur troops in abuse probe

On March 16, 2006 More4News, an offshoot of Channel 4 TV here in the UK, claimed that Sudanese air force resumes bombing Darfur villages. I don't recall seeing any other news sources reporting such a story.

Today, a report by Jonah Fisher in Khartoum for BBC News says AMIS will look into claims that its troops committed sexual abuse in Darfur. Excerpt from Mr Fisher's report 4 April 2006:

"The UK's More4 TV channel last week aired allegations [see More4 Exclusive: More abuse in Darfur?] that AU soldiers paid women, some as young as 11, for sex.

The AU said the claims were disturbing, but added there had recently been many allegations against its mission - all of which had been found to be baseless. The AU has 7,000 troops guarding some of Darfur's 2 million displaced people.

The report broadcast on More4 showed interviews with two women at a camp in south Darfur called Gereida. One said she had been paid for sex with an AU peacekeeper and was now pregnant. The other, an 11-year-old, said she was paid, then raped by a soldier. According to the reporter, many other women at the camp said they were being paid for sex.

A statement from the AU mission in Sudan said the accusations were very disturbing and that a committee including representatives from outside the AU had been set up to investigate them. It went on to say that there had been a spate of orchestrated allegations against the AU in recent months - all of which had been proven, after investigation, to be baseless.

The Sudanese government is keen for the AU peacekeepers to remain but Darfur's rebels would like to see them replaced by a larger, more robust United Nations force."


Apr 5 2006 Channel 4 acknowledges the report.

Apr 5 2006 More4 Darfur investigation

Advance team of Chinese peacekeepers arrive in Sudan on UN mission

An advance team of Chinese peacekeeping troops to serve on a UN peacekeeping mission in south Sudan arrived in Sudan by plane yesterday. The 25 members of the advance team were met at the airport by officials of the UN Mission in Sudan and Military Attache of the Chinese Embassy in Sudan Li Jingping. The team is to head for south Sudan today, according to sources.

Some 400 Chinese peacekeepers are due to arrive in Sudan in April and May. - Xinhua via PDO 5 April 2006.

Norway sends protest to Sudan

As noted here previously, Norway's Jan Egeland, the UN's coordinator of emergency aid, was told he would not be allowed to enter Darfur or even Khartoum for two weeks and yesterday Sudan asked the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) terminate its work in the whole of Darfur. NRC operates the largest refugee camp in Darfur, housing 100,000 displaced persons.

Today, Norway has sent a note to Sudan, expressing the Norwegian Government's concern over the development of the situation in the country, Norway Post reported. The note points to the working conditions for the humanitarian organisations, the Sudanese authorities lack of ability to protect its own population and Jan Egeland being denied entry to Sudan.

Norway has been heavily involved in the Sudan, both with emergency aid and in connection with the peace process to end the civil war between North and Southern Sudan.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Annan met with AU, EU on Darfur - Seeks to speak to Sudan's president over ban on UN aid chief's trip to Darfur

Secretary-General Kofi Annan is seeking to speak to Sudanese President al-Bashir after his Government banned a visit by Jan Egeland, the top UN relief official to Darfur UN News reported 4 April 2006.

Note, UN News says Mr Annan held separate talks in New York March 31 with top African and European officials on the situation in Darfur. In a meeting with the Chairman of the AU Commission, the two discussed the Darfur peace talks. They also discussed support for the AU force in Darfur, including the possibility of a donors' conference, and the situation on Chad-Sudan border and steps being taken to defuse the tension there.

Darfur was also on the agenda at a separate meeting between Mr Annan and European Common Foreign and Security Policy High Representative Javier Solana. They reviewed European Union support for the AU force in Darfur.

First Sudanese refugees from Ethiopia arrive home under UN programme

Seeing this photo today of a UNHCR convoy of refugees returning to Sudan yesterday brought tears to my eyes.

First Sudanese refugees from Ethiopia arrive home under UN programme

Photo: First Sudanese refugees from Ethiopia arrive home under UN programme - UNHCR convoy of refugees returning to Sudan (UN) Full story UN News Centre 4 Apr 2006 - and Ethiopia Watch.

Dramatic development in next few days? African leaders to push for Darfur talks breakthrough

Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha might attend Darfur peace talks Saturday in what observers said was perhaps a signal Khartoum would be willing to make new concessions.

Congo Republic's President Denis Sassou Nguesso, current chairman of the AU, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and AU Commission Chairman Alpha Oumar Konare are due to take part in Saturday's meeting in Abuja, Nigeria.

The African heads of state will push the warring parties to clinch a peace agreement at a meeting on April 8 that all sides said on Tuesday could help break the deadlock.

"Vice-President Taha would not be coming if the talks hadn't reached a critical stage ... I expect dramatic developments in the next few days," said a government delegate.

"The presence of heads of state at peace negotiations in Africa is a big deal and it usually ends up breaking impasses," said Berhanu Dinka, who chairs negotiations on power-sharing, one of the three areas under discussion.

"We are in the last straight line before the finish ... We have high hopes of securing an agreement before the 30th," said Boubou Niang, who chairs the wealth-sharing negotiations.

"What we need now is for the two sides to take courageous political decisions and make concessions," he added.

Full report Reuters 4 Apr 2006.

SLM claims Sudanese troops and Janjaweed now massed in Geneina, W Darfur to bring down Chad's President Deby

Today, SLM rebels in Darfur charged Khartoum of systematically obstructing "any attempts to discover and understand what is actually happening on the ground in Darfur."

"The regime will do whatever it can to prevent people from making reports that could strengthen the case for sending UN troops in Darfur," said SLM spokesman Mahjub Hussein.

"An increased number of government troops and Janjaweed are now massed in the Geneina region as part of Sudan's efforts to bring down the regime of Chadian President Idriss Deby," he added. Full report AFP/ST 4 Apr 2006.

Mar 31 2006 Mercenaries from Sudan attacked Chadian town of Modeina - dozens killed, 4,000 civilians displaced

Mar 31 2006 Sudanese Janjaweed slay Chad Army General Abakar Youssouf Mahamat

Apr 2 2006 Mohamat Nour's Chadian rebel United Front for Change (FUC) aims to depose Chadian president Deby

Apr 3 2006 Chad's ACTUS on French intervention to rescue Deby regime

Hundreds of thousands Sudanese children go to school for first time thanks to UN aid

Hundreds of thousands of children will go to school for the first time in Southern Sudan this year in a massive United Nations-backed campaign.

Education is the key to future peace and prosperity in the region. About 8,600 teachers, the majority untrained volunteers, cover approximately 2,000 schools. The campaign aims to deliver over 3.8 million textbooks and teachers' guides and basic school supplies for up to 1.6 million children. From 6 million exercise books to 1.6 million pencil sharpeners, no child should go without the basics.

Over 1,500 new classrooms are being constructed and accelerated training is underway for teachers and classroom facilitators. The effort is led by the Government of Southern Sudan with the support of UN agencies, donors, non-governmental organizations and communities. Some $22 million has been received so far, with a similar amount still required to complete the targets for 2006. Full story UN News Service 3 April 2006.

Finland to give 4.4 million euros in aid for Sudan

In Sudan, the number of internal refugees, at 6.5 million people, is the highest in the world. Finland pledges 4.4 million euros in aid for Sudan, the sum to be channelled, among others, through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Finnchurch Aid. Full story ReliefWeb 4 Apr 2006.

Medecins du Monde-Greece begins health clinics in North Kutum area, North Darfur

Medecins du Monde - Greece has started operating health clinics in three locations across North Kutum, one of the most neglected and devastated areas of North Darfur, whose inhabitants suffer from long-term water shortages and insecurity.

More than 75,000 people, among them most-vulnerable groups like Internally Displaced People and members of nomadic tribes now enjoy basic health services, vaccination campaigns against childhood and seasonal diseases. Full story Reuters 4 Apr 2006.

Germany donates millions towards peace talks

The German government made a $500 000 contribution to the Darfur peace talks, the third Berlin has made and contributed close to $4-million towards the operational cost of the African Mission in Sudan (AMIS),

"Germany is deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation in Darfur and has tried to lower the human suffering on the ground by donating almost 25 million dollars for projects on food security, potable water, basic health services and in support and reintegration of refugees," a statement said. Full story Sapa-dpa 4 April 2006.

Egypt's President Mubarak arrives in Khartoum on short visit

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak arrived in Khartoum Tuesday on an unnanounced short visit to Sudan,. His meeting with Sudanese President al-Bashir lasted three hours UPI reported.

Monday, April 03, 2006

NATO plans to increase support for AU force in Darfur

NATO's chief diplomat said Monday that the alliance planned to increase support for African peacekeepers in Darfur, but he again stressed that the deployment of NATO troops was not an option, AP report 4 April 2006 - excerpt:

Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said NATO was considering increasing training, planning and transportation support for the African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur, and a U.N. mission that may replace it in September.

"That can very much be done without speaking of a NATO force," he said. "It's the African Union, it's the U.N. which are the guiding organizations."

Sudanese President al-Bashir now supports human rights?

President Omar al-Bashir said in a speech to parliament Monday that resolving the Darfur conflict was his nation's top priority.

"The peace that we have received with joy (in southern Sudan) remains incomplete until we achieve a solution in Darfur," he said.

He said the government would work to end the suffering of civilians and reach a political settlement that included all parties involved in the conflict.

"There cannot be a solution that ignores the rights of anyone or suppresses anyone. A permanent solution is the one that embraces all and resolves all the problems of Darfur," he said.

Full report (AP/Yahoo) 4 April 2006.

Chinese peacekeepers leave for South Sudan mission

When John Garang was alive, I posted news reports here at Sudan Watch on how he was against having Chinese troops as part of a UN peacekeeping force in South Sudan because they were too onside with Khartoum over oil.

Note a 25-member squad of a Chinese detachment that is part of a UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan left Beijing Monday, heading for Khartoum, China's Xinhua reported 4 April 2006:
China plans to send 435 peace-keepers in response to an appeal by the UN Security Council. They will be mainly responsible for rebuilding infrastructure facilities, destroying weapons, and assisting all peace-keeping forces in the area. The Chinese detachment comes from the Jinan Area Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
On March 24, 2005, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution to send peacekeepers to South Sudan, to help accomplish a North-South peace agreement in the country.
Apr 3 2006 (Xinhua/ST) China, Sudan to boost exchanges between armed forces

What's going on in Janana, S Darfur? 60 villages attacked by Janjaweed while Khartoum "safeguards" Norwegians from being in Sudan for next 2 weeks?

What is going on in South Darfur between the SLA and Janjaweed in Janana? Whenever a strange story hits the news on Darfur, like today when the headlines are filled with reports of UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland being refused access to Darfur, even though he has the necessary visa says the UN, I start looking for clues of a major Janjaweed attack in Darfur. Usually, a few days or even weeks later, news emerges of a huge attack that took place around the time of a strange story hitting the headlines.

Today's strange story is that Sudanese authorities have refused to extend the mandate of the Norwegian NGO Norwegian Refugee Council which heads the main refugee camp in Darfur, sheltering some 100,000 people, the organisation announced on Monday. NRC is one of Norway's largest NGOs, with 1,300 people working for refugees and displaced persons.

Also, Jan Egeland has been asked by the Sudanese government to delay his visit to Darfur because it coincided with a Muslim holiday says the BBC. Sudanese foreign ministry spokesman Jamal Ibrahim said that in the light of the Danish cartoons row, it would not be sensitive or safe for a Norwegian such as Mr Egeland to visit.

AFP report says the Sudanese government denied barring Jan Egeland from Darfur, but instead asked his visit be delayed because of "popular sentiment". "Egeland was not barred from visiting Darfur but was only asked to postpone the visit due to the growing popular sentiment against the UN for its plans of deploying foreign forces in Darfur," information ministry official Bekri Mulah told AFP by telephone.

Mr Egeland's Darfur trip was in doubt on Monday as government officials refused to allow him to visit the rebel-held town of Gereida reported Reuters today. AFP says Egeland was scheduled to travel to either Nyala or El Geneina in Darfur on Monday before proceeding to the capital for talks with officials there.

AP report explains a statement from the UNMIS said Egeland's flight into Sudan was not given authorization to land Sunday and that Sudanese officials had expressed opposition to his visit. It quoted Sudan's representative to the UN in New York as saying Egeland would not be welcome in Darfur or the capital, Khartoum. Egeland's spokeswoman, Stephanie Bunker, said Sudan told him it could not guarantee his security and said he should delay his visit for up to two weeks.

Here's the clue I was looking for: Jan Egeland told the BBC today the SLA helped provoke latest Janjaweed attacks in Janana. He said the Sudanese government, guerrilla forces and ethnic militia groups were all responsible for the current instability in Darfur. Angola Press picks up on the BBC report quoting Mr Egeland as saying thousands of people had fled after 60 villages were attacked by pro-government Janjaweed militias. Egeland told the BBC he thought the Sudanese government did not want him to see the latest wave of "ethnic cleansing" against black Africans in South Darfur.

The BBC's Jonah Fisher in Sudan says Mr Egeland is known for his willingness to speak his mind and has been a strong critic of the government's role in Darfur's violence.

Chad's ACTUS on French intervention to rescue Deby regime

The Action of the Chad for the Unity and Socialism (ACTUS) says it condemns the intervention of the French Army beside governmental forces to fight the forces of the opposition armed with the SCUD and with the RPJ. See Press Release March 31, 2006.

Report: The strategic behaviour of multinational oil corporations and the new wars in Sudan

See pdf file at Sudan Tribune on Oil in the Sudan - A complex reality by Luke A Patey, Danish Institute for International Studies, March 2006.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mark Fiore's new animated cartoon: Preemptive Apology

Turn up your sound and click here to view Mark Fiore's latest animated cartoon "Preemptive Apology" - ending with a link to Save Darfur.

[via Philadelphia Freedom Watch blog, with thanks]

Mohamat Nour's Chadian rebel United Front for Change (FUC) aims to depose Chadian president Deby

Who are these people? Sudanese Janjaweed, organised criminals, mercenaries? Whatever, they claim to be soldiers under the name of United Front for Change (FUC), bringing together several "dissident" Chadian armed gangs, and deny being backed by Sudan as the Chadian government alleged, says an unsourced article from Paris at France based Sudan Tribune 2 April 2006.

According to the article, the leader of the FUC, Mohamat Nour, rejected repeated Chadian accusations of being in the pay of Sudan and told Radio France Internationale:
"If we had received Sudanese assistance since 1994, [President] Idriss [Deby] would not be in power now".

"I am a soldier. We are currently being forced to do it by the arms and we will then hold a national forum which will bring together all Chadians who will then decide on Chad's political future and we, soldiers, will return to our barracks", said Nour.
Chadian rebel group FUC leader Mohamat Nour

Photo: Mohamat Nour (ST)

Who is currently "forcing" them to do it by arms? Where do such thugs and criminals get their guns, equipment and sharp new uniforms? Who is funding them - Sudan? France? Surely there is much more to this than meets the eye and that Chad's oil has something to do with it.

Note, a reader left the following comment at SW post Jan 13, 2006:
"The commander in charge of the massacres in Darfur is called MAHAMAT NOUR ABDELKRIM:

The "captain" Mahamat Nour, ex-officer of the chadian army, has commanded the Jandjawids with the sudanese logistic. He has been the principal planner of the genocide in Darfur. Thanks to his chadian nationality, he was used as an alibi by the Sudanese government."
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Photo: Chadian rebels stand by their vehicle in a small camp along the Sudan-Chad border Feb 10, 2006. The Sudanese army on that date denied reports which said Sudan's military lent support to rebels who recently carried out a series of attacks in the eastern Chad, slamming the reports as "baseless and lack of evidences and witnesses," reported Xinhua 1 Apr 2006 - excerpt:
In a press statement to the official SUNA, Spokesperson of the Sudanese Armed Forces Osman Mohammed al-Aghbash said that the army was completely committed to all international agreements and treaties, especially the Tripoli agreement signed by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and Chadian President Idris Deby during a mini African summit in the capital of Libya on Feb. 8. The agreement calls for a good neighborhood between the two countries.
Note, Chad and Sudan promised in the agreement that they would not harbor rebels on their territories or conduct mutually hostile activities.
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A soldier of the Chad National Army

Photo: A soldier of the Chad National Army patrols the wadi Tine, the empty bed of a seasonal river that marks the border between Tine Chad and Tine Sudan, in 2004. See Sudan Tribune 31 Mar 2006: Chad army chief killed in battle with rebels.

Further reading:

Feb 12 2006 Interview: Mahamat Nour the Chad rebel leader demands change, by force if needed

Feb 20 2006 Two Chadian army generals desert, join rebels

Mar 1 2006 Al Qaeda is entrenched in Sudan, UN envoy warns

Mar 15 2006 Chad's President Deby was sponsored by Khartoum and helped into power by the French secret services

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sudanese rebel group JEM dismisses peace talks and calls for Darfur's sovereignty

War in Sudan has gone on almost non-stop for the past 50 years. Who can tell if it will go on for another 50 years or longer ...

The chair of Darfur rebels group JEM, Khalil Mohammed, on Wednesday dismissed Darfur peace talks as "a waste of time, energy and resources of stakeholders." He said the peace talks would not achieve any meaningful result as they were "merely going in circles."

Mohammed said that if the African Union's April deadline for peace in the region lapsed without success, "the people of Darfur will be left with no choice other than to ask for self-determination".

"If we do not get our own sovereignty, the only alternative is a forceful change of the government in Khartoum," Chairman of Darfur rebel group JEM threatened.

Full report (Sapa-dpa) 30 Mar 2006.

Further reading:

Mar 24 2006 Sharia row hits South Sudan peace deal - Sudan's SPLM pull out of team drafting Khartoum constitution

Mar 30 2006 Eric Reeves Darfur, President Bush, and the Triumph of Expediency

Apr 1 2006 Al-Bashir Interview - US makes Sudan problems part of US politics

Sudanese government not pursuing policy of genocide in Darfur

Many quarters, including UN special envoy Jan Pronk, refer to what is happening in Darfur as ethnic cleansing. People who refer to Darfur as genocide ought to take note of the following excerpt from International Justice Tribune on Darfur, Sudan:
The Security Council referred the Darfur situation to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on 31 March 2005 in Resolution 1593 (2005), after almost two months of negotiations over how to prosecute the crimes occurring in Darfur.

The Resolution was voted in by 11-0 with four members abstaining: the United States, Algeria, Brazil and China. The International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, chaired by the Italian judge Antonio Cassese, concluded in its report published on 31 January 2005 that crimes against humanity and war crimes such as killings, rape, pillaging and forced displacement have been committed since 1 July 2002 by the government-backed forces and the Janjaweed militia.

It declared, however, that the government of Sudan was not pursuing a policy of genocide in Darfur.

US makes Sudan problems part of US politics - Al-Bashir

Click here for text of President Bashir's interview with Qatari Al-Jazeera satellite TV on 29 March 2006. Excerpt:

Mr President, you are now the president of the current Arab summit session. Some say you have solved the problem of Sudan in an African manner and there is now an effort to approach the Arabs to help solve the problem of Darfur. Where is Sudan heading? Is it heading toward Africa or the Arab world?

Al-Bashir: Sudan is an Arab-African country. We reject dividing Africa into Arab and black Africa or north and south of the desert. We are now talking about a united Africa and an African Union representing all African countries. According to this concept, we find that most of the Arabs are inside Africa.

Therefore, there can be no talk about Africa without the Arabs. Consequently, one cannot talk about an African unity without having ties with the Arabs. The Arabs outside Africa are linked to the Arabs in Africa. Therefore, all Arabs in and outside Africa are strongly linked to Africa. Our role is strengthening Arab-African cooperation in the interest of Africa and the Arabs. (Jazeera TV/BBCMS/ST)

Friday, March 31, 2006

Janjaweed slay Chad Army General Abakar Youssouf Mahamat

According to Prensa Latina Mar 31, Chad Army commander General Abakar Youssouf Mahamat died from wounds caused during clashes with Sudanese rebels and militia in the country's eastern zone, government military sources reported Friday. Excerpt:

The news of his death came as a blow to President Idriss Deby and his attempt to boost an offensive against rebels' positions in the east.

According to sources, Janjaweed Arab militias, responsible for the general's death, are fighting in Darfur, backed by the Sudanese government and Chad rebels group.

Deby, a candidate to be re-elected in the May 3 elections, accuses Sudan of supporting those rebels who want to remove him, an accusation Khartoum denies. (mh/iff/mf)

Mercenaries from Sudan attacked Chadian town of Modeina - dozens killed, 4,000 civilians displaced

On Friday, the UN refugee agency said that in the past month several unspecified armed groups seized Sudan refugees in Chad camps, recruiting as many as several hundred men from refugee camps in eastern Chad, reports AP Mar 31, 2006:
"Refugees said recruiters mainly targeted boys and men ranging in age from 15 to 35. Some of them were even younger," said Ron Redmond, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Also, the report explains an armed group crossed the border from Sudan and attacked a town in eastern Chad, leaving dozens dead on both sides of the conflict and forcing 4,000 civilians from their homes, a government official said Friday:
Twelve government soldiers and dozens of fighters from the armed group died in Thursday's violence in Modeina, Gen. Mahamat Ali Abdallah, Chad's territorial administration minister, said in a statement.

"Forces coming from Sudan and under the control of the regime of Khartoum have attacked the town of Modeina," Abdallah said, adding that government forces "kicked out the assailants, who returned deep into Sudanese territory."

He described the armed group as "mercenaries" but did not elaborate. The fighting displaced 4,000 civilians, Abdallah said. Sudanese officials were not immediately available for comment.
Further reading:

Feb 9 2006 Sudan: Child soldiers in Janjaweed and breakaway Darfur rebel group NMRD

Jan 28 2006 Sudan accuses Chad of shelling Arm Yakui, West Darfur - NMRD Darfur rebels attack Sudan army base in Arm Yakui

Dec 21 2005 Chad and its links to crisis in Sudan's Darfur

Jan 14 2005 Chad-Sudan: A third rebel movement the NMRD has appeared in Darfur

No-flight zone over Darfur would be impossible to implement

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan Monday phoned NATO's chief to develop a range of possible options for supporting the AMIS and its possible takeover by the UN. But officials said there was unlikely to be a step-change in NATO's military commitment.

"There will be a beefed up NATO role, but there will be no NATO lead in Darfur. People here are talking about more of the same, maybe with more planners and logistical help," said one. Appathurai said the 57-year old bloc would look at Annan's request "in the context of what NATO is already providing."

One NATO diplomat told the International Herald Tribune that neither the Sudanese government nor the African Union "want to see white, European troops coming into Sudan," adding that the idea of a no-flight zone over Darfur would be impossible to implement. "Which NATO country would be willing to shoot down a Sudanese plane?"

Full report by Gareth Harding (UPI/ST) 30 Mar 2006.

NATO ruled out sending troops to Sudan's Darfur

"No one is discussing, planning or considering a NATO force on the ground in Darfur. That is not one of the options," spokesman James Appathurai told reporters Wednesday after a meeting of NATO ambassadors.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a NATO official told United Press International that the idea of the alliance dispatching ground troops to Darfur was a "non-starter with the Africans, a non-starter with the UN and a non-starter with NATO."

Officials in Brussels also criticized the US president for sending out confused messages about what he expects from the alliance. "Bush has been a little bit unclear in his language," said one, referring to the president's call for 20,000 peacekeepers to be sent to Darfur under NATO's command.

Full report (UPI/ST) 30 Mar 2006.

UN invites Sudanese FM for talks on Darfur takeover

Top UN political official has invited Sudan's FM Lam Akol to UN HQ in NY to hold discussions on transitioning from an AU force in Darfur to a UN peacekeeping operation there.

Ibrahim Gambari, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, told reporters of the initiative today in Khartoum where he is meeting with officials who attended the Arab summit yesterday.

In discussions with Sudanese President Bashir and Lam Akol, Gambari "stressed that the UN, if it were to deploy forces, would build on and complement the good work of the AU to achieve peace, security and stability all over the Sudan."

Gambari also met with the Special Representative of the AU in Sudan to discuss the AU's continuing role in Darfur.

Full report (UN News/ST) 31 March 2006.

Private army is ready for hire, company says

Blackwater USA is offering itself as an army for hire to police the world's trouble spots, the Seattle Times reported today:
Peter Singer, a scholar at the Brookings Institution who has written a book on private military companies, said the concept of private armies engaging in counterinsurgency missions raises myriad questions about staffing standards, rules of engagement and accountability.

"No matter how you slice it, it's a private entity making decisions of a political nature," he said.

"It gets dicey."

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Arab leaders fail to fix amount for Darfur aid

AFP says NATO already provides logistical support and training for the AU peacekeepers in Darfur and on Wednesday NATO said it has accepted a UN request to consider extending support for the AU mission and the possible follow-on UN mission. Excerpt:

Arab leaders meeting in Khartoum pledged to help finance an African peacekeeping force in Darfur but dropped an initial plan to provide 150 million dollars in aid.

Also on Wednesday, the Arab summit resolution had initially offered 150 million dollars to an African Union mission but the figure was removed in the final text adopted Wednesday, leaving the amount to the discretion of Arab League member states.

"This ambiguity says a lot about the Arabs' inability to contradict the Americans and about their respect to promises they make to other Arabs," a Palestinian delegate said, adding that Somalia was still waiting to receive a 26-million-dollar aid package promised in 2005.

An Arab diplomat who has attended several Arab summits in the past told AFP that "all Arab summits show political and financial support, but experience has proven that words are rarely followed by acts."

New York Times probed on Sudan ad insert

The US State Department is investigating to see whether The New York Times violated American sanctions against Sudan by publishing an advertising supplement touting investment in the country, reported today.

Note the issue was not the ad's content, but the financial transaction. America has maintained a complex set of sanctions against the North African nation since 1997. The sanctions initially were aimed at punishing Sudan's support for international terrorism, efforts to destabilize neighboring governments and violations of human rights.

See March 22, 2006 links to New York Times supplement on Sudan.

Mesirya tribe leader urges resolution of Abyei dispute

The leader of the Arab Mesirya tribe has called upon Sudan's Government of National Unity to resolve the Abyei border dispute between the Dinka Ngok and the Mesirya communities. Full story (SRS/ST) Mar 29 2006.

Click here for further reading and links to:

Feb 28 2006 Abyei Boundaries Commission: Who bears the responsibility?

Aug 16 2005 Sudan: Abyei Boundary Commission report

Sep 26 2005 Text of the Draft of Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan

Oct 10 2005 Fighting feared in South Sudan's oil-rich Abyei region

Jan Pronk to visit South Sudan after attacks

Special Representative Jan Pronk will visit Juba from 30-31 March to meet various officials, including those from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), and he will also go to Yei, the site of a deadly attack on UN refugee agency compound in which a staff member died.

After visiting southern Sudan, Mr Pronk will then travel to Abuja in Nigeria from 1-2 April, to meet the parties involved in the Darfur peace talks.
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South Sudan: Jan Pronk says there is a breakthrough...

UN special envoy Jan Pronk, in his Weblog 23 March 2006, writes:
In Sudan many mistakes have been made concerning reconstruction and development. It all started too late. The approaches chosen were often counterproductive. This has resulted in a stalemate. People in Southern Sudan are getting disappointed. What benefits has peace brought for them in their daily lives? However, there is a breakthrough. Read more.

Darfur-Darfur dialogue (DDDC) to be organised after signing of Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA)

The African Union chief mediator for the Darfur peace talks, Salim Ahmed Salim, on 28 March 2006, chaired a meeting with the warring parties to initiate preliminary consultations in preparation for the Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation (DDDC), Sudan Tribune reported today:

Salim urged the parties to regard the DDDC as an integral part of the peace process, to be organized only after the signing of Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA).

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Arab summit closes with adoption of "Khartoum declaration"

The Arab summit closed today with the adoption of the "Khartoum Declaration" which states the Arab position mainly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the situation in Iraq and Darfur, Morocco Times reported today:
The final declaration backed Sudan's position against the deployment of UN-led peacekeeping forces in Darfur.

"We will never accept the deployment of international troops in Darfur without our permission," said Sudanese president Omar Hassan El Bachir.

"When we have reached a peace agreement, we will be able to examine the role UN force can play at our request," he added.
Key points re Darfur from the Arab summit's "Khartoum Declaration":

- affirm their support for the African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur and underline their rejection of deploying other troops here without permission of the Sudanese government, a reference to UN peacekeepers.

- call for parties at the Darfur peace talks to step up efforts to reach a settlement and express their intention "to increase joint Arab forces within the African Union and offer the necessary funding for them to continue their mission."

UNHCR staff member dies of wounds sustained in Yei attack

A staff member of the UN refugee agency who was shot and wounded during an attack by raiders on a UN compound in south Sudan has died, the UNHCR said on Wednesday. Full report (IRIN) 29 March 2006.

EU to give 50 million euros to African Union for Darfur

The European Union has set aside 50 million euros for the AU to help it finance a six-month extension of its mission in Darfur, EU diplomats said on Wednesday.

Reuters also confirms this sum would be the EU executive's contribution at an international pledging conference set for the end of April or May.

Note, this sum would be enough to fund the AU for only two and a half to three months. The AU says it costs around $24 million a month to run its mission, for which it relies on donor nations.

The EU executive has given 162 million euros to the AU for its Darfur mission.

Arab funds for Darfur force too late-AU official

An Arab offer to fund African Union forces in Darfur from October 1st is too late as troops need immediate cash, an AU official said today, reported Reuters:
"This is medicine after death," said Baba Gana Kingibe, the head of the AU mission in Sudan. "We need the assistance now in order to be able to resolve the crisis."

Kingibe said the AU mission, with its increased needs, now cost $24 million a month to run.

"We have assured funding to the end of March," he told Reuters, adding the European Union had also pledged 50 million euros ($60.02 million).
Note, a few days ago, Sudan said it felt a comprehensive peace agreement for Darfur might be reached before the end of April. UN peacekeepers may be negotiated as part of that peace deal, to monitor the truce.

The UN Security Council has asked Secretary-General Kofi Annan to report by April 24 with a plan for the possible take over. The AU has agreed in principle to support the transition. Khartoum said it might be possible to consider UN troops for Darfur when a peace deal has been agreed.

As noted here at Sudan Watch yesterday, some of the opposition to UN troops in Darfur seems to be to do with fears that the 51 people listed at the UN/ICC as suspected Darfur war criminals could be arrested by any UN forces in Darfur. One year or so ago, I'd read a news report about tribal leaders not turning up at Darfur peace and reconciliation talks out of fear of being ambushed, attacked or arrested. Perhaps some sort of amnesty deal could be brokered, in return for disarmament. Who disarms first, the rebels or the Janjaweed? Members of both are among the list of 51 names being investigated by the ICC.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Arabs agree funding for AU troops in Darfur from Oct 1, 2006 plus extra troops from Arab states

News just in from AFP says Arab leaders reached a deal to provide funding for African Union troops in Darfur, officials at their summit in Khartoum said.

Announcing a deal after a closed-door session at the summit, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh told reporters that China's Xinhua reported eight African Arab nations had also agreed to strengthen the AU force by providing troops from Arab states.

However, an Arab diplomat told AFP that discussions were still underway and that a final accord had yet to be reached.

A further AFP report today says the summit's agenda was squeezed into one day from the originally planned two days, and some leaders have already left Khartoum. But a final declaration is not expected before Wednesday.
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The Arabs are unlikely to have to live up to their pledge

Reuters correspondent Opheera McDoom reported today Arab leaders have promised to fund AMIS from October this year. Excerpt:
"There was a complete commitment from Arab leaders to fund the African Union mission in Darfur from Oct. 1, 2006," said Sudan's minister of state for foreign affairs, al-Samani al-Wasiyla.

Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Shalgam said: "The AU is able to finance with the donors still 6 months. After that (during) the second mandate the Arabs are going to support those troops."

Palestinian Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa told Reuters the decision could mean the Arab League would entirely fund the cash-strapped mission if necessary.
Note, the report says that given the AU earlier this month renewed its mission only until end-September, a period the UN considers transitional and are making plans to take over, the Arabs are unlikely to have to live up to their pledge. Further excerpts:
Opposition politicians say the government is scared UN forces in Darfur may be used to arrest anyone indicted by the International Criminal Court, which is investigating alleged war crimes in the region.

The AU says it costs around $17 million a month to run the 7,000-strong mission. The AU relies on the whim of donor nations, mainly, the US, Canada, Britain and the European Union. UN peacekeeping mission are paid for by the UN budget. Arab League officials say the pan-Arab body has already given $200,000 to the AU mission in Darfur and $50,000 to the Abuja peace process.
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In message to Arab League Summit, Secretery-General reviews situations in key areas of conflict

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the summit the envisioned UN force would likely include AU troops already on the ground rather than large numbers of Western soldiers in a speech read on his behalf.

Click here to read the text of the message, as delivered today, 28 March, 2006 by Ibrahim Gambari, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs.
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12 heads of state from 22-member Arab League attended summit

Reuters/Scotsman confirms only 12 heads of state from the 22-member Arab League attended the summit, a disappointing turnout for the Sudanese hosts, who had hoped for a show of solidarity against Western criticism of their handling of the Darfur crisis.

President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, the most populous Arab state, sent his prime minister while King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the richest country, delegated his foreign minister.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Interview: Sudan VP Salva Kiir not opposed to UN in Darfur

On March 25, 2006 Sudan said it wanted the international community to use southern Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) as a model for Darfur, western Sudan.

Senior members of southern Sudan's former rebel group the SPLM/A (Salva Kiir is its chief, following the death of its founder John Garang) are assisting with the Darfur peace talks. Currently, a UN peacekeeping force is in southern Sudan as part of the south's CPA signed 9 January 2005.

News reports say most people involved with Darfur accept that eventually a similar force and mandate will be needed in Darfur to monitor any peace deal agreed for that region. The difference being is that southerners, six years from the date of their CPA, will be allowed to vote to break away from Sudan. Khartoum says such a deal for Darfur is out of the question. it seems Darfur will remain under Sharia law like the rest of Sudan.

Note, Sudanese rebels in eastern Sudan feel their region is just as neglected and marginalised as Darfur. Eastern Sudan is not yet part of any wealth, power and security sharing deal, causing tension and conflict in the region and along the Sudan-Chad border.

The horrific civil war in southern Sudan lasted for 21 years at a cost of two million lives. Surely the Sudanese people won't allow things to go so wrong again. 4.5 billion US dollars has been pledged by the international community for the development of southern Sudan. As soon as a peace agreement for Darfur is reached, monies pledged by donors will be released. Southerners need the cash asap. Everyone is under real pressure.

The Sudanese government says it is against international troops intervening in Darfur before a peace deal is struck because it would signal the African Union Mission in Darfur has failed (it hasn't, they've done a great job) and give the Darfur rebels what they've wanted all along, namely the UN to take over from AU. Last year, the Darfur rebels even pushed (unsuccessfully) for the UN to take over the AU mediated Darfur peace talks. Darfur's rebels use every opportunity to (unfairly in my view) denigrate AU troops whose hands are tied without a protection force mandate, advanced equipment and helicopters.

Today, VP Kiir told Reuters that UN forces could enter Darfur even before such an agreement was signed, provided they had a clear mandate so that they did not become entangled in the conflict:
"There is really nothing so serious about the coming of the UN to Darfur except the misunderstanding of their coming in by the public that (it) ... may be pre-empting the negotiations," Kiir said in an interview.

"The mission is the first thing to be defined because if you bring in UN forces you must give them a detailed mission."
Read the interview by Opheera McDoom and Jonathan Wright 27 Mar 2006.

AU chairman meets warring sides in Darfur talks - Sudan says peace in Darfur before end of April 2006

Over the past 24 hours the Arab League has called for calm study of UN decision and, before leaving for a meeting with US President George W Bush, the African Union chairman held meetings separately with warring parties in Darfur peace talks - and Sudan told the press peace in Darfur is possible before end of April.

Meanwhile, it is interesting note there are no new reports of violence in Darfur. Once again, this seems to prove all sides use and expend the lives of defenceless women and children simply to score political points. They and the Janjaweed are capable of restraint when it suits. Let's hope they keep on using their brains, not violence, to get what they want.
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China backs Sudan's efforts to resolve Darfur crisis - envoy

The representative of People's Republic of China to the Arab League underlined his country's support to settlement of Darfur issue in the framework of African Union's endeavors. Full story (Sudan Tribune) Mar 27, 2006.

Many absent at Khartoum Arab League meeting

Today, Italian newswire Ham/Aki says according to Arab diplomatic sources cited by Saudi daily al-Watan, at least seven heads of states have announced to the Arab League they will not attend the meeting.

The first to communicate his absence was Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who reportedly said he could not be present because of security concerns tied to current tensions between Egypt and Sudan. Excerpt:
The sultan of Oman Qabus bin Said, Tunisian president Ben Ali, Morocco's king Muhammad VI, the king of Bahrain Hamed bin Isa and Iraqi president Jalal Talabani will also not attend, the report said.

The king of Saudi Arabia Abdullah might also reportedly be absent so as to avoid Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who was among the first to reach Khartoum on Sunday.

The meeting is slated to re-elect Amr Moussa at the helm of the organisation and discuss the Sudanese region of Darfur, the Iraqi crisis and the peace process in the Middle East.

Libya, Sudan leaders meet to discuss Darfur and Chad

Libyan leader Col Gaddafi has held a meeting in Khartoum with Sudanese President Bashir. They discussed Darfur and results of recent African mini summit held in Tripoli to help end tension between Chad and Sudan, LJBC reported March 27, 2006.

Al-Bashir welcomes Gaddafi

Photo: Sudanese President Bashir (L) welcomes Libyan leader Col Gaddafi, Khartoum Mar 27, 2006.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

PAP urges Sudanese to disarm Janjaweed - Gertrude Mongella, President of PAP

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - PAP urges Sudanese to disarm Janjaweed - Gertrude Mongella, President of PAP

Note this copy of a report dated April 6, 2005 by Matome Sebelebele, Pretoria via AllAfrica "PAP Urges Sudanese to Disarm Janjaweed":
The Sudanese government has come under fresh criticism from the Pan African Parliament (PAP), which has called on Khartoum to "immediately" disarm the Janjaweed rebels blamed for undermining peace agreements there.

The Midrand-based legislative body sounded the call to Khartoum yesterday after its fact-finding mission handed over its long-awaited 37-page report for debate, prompting angry response from several MPs.

A demand was made to immediately disarm the Arab militia, which MPs argued was not party to the ceasefire agreement.

In its report, the seven-member mission, headed by Ugandan Adbul Katuntu, expressed concerns at the repeated violations of ceasefire agreements, stalled Abuja peace talks and the growing humanitarian crisis in the region. It called on PAP to engage all parties to halt the two-year violent outbreak in Darfur.

The report, which traced the conflict's root causes to British colonial rule that created inequalities and pockets of homelands, could not pronounce on the definition of the conflict as either genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes.

It nonetheless recommended the expansion of military deployment to "include the protection of the population in Darfur", the creation of a joint commission mentioned in the ceasefire agreement as well as an independent PAP oversight commission that would receive and act on complaints of ceasefire violation.

The report painted a picture of a distressed population besieged by fear and distrust of authority, of displaced people living under "inhumane conditions".

The report called on PAP to establish a trust fund for humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict.

On governance issues, the dossier called on the African Union to facilitate the convening of a national conference on peace, democratic governance and development in Sudan with a view to producing a strategic document on wealth and power sharing amongst regions.

The team's findings were welcomed by members of the Pan African Parliament, who argued for the setting up of an ad hoc committee on Darfur as well as availing the report to an AU summit to be possibly held in Libya later.

The debate aroused much emotion, with the house divided on who to blame but agreeing to working with other AU organs to find lasting peace in Africa's largest country.

Some MPs decried what they say is a deliberate plot to marginalise Darfur residents, both economically and politically - an assertion rejected by Khartoum.

Introducing the dossier in Parliament, Mr Katuntu, whose team met and interviewed senior government officials, rebel leaders and international agencies there, told MPs that "the people of Sudan need help and they needed it yesterday".

He added that "the Janjaweed, whom all parties in Sudan describe as bandits, should be disarmed with urgency by the government".

Meanwhile, the United Nations (UN) is said to have handed over to the International Criminal Court's prosecutors thousands of documents and a list of 51 people to be investigated for alleged war crimes in Sudan's Darfur region.

The list reportedly includes Sudanese government officials and government-backed Arab militiamen.

Photo: Janjaweed [Courtesy Middle East Online]
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Gertrude Mongella
The first president of the Pan-African Parliament

At last, signs of great leadership in Africa: the remarkable Gertrude Mongella, is the highest ranking elected woman in Africa. Many refer to her as Mama Mongella or Mama Beijing.

Back in 1995 Gertrude Mongella was Secretary General of the high-profile UN conference on women in Beijing, China. Since then she's worked on women's issues at home in Tanzania and around the globe. Her goal is to lift women out of poverty and into political office so they too can shape history.

In her role today as the first president of the Pan-African Parliament, Mongella is fixing her sights on the challenges facing Africa. Addressing issues like civil war and violence, to poverty and AIDS, she's a strong believer that Africa needs to find ways to help itself. During the first African Women's Forum in Accra in January 1997, she shared her vision of leadership:

"If you want to be a leader," she said, "you have to be clear what you want and what you stand for. You must stand for principle. Principle will never let you down ... You have to be able to choose what are the principles worth dying for ... And you have to add on a little sacrifice. Leadership needs a lot of sacrifice - personal and public sacrifice."

Photo [to be inserted here] of Gertrude Mongella, courtesy interview. In 1996, Mama Beijing founded an NGO called Advocacy for Women in Africa (AWA), which is based in Tanzania. See Gertrude Mongella Profile.
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A dialogue with Ambassador Gertrude Mongella, President of the Pan African Parliament

Note this interesting discussion with Gertrude Mongelia hosted by SARPN and the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, chaired by Trevor Ncube, Pretoria, 14 September 2004.

See 'We must avoid being monkeys' Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) - September 16, 2004 - AEGiS-DMG.
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No education, no life

This is one of the most heartwarming reports relating to Chad and Sudan that has appeared in the press for a long time. It makes one want to concentrate on the future of Sudan: the children. They need an education and supplies of school materials. They need to learn how to forgive but not forget. Today, I am once again weary of reading about the mess the men in Sudan are making -- and of how Sudanese women are abused and left to pick up the pieces and keep life going.

The report dated April 27, 2005 is titled "Chadian camp lacks resources but does not skimp on school" ... the source is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees - by Bernard Ntwari In Iridimi camp - God bless them:

IRIDIMI, Chad, April 27 (UNHCR) - The ritual unfolds every time someone comes to visit. Schoolgirls and boys run up to surround the visitor and recite expressions learnt in English and French: "Hello, how are you, ok," they repeat. Some are proud to show they know how to count in English while others bombard the visitor with questions.

"Our children are going to build the future. We want to secure a good education for them so that they can help change the situation in our country later," says Hassan Mahamat Juma, one of the teachers in Iridimi camp, located nearly 65 km from Chad's border with Sudan. It is one of the 11 UNHCR camps hosting 200,000 Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad.

Since Iridimi camp opened in March last year, classes have started spontaneously on the initiative of refugee teachers. Despite the lack of resources, the education system is very well organised in the camp, where school-aged children make up about 30 percent of the 17,000-strong population. There is a school in every one of the camp's 10 zones, with young refugees attending either the central school or any of the nine branch schools.

Today, buildings are being constructed to improve schooling conditions. This has made the children very happy because their lessons, which focus on the Sudanese curriculum, help them remember their former life in Sudan. UNHCR, in collaboration with its partners and particularly the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), has decided to finance this initiative to reinforce education. As part of this plan, UNICEF has just organised a training session for teachers.

"No education, no life," says Hassan, speaking not just as a teacher but also a father.

"We are satisfied with the attitude of the parents, who have proven to be reliable partners on education in the camp," says Christine Lamarque, who oversees community services for UNHCR in Iridimi. She adds that the refugees' top concern is their children's education in the camp.

The teachers are just as committed. "Most of their requests involve the supply of school materials, rather than salary increase," notes Lamarque. The devoted teachers are willing to double their workload to ensure that all registered students receive the education they deserve.

Adam Dewad Djibrin, 13, is in the third year of junior high school. He is happy not only to have passed in the upper class, and also that his brother and little sister are registered in school. "When I grow up, I will be a teacher to educate my sisters and brothers who have stayed in Sudan," he says.

"I will be a doctor when I grow up," adds another student, Oumar Fakara.

A vocational training centre will be opened in Iridimi camp to teach young refugees practical skills like sewing, shoe-repairing or woodworking. A nursery school will also be set up to promote education for little girls. Boys, too, will get the attention they need, with a new system to be established to educate those who tend to livestock for a living and thus are unable to attend school.
posted by IJ at Sudan Watch Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Anonymous said...
Keep up the good work.

April 28, 2005 4:07 PM
Ingrid said...
Anonymous, thank you.

Please note 24 Oct 2005 post:

Calling Mama Mongella: The stability of Sudan is fundamental to the whole of the African continent

October 29, 2005 12:45 PM