Sunday, June 25, 2006

SLM-Nur statement on suspension of UN mission in Darfur

Sudan Liberation Movement/Army Press Statement by Jaffer Monro, Spokesperson and Press Secretary, June 25, 2006.
For more info on this statement, please contact
Nouri Abdalla, SLM
Satellite phone: +8821643333465

[These guys, using words like "breathtaking" and "genocidal" sound like Eric Reeves! See his June 24, 2006 opinion piece entitled Khartoum Adamantly Refuses Urgently Required UN Forces in Darfur]

Sudan suspends UN work in Darfur over UN airlift of SLA-Minnawi's Suleiman to S Kordofan

BBC report today Sunday, 25 June 2006, 08:14 GMT 09:14 UK:
Sudan has ordered the United Nations to partially suspend its operations in the conflict-hit Darfur region.

Khartoum accuses the UN of giving a helicopter lift to a rebel leader who opposes a recent peace deal.

The ban does not affect the work of the UN children's agency, Unicef, or of the World Food Programme, another UN body.

The UN is conducting the world's largest humanitarian operation in Darfur, where up to 300,000 people have died in three years of civil war.
[I've just awoken to this news. Not yet had a chance to check out other reports. More later]

By Reuters' Opheera McDoom... [link via POTP with thanks]

Sudan has suspended the work of a U.N. mission in its violent Darfur region after accusing the world body of transporting a rebel leader who opposes a recent peace deal, a Sudanese official said on Sunday.

"The suspension applies for all of Darfur and this will continue until we get an explanation," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Jamal Ibrahim.

He said the ban was imposed because a U.N. helicopter had moved rebel leader Suleiman Adam Jamous, who rejects a peace deal signed on May 5.

It excludes two bodies affiliated to the U.N. mission, the World Food Programme and the U.N. children's agency (UNICEF), Ibrahim said.

U.N. spokeswoman Radhia Achouri said the mission had not received any formal communication from the government.

"We have also seen the media reports but we have not received any formal and official confirmation of this from the government of Sudan," she said.

She declined to comment on whether the United Nations had moved rebel leader Jamous in a helicopter.

After three years of revolt in Sudan's remote west, tens of thousands have been killed and 2.5 million forced into miserable camps, creating one of the worst humanitarian crises and sparking the world's largest aid operation.

Only one of three rebel factions negotiating in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, signed the African Union-mediated deal and tens of thousands in Darfur have demonstrated, at times violently, against it.

They say it does not meet their basic demands of proper compensation for war victims or enough political posts and the rebels want to monitor the disarmament of pro-government militias, known locally as Janjaweed.

Elderly Jamous was the respected humanitarian coordinator for the main rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) before it split in November last year. He was the main contact for the more than 14,000 aid workers in the region.

"He was picked up by the U.N. helicopter between el-Fasher and Musbat," Ibrahim said, referring to areas in North Darfur.

"The authorities were not consulted, no permission was asked for and it was clear negligence," he said, adding it was a 'flagrant violation' of the sovereignty of Sudan.

The leader of the SLA faction who signed the deal, Minni Arcua Minnawi, had imprisoned Jamous for his opposition to the deal, rights groups and other rebel leaders said.

U.N. officials and other rights groups had been involved in securing his release.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Darfur ceasefire Joint Commission holds first meeting

The Darfur Joint Commission today at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa held its first meeting since the signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) on the 5 May 2006. The meeting is to be reconvened soon after the AU Summit in Banjul. - Full report Sudan Tribune 25 June 2006.

Sudan disarms Janjaweed militia - Annan and Bashir at AU summit July 1-2

More than 750 militiamen handed over their arms in a ceremony attended by representatives of the UN, AU and the American and British embassies, IslamOnline reported June 24, 2006.
The government vowed to help improve the living conditions of those who have handed over their arms, said Al-Jazeera correspondent.

This is the first disarming bid since the signing of a peace agreement, brokered by the Africa Union, in the Nigerian capital on May 5.
Note, in a related development, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he would try again to persuade Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir to accept a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur when they meet at an African Union summit in Gambia next week:
Annan said he had spoken to Bashir by telephone and received the same negative response given to Jean-Marie Guehenno, the head of UN peacekeeping, on the need for a force in Darfur.

"I got the same message, but we have agreed to continue the dialogue, and also to meet in Banjul," he said, referring to the capital of Gambia where the AU is holding a July 1-2 summit.

The AU's chief executive, Alpha Oumar Konare, said Thursday after meeting Bashir that Sudan "is not rejecting the role of the U.N., but they want to clarify what will be the nature of this force."

Friday, June 23, 2006

Many in Darfur's SLA rebel group are as young as 16

David Blair's Darfur diary (4) UK Telegraph June 23, 2006 - excerpt:
We drive across the desert to Galap, an area of Northern Darfur province controlled by rebels from the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). Another checkpoint manned by government soldiers marks the front line between opposing forces. Here, the soldiers wave us through. They wear t-shirts, dark glasses, camouflage trousers and flip-flops. This crazy dress code is adopted by the fighting men on both sides of this war.
After this checkpoint, we cross about five miles of "no-man's land", empty of people and all signs of habitation save for one ruined and abandoned village. Then an SLA checkpoint marks our entry into rebel-held territory.

Once again, we are welcomed by a rag-tag bunch of SLA fighters, many of them child soldiers. I ask one 16-year-old how long he has spent with the rebels. "Three years," he says. "Have you ever been to school?" I ask. He gives me a blank look. "No, there was no chance for that," he replies.

"The idea of UN peacekeepers supporting an African Union mission would be something that has never been done before" says UN's Head of Peacekeeping

June 23, 2006 Sudan Tribune unsourced article - excerpt:
"There is a risk of major violence," the UN head of peacekeeping, Jean-Marie Gehenno, told reporters at the end of a two-week assessment mission to Darfur. "The risk of fragmentation, of a new cycle of violence, after the rainy season, is quite real, very real." [Sudan Watch Ed: Makes one wonder if the rebels will create even more violence just to get UN troops onside]

Gehenno, the AU's peace commissioner Said Djinnit, and about 40 officials from both organizations were mandated by the UN Security Council to study the prospects for replacing the AU peacekeeping mission in Darfur by a larger, better equipped UN force. They held hundreds of meetings in the western Sudan region.

The AU force needs "a more robust mandate, but also more robust support from the United Nations," the AU's Djinnit said at the press conference with Gehenno.

"The UN is not in the business of colonizing any country," Gehenno said Thursday, a day after he met al-Bashir.

"As long as the government of Sudan does not accept a (UN) mission, there will not be one. It's as simple as that," he said.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday that he hoped al-Bashir would change his mind. "The talks continue, and I hope ultimately we will be able to convince them to accept a UN force," Annan told reporters in Geneva.

Gehenno said the immediate priority was to support the AU troops in Darfur, and hinted this could be the door to the UN's entry. "The idea of UN peacekeepers supporting an African Union mission would be something that has never been done before," he said.

UN may assist in a way that is acceptable to the Sudanese government - Mbeki

June 23, 2006 Mail & Guardian report by Jean-Jacques Cornish - excerpt:
Al Bashir took full advantage of the spotlight, and the presence of AU and UN fact-finding teams in Sudan, to vent his spleen on the issue of peacekeepers.

He said they would be neo--colonialists and accused Jewish organisations of pushing for their deployment. "The UN Security Council decided on deployment of international forces in Darfur under Chapter Seven after we have reached a peace agreement that has ended a crisis the West has branded as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world," said Al Bashir.

"We know everything. We know their agenda. We have our own bugging and monitoring systems through which we ascertained that those forces are coming with a colonial agenda, they are coming not for keeping peace but to remain in Darfur as forces of occupation."

He rejected the argument that the AU cannot finance a large enough peacekeeping force in Sudan. "They kept silent when the Arab League offered to finance the AU operations and they have not asked themselves how those operations are financed at present.

"We know that the UN has no money. Recently UN humanitarian envoy Jan Egeland said his organisation could not find funds for financing humanitarian operations. How is it going to finance those forces of occupation?" asked Al Bashir.

Mbeki insisted that the purpose of his visit to Khartoum was not to reinforce the need for blue helmets in Darfur.

"The AU should continue discharging its mandate in Darfur while the UN may assist in a way that is acceptable to the Sudanese government," said Mbeki. "The Sudan is an important country in the continent and anything that happens in it will have an impact in Africa."

He commended both Al Bashir and the former rebel Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement for the progress made in implementing the comprehensive peace agreement, but pointedly added that there are outstanding issues that need to be tackled.

The South African leader was in Khartoum to get the latest information to report to the African Union summit in Banjul next week.

South Africa heads the AU committee for the reconstruction of Sudan and is the current chair of the AU Peace and Security Council.

Democracy and security in Africa - Lord Triesman

Source: Government of the United Kingdom [via ReliefWeb]
Date: 22 Jun 2006
Democracy and security in Africa - Triesman
Event: Chatham House Africa Programme
Location: London
Speech Date: 21 Jun 2006
Speaker: Lord Triesman

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Human Rights Watch incorrectly says Khartoum is backtracking

In an interview June 22, 2006, Human Rights Watch (HRW) Deputy Director for Africa, Georgette Gagnon tells Voice of America English to Africa reporter Howard Lesser:
"There seems to be some disconnect. Obviously, we must remember that when the Darfur peace agreement was being negotiated, the Khartoum government said that it would accept UN troops to come in and monitor a peace agreement. Now, it's backtracking."
This is not true. From what I have gathered here at Sudan Watch (see a small sample of reports listed here below - many more in Sudan Watch archives) Khartoum never once said that it would accept UN troops in Darfur. Khartoum is not backtracking. It said it would consider and discuss when the UN-AU assessment team completed its findings and, clearly, the final decision rested with Sudan's President al-Bashir. I challenge Human Rights Watch to point out when and where the Sudanese Government agreed to accept UN troops in Darfur and monitor a peace agreement. [VOA report via POTP, with thanks]

Further reading

Apr 15 2006 Sudanese president meets with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations - Sudanese President al-Bashir reiterated refusal on Saturday of deploying international forces in Darfur to take over the peacekeeping mission of the African Union. "Sudan is persistent in its position refusing the handover of the AU mission in Darfur to the United Nations," the president told the UN official, according to the sources. Meanwhile, the sources said that al-Bashir and Annabi reached an agreement during the meeting that a technical team would be sent by the UN to Khartoum to conduct consultations with the government on a possible "smooth and natural transfer of the African mission" after the mandate of the AU peacekeeping forces expires on Sept. 30.

Apr 26 2006 Sudan: Government opposes UN force in Darfur at this time, UN Security Council is told

May 7 2006 Protests greet UN's Egeland in Darfur, before Gereida visit - a spokesman for the Sudanese government suggested that Sudan would welcome U.N. peacekeepers, but a foreign ministry spokesman told Reuters on Sunday that the government had not yet decided whether to allow the so-called "blue helmets" into the region.

May 7 2006: Sudan says undecided about UN peacekeepers in Darfur - Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim told Reuters media reports saying Sudan would welcome  UN peacekeepers were untrue. "This is not accurate. I don't know who made this  statement. ... It has to come after an assessment by the Sudan government.

Apr 29 2006 TEXT- Draft of Darfur Peace Agreement

May 16 2006 UN Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution 1679 (2006) paving way for UN force in Darfur - a resolution calling for the deployment on the ground of a joint UN/AU Technical Assessment Team to Darfur ... in continuous consultation with the Government of National Unity of Sudan

May 19 2006 Annan dispatches Brahimi and Annabi to Khartoum to press Sudan's government to allow UN military planners into Darfur

May 22 2006 Fears Janjaweed will turn on Sudanese government if they try to take their arms by force - There is a very real fear that the Janjaweed, whose tribes were equally marginalised by Khartoum in the past, will turn on the government if they try to take their arms by force

May 23 2006 UN chief talks with Sudan's president on UN peacekeeping operation - Troops, by themselves, cannot be the full answer - Asked whether States were prepared to contribute personnel to a UN mission in Darfur, the peacekeeping chief said a number "have expressed a measure of interest" but noted that none would make a commitment in the absence of a Security Council mandate and clear information about the situation on the ground. "No country is going to start spending money preparing its troops for a possible deployment until it knows that this deployment is going to happen for real," he said

May 24 2006 Khartoum talks fail to meet UN Security Council deadline: Sudan is now in violation of international law - UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's veteran troubleshooter Lakhdar Brahimi and UN peacekeeping chief Hedi Annabi began talks in Khartoum on Tuesday to break the deadlock but, as the UN Security Council deadline expired on Wednesday, no agreement was reached, Reuters reported today:"The assessment mission is still not decided upon by the government of Sudan," said presidential advisor Majzoub al-Khalifa after his meeting with Brahimi and Annabi. The UN resolution was passed under chapter seven meaning Sudan was now in violation of international law

May 25 2006 Sudan agrees on UN/AU Darfur assessment mission - Mr Brahimi said a joint UN and AU team would arrive in the next few days. Sudan still does not accept that a UN force in Darfur is inevitable. At a press briefing in Khartoum, FM Lam Akol said that further political discussion was needed, and that only after those meetings could technical preparations be made

May 25 2006 Sudan rejects UN military role in Darfur - Sudanese FM Lam Akol said on Wednesday that his country would not allow the UN to play a military role in Darfur. Lam Akol made the remarks during a meeting with Lakhdar Brahimi. "The foreign minister explained Sudan's view on the recent UN Security Council resolution, affirming that the Darfur peace agreement does not provide in its security arrangements any role for the UN or any other party except the African Union," the spokesman told reporters. Presidential advisor Majzoub al-Khalifa told reporters following his meeting with the UN envoy that the Sudanese government did not accept the deployment of international forces in Darfur under Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, which authorizes the use of force if the Security Council resolution is not complied with

Jun 6 2006 UN Security Council delegation in Khartoum meets Sudanese President al-Bashir - The delegation will also seek the support of the Sudanese government to allow a UN force to take over the peacekeeping mission from 7,000 underfunded African Union (AU) troops

Jun 6 2006 Sudan will consult with respective political parties to discuss findings of UN military assessment mission next week

Jun 9 2006 Joint UN-AU team of 40 arrive in Khartoum today to begin planning for strengthening AU Mission in Darfur - The team of 40 people from the UN and the African Union is being led by Undersecretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Marie Guehenno and will visit Darfur and hold talks with senior government officials over a period of 18 days, said Jim Landale, a spokesman for the UN mission. "The goal of the mission is to look at what can be done to strengthen the African Union force mission now and plan for a possible takeover by a United Nations peacekeeping mission," Landale said today in an interview in Khartoum

Jun 10 2006 What Sudan really fears is UN troops may be used to arrest officials and militia likely to be indicted by the ICC investigating war crimes in Darfur - Akol said military and other technical experts from the team would be leaving for Darfur on Tuesday. Asked if the Sudanese government's position had changed, he said: "Any decisions of any sort will be taken after that," referring to the team's trip to Darfur. The joint mission will return to Khartoum for further talks after visiting Darfur. The mission, which arrived on Friday, is expected to last around 18 days. Akol said the joint team could not tell Khartoum what the mandate and aim of a possible U.N. mission in Darfur would be until after they had visited the region and assessed what was required

Jun 15 2006 International Criminal Court Prosecutor briefs UN Security Council on Darfur, says will not draw conclusions on genocide until investigation complete - June 14, 2006 UN report: International Criminal Court Prosecutor briefs Security Council on Darfur, says will not draw conclusions on genocide until investigation complete - Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells Council, given scale, complexity of crimes, anticipates prosecuting 'sequence of cases, rather than a single case'

Jun 20 2006 Sudanese President Bashir rejects international military intervention in Darfur - "I swear that there will not be any international military intervention in Darfur as long as I am in power," Mr Bashir was quoted as telling a meeting of his ruling National Congress late on Monday

Jun 21 2006 Sudan opposes UN in Darfur because it fears too many of its allies will end up in an international criminal court - Turabi

Jun 22 2006 VOA ICC probe finds evidence of atrocities committed by both the Sudanese government-backed Janjaweed militia and rebel forces

Khartoum's discussing sending joint GOS/SPLA force of 10,000 troops to back up AU and help disarm Arab militias

Excerpt from Reuters report by Emma Thomasson 22 June 2006:
Junior Minister Deng said instead of UN forces Khartoum was discussing sending about 10,000 troops to back up the AU and help disarm the Arab militias.

He said the soldiers could come from the joint force that includes former rebel fighters from southern Sudan. Former rebels from the south joined a national unity government after a deal in 2005 ended a protracted north-south civil war.
Related reports

Jan 15 2006 Sudan proposes formation of joint army force of GOS/Rebel/AU troops for Darfur and offers to partly finance AU troops in Darfur - includes links following reports:

Apr 21 2005 South Sudan: SPLM/A willing and ready to deploy 10,000 of its troops to Darfur

Apr 22 2005 Bloggers unite to support Darfur peacekeeping mission - a troika of 30,000 forces from Sudan, New Sudan and UN/AU

Oct 07 2005 John Garang proposed joint force of 30,000 AU/GOS/SPLMA troops for Darfur

Jun 02 2006 Khartoum Monitor/Embassy of Sudan: Sudan to Establish Joint Integrated Forces With Ex-Rebels - Spokesperson for the JDB, Maj-Gen Majdhub Rahama, in a statement to Khartoum Monitor disclosed arrangements for preparing a 15,000 joint integrated forces shared equally by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the SPLA in order to function as an international force if required.

Jun 22 2006 AP report via Sudan Tribune: Joint army-rebel force could bolster AU troops in Darfur - Sudan - Speaking to reporters, Deng reiterated the Sudanese government's objection to allowing U.N. peacekeepers into Darfur. "People jump to UN troops as if they are the answer to everything," he said. Deng said a unit comprised of 5,000 members of the Sudan Armed Forces and 5,000 fighters from the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army could beef up the African Union mission, which has failed to rein in more than three years of violence. "These troops can be used to ... maintain law and order in Darfur," Deng said, adding that such units already exist elsewhere in Sudan.

UN food agency $3.5 million construction project to build 25 schools in southern Sudan

As noted here previously, the African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur reportedly costs $1 billion per year. Look what can be achieved with a fraction of that sum. UN World Food Programme has launched a $3.5 million construction project to build 25 schools in southern Sudan, where primary school attendance rates are the lowest in the world, UN News Centre reported today:
The project will employ 100 teachers and cater to over 10,000 students and complements WFP's School Feeding Programme, which aims to increase school enrolment and attendance by giving children a free meal when they go to class.

WFP has partnered up with the Norwegian Refugee Council and German Development Corporation to build four schools following donations from the US, UK and the Netherlands.
I doubt the Darfur insurgents ever wonder how many schools could be built for the $1 billion their violence costs. Moronic guerrillas. Who do they think they are holding a country and millions of defenceless women and children to ransom? None of them are fit to represent their people or even govern. Bah. Puke. They make me sick.

Football in Darfur

Photo: ZamZam camp, a Sudanese boy kicks a football as World Cup fever grips the continent, with Angola, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo and Tunisia in Germany. (BBC Africa in pictures 10-16 June 2006)

Only 20 per cent of children in southern Sudan attend primary school. Of those who do, just one third are girls.

Japan pledged $100m to help Sudan

Emergency grant aid for humanitarian assistance to the Darfur region, Sudan - ReliefWeb 22 June 2006.

Nigeria continues to persuade Darfur rebel groups to endorse peace

Nigeria will continue to work for the acceptance of the recent peace agreement on Darfur by all stakeholders in the region, the state-owned News Agency of Nigeria reported on Thursday. - People's Daily Online 22 June 2006.

Annan says more pressure needed to be placed on rebel holdouts who have rejected peace moves

"I still think a United Nations peacekeeping force will be needed to help the parties implement the peace agreement and help provide security for the internally displaced," Annan told journalists in Geneva today.

He also said more pressure needed to be placed on rebel holdouts who have rejected peace moves.

Full report Sudan Tribune 22 June 2006.

ICC probe finds evidence of atrocities committed by both the Sudanese government-backed Janjaweed militia and rebel forces

The following editorial at VOA News - War Crimes In Darfur reflects the views of the United States Government.
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says that he anticipates bringing war crimes charges against those who have committed atrocities in the Darfur region of Sudan. Luis Moreno Ocampo says his office is able to document thousands of killings of civilians, including "a significant number of large-scale massacres, with hundreds of victims in each incident."

According to Mr. Ocampo's report, a large number of victims and witnesses "reported that men perceived to be from the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa groups were deliberately targeted." The report says "there are eye-witness accounts that the perpetrators made statements reinforcing the targeted nature of the attacks, such as 'we will kill all blacks' and 'we will drive you out of this land'." Mr. Ocampo's probe finds evidence of atrocities committed by both the Sudanese government-backed Janjaweed militia and rebel forces.

Fighting broke out in Darfur in 2003, after rebels complained that the region had been marginalized by the central government. Rebels affiliated with the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement attacked Sudanese government facilities. The government-backed Janjaweed militia responded by attacking civilians in Darfur. Homes and farms were burned, wells poisoned, and women raped.

President George W. Bush says the situation in Darfur "remains dire":

"About two-hundred-thousand people have died from conflict, famine, and disease. And more than two-million were forced into camps inside and outside their country, unable to plant crops, or rebuild their villages. I've called this massive violence an act of genocide, because no other word captures the extent of this tragedy."

"The U.S. "will not turn away from this tragedy," says President Bush. He says the U.S. "will call genocide by its rightful name, and we will stand up for the innocent until the peace of Darfur is secured."
[I find the timing of such reports rather curious when they appear in tandem with news of US calls for UN troops in Darfur, knowing that Sudan opposes a UN force in Darfur because it fears too many of its allies will end up in an international criminal court]

June 21 2006 US presses Sudan to accept UN force

June 22 2006 Annan says more pressure needed to be placed on rebel holdouts who have rejected peace moves - "I still think a United Nations peacekeeping force will be needed to help the parties implement the peace agreement and help provide security for the internally displaced," Annan told journalists in Geneva today.

Pakistani terrorist groups in Darfur vow to fight UN force

Two terrorist groups, styling themselves the "Jihad Brigade" and the "Darfur Blood Organisation", have already emerged in Darfur, vowing to fight any UN deployment.

UN officials say that Pakistanis have recently arrived in Darfur and are believed to lead the two new groups. But their strength is probably no more than a few score.

Full report Telegraph by David Blair in Khartoum 22 June 2006.

Historic photo of Sudanese opposition leaders, including Al-Turabi and Al-Mahdi, brought together by the UN

Here is 'Picture Of The Week' from Jan Pronk's Weblog June 10, 2006 showing Sudanese opposition leaders, including Al-Turabi and Al-Mahdi, brought together by the UN. Following caption authored by Mr Pronk of The Netherlands who is Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Sudan, leading the UN peace keeping operation (UNMIS -

Historic photo of Sudanese opposition leaders, including Al-Turabi and Al-Mahdi, brought together by the UN

Photo: Sudanese opposition leaders, including Al-Turabi and Al-Mahdi, brought together by the UN.
The United Nations Security Council, visiting Sudan early June, invited Sudanese opposition leaders to discuss the prospects of peace.

See from left to right Ali Mahmoud Hassanien, Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Unionis Party (DUP), Mohammed Ibrahim Nugud, Chairman of the Sudan Communist Party, Hassan Abdallah Al-Turabi, Chairman of the Popular National Congress Party (PNCP) and AL-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, Chairman of the Umma Party. The Chairman of the DUP, Al- Mergani, still keeps his residence in Egypt.

Al-Turabi sitting next to Al-Mahdi is rather unique. The Islamist Al-Turabi was the auctor intellectualis behind the military coup at the end of the ninety eighties which brought an end to the regime of Al-Mahdi. The latter had been Prime Minister after the democratic elections of 1986.

The Islamist Al-Turabi supported the regime of President Bashir many years. He was arrested and jailed when the Bashir regime changed its ideological orientation. Mid last year, after the formation of the Government of National Unity, which brought together Bashir's National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement of John Garang and Salve Kiir, Al-Turabi was set free. He directly started to severely provoke the government and surprised many people by taking rather liberal positions in matters concerning Islam. Elections are foreseen for 2008. It is uncertain how much support the various opposition parties will get, in particular because of the emergence of the SPLM, the Darfurian SLM and of course the NCP itself. [For greatly magnified view, click on original image at Jan Pronk's Weblog]
Jun 1 2005 Sudanese opposition leader [Sadiq al-Mahdi] to boycott interim government

May 14 2006 Sudan's Turabi condemns Darfur Peace Agreement - Al Turabi Is a Chameleon

Jun 3 2006 Al-Mahdi calls on Darfur rebels to adopt "civil jihad" to press Khartoum into convening all-inclusive conference - Unused water and Roseires Dam

Historic photo: Joseph Kony (LRA), exposed - First picture, after more than a decade - Pronk

Jan Pronk, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Sudan, who is leading the UN peace keeping operation in southern Sudan, discusses "how to approach the Lord's Resistance Army? Is it possible to defeat them militarily or should we try to find a political solution? What comes first: justice or peace? Who should decide?"

Read more at Jan Pronk Weblog June 19, 2006.

Joseph Kony (LRA), exposed

First picture, after more than a decade, of Joseph Kony, leader of the nefarious Lord Resistance Army. The picture shows Kony (l), and his second in command Vince Otty (r). In the middle: Riek Machar, Vice President Government of South Sudan".

Kony has asked the Government of Southern Sudan to facilitate talks between him and President Museveni of Uganda, claiming that he would wish to put an end to his twenty year war with Uganda. Kony and Otty have been indicted by the International Criminal Court.

Photo and text courtesy May 30, 2006 Jan Pronk Weblog - for much larger view, click on original image.

June 21 2006 Sudan wants ICC Kony trial delayed. [Note, the U.S. views Kony's LRA as a terrorist organisation]

Israeli Foreign Ministry mentions al-Qaeda presence in Sudan

Israeli authorities have given assurances that none [Sudanese refugees] will be sent back to Sudan, where they could face execution for having set foot in Israel, and say they hope to expand the house-arrest program now running on collective farms.

But "when al-Qaeda has a presence in Sudan, all of the refugees have to be very carefully screened," said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev. "No one can expect that Israel is the right solution to the Sudanese refugees." - Full report by Carolynne Wheeler June 22, 2006.

Jun 10 2006 Al-Qaeda criticised Khartoum as "spineless" for allowing UN-AU assessment mission into Sudan

SPLA deploys troops in Khartoum

At least 320 SPLA soldiers arrived in Khartoum from Kassala on Saturday and were deployed at the republican guard garrison at Soba Aradi area, the Sudan Radio Service (SRS) reported.

There are now a total of 1,500 SPLA soldiers deployed in different areas of Khartoum as stipulated in the CPA.

Some of the troops will be deployed in Soba Aradhi, fifteen kilometres south of Khartoum. The rest will be deployed in the Jebel Aulia IDP camp, forty kilometres south of Khartoum.


Photo: The first batch of the troops of the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) arrive in Khartoum, Sudan, Monday, July 18, 2005, ready to form the joint peacekeeping force. (AP)

Full report ST/SRS 21 June 2006. [via OromiaTimes blog - with thanks]

Mbeki: S Africa wants to see UN assist in a way agreed by Khartoum and AU

Sudanese President al-Bashir told a news conference with Mbeki that UN forces were unacceptable because they would come to Sudan with colonial and imperial ambitions.

"We do not reject the United Nations, but in no way will we accept UN troops because ... these troops have an imperial and colonial agenda. Changing this mission to the United Nations will never happen, never ever happen," he said.

Bashir said "if the UN is realy serious to deal with us they had to come before taking their decision under chapter seven and talk with us".

Mbeki said South Africa wanted to see the United Nations assist in a way agreed by the government and the African Union.

Mbeki fails to persuade Bashir of accepting UN force in Darfur

Photo: S. Africa's President Thabo Mbeki (L) and his Sudanese counterpart Omar Hassan al-Bashir address the media in Sudan's capital Khartoum June 20, 2006. (Reuters) Full report Sudan Tribune June 22, 2006.

UPDATE: June 22 2006 Reuters report via Sudan Tribune - Sudan has not shut door on UN troops - South Africa : Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, South Africa's FM, told Reuters that Sudan's main complaint was that the UN had consulted virtually everyone on the Darfur situation but ignored Khartoum. "Khartoum's concern was that the UN had never discussed the deployment with Sudan as a country. The UN talked to the AU, to us, and to everyone else but not to the Sudanese and they felt that was not right," Dlamini Zuma said.
"That was the cause of the suspicion by the Sudanese of what the UN's motives might be. They are not against the UN but they need to be convinced that the deployment is necessary."

Darfur rebels block peacekeepers in N Darfur - UNMIS gains access to Suleiman Jamous - UN Sudan Situation Report 13 - 20 Jun 2006

North Darfur: Despite the overall decline of violence in Darfur since the signing of the DPA, due to the reduction in clashes between the Government and SLA forces, banditry, rape, cattle rustling and targeted attacks on INGO compounds and UN convoys, as well as the African Union, continue to pose a threat to peace. During the reporting period, North Darfur was particularly restive, witnessing the spectacular abduction of six IOM staff by the SLM/A-Wahid in Irgue, 50km West of Kutum. The concerned staff were released after a day, following the joint intervention of the UN and AU. In addition, on 14 June, an AMIS patrol was detained for several hours by the SLM/A-Wahid in Kaguro, 43km Southeast of Kebkabiya. The group cited non-acceptance of the DPA as their general grievance. Furthermore, they requested the AU to obtain express permission from the SLM/A leadership in El-Fasher, before undertaking any further patrols.

This week also saw renewed inter-SLM/A fighting in Kulkul and Korma on 12 and 13 June, respectively. Although the fighting in Kulkul, currently under the control of SLM/A-Wahid, was instigated by the SLM/A-Minawi, the incidents in Korma appear to have been sparked by a SLM/A-Wahid offensive, probably in a bid to regain lost territory. No details of the latter attack, or the number of casualties, are currently known. UNMIS will continue to encourage and support AMIS in the implementation of its mandate, including resuming its vital operations around the Kalma, Abou Shouk and Zalingei camps.

For the first time since his most recent detention, UNMIS gained access to SLM/A stalwart, Suleiman Jamous, on 15 June. During his meeting with Mr. Minawi on 16 June, SRSG Pronk discussed Mr. Jamous' Release for the purposes of obtaining medical treatment. Mr. Minawi promised to free Jamous, through the UN. - United Nations Sudan Situation Report 13 - 20 Jun 2006 via ReliefWeb 20 June 2006.

Infighting among rebel factions cuts off over 100,000 people from aid - Rebels warn DPA will collapse without UN force

Excerpt from AP report by Alfred de Montesquiou via CBS June 22, 2006 UN head of peacekeeping downplays Sudan rejection of troops to calm Darfur:
"Obviously, we would like to hear a different opinion," UN peacekeeping chief Jean-Marie Gehenno told The Associated Press shortly after meeting al-Bashir. "We want to believe that this is not the end of the road."

Gehenno was ending a two-week visit to Darfur and Khartoum with some 40 UN and African Union experts to plan for a large UN force to take over peacekeeping in Darfur. Gehenno said he had assured the Sudanese president that the UN had no "hidden agenda." "There are many misunderstandings about the UN's goals in Darfur that we are trying to solve with the Sudanese government," said Gehenno.

Gehenno said the priority would be to strengthen the 7,000-strong AU force. He confirmed that the UN still hoped to send its own peacekeeping mission by early 2007. The chief peacekeeper also insisted that UN peacekeepers would "only go to Darfur in full cooperation from the Sudanese government." There has been "a slight improvement" in the situation since the signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement last month between the region's main rebel group and the government, Gehenno said. But he said the situation was precarious and infighting among rebel factions had cut off over 100,000 people from humanitarian assistance.

Presidential adviser Majzoub Khalifa said the government believes letting in the UN could destablize Sudan. "We do not want Darfur to become a new Iraq," he said, claiming tribal leaders in Darfur had warned authorities they would form insurgency groups against UN peacekeepers.

President Bush, who has called for the United Nations to take over peacekeeping in Darfur, reiterated Wednesday that he viewed the government-backed attacks on civilians there as genocide. "I care deeply about those who have been afflicted by these renegade bands of people who are raping and murdering," he said at a summit with European leaders in Vienna. In Washington, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli pressed for Sudan to accept the U.N. force. "As long as violence continues in Darfur, the Sudanese Government is going to be held responsible, regardless of the circumstances," the spokesman said.

Deploying UN troops is crucial to salvaging the brittle peace deal signed by the Sudanese government and the main Darfur rebel movement, which has warned the agreement will collapse without the peacekeeping force.

No peacekeeping mission will succeed in Darfur unless warring parties are genuinely ready for peace

Excerpt from FT report by Andrew England June 22 2006:
"Yes they [the UN] have better logistics and resources, but can they bring the magic?" asks one AU officer. "People's expectations have to be managed."

He pointed out the UN's failure to take action during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, and fiascos in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where UN troops failed to prevent the massacre of civilians and the capture of towns by rebels, shattering any credibility it had there.

In spite of the challenges, AU officers argue their presence has made a difference. "I believe if you check from the time we arrived in 2004 to date, in the face of glaring constraints, we have achieved a lot," says Colonel Ladan Yusuf, an AU sector commander.

Ultimately, all agree that no operation will succeed in Darfur unless the warring parties are genuinely ready for peace. The region is awash with weapons and its residents bear arms as others "carry mobile phones", an officer says. And UN officials are expressing concern about the level of expectations that could come with a UN operation.

SPLM nominated Dr Akec Khoc, a Dinka tribesman living in Minnesota USA, for position with new government

Last month, two spokesmen for Darfur rebel groups SLM/A and JEM refusing to join Darfur peace deal were interviewed in Washington by Democracy Now. The interviewer asked what they were doing in Washington. One of the rebels replied saying they were visiting the "Darfur community". He made their appearance in Washington sound so easy, matter of fact and normal.

America is like Fort Knox when it comes to immigration procedures, security and entry visas. What do the rebels declare as their occupation, how they make a living, money they are carrying, where they are staying, what they will be doing during their visit. Holiday? Visiting friends?

After seeing and hearing what the two rebels said in the podcast interview I wondered about the number of Sudanese people living outside of the Sudan, what they were doing to help their people, and how Sudan's rebels in their nice new western style suiits afford to feed their families and pay for travels to far flung places like Slovenia, Germany, France, England, Libya, Washington, Nigeria, Eritrea. Maybe they don't think the public would be interested in such minor details. When a politician is elected we get a good idea of the source of their pay packet and expenses. Why do rebels get away with murder and appear to have diplomatic immunity? I don't get it. I'm irked that journalists don't bother reporting these aspects of the Darfur war especially when there are billions of tax dollars involved.

The following news report 'Sign of hope' for Sudan by Frederick Melo (St Paul Pioneer Press, June 4, 2006) tells of some Sudanese people living in Minnesota, USA who believe their homeland still has a chance at peace. Edited excerpt:
Dr Akec Khoc, a 55-year-old medical practitioner living in Rochester, Minn. is one of hundreds of Sudanese who fled Africa's longest-running civil war and relocated to Minnesota, leaving behind professional careers, land and family.

For some, the January 2005 peace accords have rekindled hopes of returning to their homeland and helping to rebuild. For most, however, conflict in Darfur and the halting progress in reconstructing the shattered villages of the south are overshadowing those dreams.

After leaving Sudan as a refugee in 1983, Khoc, a 6-foot-3-inch Dinka tribesman plans to return this month to take a position with the new unified government, helping in the political reunification of the north and south.

If it wasn't for his ministry work, the Rev. Mawien Ariik has little doubt he would return to those familiar lands tomorrow.

Ariik, 43, was a young man when he fled the country in 1990, leaving behind a brother and nine sisters who were settled near the family homestead in southern Sudan.

"They were in the countryside, and I was in the big city," said Ariik, who leads a small Sudanese congregation at the Zion Lutheran Church in Anoka. "So when war broke out, I was far away from them, and I couldn't get back. They remained hiding. I ran to Khartoum."

Ariik said many Sudanese now dream of returning to Sudan. But many are also fearful.

"We could go back, but everyone is waiting," said Ariik, who returned to his country in February for his mother's funeral. "None of the things that were agreed upon (in the peace accords) have been started yet. … No schools were left, no hospitals were left in the south because of the war. Towns were destroyed completely. How can I go back to a destroyed city, without a school, without water, without a hospital?"

"I've been in other war zones in Ethiopia and Eritrea and in Bosnia, but this is sort of in a class by itself in terms of the viciousness of the attacks and the vulnerability of the people," said Eric R. Markusen, a sociology professor from Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, who visited the refugee camps outside Darfur in the summer of 2004.

Khoc is among those who want to return to help his people. After working for two years as a mental health counselor at a South Minneapolis group home, he and his wife moved to a modest apartment in Rochester, where they await news of his likely political appointment.

Khoc had fled Sudan for Ethiopia in 1983, and then to France in 1991 after the political situation in Ethiopia deteriorated for the south Sudanese. While in Paris, he had been a spokesman for the Sudan's People Liberation Movement (SPLM), the leading opposition group to the northern government.

In April, the SPLM nominated Khoc and 15 other south Sudanese for ambassadorial positions. As of June 1, however, the men had not been sworn in by the northern government based in Khartoum, or assigned to specific embassies.

During Ariik's church services, it's 34-year-old Akhlas Akto who sings the loudest. Like a gospel enthusiast belting out classics, the mother of four leads each hymn, sung in Arabic, and her voice carries over the beating of a tall African drum, the roll of a tambourine and the rattle of a beaded gourd shaker.

In Sudan, Akto had been a day care worker in a Lutheran church, and her two older sisters spent the better part of 20 years as secretaries in government and professional offices.

Now, one sister cleans school halls as a janitor at the University of Minnesota and the other assembles boxes at a packaging plant. Neither enjoys her work.

For many south Sudanese, adjusting to life in America has been far from easy. In Sudan, many of their countrymen had been teachers, doctors, farmers and politicians. Here, the people Ariik ministers to now work factory jobs and night shifts, wrestling with language barriers, unfamiliar industries and new cultural norms.

Limited in number relative to Somalis, Latinos and Asian immigrants, the Sudanese have scattered across small ethnic enclaves in Anoka County, Rochester, Fargo, N.D., and Sioux Falls, S.D., he said.

Like many south Sudanese living in Minnesota, Ariik's parents had been landed farmers, and his family lived relatively comfortable lives surrounded by dozens of cows, goats and sheep. After fleeing the war, he lived for eight years in Egypt attending a seminary, and in 1998 obtained refugee status and moved to Wisconsin.

Before long, he relocated to Anoka, where he became an inspector in an eyeglass factory.

Akto, who is homesick for Sudan, said she will remain in Minnesota, largely to see her four children educated in the U.S. But the cost and pace of American life are wearing on her, and she misses the social gatherings of her homeland.

"My (eldest) daughter wants to go back," said Akto, who worked as a classroom aide at a Head Start school for four years before being laid off on disability. "She's 18. She came here when she was 11. She says she doesn't like it over here."

Gatluak Juach is among those south Sudanese who have no plans to return to their homeland. Juach left Sudan while still a boy to live in Ethiopia for 14 years, where he became a math teacher. The 34-year-old Coon Rapids man now solders parts at an electronics factory in Brooklyn Park, and little of what he hears from his mother and brother, who still reside in south Sudan, gives him reason to think he'll go back.

His five children, ranging in age from 3 to 13, are "American," he says, and they seem even more uninterested.

"When I talk to them about Sudan, they don't understand it," he said. "When they watch the news on Darfur, they say, 'Your country's not good.' "

But others still hold out hope for their homeland.

Frederick Melo can be reached at or 651-228-2172.
Jun 3 2006 Sudan's Dinka back home after 20-year journey - 90,000 displaced southerners in Darfur, 25,000 have returned

Feb 28 2006 UN says Eritrea, Libya, Chad supply arms to Sudan's Darfur rebels and SPLM/A provided training and arms to SLM/A

May 23 2006 Sudan Tribune - Opinion piece by Mayar Mayar Kout, an IT Student, Computer Analyst at Southern New Hampshire University. Manchester, USA SPLMs Ambassadors are not advocates of al-Bashir policy: Though there are a very qualified nominees on list I think that are appropriate to the party. to honor them serve the diplomat relations here they are: ambassadors Dr. Francis Madding Deng, Dr. Akec Khoc Acieu, Dr. El-Wathing Mohammed Kameir, Professor, Steven, Wondu, Andrew, Makor thow He was nominated by Bashir's Party (NCP) Otherwise, I'd like to get people attention that we missed a great nominee, with tremendous Civil service records. He has diplomacy reputation, very skillful Spokesperson Mr. Ezekiel LD, Gatkouth from SPLM Office Washington DC. [Note, SPLM Office Washington DC, USA]

Apr 27 2006 Sudan Tribune (Khartoum) Sudanese president appoints 16 SPLM's ambassadors: The countries they will serve in as heads of Diplomatic Mission representing the Government of Southern Sudan are yet to be announced soon. Lam [Akol] did not mention to which countries the news ambassadors are appointed. SPLM ambassadors, will soon go to Khartoum to sworn in. Most of them are based in the USA. [Note, most of them are based in the USA]

Apr 29 2006 Sudan Refugees Gather for Solidarity Dinner Apr 29 in Washington, DC: The solidarity dinner, which will bring together Muslims from Northern Sudan including Darfur and Christians from Southern Sudan - formerly enemies - along with others, will host personal stories told from the perspective of a variety of Sudanese that are part of the larger Washington DC march: April 30 Rally to Stop Genocide, which they plan to attend the following day on the DC mall. The group is sponsored by non-profit groups Stop Genocide Now, Sudan Sunrise, Institute on Religion and Democracy/Church Alliance for a New Sudan, Sudan Council of Churches USA and San Francisco's Golden Gate Community Church (GGCC). - Keynote Speech John Prendergast. Closing comments - Dr. Akec Khoc (Southern)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Darfuris living in US hope to move US to take new action

Excerpt from press release by Africa Action Washington, DC at entitled 'The Abuja Deal is Not Enough - Darfur Needs a UN Peacekeeping Mission':
Elnour Adam of the Darfur Rehabilitation Project, said today, "As Darfuris living in the U.S., we appreciate the solidarity being expressed in rallies such as those held across the country today, and we hope to move the U.S. to take new action to protect the people of Darfur."

"The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) was the first to declare genocide in Darfur," noted U.S. Representative Melvin L. Watt (D-NC), CBC Chair. "Since that time, the Caucus has repeatedly called on the Bush Administration and the international community to end the violence and the humanitarian nightmare in that region. The time is now for the world community to raise the ante on the government of Sudan."
Here's the rest of the press release:
On World Refugee Day, Africa Action drew powerful speakers and scores of activists for a rally and die-in outside the White House to recognize the continuing humanitarian crisis and worsening security conditions in Darfur, Sudan. Africa Action and its allies called on the U.S. to take new and urgent action to achieve a United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission to protect the people of Darfur. In addition to the action in Washington, DC, rallies on Darfur were held in several other U.S. cities today, including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Guest speakers at the Washington, DC rally this afternoon included members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Congressman Major Owens (D-NY), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), and Congressman Donald M. Payne (D-NJ), ranking member of the Subcommittee on Africa of the Committee on International Relations.

Marie Clarke Brill Acting Co-Executive Director of Africa Action, said today, "These rallies illustrate that a diverse cross-section of Americans believe the U.S. and international community have failed to take sufficient action to stop the genocide in Darfur. The people of Darfur continue to live in fear and insecurity. The movement to end genocide in Darfur is diverse, but it is unified in its demand to keep the pressure on the Bush Administration until a UN protection force is on the ground."

Also today, Africa Action released a new "Chronology of International Failures on Darfur," documenting the international community's inadequate response to the genocide in Darfur over the past fourteen months. This new report highlights the deteriorating security situation in Darfur and the urgent need for a UN peacekeeping mission to protect civilians and humanitarian operations. The new chronology can be found here,

Other speakers at today's rally in Washington, DC included Anyango Reggy, Howard University graduate student in the African Studies Department.

For Africa Action's latest policy statement, "Next Steps on Darfur", see

Sudan wants ICC Kony trial delayed

The Southern Sudanese government has said it wants the International Criminal Court to delay the trial of rebel leader Joseph Kony to give way for peace negotiations. The Vice President, Mr Riek Machar, said on Tuesday that the Hague-based ICC should publicly endorse his government's peace initiative with the LRA. - Monitor Online June 21, 2006.

Note, UK agrees to jail Charles Taylor. The British government has agreed that former Liberian leader Charles Taylor could serve a prison sentence in the UK, if he is convicted of war crimes. This paves the way for his trial to start in The Hague, after other European countries refused to host him. - BBC June 15, 2006. - via Uganda Watch.

June 21 2006 Sudan opposes UN in Darfur because it fears too many of its allies will end up in an international criminal court - Turabi

Somalis head for Sudan talks to avert war

Reuters report says US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer was bombarded with questions at the news conference today about Washington's widely-assumed support -- including large sums of cash -- for the defeated warlords in Somalia.

Are Americans doing the same for SLM-Nur? How can the rebels afford so many guns, ammunition, trucks, fuel, air tickets, uniforms, satellite phones, swanky hotels and shiney new suits? How do the rebel leaders make a living? How much does a three year war cost?

China gives $3.5m for AU mission in Darfur

IRIN report today says the Chinese government has granted the African Union peackeepking mission in Darfur a total of US $3.5 million in budgetary support and humanitarian emergency aid, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has said on his visit to Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

Note, the current AU Mission in Darfur costs US $1 billion each year.

Men rape 10-month-old baby, women's cries for support are cries in the wilderness: Global effort needed against rape

A global effort is needed to tackle rape and other sexual violence in war zones, the UN said on Wednesday, calling responses to a worsening problem with tens of thousands of victims "grossly inadequate," Reuters David Brunnstrom reported from Brussels June 21, 2006 - excerpt:
A UN report for the meeting said Bosnia and Herzegovina documented 40,000 cases of war-related rape until 1993 and up to 45,600 Kosovar Albanian women suffered similarly from 1998-99.

In Sierra Leone's protracted conflict up to 64,000 women may have been sexually victimized and one in five of 1,500 Burundian women surveyed by the UN in 2004 reported being raped and many knew of or had witnessed rape of minors.

"The stories are heartbreaking," said Obaid. "We must scale up the responses so women do not feel their cries for support are cries in the wilderness."

Among incidents highlighted were a woman in Congo who found paramilitary soldiers raping her 10-month-old baby, a young woman raped by six Arab men in front of her family in Darfur, and a young ethnic minority girl repeatedly raped then burned alive by an army major in Myanmar's Shan State.

The three-day Brussels conference, sponsored by the European Commission and Belgium, is the first international meeting to address the issue of sexual violence in war zones and plans to conclude with a global call to action.

Obaid said the tragedy of rape was compounded when women were infected in the process with HIV.

"Our current inability to protect the health of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations represents a human rights failure of global proportions," she said.

US presses Sudan to accept UN force

Coalition for Darfur points to a Reuters report today saying US Presses Sudan to Accept UN Force - the US pressed Sudan's government on Wednesday to accept UN peacekeepers in Darfur where "experts" say momentum for peace is fast slipping away while Khartoum balks at a UN force - excerpt:
US State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said it was in Sudan's own interests to accept a UN force to back up about 7,000 underequipped African Union troops struggling to keep the peace in Darfur, an area the size of France.

"As long as violence continues in Darfur, the Sudanese government is going to be held responsible, regardless of the circumstances," [US State Department spokesman] Ereli told reporters.

"So the Sudanese government has a strong interest in a more effective security force in Darfur not only to be on the right side of the issue and to be seen as doing the right thing, but also to provide for better security for its own citizens."

Ereli said the United States was working closely with the European Union and others to press Sudan to "recognise the reality" it needed a UN force in Darfur, where tens of thousands have been killed and 2 million have fled their homes in three years of conflict.


Sudan experts are critical of the United States, the EU and the African Union for not doing enough to put pressure on Khartoum.

They argue that momentum built up after the signing of a peace agreement last month between Darfur's main rebel group and Sudan's government is fast dissipating because of Khartoum's reluctance to accept a UN force.

Princeton Lyman, of the Council on Foreign Relations, said the Darfur agreement was fragile and the prospect of a UN force not being allowed in would encourage more violence.

"This is a very serious situation and it requires actions sooner rather than later. The first step ought to be to call a meeting of the UN Security Council," he said.

Lyman urged the United States and others, including Arab nations, to be tougher on Sudan and impose sanctions on Khartoum outside of the UN Security Council if they refused to cooperate.

"For example, companies could be forbidden from doing any business in Sudan," he said.

A report this week by the International Crisis Group, a think tank, said the Darfur deal had serious flaws and only an urgent, robust UN peacekeeping mission could save it.

The United States has labelled the violence in Darfur genocide and religious and human rights groups have piled pressure on the Bush administration to act.

The New York-based Elie Wiesel Foundation and more than 60 Nobel Prize winners announced on Wednesday the formation of a Commission of Nobel Laureates to monitor Darfur and recommend urgent actions to governments and international agencies.

"We express compassion with the victims and our anger at world leaders who are timorous, complacent and unwilling to take risks," said Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and recipient of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.

Sudan opposes UN in Darfur because it fears too many of its allies will end up in an international criminal court - Turabi

UN troops are equipped to restore peace in Darfur, a rebel representative said Wednesday. "As far as security is concerned, I think they are the most capable forces," Mohamed al-Tigani Eltayeb, of the SLM, told The Associated Press. "UN forces are already in Sudan everywhere," he added, during a break in talks on reconstruction efforts in Darfur being hosted by the Dutch government in The Hague. "What is the reason for not having them in Darfur?" he asked [as if he doesn't know the answer - read on].

Associated Press reported today that Sudan accuses Jewish groups of pushing for UN troops in Darfur and a leading government opponent [Hassan Turabi] has said the government opposes the UN in Darfur because the UN has vowed to prosecute all those involved in war crimes. "They are afraid of the UN's efficiency. The government fears that too many of its allies will end up in an international criminal court," said Turabi, who is believed to be influential with one of the Darfur rebel groups. Excerpt from above AP/ST report:
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir has escalated his rejection of the UN deploying peacekeepers in Darfur, saying they would be neo-colonialists and accusing Jewish organizations of pushing for their deployment.

His comments, made while a joint UN and African Union team is in Sudan to plan for such a deployment, is likely to increase tension with the UN Security Council and provoke an angry response from US legislators.

"This shall never take place," al-Bashir told reporters at a press conference with South African President Thabo Mbeki Tuesday. "These are colonial forces and we will not accept colonial forces coming into the country." "They want to colonize Africa, starting with the first sub-Saharan country to gain its independence. If they want to start colonization in Africa, let them chose a different place," he said.

When journalists pressed al-Bashir on his objection to UN troops in Darfur, he replied: "It is clear that there is a purpose behind the heavy propaganda and media campaigns" for international intervention in Darfur. [Sudan Watch ed: I agree with Mr Bashir here - see previous entry June 21, 2006 "Activists in US rally for war in Darfur" - not to mention propagandists Kristof, Powers, USAID-Garang-SLM-Nur-loving Reeves et al]

"If we return to the last demonstrations in the US, and the groups that organized the demonstrations, we find that they are all Jewish organizations," al-Bashir said.

The president was referring to the rallies held in New York and Philadelphia earlier this year which were addressed by figures such as actor George Clooney and former basketball star Manute Bol, a Sudanese.

The comments were al-Bashir's strongest rejection of a UN peacekeeping role in Darfur. At one point he said he himself would lead the "resistance" to such a force.

Activists in US rally for war in Darfur

While Save and other American activisits innanly push for a UN force in Darfur, why do they refuse to address the glaringly obvious issue raised by people such as Nurradin Mannan, a retired Sudanese diplomat, who sensibly points out Khartoum is afraid of a Chapter Seven mandate that would accompany a UN operation, a mandate that has the power to use armed force to protect civilians and to confront combatants accused of committing atrocities?
"These people [Khartoum] are worried about chapter seven because this is going to drag them to the International Criminal Court. There are 51 [people] accused of war crimes in Sudan and this will give the UN the power, the right, to investigate those who are accused," he said.
Note the heading of this entry. I have changed it from "Activists in US rally for peace in Darfur" to "Activists in US rally for war in Darfur" because I believe they are playing with fire and are not stupid or uninformed, which makes me question their motives. I am at a loss to understand why, after Khartoum has signed a peace agreement, they don't apply pressure on Darfur rebels and tribal leaders to provide unstinting efforts to widen popular acceptance of DPA and improve prospects for IDPs to return home.

As if there weren't enough factions stoking the flames of war in favour of the Darfur insurgents, Save continues to join the fray by circulating an email, copied here below in full, to its supporters [I am not one of them] imploring them to press for a solution and ask for a special US envoy to Darfur, plus a UN force in Darfur no later than October:
Dear Supporter,

By taking action right now, you can help turn a potential setback to the effort to stop the genocide in Darfur into an opportunity!

Yesterday, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick - who personally helped negotiate a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and Darfur rebel groups - resigned.

Zoellick served as an advocate for Darfur within the Bush Administration. With him now gone, we must keep the pressure on President Bush to act. And since today is World Refugee Day - created by the UN in 2001 to recognize the millions of refugees and displaced people around the globe - there is no better opportunity.

Click here to send a message to President Bush. Remind him on World Refugee Day to appoint a coordinator of US policy in Darfur and to push for creation of a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur.

Last month, Deputy Secretary Zoellick aided in brokering a peace agreement - an important first step. Yet with hundreds of thousands in Darfur already dead, millions more displaced and many at risk every day, we must continue to press for a solution.

That is why we are asking President Bush to appoint a special US envoy to the region and to press for a UN peacekeeping force to be on the ground in Darfur no later than October. We cannot wait any longer!

Join us in asking President Bush:

To push for a UN force for Darfur;
To strengthen African Union troops already in Darfur until the UN arrives;
To continue supporting humanitarian assistance programs in Darfur; and
To appoint a special envoy to coordinate US policy in the region.
Click here to email President Bush today. Today is World Refugee Day today - a day set aside to remember the millions of refugees around the globe - and now is the time to remind President Bush of the plight of Darfur's 2.5 million refugees.

Thank you for your continued support.
David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition

P.S. Would you consider making a tax deductible contribution to support our work? Click here to make a secure, online donation.
If the Rubensteins of America believe peace can be restored in an African country through uninvited military action and occupation, why don't they first sort out their own back yard and make a start with the Klu Klux Klan? Jerry Fowler has a good blog but I don't agree with his warmongering stance either. In his blog entry June 20, 2006 he provides an excerpt from a briefing yesterday by the International Crisis Group that says:
Fighting between rebel and government forces is down somewhat but violence is worse in some areas due to clashes between SLA factions, banditry, and inter-tribal feuds, while the Chad border remains volatile. If the DPA [Darfur Peace Agreement] is not to leave Darfur more fragmented and conflict-prone than before, the international community must rapidly take practical measures to shore up its security provisions, improve prospects for the displaced to return home, bring in the holdouts and rapidly deploy a robust UN peacekeeping force with Chapter VII authority.
And he goes on to say:
ICG calls for five steps to be taken urgently: 1) targeted sanctions on anyone who violates the ceasefire; 2) unstinting efforts to widen popular acceptance of the DPA; 3) strengthening of the AU force; 4) UN Security Council authorization under Chapter VII of the UN Charter of a force to take over from the AU by October 1; and 5) efforts by the EU and NATO to insure that the UN force has the capability to respond effectively to ceasefire violations.
I say, why not put the onus on the three main rebel groups? They are the ones creating most of the trouble and violence right now. 4) and 5) should not be necessary if rebels and tribal leaders abide by ceasefire agreements. Pressure should be put on them to stop their violence, robbing and killing sprees, not for the international community to supply weapons and troops requested by the thugs and gangsters! Surely the only solution is for the warring parties to adhere to ceasefire agreements, denounce violence and fight for what they want using non-violent means.

One of my favourite bloggers, a Sudanese student in Malaysia, who goes by the name of Drima at The Sudanese Thinker, blogs his take on Darfur: the Situation So Far and concludes by saying
"I'm really getting p*ssed off and mad at the amount of garbage so called self-proclaimed professionals are churning out about the Darfur conflict. I have no idea where on earth they get their so called facts. They're on a mission to marginalize the former terrorism harboring Sudanese government as much as possible. They're using this conflict and blowing it out of proportions to pin every single tiny problem on the Sudanese government [edit] why not marginalize it the proper way? Why spread and market such garbage?"
- - -

Jun 22 2006 Darfuris living in the US hope to move the US to take new action

Jun 22 2006 SPLM nominated Dr Akec Khoc, a Dinka tribesman living in Minnesota USA, for position with new government

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sudan's Misariyah tribe sees Abyei Report as a call for war and seeks 'traditional' settlement to border row

An Arab tribe in Sudan wants to resolve a territorial dispute over the southern Abyei region through tribal elders rather than a border commission, a tribal leader said Sunday. Sudan Tribune report June 19, 2006:
The Misariyah and Dinka Ngok tribes have been locked in a heated dispute with each claiming ownership of the territory, and the Misariyah have angrily rejected boundaries proposed in a report by an international commission for the district.

"This report is a call for war. It is rejected in total and in detail," Sadek Abu Nimir, a senior leader of the Misariyah tribe, said.

Nimir's comments came in response to statements by Carlo Kojgor, head of the Dinka Ngok community in north Sudan, that an administration should be formed to oversee the boundary issues -- but excluding the Masiriyah tribe.

An administration "as provided for in the Abyei Protocol should be set up immediately", but "Misariyah participation in this administration is absolutely rejected", Kojgor was quoted as saying in the Sudanese newspaper Al-Sudani.

The Misariyah are Arab nomads who formed pro-government militias during the two-decade war between Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), while the Dinka Ngok are mainly farmers who sided with the SPLA in the conflict.

Under a January 2005 peace deal between the government and the SPLA, the district is one of three granted special status during six years of interim autonomy in the south, leading to a referendum on independence.

Nimir argued that a traditional method of tribal mediation was more suitable to solving the border dispute, which he believes threatens the peace agreement.

"Abyei can be a poisoned knife in the side of the (peace agreement) ... if it is not tackled with wisdom, leaving it to the leaders and elders from the Misariyah and Dinka Ngok who are capable of agreeing on a solution," Nimir said.

He said the reconciliatory meeting should include elders of the two tribes "who actually live in Abyei, and without sponsorship by the government or the SPLA (who) should leave the decision making to the two parties".

Abyei's fate was one of the main stumbling blocks in years of tortuous negotiations between the government and the SPLA that culminated in the peace deal.

Under an agreement reached in May 2004, a formula was established for sharing out oil revenues from the district and providing for a referendum in 2011 on whether the district should join the north or the south.

Abyei was heavily depopulated during Sudan's civil war, Africa's longest-running conflict.

May 30 2006 Interview with Dr Douglas H Johnson, expert on the Abyei Boundary Commission - Hofre Nahas area; part of Bahr El Ghazal transferred to Darfur in 1960s

For further reports, click on Abyei label here below.

Could Sudan create peace and mass employment with a $20 billion "Great Man Made River Project" like Libya's?

If the African Union Mission in Darfur costs the international community $1 billion per year, imagine the cost of even more troops (in addition to the 10,000 UN peacekeepers in southern Sudan) year after year, all because a small minority of gangsters and thugs in Sudan feel unable to lay down their guns and fight for what they want using non-violent means.

What if such vast sums of money spent on war were used instead to create jobs to engineer the flow of drinking water to the people, animals and farmland in Sudan? With enough water for all of the people in Sudan, there is no limit to what they could achieve. They would not have to fight over watering holes and arable land.

When does a gainfully employed person have time to roam around robbing, murdering and creating mayhem? People are usually too tired for such things after a good days work.

Here's an idea. Could Sudan bring peace and gainful employment for all of its citizens with a $20 billion "Great Man Made River Project" like Libya's? Surely a charismatic leader could persuade the Sudanese people to lay down their arms in exchange for the billions of dollars donors are being asked to expend on peacekeeping operations and humanitarian aid?

Oh, and while I am dreaming: I wish for Khartoum to separate religion from government and set up its countrywide administration to mirror the systems of other large countries like Canada and the USA.

Today's Sudan reminds me of the American wild west, 250 years ago. Cowboys fighting indians. Sudan sure has a lot of catching up to do. Water and education for all of the children in Sudan are key to the country's unity and survival.


The following is a copy of a fascinating BBC World Service report by John Watkins, March 18 2006.

Libyans like to call it "the eighth wonder of the world". The description might be flattering, but the Great Man-Made River Project has the potential to transform Libyan life in all sorts of ways.


Photo: Phase III is now nearing completion (BBC)

Libya is a desert country, and finding fresh water has always been a problem. Following the Great Al-Fatah Revolution in 1969, when an army coup led by Muammar Al Qadhafi deposed King Idris, industrialisation put even more strain on water supplies. Coastal aquifers became contaminated with sea water, to such an extent that the water in Benghazi (Libya's second city) was undrinkable.

Finding a supply of fresh, clean water became a government priority. Oil exploration in the 1950s had revealed vast aquifers beneath Libya's southern desert. According to radiocarbon analysis, some of the water in the aquifers was 40,000 years old. Libyans call it "fossil water".

After weighing up the relative costs of desalination or transporting water from Europe, Libyan economists decided that the cheapest option was to construct a network of pipelines to transport water from the desert to the coastal cities, where most Libyans live.

Proud nation

In August 1984, Muammar Al Qadhafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega. The Great Man-Made River Project had begun.

Click here to see a map of the pipeline network.

Libya had oil money to pay for the project, but it did not have the technical or engineering expertise for such a massive undertaking.

Foreign companies from South Korea, Turkey, Germany, Japan, the Philippines and the UK were invited to help.


Photo: It is impossible not to be impressed with the scale of the project (BBC)

In September 1993, Phase I water from eastern well-fields at Sarir and Tazerbo reached Benghazi. Three years later, Phase II, bringing water to Tripoli from western well-fields at Jebel Hassouna, was completed.

Phase III which links the first two Phases is still under construction.

Adam Kuwairi, a senior figure in the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA), vividly remembers the impact the fresh water had on him and his family.

"The water changed lives. For the first time in our history, there was water in the tap for washing, shaving and showering," he told the BBC World Service's Discovery programme.

"The quality of life is better now, and it's impacting on the whole country."

To get an idea of the scale of the Great Man-Made River Project, you have to visit some of the sites.


Photo: The Grand Omar Mukhtar will be Libya's largest man-made reservoir (BBC)

Libya is opening up, but it's still hard for foreign journalists to get visas. We had to wait almost six months for ours; but once we arrived in Libya, Libyans were eager to tell us about the project.

They took us to see a reservoir under construction at Suluq. When it's finished, the Grand Omar Mukhtar will be Libya's largest man-made reservoir.

Standing on the floor of such a huge, empty space is an awesome experience. Concrete walls rise steeply to the sky; tarring machines descend on wires to lay a waterproof coating over the concrete.

Further west along the coast is the Pre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe factory at Brega. This is where they make the 4m-diameter pipes that transport water from the desert to the coast.


Photo: Libyans are gaining experience and know-how, and now more than 70% of the manufacturing is done by Libyans - Ali Ibrahim, Brega pipe factory (BBC)

It's a modern, well-equipped factory, built specially for the Great Man-Made River Project. So far, the factory has made more than half a million pipes.

The pipes are designed to last 50 years, and each pipe has a unique identification mark, so if anything goes wrong, engineers can quickly establish when the pipe was made.

The engineer in charge of the Brega pipe factory is Ali Ibrahim. He is proud that Libyans are now running the factory: "At first, we had to rely on foreign-owned companies to do the work.

"But now it's government policy to involve Libyans in the project. Libyans are gaining experience and know-how, and now more than 70% of the manufacturing is done by Libyans. With time, we hope we can decrease the foreign percentage from 30% to 10%."

Opening markets

With fossil water available in most of Libya's coastal cities, the government is now beginning to use its water for agriculture.

Over the country as a whole, 130,000 hectares of land will be irrigated for new farms. Some land will be given to small farmers who will grow produce for the domestic market. Large farms, run at first with foreign help, will concentrate on the crops that Libya currently has to import: wheat, oats, corn and barley.

Libya also hopes to make inroads into European and Middle-Eastern markets. An organic grape farm has been set up near Benghazi. Because the soil is so fertile, agronomists hope to grow two cereal crops a year.


Photo: Water is seen as key to the country's future prosperity. The quality of life is better now, and it's impacting on the whole country, Adam Kuwairi, GMRA (BBC)

It is hard to fault the Libyans on their commitment. The country has spent almost $30bn (GBP 17bn) on the Great Man-made River Project. That money has bought 5,000km of pipeline that can transport 6.5 million cubic metres of water a day from over a thousand desert wells.

As a result, Libya is now a world leader in hydrological engineering, and it wants to export its expertise to other African and Middle-Eastern countries facing the same problems with their water.

Through its agriculture, Libya hopes to gain a foothold in Europe's consumer market.

But the Great Man-Made River Project is much more than an extraordinary piece of engineering.

Adam Kuwairi argues that the success of the Great Man-Made River Project has increased Libya's standing in the world: "It's another addition to our independence; it gives us the confidence to survive."

Of course, there are questions. No-one is sure how long the water will last. And until the farms are working, it's impossible to say whether they will be able to deliver the quantity and quality of produce for which the planners are hoping.

But the combination of water and oil has given Libya a sound economic platform. Ideally placed as the "Gateway to Africa", Libya is in a good position to play an increasingly influential role in the global economy.

All Darfur's tribes must be brought into the peace process - Janjaweed are one of the keys to a lasting settlement

"It's time to say it, loud and clear: The newborn Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) is on its death bed. Without determined action to save it, the war in Darfur will continue," writes Julie Flint in her latest commentary at The Daily Star June 20, 2006. Excerpt:
Darfurians have to be shown that this peace, although flawed, can work for them. This means meeting deadlines, forming committees, stopping Khartoum's security officials from taking them over and, above all, shouting from the rooftops every time a signatory steps out of line. It is not enough to slap wrists behind closed doors. The people of Darfur need to hear the "peacemakers" being called to account or they will never have any faith in the peace.

If the DPA is to survive, those who forced it across the finish line must turn their attention to the commanders who, unlike Minawi, have popular support. Rather than antagonize them, they must help them unite, organize and join an inter-communal dialogue that can put right some of what is wrong with the DPA. Without this, the DPA will be what Zaghawa are already calling it: "the Ila Digen peace" - the peace of Minawi's clan.
My view is the onus to protect millions of defenceless women and children in Sudan and Chad ought to be put on ALL of the warring parties to agree a ceasefire, disarm and fight for what they want using non-violent means.

Surely there is a limit to what can be done to force help on people who don't want help. It is up to the Sudanese people to make peace, or get out. Leave the country. That's all I can think of to say right now. My feelings are that momentum has been lost, Sudan has missed a golden opportunity for peace and cannot be helped much more. The rebels have missed their big chance. You can draw a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. There are worse things happening in DR Congo and northern Uganda.

Jerry Fowler in his blog entry at Voices on Genocide Prevention, comments on Julie Flint's piece saying she'd denounced Darfur rebel leader Minni Minnawi as a war criminal and criticised the U.S. for thinking that an agreement between the Khartoum government and Minni could bring peace to Darfur.

Jerry quoted the following extract from Julie's piece:
The United States must increase confidence in the peace agreement by fiercely rebuking the Khartoum government - and Mr Minnawi - for every violation of the agreement and every deadline they fail to meet. All Darfur's tribes must be brought into the peace process - most important, the Arab tribes that had no place at the Abuja table, even though the vast majority of them did not join the janjaweed. And no regional dialogue would be complete without the involvement of the janjaweed themselves, who despite their atrocities are one of the keys to a lasting settlement.
And he went on to say:
Julie has previously argued for the importance of getting Abdul Wahid, Minni's rival, to accept the DPA. She may be giving up on Abdul Wahid, because now she's talking about "assist[ing] rebel commanders critical of Mr. Minnawi to convene a conference and elect a leadership that would cross tribal lines and have popular support." I've heard from other sources that there is an effort underway in both the Abdul Wahid faction of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) to elect new leaders who would sign the DPA. As things stand now, it certainly appears that support for the DPA inside Darfur is very narrow.

Sudanese President Bashir rejects international military intervention in Darfur

One may as well take the following quote as the final word in the matter of international troops with a Chapter 7 mandate in Darfur:
"I swear that there will not be any international military intervention in Darfur as long as I am in power," Mr Bashir was quoted as telling a meeting of his ruling National Congress late on Monday.

"Sudan, which was the first country south of the Sahara to gain independence, cannot now be the first country to be re-colonised," he said.
Full report BBC 20 June 2006.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Denmark backs transition to UN force in Darfur

"Denmark supports a UN takeover of the peacekeeping mission in Sudan," said Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, adding that the Government would "positively consider a military contribution if the UN requests so." - UN News Centre 19 June 2006.

Access for aid getting worse in Sudan despite accord - UN

Snippets from UN News Centre report June 19, 2006:
"In the last three months we have had deterioration in getting access in Darfur. There are at least 250,000 people we cannot reach, they are mainly in western Darfur, but they are also in North Darfur, reasons for the lack of access are mainly due to infighting," said Mr da Silva [Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator].

Apart from the increased political infighting among rebel groups, and banditry of the past three weeks in the Darfur region, Mr da Silva said there had however been a "clear reduction of clashes" between the Government and the Sudan Liberation Army forces, but he added that there was "tension in the IDP (internally displaced people) camps," related to the fact that people there do not recognize last month's peace agreement.

"It is the Government's responsibility to take care of its own people, but we cannot be held responsible for what happens to people we cannot reach," Mr da Silva concluded.

Khartoum, eastern rebels sign truce

The Sudanese government and east Sudan rebels have signed a ceasefire deal following talks in the Eritrean capital, Asmara, Aljazeera reported June 19, 2006:
The two sides on Monday also agreed on a set of principles for negotiating a full peace agreement.

The deals were signed by Mustafa Osman Ismail, a Sudanese presidential adviser, and Musa Mohamed Ahmed, the head of the Eastern Front.

"We are only at the beginning of the road, we have a long way to go," Ismail said.

"The Eastern Front will continue discussions for a lasting peaceful settlement," added Ahmed.

The talks began on June 13 after Omar al-Beshir, the Sudanese president, and his Eritrean counterpart, Assaias Afeworki, held a rare meeting in Khartoum, which analysts believe boosted the chances of a truce.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sudan's FM Akol denies opposition to UN forces

Akol: The Sudanese government has categorically rejected a role by the UN under Chapter 7. But it is possible for the UN to play a role in supervising the implementation of the peace agreement after holding negotiations with us.

Full report Sudan Tribune June 18, 2006.

Darfur rebels arrive in Khartoum amid high security

Reuters report by Opheera McDoom, June 18, 2006, excerpt:
Darfur rebels arrived in Khartoum on Sunday for the first time since a peace agreement was signed last month amid tight security as they begin to implement the deal, rejected by many in Sudan.

The African Union-mediated May 5 deal was signed by only one of the three of the negotiating factions despite intense global pressure. The two groups who are holding out say the accord did not address their basic demands.

The advance team of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction led by Minni Arcua Minnawi who did sign will form a transitional authority for Darfur to oversee implementation of the deal and development of the remote western region, ravaged by more than three years of conflict.

"It is important to have the signatories of the Darfur peace agreement here because ... their presence will be extremely important for the good will of the implementation," said African Union spokesman Noureddine Mezni in Khartoum.

Minnawi did not return with the delegation despite a presidential decree granting all those who have signed the deal an amnesty to allay suspicions the government may arrest him. He remains in his rebel-controlled areas in Darfur.

Minnawi said earlier this month in an interview with Reuters he did still did not fully trust his partners in peace.

His advance team refused to meet waiting journalists at the airport, preferring to speed off to their government hotel.

Implementation of the deal has already fallen behind schedule as a Darfuri presidential adviser has not been appointed and the transitional regional authority has yet to be formed.

"Now we will start the real business with them to implement the Darfur peace agreement which is highly important," Mezni said.

The most important upcoming deadline is June 22, by when the government has to present a plan to the African Union to disarm the proxy Arab militias they used to quell the revolt and are blamed for much of the current violence.
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Jun 11 2006 Sudan Tribune report: Sudan's al-Bachir to issue amnesty decree for Darfur deal signatories