Friday, February 24, 2006

US diplomacy and drive stalls for quick UN vote on Darfur force - US and China's differing ideologies seem to be the root of Africa's troubles?

Sudan's President and the Chairman of the African Union Commission agreed at a meeting held in Khartoum Feb 15, 2006 that resolving Darfur should remain an African initiative.

Today, Reuters confirms the US, under growing pressure from religious groups to do more for Darfur, has found no support in the UN Security Council for a resolution before the end of this month on a future UN force in Darfur, US Ambassador John Bolton said Thursday. Excerpt:
At a UNSC meeting Thursday, all other council members argued a resolution should come only after African Union foreign ministers make a final decision on a handover, expected in early March, said diplomats present at that meeting. Prior to an AU move, everyone but Washington "agreed the council shouldn't be seen to be prejudging that decision," said one council diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because the meeting took place behind closed doors.
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American diplomacy

Some statements by Westerners, who appear to want peace for Sudan, beggar belief. Here's one relating to Darfur, from an opinion piece authored by two Americans, John Prendergast and film actor Don Cheadle:
"The United States has to lead the diplomacy in the United Nations - especially with China and Russia. And the Europeans must pony up more money."
American diplomacy eh? I've seen Chinese pottery older than America. There would be no African Union if it weren't for the European Union's initiative and funding to enable Africans to apply solutions to African problems.
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Comment received today at Sudan Watch from a UK reader

"China and the United States have switched positions. And the different ideologies seem to be the root of Africa's troubles.

China holds similar beliefs to those the US once held. "Business is business. We try to separate politics from business", said a Chinese Minister this year. "The business of America is business", said by US President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920's just prior to the Great Depression."

Libya's Gaddhafi and Sudan's al-Bashir discuss Darfur crisis

Here in England, it is difficult to gauge accuracy of AngolaPress when no other source reports same story. Once again, I am pointing out news from Tripoli because I like to hope that Libyan leader Col Gaddhafi is a good guy and well intentioned in his efforts to broker peace for Sudan. I believe they can pull it off and negotiate a peace deal that unites Sudan:

AngolaPress report Tripoli, Libya, 02/24/2006:
"In a telephone conversation on Thursday, Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bechir and Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Kadhafi examined the situation in Darfur, plagued by a bloody rebellion from two rebel movements since February 2003, official sources affirmed here.

President Al-Bechir earlier briefed the Libyan leader on the latest developments of the situation in Darfur, a region in western Sudan. Without giving details, the sources said the discussion was part of the co-ordination and permanent consultations between President Al-Bechir and Col. Kadhafi."
From Sudan Watch archives

Sudan Watch entry May 13 2005:

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi

Photo: Libya's leader Col Gaddafi leads noon prayers with a Sudanese delegation from Darfur before their meeting in his traditional tent in Tripoli, Libya, May 9, 2005. (AP Photo/Yousef Al-Ageli)

Note, in May 2005 the first flight taking food from Libya directly into Darfur took place as the UN's food agency launched a campaign to reach nearly 2 million people during the rainy season.

Libyan leader Moammer Gaddafi

Photo: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is greeted by rebel, tribal and opposition Sudanese leaders from Darfur at his tent in Tripoli, Libya, Wednesday, May 11, 2005. Two main rebel groups in Sudan's Darfur declared Monday their commitment to a cease-fire and to unconditionally resuming talks with the Sudanese government. (AP/Yousef Al-Ageli)

Darfur summit in Tripoli

Photo: Libyan leader Col Gaddafi (C) attends an African mini-summit on Darfur in Tripoli, Libya 16-17 May 2005. (AFP/Osama Ibrahim)

See Sudan Watch entry May 18 2005.

Further reading:

Aug 27 2004 Jesse Jackson visits Darfur and appealed to Gaddhafi to help solve the problem in Darfur.

Feb 18 2006 Tony Blair hails Gaddafi's efforts for Darfur.

Feb 21 2006 Libya's Gaddhafi and Senegal's Wade discuss African solution to Darfur crisis - United States of Africa?

Feb 22 2006 Libya arranges for AU-EU conference - Libya's Foreign Secretary met Tuesday in Tripoli with the Ambassadors of Spain, France and Italy who hailed Gaddhafi's humanitarian role in promoting peace, securing, and stability in Darfur.

Feb 23 2006 Libya offers African Union 100,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, 100 aircraft to close Chad-Sudan border.


Photo: Arab tribal leaders (from left) Ramadhan Daju Hassan, Mohammed Idris Maghrib and former member of parliament Obeid Habullah Dico calling for peace in West Darfur, Sudan. See Sudan Watch entry Sep 26, 2004.

Effective peacekeepers not wanted by Sudan - "Stewardship" suggests NATO provides expertise for expanded peace force

Strategy Page's snappy and insightful news round-up "Effective Peacekeepers Not Wanted" informs us:
February, 2006 The [Sudanese] government has made it clear that it would not approve the use of UN or Western peacekeepers in Darfur. This means the UN would have to "invade" Sudan to get effective peacekeepers into Darfur. This would cause an uproar among Moslem members of the UN, and is unlikely to be approved. Government backed bandits and militias continue to attack black tribes and refugee camps.

February 18, 2006 US President George Bush said that an effective peacekeeping force in Darfur might require twice as many troops as the African Union currently has in Darfur. The AU currently has 7000 troops in Darfur.) NATO "stewardship" of the peacekeeping mission may also be required. Bush put it bluntly: "The strategy was to encourage African Union troops to try to bring some sense of security to these poor people that are being herded out of their villages and terribly mistreated. The effort was noble, but it didn't achieve the objective." "Stewardship" suggests that NATO may help coordinate training, communications, maintenance, and logistics for the expanded peace force.

African Union seeks entry into UN Security Council

Information on Africa, especially Sudan, is coming from so many excellent sources, especially Sudan Watch readers. Comments and emails are warmly welcomed and appreciated, thank you.

Thanks to a non-blogging Sudan Watch reader here in the UK for posting commentary pointing us to an article in Namibian Environment News 24 February 2006 by Fluksman Samuehl, a former Member of UK Parliament and Karas Regional Councillor who is currently studying towards a Master's Degree in International Relations and Strategic Studies at the University of Lancaster in the UK. I have cross posted the article in full at PoTP 24 Feb 2006.

The British reader, who shares the same initials as this blog author, IJ, says:
"This article tells us that Africa is claiming a bigger role in the United Nations. The UN Millennium Declaration in 2000 was really a springboard for the African Union's petition for "two permanent seats with full privileges including veto power, and add five more non-permanent seats on the world's elite political platform, the UNSC."

However, even if the fundamental problem of economics is set aside, there remains an assumption that the 53 countries in the AU can agree common policies: it is pointed out that they still have no common foreign and security policy - but this is not unusual for an international grouping. See, for example, the confusion in the European Union or NATO.

Does Africa have the economic power for its ambitions? Chequebook diplomacy suggests that China is developing much influence not only in Sudan, but in many countries."
Note to Sudan Watch readers (who are from all over the world and many parts of Africa): please feel free anytime to comment or email news or links to reports for sharing here, even if it is just a few lines or photo. Email address is in sidebar. Thanks. Due to time involved in tracking news and posting at several blogs on humanitarian crises in Africa, it is not always possible to respond personally right away.

Ugandan rebels LRA looting S Sudan villages around Rojo, Kansuk and Rodo - SPLA pursuing LRA south of Juba

Report highlights of UN Sudan Situation Report 23 Feb 2006 - excerpt:

Recent reports indicate that the LRA has moved southwards near Kajo-Kaje province which is located south of Juba, The LRA looted the villages around Rojo, Kansuk and Rodo on 20 Feb., killing five people and wounding many others. The entire population has vacated the area. The SPLA is said to be pursuing the enemy. The incident has stopped the movement of civilians to Kajo-kaje.

South Sudanese in "LRA Triangle" flee Ugandan LRA rebels

Coalition for Darfur points us to a Sapa-AFP report 24 Feb 2006 that claims deadly raids by the LRA have forced scores of villagers in southern Sudan to flee their homes to spend nights in the bush fearing abductions and killings, a German humanitarian group has said.

Ex-Sudan opposition MPs reject UN Darfur force, blame government

24 Feb 2006 Sudan Tribune report says the former Sudanese opposition MPs rejected international efforts to have UN peacekeeping troops take over from African Union troops in Darfur. They also blamed the government for the current situation there. Excerpt:
MPs on the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) said they will not endorse government policies on Darfur but also reject the presence of UN troops in Darfur.

Communist party MPs, who are member of the NDA, blamed the government for allowing the situation to come to such levels by not implementing the Resolutions of the Security Council. They called upon the government to implement those resolutions and start disarming the Janjaweed, convene the National Comprehensive Conference and implement fully the CPA with the SPLM and Cairo agreement with the NDA.

Portrait of Sudan's Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi

For a portrait of Sudan's "indestructible" Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi, Bin Laden's protector in Khartoum, and the source of inspiration for the international Islamist movement, visit PoTP and read opinion piece by Christophe Ayad at Liberation (translated by BBC Monitoring Service and reprinted at SudanTribune 17 Feb 2006. Original text in French is available at

Islmaist leader Hassan al-Turabi

Photo: Hassan al-Turabi

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Drilling for Sudan's drinking water is more important than drilling for oil

You can support the work of UNICEF by buying their Cards & Gifts online. Last year, instead of buying greetings cards and gifts from other stores online or local shops, I ordered one year's supply online at UNICEF. Three days later, the goods were delivered to my door by courier in a nicely packed box. T-shirts, toys and games for children were high quality. Excellent cards too. Sign up for their mail order catalogue and get stocked up on blank greetings cards, gifts etc. Spending in this way makes hard earned cash stretch into helping others.

Note, Peacekeeping waterpumps - East Africa a front in war on terrorism.

See how in Darfur, handpumps are on the frontline of peacebuilding.

South Sudanese drinks

Photo: Southern Sudanese drinks. (Courtesy UNICEF/ST)

Cholera kills 68 people, infects more than 2,933 in S Sudan's Juba and Yei

AFP news 21 Feb 2006 reports 68 dead in suspected Sudan cholera outbreak.

Cholera is transmitted by consumption of contaminated water and food and is linked to poor hygiene, overcrowding and inadequate sanitation. It leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration. Medecins Sans Frontieres said "a large outbreak can be expected" in Juba, a town with more than 250,000 people that "relies heavily on polluted water from the River Nile." Full report (AP/ST) 22 Feb 2006.
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Using entrepreneurs to bring water and electricity to the world's poor

Sokari Ekine of Global Voices notes an amazing invention that may provide the water and power to many people in poor rural areas of the developing world and points us to Timbuktu Chronicles' 22 Feb 2006 blog entry on Using Entrepreneurs to bring Water and Electricity to the worlds poor.
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UNICEF and ECHO bring clean drinking water to villagers in Sudan's Nuba Mountains

UNICEF report by Thomas Nybo 21 Feb 2006:

For people living in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan, central Sudan, getting enough clean water has long been a difficult task.

Working with ECHO, the European Community's Humanitarian Aid Department, UNICEF has turned the situation around, building and rehabilitating the region's water system to ensure more than 110,000 people have access to safe drinking water. Excerpt:

Many areas of the region have been affected by conflict which makes fetching water not only difficult but dangerous too. On top of that the existing water sources are inadequate -- many are equipped with hand pumps that are barely functional.

Drinking water is more important than oil

Photo: Children try a new hand pump installed by UNICEF and ECHO. (Courtesy UNICEF Sudan/2006)

The joint effort started with rehabilitation of some 200 hand pumps. Fifty new boreholes have been drilled and equipped with brand new hand pumps. Most of boreholes are built with concrete basins to collect spilled water, which can then be used for cleaning, gardening and the watering of livestock.

More time for education

"Now my children have plenty of time for other activities," says Ajuba El Zubier Mala, a mother of six. "In the morning, they collect water to bathe. Then they go to school. After school, they get more water and sometimes bring our small animals to the pump to give them water."

Having plenty of water hasn't made residents of Nuba Mountains forget about the hardships they once endured. When water was scarce, many women and girls had to carry the burden of collecting water for the families. Many girls missed out their education because they had to spend many hours each day fetching water.


Photo: With adequate water sources, children can spend more time on education. (Courtesy UNICEF Sudan/2006)

Clean water is also crucial to keep children and adults healthy. Mothers like Ajuba know all too well about ailments like diarrhoea and Guinea Worm disease, which are caused by unsafe water. Since the completion of the water project, few waterborne diseases have been reported across the region.

Water project continues

UNICEF and ECHO also conducted training sessions for local residents. About 300 people, half of them women, have gone through the training sessions and learnt how to maintain and operate the water pumps. Courses are also given to help children and families develop good hygiene practices. Nearly 500 people have been informed so far on how to prevent Guinea Worm disease.

One hand pump serves about 500 people

"One hand pump serves about 500 people, which is a very great number," explains Sulieman Hamad, Deputy Director of Water, Environment and Sanitation Project for the Government of South Kordofan. "We want to reduce this number to 250 because beside the communities we have animals. We must water them from these facilities."

UNICEF and ECHO continue to bring clean water to more children and families. In Blue Nile State, eastern Sudan, 50 new wells were drilled and equipped with hand pumps, while another 50 hand pumps were rehabilitated. Since the project began, more than 200,000 people have benefitted from the efforts of UNICEF and ECHO so far.

Baroness Cox of Queensbury on Southern Sudan, Darfur, Uganda and Nigeria - Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART)

Excerpt from Hugh Hewitt 12 Feb 2005:
Baroness Cox has been leading the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust for decades, and travels continually to bring aid and hope to the worst hell holes on the globe. "You meet the most amazing people in the darkest places," she told me today.

She joined me to day to discuss the grim realities of Darfur's ongoing genocide -- it hasn't stopped, it has just dropped from Western agendas-- the push by Islamists into southern Sudan, and the jihad underway in northern Nigeria. The transcript will be posted at

UN envoy Jan Pronk admits peace strategy to halt "cleansing in Darfur" had failed - Let's hope Libyan leader Col Gaddafi succeeds in brokering peace

On 14 Jan 2006 UN envoy in Sudan Jan Pronk called for up to 20,000 UN peacekeepers to disarm militias in Darfur and admitted the peace strategy to halt "cleansing in Darfur" had failed.

British blogger Lord Soley of Hammersmith says:
I'm not optimistic about Darfur but the latest attempt by the US and UK to get a more effective peacekeeping force offers a glimmer of hope.
But UN troops, if they ever materialise, will probably not be in Darfur until late this year or next year. Meanwhile, how will Khartoum protect and take care of millions of defenceless Sudanese women and children ... There must be a solution. The onus is on the Sudanese rebels and Khartoum to come up with it. It is their country. They must take responsibility. My thoughts always seem to wander to Libya, how the Sudanese, Egyptians and surrounding neighbours listen to Libyan leader Col Gaddhafi. Surely he can do something to get the Janjaweed leaders and everyone else together to hammer out a deal. He speaks their language.

Feb 14 2006 Reuters report says NATO ready to help in Darfur, but not with troops

Feb 10 2006 Reuters report says NATO commander fears rapid-reaction force delay

Feb 18 2006 Tony Blair hails Gaddafi's efforts for Darfur

Feb 21 2006 Libya's Gaddhafi and Senegal's Wade discuss African solution to Darfur crisis - United States of Africa?

Feb 22 2006 UN can provide access to technology that could spot raiding parties approaching human settlements

Feb 23 2006 Libya offers African Union 100,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, 100 aircraft to close Chad-Sudan border

Signs of a clash of civilisations - FT on China: a new force in Africa's development

China is back in Africa in a big way, as the FT reports today, but this time Beijing's foreign policy is shaped by China's voracious development needs. We are only just beginning to grapple with the implications. The report concludes by saying:
For Africa, therefore, China's hunger for resources is a blessing that pulls in not just investment in Angolan oil or Zambian copper but in roads and schools too. But it could turn into a curse if it turns African leaders away from the hard choices of political and economic reform.
Thanks to a British Sudan Watch reader in the UK for pointing us to the report - and for posting the following comment at "Sudan rejects help to quell death and anarchy in Darfur":
Signs of a clash of civilisations. "Anarchy in Sudan threatens the stability of Africa. . . Drinking water is more important than oil."

But economics may be more important than politics, in 'one-size-fits-all'. An editorial today comments that China's commercial dealings with Africa could undercut "efforts by the African Union and western partners to make government and business more transparent and accountable. In summary, China's partnership "could turn into a curse if it turns African leaders away from the hard choices of political and economic reform."

The list of Sudan's trade partners suggests that China's economic involvement in Africa is becoming very influential. Is this a good or a bad thing?

Incidentally, China is still not a member of the G8 world economic grouping.

Forbes' list of the world's most corrupt countries includes Sudan, Chad, Nigeria, Kenya, DRC publishes Forbes' list of the world's most corrupt countries and notes 9 of the 16 countries are in Africa. Sudan is one of them. See the list at Congo Watch.

Darfur peace talks nearing end - EU says Sudanese gov't and Darfur rebel leaders losing control as new elements wage wars - Onus on Khartoum re CAP

Yesterday, the European Union's special representative to Sudan Pekka Haavisto told a news conference that all the necessary elements for making decisions on power-sharing, wealth-sharing and security arrangements were on the table at the Darfur peace talks, but reaching a deal was not a guarantee for sustained peace. Excerpts from Reuters report:

"We are now in a situation where it could optimistically be said that the peace negotiations in Abuja are nearing their end," Haavisto said.

"In the European Union, there is a feeling that even if a peace deal is reached in Abuja, the means to realise the peace deal on the ground are lacking if the situation in Darfur worsens," he added.

Haavisto said a major problem was that the Sudanese government and the leaders of armed groups seemed to have lost control, and guerrilla groups had become bandit-like gangs that waged their own wars.

He said the worsening of relations between Sudan and neighbouring Chad was a threat to the entire peace process.

"This is a kind of nightmare that everyone has feared, that the situation in Darfur spreads across borders even more ... It is possible that this will add to the conflict completely new elements," Haavisto said.

When asked about the sustainability of any peace deal reached for Darfur, Haavisto said the onus was on Khartoum.

"We turn to Khartoum. If you want peace with Darfur, you need to work quicker to fulfil the peace deal between the north and the south. This is a question of Khartoum's own credibility," he said.

Libya offers African Union 100,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, 100 aircraft to close Chad-Sudan border

Feb 22, 2006 Al-Jazeerah news report re Libya's hosting of mini Africa summit does not say who would pay for 100,000 Libyan troops to patrol the Chad-Sudan border to stop armaments and insurgents from criss crossing the two countries. Excerpt:
Col Gadhafi said Chad and Sudan had "crossed a red line" with their war of words and called for their desert border to be sealed to prevent rebel infiltration in either direction.

"We can settle our problems ourselves," Col Gadhafi insisted, stressing that UN peacekeepers were not needed.

"Libya is ready to put 100,000 troops with 1,000 tanks and 100 aircraft at the disposal of the African Union to close the border," he informed at the summit. "All our forces are at the disposal of the African Union."

The Libyan leader said it was vital that the region's leaders agree on an "African solution" to the problem in order to "avoid foreign interference and keep the door firmly shut to outside machinations."
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Mass migration, nomads, IDPs and illegal immigration

Libya's Foreign Secretary met Tuesday in Tripoli with the Ambassadors of Spain, France and Italy. During the meeting, they discussed illegal immigration and the special arrangements to hold a conference under the umbrella of the African and European Unions to deal with this phenomenon and take the practical measures that enable the Africans to stay in their countries by establishing agricultural and industrial projects and provide them with essential services.

Note Feb 22, 2006 UNHCR calls for European leadership to bridge gap between humanitarian assistance and development aid.
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Africa's tragic borders and the illusory African brotherhood

Chenjerai Hove's opinion piece in The Zimbabwean on Africa's tragic borders notes African countries can loot across each other's borders, they can plunder wealth and lives across borders, but when it comes to proper official trade, they prefer the spoils of worthless wars. Zimbabwe and Uganda looted the DRC, and the African Union never protested, all in the name of the illusory 'African brotherhood.'

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sudan's army and Janjaweed attack and destroy water pump, livestock and huts in villages Likalik and Al Amin, North Darfur

Armed forces supported by militia attacked two villages in North Darfur this week and an AU vehicle was assaulted and stolen, reports UN News Centre today. Excerpt:
Attackers stormed the village of Likalik and its market area and destroyed its source of water as they attacked the water pump area and killed many animals at the site, the UN Mission in Sudan reported today.

On Monday, the village of Al Amin came under assault and its market was raided and huts were burned. The same day, an armed group attacked a vehicle of the AU peacekeeping force, injuring AU soldiers and stealing the car.
Meanwhile, Jan Pronk said the AU Peace and Security Council will meet March 3 to explore how its security forces might make a shift to a proposed peacekeeping force supervised by the UN.

Arab Women Can Power Peace, Progress

Politicians have failed to bring about peace in many parts of the world. The Arab world in particular has suffered the most. There are many reasons behind the failed diplomacy. One of them is the absence of women in negotiations for peace.

Women so empowered can take an active role in ending hostilities, first and foremost by raising the next generation. If educated and enlightened they will be able to teach their children the importance of dialogue, opening channels to present their positions - but not in a combative manner.

Peaceful ways and means can be the weapons to end wars. Educated mothers can do that. Instead of having men negotiate settlements, why not allow those who suffer the most to resolve these conflicts?

Full story at Arab News 22 Feb 2006 Arab Women Can Power Peace, Progress.

Sudan ministers named in leaked UN Darfur list

Financial Times report Sudan ministers named in leaked UN Darfur list by Mark Turner at the United Nations 22 Feb 2006 - excerpt:
"Sudan's interior minister, defence minister and the director of its national intelligence service, are named in a confidential list of individuals who could be considered for sanctions by the UN Security Council over their alleged role in the conflict in Darfur."
[Note List of top wanted Janjaweed leaders - Who's who on Darfur (African Confidential) via Sudan Online Discussion Board 4/3/2005]

Cartoons led to attacks on aid workers in Sudan - EU Official

The European Union's representative to Sudan, Pekka Haavisto, said Wednesday that the prophet drawings controversy had led to attacks on foreign aid workers in Sudan.

"The Danish cartoon scandal did not help the situation (in Darfur) at all," Haavisto told reporters in the Finnish capital. "There were some attacks, that were driven by the cartoon scandal, against foreign aid organisations," Haavisto said, but didn't give details.

Full story AP/ST 22 Feb 2006.

Note, mainstream media can't report everything but uncensored bloggers are free to discuss anything.

OIC Meeting

This photo and excerpt from The Religous Policeman's blog entry entitled Emergency Meeting! - OIC Calls for Emergency Meeting - via Will the EU listen?

Britain warns Sudan: patience running out on Darfur

Washington Post reports Britain warns Sudan: patience running out on Darfur.