Friday, May 24, 2024

VIDEO FROM INSIDE SUDAN’S CITY OF WAR RUINS: An unfolding humanitarian catastrophe

Video report from Channel 4 TV News UK
By LINDSEY HILSUM International Editor
Filmed and edited by Soren Monk
Produced by Zahra Warsame
Dated Thursday, 23 May 2024 - full copy:

Inside Sudan: An unfolding humanitarian catastrophe

Ethnic cleansing. Killings. Torture and a looming famine. Millions of people in Sudan are living through a nightmare, since a power struggle between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces plunged the country into a devastating war in April last year – splitting the nation.



Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here:

Channel 4 is a British public broadcast service.



Thursday, May 23, 2024

Son of Hamas co-founder denounces group at UN, tells "Free Palestine" mobs around world Hamas is evil

HERE, for future reference and to help provide some understanding of the current Israel-Hamas war, are two videos showing powerful speeches by Mr Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef*.

Video at YouTube (3 minutes 38 seconds)

Posted by J-TV Mar 6, 2024

Title: Son of Hamas Founder Message To "Free Palestine" Mobs Around The World: Hamas are evil

Description at video:

“Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas leader, Hassan Yousef, delivers a powerful new message to people around the world that chant "Free Palestine”.”


Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here: 

112,088 views & 2,711 Comments to date.


Video at YouTube (30 minutes)
Posted by CBN News Nov 21, 2023 
Title: Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes 'Savage' Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids   

Description at video:

“The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday. 

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks. He wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas.

Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.”


Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here:

6,050,602 views & 34,042 Comments to date


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Hassan Yousef (born 1955) is a co-founder of Hamas, an Islamist organization primarily active in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. He currently serves as one of their leaders in the West Bank.

He is considered a member of Hamas' extremist faction and refrains from any talk of rapprochement between Israelis and Palestinians.[1] He is also considered one of the spiritual leaders of Hamas.[2]

Yousef is married to Sabba Abu Salem. They have six sons and three daughters. His eldest son, Mosab Hassan Yousef, worked undercover with Shin Bet from 1997 to 2007 to prevent attacks on Israeli civilians, as he considered such attacks immoral and destructive to the Palestinian cause. He was disowned by his father but is considered a hero by many Americans as well as Israelis.[3][4]

On 2 July 2019, Hassan's youngest son Suheib Hassan Yousef appeared in an interview with Israeli television criticizing Hamas and describing it as a corrupt terrorist organization which sparked huge anger from members of Hamas describing him as a traitor and a collaborator and other Hamas-affiliated networks said that he was working with the Mossad which he completely denied.[5]


Thursday, May 16, 2024

FULL FILM: Praying for Armageddon. US foreign policy in Middle East is influenced by evangelicals

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: This post, along with yesterday's at Sudan Watch, is the most important one since the site began 21 years ago.

In 2003, I used blogging technology to investigate the root causes of poverty and extreme poverty in Sudan and the reasons for genocide and man’s inhumanity to man. The two posts now answer those questions for me.

The magnitude of those posts cannot be fully appreciated unless the email and the letter of 24 April 2024 featured in yesterday's post are seen together with the documentary film Praying for Armageddon.

As most readers of Sudan Watch are located across the world, I doubt many can access BBC iPlayer where one has to sign in as a BBC Licence fee payer, I am grateful to Al Jazeera English for posting the full film (see below) in two parts (totalling 88 mins) to YouTube for free viewing and comments.

More on this later when I've been able to identify more pieces of the puzzle. Meanwhile, with respect to American evangelical fundamentalists and the US Government their praying for Armageddon started many years ago.

Poster: Courtesy UpNorth Film
"The poster is a literal presentation of what some of the Evangelical fundamentalists believe, that Jesus will return as a warrior with an AR-15. As they interpret the Armageddon prophecy literally they believe Jesus will come down from the heavens on a white horse. This symbolizes the beginning of Armageddon." -Tonje Hessen Schei, the director of the film

OFFICIAL TRAILER: Praying for Armageddon 
A documentary film by UpNorth Film
Posted to YouTube by UpNorth Film 
Premiered on 15 March 2023 

Description of Official Trailer posted by UpNorth Film at its website:

The Countdown to Armageddon has begun. As biblical prophecy fuels political power, American Evangelicals threaten U.S. democracy and push for the Apocalypse in the Middle East. Praying for Armageddon uncovers how politicians driven by faith embrace Israel as the key to their prophetic vision for the end of days – at any cost – ultimately escalating the spirals of violence in the Middle East.

Director Tonje Hessen Schei; Co-Director and DOP Michael Rowley; Producer Christian Aune Falch; Producer Torstein Parelius; Producer Ingrid Aune Falch; Editor Torkel Gjørv; Composer Lukas Berkemar, Uno Helmersson; Co-Producer Ove Rishøj Jensen; Co-Producer Magnus Gertten; Co-Producer Hans Robert Eisenhauer; Co-Producer Kaarle Aho.


Credits posted at YouTube by Al Jazeera English:

World premiere at CPH:DOX 2023 in competition for the F:ACT Award.



Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here:


FULL FILM: Praying for Armageddon (Part 1 of 2)

A documentary film by Tonje Hessen Schei UpNorth Film

Posted to YouTube by Al Jazeera English 1 month ago [April 2024] 

Description by Al Jazeera English posted beneath the film:

Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary

The first episode of Praying for Armageddon goes inside the evangelical Christian movement to explore its influence on US democracy and foreign policy.

Preparing for the "end times", a grassroots pastor gathers an army of veterans in the heartland of the United States, and megachurch ministers provide spiritual advice to politicians in the nation’s capital.

They call for the "final battle" which they believe will trigger the second coming of Christ. Central to their apocalyptic prophecy is Israel. It is with their blessing that the Trump administration controversially recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moves the US embassy there in 2018.

“It feels like everyone has a say about the destiny and the future of Jerusalem except for the Palestinians living in it,” says Palestinian activist Fayrouz Sharqawi.


Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here:


FULL FILM: Praying for Armageddon (Part 2 of 2)

A documentary film by Tonje Hessen Schei UpNorth Film

Posted to YouTube by Al Jazeera English 21 March 2024

Description by Al Jazeera English posted beneath the film:

How evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP2 | Witness Documentary

The second episode of Praying for Armageddon examines the dangerous consequences of the fusion between evangelical Christians and US politics.

It shows not only how the very fabric of US democracy is weakened but also highlights the devastating impact religion wields on US foreign policy.

Expressing concerns about the influence of evangelical Christians in the US military, retired US Army Colonel Larry Wilkerson who was a former adviser to General Colin Powell, says: “The most vivid danger in all of this, I think, is the special relationship with Israel… They are looking for the US relationship with Israel, ultimately to bring about Armageddon and the rapture and Christ’s thousand-year reign.”

As evangelicals fuel the volatile situation in the Middle East, Israel launches a devastating 11-day military offensive on Gaza in May 2021.

“The countdown to Armageddon has begun,” says Pastor Robert Jeffress.


Follow along using the transcript at YouTube here:


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A letter from US Republican Senators directly threatening the ICC Prosecutor: “You have been warned” “Target Israel and we will target you”

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: Two posts at X copied here below shocked me to my core. I hope they are fake. If they are real, they show the mindset and arrogance of many US politicians and why America is so disliked.

On BBC FOUR iPlayer a documentary film series Storyville is introduced as “amazing, shocking, inspiring and award-winning - the best in international documentaries, shining a light on untold stories from across the globe.” 

One of the films in the series is called Praying for Armageddon. I watched it yesterday, all 88 minutes of it. A description posted beneath the film says:

“Praying for Armageddon is a political thriller that explores the power and influence of American Evangelical Christians as they aim to fulfil the Armageddon prophecy.

The film observes American believers as they prepare for what they call The Holy War and exposes the powerful megachurch pastors who call for the 'final battle' that they believe will trigger the Second Coming of Christ. 

Completed before the current crisis in Israel and Gaza, it also unveils how politicians driven by faith embrace the State of Israel as the key to their prophetic vision for the end of days.” 

I say, it is a must-see and an eye opener into the mentality and attitudes of many Americans including politicians in Washington and ex-POTUS Trump. 

After watching the film, I thought about the two posts mentioned above. Here are the copies. Hopefully, readers can magnify the text to read the content well enough and get a feel of the tone and its sense of entitlement. 

The posts and film are good examples of how the US even after 9/11 can't see itself the way the world sees it. I can't be the only person astonished at the high level of aggressiveness and superiority and the fact that the letter and email are in print for everyone to see. The USA is not even in the Bible.

Source: Dr Lens Veritatis @LensVeritatis post at X 3:13 PM · May 6, 2024


Sunday, May 12, 2024

South Sudan corruption: ‘South Sudanese have not benefited from oil revenues’-EU Ambassador

"South Sudan is a textbook example of a resource curse, where the profits from oil have not benefited the people at large and they have been largely wasted and misused. Tragically, many of the renewable and sustainable resources the country has on the other hand have been neglected over the past decades. I am thinking particularly of the agricultural potential and the amazing biodiversity of the country.” -EU Amb. Olkkonen. Read more.

From Radio Tamazuj JUBA CITY
Dated Friday, 10 May 2024 - here is a full copy:

‘South Sudanese have not benefited from oil revenues’-EU Ambassador

Ambassador Timo Olkkonen, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to South Sudan speaking at a function to mark European Day at Notos Restaurant in Juba. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of South Sudan on Thursday said the people of South Sudan have not benefited from the proceeds from crude oil which is the country’s largest export.

Ambassador Timo Olkkonen who is the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to South Sudan was speaking in Juba at a ceremony to mark European Day and qualified South Sudan as a textbook example of a resource curse.

He said fossil-based technology is old fashioned as modern and more environmentally friendly ways to produce energy exist, and that if left unaddressed, continued fossil fuel usage will possibly contribute to our extinction as a species with climate change taking effect.

“That is not to say that we should not appreciate the role of oil in South Sudan. You would be blind not to understand its importance. But South Sudan is a textbook example of a resource curse, where the profits from oil have not benefited the people at large and they have been largely wasted and misused,” Amb. Olkkonen stated. “Tragically, many of the renewable and sustainable resources the country has on the other hand have been neglected over the past decades. I am thinking particularly of the agricultural potential and the amazing biodiversity of the country.”

He added: “It is said that every crisis is an opportunity, so perhaps the recent issues with oil exports could redirect focus on these other cleaner engines of economic growth and you cannot argue that the potential is not there.”

The EU envoy said they recently joined several members of the international community in calling on the government not to tax aid and welcomed South Sudan’s removal of taxes on humanitarian aid and exemption of UN agencies from taxes.

“I welcome the fact that the government has confirmed that this indeed is not the intention and I cannot emphasize enough but what matters is implementation,” Olkkonen said. “Anything short of that would be a disaster for the people of South Sudan and cause reputational damage to the country itself.”

On the peace process, the envoy said the enthusiasm for the conduct of general elections in South Sudan has subsided as parties to the agreement have missed key timelines during the implementation of the peace accord.

“I was enthusiastic about the prospect of engaging in and supporting the preparations for elections and a new constitution. We have been supporting those processes politically and also through our development cooperation. Indeed a new project on electoral support was launched last August,” Amb. Olkkonen said. “I have to confess however that that enthusiasm has since subsided. Over the past year, we witnessed deadline after deadline of the Peace agreement’s Roadmap being missed. A month ago, we read the assessment of the UN Secretary General of the level of preparedness of the country to hold elections concluding that the parties must commit to taking urgent steps to achieve a critical mass of implementation necessary for the peaceful conduct of free, fair, and credible elections.”

He said despite disappointments, he still thinks the prospects of a first permanent constitution and the first elections of an independent country are of the kind that should evoke patriotism and enthusiasm.

“We hope that the ongoing processes like the UNMISS-supported interparty dialogue or the Kenyan mediation efforts will very soon bear fruits in this regard and that the stakeholders come together to forge a consensus” Olkkonen stated.

For his part, South Sudan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Monday Suraya Kumba said the country is satisfied with the bilateral ties between the EU and its member states in many developmental and economic sectors.

“We are also looking forward to engaging with the European Union and member states in other areas such development of the mineral sector, development of agriculture sector, development of the industrial sector, capacity building and climate change among others,” he said. “I would like to reassure you of our commitment as a government to continue meeting the needs of our people, to continue engaging different partners to the upcoming engagement political economic engagement in the country which includes the upcoming elections.”

“We are looking forward to working closely with the EU to gain support to achieve this overall objective,” Amb. Kumba added.

View original:


Further reading

UK Foreign Office's 'no travel' list with 24 countries UK tourists urged to avoid

Daily Record, James Rodger & Nicola Roy, Fri, 10 May 2024, 3:26 pm BST.

Birmingham Live reports that the UK Gov Foreign Office is currently advising against travel, or all but essential travel, to 24 destinations on the 'black list': Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, and Niger, North Korea, Palestinian territories, Russia, Somalia, Somaliland, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen.