Thursday, January 26, 2006

UK Parliament House of Commons International Development Committee Reports - British MPs demand sanctions over Darfur

January 26 BBC report says a group of British MPs wants the government to push the UN to impose sanctions against Sudan.

Note, the UK Commons International Development Committee published a report January 23, 2006 entitled Darfur: The Killing Continues*. Apparently, it is scathing about the Sudanese authorities.

On Wednesday, Tony Blair promised to do more to help refugees in the region and said strengthening peacekeeping forces should be a priority.

UK House of Commons Report: "Darfur: The Killing Continues"

The Committee will be releasing an online copy of its 23 January 2006 Report on "Darfur: The killing Continues" (HC 657), on Thursday 26 January at 00.01am (at which point the link should become active)

UK House of Commons Report: "Darfur, Sudan and the Responsibility to Protect"

The short report "Darfur: The Killing Continues" is a follow-up to the Committee's earlier report entitled Darfur, Sudan and the Responsibility to Protect [HC 67] published on 30 March 2005. It emerged from an oral evidence session held in November with the Secretary of State for International Development, Lord Triesman, International Crisis Group and Aegis Trust.

Also, see corrected transcript of oral evidence to be published as HC 657-i.

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