Saturday, September 09, 2006

Egyptian FM advises negotiations between Sudan and UN asap - Sudan president in Libya for AU's 7th anniversary

Today, after arriving in Libya to take part in celebrations marking the anniversary of the AU in 1999, Sudan's President al-Bashir said the UN Security Council's resolution was "a painful strike to the African Union." - AFP/EB 9 Sep 2006. Excerpt:
"It is not of the African Union's right to hand over its sites in Darfur to the International troops, but they should be handing these sites over to the Sudanese government that will carry out the peacekeeping operations and securing the citizens there," al-Bashir said Saturday.

In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said negotiations between Sudan and the UN were necessary to find the best way to implement the Security Council resolution "in a way that guarantees restoring security and stability in Darfur as soon as possible," according to a statement issued by the ministry.

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