Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Voluntary disarmament succeeds in Jonglei, S Sudan

More than 1,200 rusted Kalashnikovs and machine guns were laid out on a football pitch in Akobo, southeast Sudan on Monday, raising hopes that clashes that killed hundreds of people earlier this year will end, Sudan Tribune reported 21 Aug 2006.

U.N. peacekeeper takes pictures

Photo: A UN peacekeeper takes pictures during the first peaceful civilian disarmament in Akobo, Jonglei state, August 21, 2006. (Reuters) Via Sudan Man blog entry - excerpt:
Young men eyed the 1,300 guns laid out in a field in the southern Sudanese town of Akobo. The rifles would once have been worth a fortune to these members of the Lou Nuer, who typically used weapons to defend themselves or to raid neighbouring villages.

Arms were once considered integral to life in this region. But in July, more than 1,000 men and boys in Akobo County relinquished their weapons to local authorities, asking nothing in return. See full report.
Proponent of AU peacekeepers

Rob's blog entry at Sudan Man re Darfur Peace Keeping Force says:
"I'm a proponent of keeping the AU forces in control, and ensuring that there is adequate funding to expand and equip them. Even then there needs to be seriousness on the part of the rebel movements and the government to broker a peace agreement on the lines of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement now implemented in Southern Sudan. Without that the chances of any peacekeeping force - UN or AU - being able to protect the IDP's."

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