Friday, February 09, 2024

The three guises of RSF terrorist group leader Hemeti

Report from Radio Dabanga website
Dated Thursday, 8 February 2024, 13:17 - here is a copy in full:

Sudan war: Hemedti laments human suffering amid daily RSF attrocities

The commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Lt Gen Mohamed ‘Hemedti’ Dagalo, has issued an “urgent call to the international community on the humanitarian crisis in Sudan”. Hemedti’s appeal has been met with cynicism amid widespread daily reports of rape, assault, and theft by RSF militiamen, ‘wreaking havoc’ in Darfur and other parts of Sudan that fall under the militia’s control.

In a lengthy statement posted on X (formerly Twitter) today, Hemedti points out: “Sudanese civilians find themselves in dire circumstances, facing the real possibility of starvation. This situation necessitates prompt action from regional and international organisations and agencies to provide urgent relief”.

In his statement, the RSF commander asserts that the war in Sudan, that broke out in April last year, “[was] ignited by remnants of the former regime and their allies within the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).” He highlights that “the situation has deteriorated significantly, culminating in a famine in certain areas of the country”, and that “Sudanese civilians find themselves in dire circumstances, facing the real possibility of starvation.” He calls on “prompt action from regional and international organisations and agencies to provide urgent relief”.

"The three guises of  of RSF terrorist group leader Hemeti

Caption by Sudan Watch Editor 

Cartoon by Omar Dafallah / Radio Daganga

However, as previously reported by Radio Dabanga, mounting allegations from Sudan indicate that the RSF is part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. Marauding members of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are reportedly “wreaking havoc“ among civilians in parts of Sudan under the militia’s control. While individual incidents are often hard to verify, reports reaching Radio Dabanga show a clear pattern of widespread banditry, including murder, robbery, and sexual violence.

Humanitarian catastrophe

International aid organisations have long lamented the humanitarian catastrophe befalling Sudanese civilians, and a group of UN experts reported last week that “about 25 million people, including 14 million children, are in dire need of humanitarian assistance in Sudan”.

In today’s post on X, Hemedti says that the RSF “reaffirm our steadfast commitment to working with all international partners to facilitate the unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid in Sudan, ensuring the welfare and safety of affected populations and humanitarian workers.”

However, as a few respondents voiced support for the RSF, most reactions scorned Hemedti’s remarks. “You are the main reason for war. You should be sent to International Criminal Court immediately for all crimes in Sudan,” says ‘Shadia’. In another response, ‘Sogra’ says: “RSF (Janjaweed) are responsible for the suffering of the Sudanese people. RSF started a war against Sudanese people and their army. RSF (Janjaweed) soldiers and leaders are criminals.”

UN relief

Yesterday, the United Nations and its partners appealed for a combined $4.1 billion to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs of civilians in war-torn Sudan and those who have fled to neighbouring countries.

A joint statement by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), pints out: “Ten months since the conflict erupted, half of Sudan’s population – some 25 million people – needs humanitarian assistance and protection. More than 1.5 million people have fled across Sudan’s borders to the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan.”

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates the response inside Sudan, with this year’s Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan calling for $2.7 billion to reach 14.7 million people. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, coordinates the Regional Refugee Response Plan, which requests $1.4 billion and targets nearly 2.7 million people in five countries neighbouring Sudan.

See the RSF commander Hemedti’s complete statement here.

See the joint OCHA and UNHCR statement here.

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Thursday, February 08, 2024

Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow

AMERICAN journalist Tucker Carlson is reportedly airing his interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin today (Thu 8 Feb). Let's hope Mr Carlson clarifies that his references to 'English speaking countries' are confined to the US. People in other English speaking countries are better informed than the average American. His video intro, and the interview, can be viewed at Tucker Carlson Network

A Feb 6 post at X by Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson, copied here above, simply says “Why I'm interviewing Vladimir Putin”. The post contains a video of Mr Carlson explaining why he is interviewing President Putin. It is date stamped 6:44 PM · Feb 6, 2024 and so far (15:29 GMT) has 99.2M Views.


From The Independent - Thu, 8 February 2024, 3:17 pm GMT

How to watch Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin

The interview will be broadcast on Mr Carlson’s website at 6pm ET (11pm GMT) and also on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Photo: Carlson in 2023. Courtesy Wikipedia

UPDATE Fri 9 Feb 2024:

Report from BBC News

By Sarah Rainsford

Eastern Europe correspondent

Dated Friday, 9 February 2024 - excerpts:

Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

[…] Instead of pushing the Russian leader - indicted as a suspected war criminal - on his full-scale invasion of Ukraine and challenging his false assertions, Carlson swerved off-piste to talk God and the Russian soul. The American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread. That's untrue. The Kremlin is simply highly selective about who Putin speaks to. It will almost always choose someone who knows neither the country nor the language and so struggles ever to challenge him. Carlson's claim also ignored the fact that Russia's president has spent the past two decades in power systematically stamping out free speech at home. Most recently, he made it a crime to tell the truth about Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Multiple critics - Vladimir Kara-Murza, Ilya Yashin and many more - are in prison right now for doing just that.

Full story:


Sudan hit by internet blackout as conflict continues

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: This site hasn't had visits from Sudan or S. Sudan in past week. A job seeker in Khartoum wrote in to say he's unable to complete job applications online due to patchy connectivity and electricity. 

The internet and telecoms blackout might not be caused by RSF terrorists. Could be SAF and its allies on the move under cover to retake Aj Jazirah from RSF. Iran, Russia and others are good at hacking too. 
Sudan hit by internet outage: the affected areas include Khartoum, Darfur, Kordofan, and some Gezira states - mostly areas that are under control of RSF terrorist group. Photo credit: TechReport

Report at BBC News
By Danai Nesta Kupemba, BBC News 
Dated Wednesday, 7 February 2024 - here is a copy in full:

Sudan hit by internet blackout as civil war continues

IMAGE SOURCE, REUTERS. Image caption, Some Sudanese providers have been experiencing problems since Friday

Sudan has been plunged into an internet blackout with many blaming the paramilitary group fighting the army in the country's 10-month civil war.

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has denied responsibility.

NetBlocks, a watchdog that monitors internet freedom, said on X, there had been a "new collapse of internet connectivity" in Sudan.

It comes as a Sudanese hacktivist group targeted Uganda for welcoming the RSF leader, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

NetBlocks said it had found a disruption to the services of internet providers Uganda Telecom and MTN, although a BBC reporter in the capital Kampala said he did not notice any problems.

In Sudan, some people have reported being unable to access the internet since Friday but the situation has since got even worse.

State-aligned media have blamed the RSF.

However, according to the Sudan Tribune news site, an RSF official accused the army of issuing direct orders to sever communication in parts of Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum, and Gezira states, which are largely under the control of the paramilitary group.

NetBlocks said on Wednesday that the one of the major mobile operators in Sudan, Zain, was "largely offline".

In a statement posted on Facebook, Zain said that it was "working under very difficult, harsh, and dangerous circumstances".

It added that the "current network outage is due to circumstances beyond its will".

Two other providers, South African-owned MTN Sudan and state-owned Sudani, were operating at zero on Friday, according to NetBlocks.

The network outage adds another layer of hardship to a nation at war.

In response to the ongoing conflict, the United Nations has appealed for $4.1bn (£3.25bn) to address the urgent humanitarian needs of those in Sudan and people who have been forced to flee their homes.

At least nine million people have been displaced, while some 25 million - half the entire population - need assistance, the UN says. 

"Ten months of conflict have robbed the people of Sudan of nearly everything - their safety, their homes and their livelihoods," said the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths.

He added that the situation in Sudan needed to be addressed with a "heightened sense of urgency".

More stories on Sudan:

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'There's a 1939 feel to the world right now'. Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: We (UK, Europe, NATO) could be at war within the next sixty months. Here are some snippets from a few news reports by British journalists published towards the end of last month.

  • 'There's a 1939 feel to the world right now'. 
  • 'We are in a pre-war era’. 
  • Russia could attack NATO 'within five years', German defence minister warns. 

  • NATO now sees its chief adversaries as Russia and terrorist organisations. 
  • World War Three could be on the cards if global conflicts continue to escalate.
  • British citizens should be "trained and equipped" to fight in a potential war with Russia - as Moscow plans on "defeating our system and way of life", the head of the British Army has said. UK General Sir Patrick Sanders, the outgoing Chief of the General Staff (CGS), said increasing army numbers in preparation for a potential conflict would need to be a "whole-of-nation undertaking". The comments, first reported by the UK's Daily Telegraph, are being read as a warning that British men and women should be ready for a call-up to the armed forces if NATO goes to war with Vladimir Putin.
  • It comes after UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said in a speech last week that we are "moving from a post-war to pre-war world" and the UK must ensure its "entire defence ecosystem is ready" to defend its homeland.
  • Tobias Ellwood, a former UK defence minister who has served alongside Sir Patrick, said the military chief should be "listened to carefully"."What's coming over the horizon should shock us. It should worry us and we are not prepared," he told Sky News. The MP for Bournemouth East said that following decades of post-Cold War peace, there was a growing sense authoritarian states could "exploit our timidity, perhaps our reluctance to really put fires out" - pointing to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "So Patrick Sanders is saying prepare for what's coming over the horizon - there is a 1939 feel to the world right now," he said.

Source: Sky News & Agencies Wed 24 Jan 2024


HERE is a reminder of wondrous natural beauty in our fragile world, compared to evil ugliness of man-made wars and man's inhumanity to man.

From BBC News UK
Published Wednesday, 7 February 2024 - here is a copy in full:

Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award winner



A stunning image of a young polar bear drifting to sleep on an iceberg, by British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani, has won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award.

"Sarikhani's breathtaking and poignant image allows us to see the beauty and fragility of our planet," Natural History Museum director Dr Douglas Gurr said.

"His thought-provoking image is a stark reminder of the integral bond between an animal and its habitat and serves as a visual representation of the detrimental impacts of climate warming and habitat loss."

Sarikhani made the image after three days searching for polar bears through thick fog off Norway's Svalbard archipelago.

Wildlife photography and nature fans from around the world were invited to vote from a short list of 25 images.

Four other outstanding finalists were "highly commended".

The Happy Turtle, by Tzahi Finkelstein



Tzahi Finkelstein was in his hide, photographing shore birds, when he spotted a Balkan pond turtle walking in the shallow water.

The dragonfly unexpectedly landed on the turtle's nose.

Starling Murmuration, by Daniel Dencescu



Daniel Dencescu spent hours following the starlings around the city and suburbs of Rome, Italy.

Finally, on the cloudless winter's day, the flock, swirled into the shape of a giant bird.

Shared Parenting, by Mark Boyd



Two lionesses had gone hunting, leaving the pride's five cubs hidden overnight in dense bushes, in Kenya's Maasai Mara Mara.

Returning from their unsuccessful mission, they called the cubs out on to the open grassland and began grooming.

Aurora Jellies, by Audun Rikardsen



Sheltering his equipment in a self-made waterproof housing, Audun Rikardsen used his own system for adjusting the focus and aperture during a single exposure, as moon jellyfish swarmed in the cool autumnal waters of a fjord outside Tromsø, in northern Norway, illuminated by the aurora borealis.

The five images will be displayed online and at London's Natural History Museum until 30 June.

All photos copyright Wildlife Photographer of the Year

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