World has just weeks to save Darfur says UNHCR Oct 21.
Further important updates will appear as footnotes in earlier posts here below.
Read Khartoum's war on humanitarian operations in the Sudan.
Sudan's National Islamic Front obstructs Darfur food aid delivery Oct 17.
UN warns Sudan is backsliding into chaos amid new violence.
UN Mission in Sudan reports Oct 12 that almost two-thirds of the humanitarian operations in South Darfur have been suspended for security reasons.
UN withdraws some staff from West Darfur Oct 13.
British aid agency Oxfam said Oct 13 it could not access any of its West Darfur camps by road and were concerned fuel for water pumps could run out, leaving tens of thousands of refugees without access to water.
African Union Security Council issues statement Oct 11 on deteriorating security in Darfur.
Read Press Association report Oct 11.
Please note 2.5m displaced Darfuris too frightened to go home - 3.5m in need of food and link/join/donate to Genocide Intervention Network.
Visit daily news updates and blog round ups at:
Passion of the Present
Coalition for Darfur
Search Google news on keywords Darfur or Sudan, and visit the excellent Sudan Tribune.
Sudan Watch intermission for next six weeks.
God bless, and thank you.
Photo: Recently burnt homes in Tawilla, Darfur. Photo courtesy breaking news report at IRIN 11 October 2005: Violence forces many to flee North Darfur.
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Save money and donate by fasting for Darfur
Photo courtesy Josephine Marie's photostream.
Click here to see how to transform a t-shirt.
Some responses from bloggers [more will appear here, if and when received]
Global Voices Online points to call for bloggers around the world to link to Genocide Intervention Network (GI-Net).
The White African asks Sudan: Will it Ever End?
About Mr Bolton not having time to listen to the latest briefing, as he is so busy actually doing something about the atrocities, Contango says it's time to act and links to GI-Net.
Thanks to Bill Wallo for writing And Now for the Darfur Reminder and linking to GI-Net.
Kirkland at The Ruth Group links to GI-Net and STAND [note their super Sponsor-a-Camp Initiative]
The author of Uveal Blues blog, an ex-USA-expat ophthalmologist with a strong interest in international healthcare, links to GI-Net.
Luke writes More Sudan at DSTPFW blog, links to GI-Net and ICISS Report: International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty - cross posted at A Cloud In Trousers.
Ex-Liberal Nightfighter rightly hollers SUDAN IS DESCENDING INTO CHAOS....ONCE AGAIN!
American sailor Eddie links to GI-Net in a round up of blog entries he's selected for this month's spotlight on Darfur. Michelle Malkin links to Eddie's post.
Bill, an American blogger in Germany, links to GI-Net but says he can't say he would support such an approach vs. pressuring UN member countries to live up to their responsibilities. [Hey Bill, China and Russia are blocking action on Sudan. The greater the number of members/links/donations by private citizens around the world, the more politicians will listen up and take note]
Tim co-authors group blog Hyscience with some R&D scientists and tells readers everything is out of control in Darfur.
It breaks Catez' heart to see only weeks to save Darfur and says "Lord have mercy on them, and us." [Amen]
Click here to copy and paste the source code for buttons into your blog or website to link to the GI-Net.
Photo via Artyom's Oct 14 post Save Darfur! Act Now!.
See Darfur Eyewitness: photos by Brian Steidle
Tags: Darfur Sudan UN Africa Genocide Intervention Fund GIF bloggers donate African Union Passion Coalition Tribune Nicholas Kristof New York Times Kristof Walking the Talk rape God bless flickr White African fasting fast Fasting for Darfur tee T shirt teeshirt technorati tags Global Voices Ruth Group Wilson Drink Soaked Trotskyite Popinjays War Artyom Brian Steidle Liberal peacekeepers European+Union NATO security terrorism WFP petroleum UN aid workerAfrica+oil Sudan+oil Darfur+oil Total Khartoum war malnutrition ethnic cleansing genocide ICC Genocide Intervention Network GI-Net
Hi Chris, you make me laugh how you pop up here out of the blue every few months with your greetings from Germany. If I hadn't seen your blogs, I would think you were spam!
Please let us know if you, or your friends, make a Fasting for Darfur T-shirt like the one in the photo here - see the flickr link that shows how the slogan was painted.
If you blog a photo wearing it, I'll feature it here at Sudan Watch and be sure to caption it with warm greetings to Chris from Germany Bottrop!!
thank you for your comment on "Sleepless in Sudan".
I believe you've spoken for many of us working here in Darfur.
Gog bless!
A fasting "peacekeeper" with AMIS
Dear fasting peacekeeper with African Union Mission in Darfur,
Thank you for that. Much appreciated.
The world is watching your great work and diplomacy.
You are superb ambassadors of your country.
And all deserve medals.
God bless you all and keep you safe and well.
thanks for the excellent post - we're linking.
Hi Ingrid,
This breaks my heart. I've linked your post at BlogWatch. Thankyou for this. I will email you soon (have been snowed under).
Dear Tim and Catez. Just to let you know I thanked you both in a previous comment here but deleted it as it contained a draft post now published. Kind regards.
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