Showing posts with label UNITAMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UNITAMS. Show all posts

Monday, May 01, 2023

UN & partners establishing a core team in Port Sudan. School in Al-Geneina, West Darfur burned to ground

Report from and by UN News 

Sunday 30 April 2023 - full copy:

Guterres dispatches UN 'relief chief' to Sudan as humanitarian crisis deepens

The UN relocated and evacuated staff from Khartoum and other locations over the past week who will continue to work remotely, whether from inside Sudan or in other countries.

The UN and partners are establishing a core team in Port Sudan, which will be responsible for overseeing aid operations and negotiating humanitarian access with de facto authorities.

Humanitarians now based in the coastal city, capital of Red Sea state, are determined to quickly return to Khartoum, as the UN continues to uphold its commitment to Sudan.

Earlier on Sunday, Volker Perthes, head of the UN Mission supporting the transition, UNITAMS, was briefed by the Wali (Governor) and other officials in Red Sea State on the humanitarian and security situation there.

"He assured them that the UN is not leaving Sudan and that he will work from Port Sudan until the security situation in Khartoum allows our return," UNITAMS said in a tweet.

Mohamed Khalil On April 27, 2023, the Al-Imam Al-Kadhim School in Al-Geneina City, West Darfur State, which had been serving as an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) shelter, was burned to the ground amidst the ongoing crisis in Sudan.

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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Arab League to convene on Sudan 1 May upon Egypt's request, the current president of the League's council

Report from MENAFN- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) 

Sunday 30 April 2023 3:01:59 PM - full copy:

Arab League Permanent Representatives To Convene On Sudan Mon.

(MENAFN- Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) CAIRO, April 30 (KUNA) -- The Arab League announced Sunday holding an extraordinary meeting at the permanent representatives level on Monday, tomorrow, to discuss the latest developments in Sudan, upon Egypt's request, the current president of the League's council.

The League's Secretariat General received an official letter from Egypt's permanent mission, calling for resuming the extraordinary session of the League held on April 16, an Arab League source said in a press statement.

The statement issued during the last meeting's permanent representative stipulates that the session is still held to follow up the developments in Sudan, according to the source.

The last meeting called for an immediate stop of all the armed clashes in Sudan to halt the bloodshed, and maintain safety and security of civilians as well as Sudan's properties, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The last gathering warned against increased violence in Sudan that is associated with dangerous repercussions. (end)

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Sudan: Trilateral Mechanism (UN, AU, IGAD) calls on Burhan & Hemeti to extend non existent ceasefire

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: The Arab League is holding a special meeting tomorrow to help stop the two mad Killers of Sudan slaying more civilians in Sudan. See full report in next post to follow.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Sudan fighting continues despite ceasefire. 200 killed. Residents trapped at home, low on food, water, meds

NOTE from Sudan Watch Editor: Yellow highlighting in these reports is mine. Also, a report I have added below shows the United Kingdom is the penholder on Sudan; The US is the penholder on South Sudan, Sudan/South Sudan, Sudan sanctions and South Sudan Sanctions (Source here and here).

Here is a general summary of the BBC's live reporting on Sudan today:

Witnesses say ceasefire broken within minutes

Soldiers loot homes in Sudan capital, say witnesses

Aid workers attacked and sexually abused, says UN

Sudan health system at risk of collapse - aid group

Humanitarians are trapped by fighting - MSF

US speaks to Sudan's rival generals

State-owned radio still off air in Sudan

US diplomatic convoy attacked in Sudan - Blinken

Here is a photo taken in Sudan of people leaving the capital in search of safety. 

Read the above reports here:

Here is a full copy of one of the reports:


State-owned radio still off air in Sudan

BBC Monitoring

The world through its media

The state-owned Sudan Radio - also known as Radio Omdurman - has remained silent since Saturday.

It is unclear why, as this station broadcasts and operates from the same premises as the state TV channel, which resumed broadcasts on Monday morning having been off air for more than 20 hours.

Reels of patriotic music and footage of the army's victories have been played on TV, and in a statement on Facebook the Sudanese army said it had retaken control of the TV premises from the rival Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

State TV also aired a statement by the RSF's spokesman, Naj al-Din Ismael, saying he had defected from the paramilitary group and joined the national army.

Journalists in Sudan have told the BBC as fighting continues there is also a propaganda war between the rival factions of the military, which is largely being fought on social media.

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Here is a full copy of a report from BBC News online

By Mohamed Osman & Cecilia Macaulay

BBC News, In Khartoum & London

Published Tuesday 18 April 2023 19:24 GMT BST UK

Sudan fighting continues despite ceasefire

Combat around the army HQ goes on as residents hoped for a 24-hour respite to get food and water. 

A fourth day of fighting raged as residents remained trapped in their homes

Fighting is continuing in areas of Sudan's capital, Khartoum, despite a ceasefire due to start at 18:00 local time (16:00 GMT).

In particular the battle has not stopped around the army headquarters, which is in the city centre and is surrounded by residential areas.

Two rival generals at the heart of the conflict had agreed to a 24-hour humanitarian pause to allow civilians to get medical help and supplies.

Residents are low on food and water.

Earlier on Tuesday, a woman living in Khartoum told the BBC that she has no more drinking water left in her home: "This morning we ran out."

Duaa Tariq said only one bottle remained, which was exclusively for her two-year-old child, as her family crammed into a "tiny corridor" to avoid gunfire.

"Most of the people [that] died, died in their houses with random bullets and missiles, so it's better to avoid exposed places in the house" like windows, Ms Tariq said.

Nearly 200 people have been killed in the fighting so far.

Half an hour before the ceasefire was due to start, Khartoum residents were shocked to hear that three children - brothers living in the east of the city - had been killed in a bombardment.

Residents broke their Muslim Ramadan fast just after 18:00 local time to the sound of gunfire, with eyewitnesses in Bahri, in the north of the city, saying aircraft were flying overhead.

Another woman in Khartoum told the BBC that heavy weapons fire continued well after the ceasefire was due to come into effect. She described how earlier in the day she had escaped with her one-year-old child from her home as it was being struck by missiles.

Even if the fighting does die down in the next 24 hours, it is unlikely to be enough time for civilians to seek help, with the Red Cross saying the health system is on the verge of collapse.

The aid group said it has been receiving multiple calls for help from people trapped in their homes in a city that has an estimated population of 10 million residents, with most struggling to cope without electricity.

Fighting has also been taking place elsewhere in Sudan, including in Darfur to the west.

The UN aid chief has warned of reports that say humanitarian workers are being attacked and sexually assaulted.

"This is unacceptable and must stop," Mr Griffith's tweeted, after the time the ceasefire was expected to have been implemented.

The fighting is between army units loyal to the de facto leader, Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the RSF, a notorious paramilitary force commanded by Sudan's deputy leader, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, better known as Hemedti.

View original including BBC's map showing fighting at key locations in Khartoum city centre and update at 22:19 re-titled 'Hopes crumble for a pause in fighting in Sudan'



Here is a full copy of a report from What's In Blue 

Insights on the work of the UN Security Council

Published Monday 17 April 2023. 

Sudan: Meeting under “Any Other Business”

Today (17 April), following the closed consultations on Yemen, Security Council members will discuss the situation in Sudan under “any other business”, at the request of the UK (the penholder on the file). Special Representative and head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) Volker Perthes is expected to brief.

Perthes is expected to update Council members on the latest developments in Sudan after fighting erupted in the morning of 15 April in and around Khartoum between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), headed by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudan’s military leader and Chairperson of the Transitional Sovereign Council, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group led by General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, the Deputy Chairman of the Transitional Sovereign Council. According to local media reports, fighting initially erupted in the Soba suburb, south of Khartoum, and then spread to several strategic areas in the capital, including Sudan’s presidential palace, the headquarters of the state television, Khartoum International Airport, and the military’s headquarters.

Multiple media outlets have reported that fighting has continued for the third day today (17 April) between the SAF and RSF in Khartoum and other parts of the country. At the time of writing, the hostilities had reportedly resulted in the deaths of at least 74 civilians and more than 600 injuries. Three World Food Programme (WFP) humanitarian aid workers also lost their lives as a result of the fighting.

The fighting follows months of rising tensions between the SAF and RSF. The two factions had formerly cooperated closely; the RSF participated in the 2019 coup d’état that ousted former President Omar Hassan al-Bashir. After the 2019 coup, Dagalo became the deputy of the Transitional Military Council, which then transferred its powers to the Transitional Sovereign Council. The RSF then also participated in the October 2021 coup, following which the Transitional Sovereign Council seized power.

The tensions between al-Burhan and Dagalo came to a head several weeks ago, owing to disagreements over the final agreement on a political transition, including on key security and military reforms. On 5 December 2022, a broad grouping of Sudan’s civilian political actors and its military leadership signed the Sudan Political Framework Agreement, which is aimed at paving the way for a two-year, civilian-led transition ahead of elections. On 8 January, its signatories launched the final phase of talks aimed at reaching a “final and just” political settlement under the facilitation of the Trilateral Mechanism—comprised of the African Union (AU), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and UNITAMS. (For background, see our 19 March What’s in Blue story.) The sides were initially expected to sign the final agreement on 1 April, but this was postponed to 6 April.

Afterwards, the signing was postponed indefinitely because of disagreement between Dagalo and al-Burhan over the reintegration of the RSF into the armed forces and their command and control, according to local media reports. In an 8 April statement, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said that Sudan remains at a “decisive juncture” and that “all efforts must now go to get the political transition back on the right path”. He urged all parties to overcome obstacles on security sector reform and avoid any delays in the signing of the political agreement.

Last week, the SAF began deploying troops inside Khartoum and Merowe town in Northern State. In a 13 April statement, SAF Spokesperson Nabil Abdallah said that the deployment of RSF forces had been done without the approval or coordination of the armed forces and may lead to the collapse of security in the country.

On 15 April, Security Council members issued a press statement expressing deep concern over the clashes between the SAF and RSF and the resulting deaths and injuries. They urged the parties to cease hostilities, to restore calm, and to pursue dialogue in order to resolve the ongoing crisis in the country. Council members stressed the importance of maintaining humanitarian access and ensuring the safety of UN personnel. The statement reaffirmed Council members’ commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Sudan.

On 15 April, Secretary-General António Guterres issued a statement that strongly condemned the outbreak of fighting between the SAF and RSF in Sudan. He called on SAF and RSF leaders to immediately cease hostilities, restore calm, and initiate a dialogue to resolve the current crisis in the country. The statement further noted that Guterres is engaging with leaders in the region and called on regional countries to support efforts to restore order and return to the path of transition.

On 16 April, the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) met to consider the situation in Sudan. In a communiqué adopted following the meeting, the AUPSC strongly condemned the ongoing armed confrontation between the SAF and RSF throughout Sudan. The AUPSC called on both sides to commit to an immediate ceasefire without conditions, to protect civilians, and to provide humanitarian support to civilians. It urged regional countries and other stakeholders to support ongoing efforts to return the country to the transition process aimed at restoring constitutional order. The AUPSC further decided that it will undertake a “field mission” to Sudan to engage with all Sudanese stakeholders on the situation in the country. It requested the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, to continue using his good offices to engage with the parties to facilitate dialogue and a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Sudan.

On 16 April, the IGAD Summit of Heads of State and Government convened for an extraordinary emergency session to discuss the situation in Sudan. During the meeting, IGAD decided to send South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh, and Somalian President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to Sudan “at the earliest possible time” to “reconcile the conflicting groups”.

On 16 April, the SAF and RSF agreed to a proposal, advanced by Perthes and the Trilateral Mechanism, to commit to a three-hour temporary pause in fighting on humanitarian grounds, ending mid-day on 16 April. Media outlets reported that despite the agreement on a pause, heavy fire was heard in central Khartoum.

In a 16 April statement, Guterres condemned the deaths and injuries of civilians and called for those responsible to be held accountable. The statement further noted that the UN and other humanitarian premises had been hit by projectiles and looted in several locations in Darfur. Following the deaths of the WFP workers, WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain issued a statement demanding immediate steps to guarantee the safety of  humanitarian workers in the country. She noted that, in a separate incident, one WFP-managed UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) aircraft was significantly damaged at Khartoum International Airport during an exchange of gunfire on 15 April. She said that the WFP was halting all its operations in Sudan while the security situation is being reviewed.

View original here:

About What's In Blue
When the Security Council approaches the final stage of negotiation of a draft resolution the text is printed in blue. What's In Blue is a series of insights produced by Security Council Report on evolving Security Council actions. These insights supplement the SCR Monthly Forecasts and other reports and are designed to help interested UN readers keep up with what might soon be “in blue.” Learn more


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sudan: ICC Prosecutor briefs UNSC on Darfur 17 Jan

HERE is a full copy of What's in Blue report dated Tue 11 Jan 2022. Note that Sudan's Prime Minister Hamdok resigned on 2 Jan. The UN Security Council will receive the semi-annual briefing of the ICC Prosecutor on Darfur on 17 Jan. The following meeting was requested by the UK, the penholder on Sudan. 

Sudan: Meeting under “Any Other Business”

Tomorrow (12 January), following the open briefing and closed consultations on Yemen, Security Council members will discuss the situation in Sudan under “any other business”. The meeting was requested by the UK (the penholder on Sudan), together with Albania, France, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, and the US. Special Representative for Sudan and head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) Volker Perthes is expected to brief.

Perthes is expected to update members on the latest developments in the ongoing political crisis in Sudan following the military coup d’état of 25 October 2021, particularly in light of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s resignation on 2 January. Perthes last briefed the Council on 10 December 2021 (S/PV.8925) on the Secretary-General’s most recent 90-day report on UNITAMS (S/2021/1008). (For background, see our What’s in Blue story from 9 December 2021.)

Hamdok announced that he is stepping down in a televised address, during which he referred to failed mediation attempts between civilian and military leaders and said that the country is at a “dangerous turning point that threatens its whole survival”. His resignation came against the backdrop of ongoing widespread protests in the country against the 25 October 2021 coup and the subsequent power-sharing agreement between the civilian and military entities announced on 21 November 2021, which included Hamdok’s reinstatement as prime minister. Several parties have rejected the agreement, including the main opposition alliance, the Forces for Freedom and Change Coalition (FFC).

The crackdown on protestors since 25 October 2021 is another area of immediate concern for Council members. As at 9 January, according to the medical group Central Committee of Sudan Doctors, 62 people have been killed and hundreds have been injured during protests involving the excessive use of force by security forces since 25 October 2021. Some Council members may emphasise the need to conduct timely investigations into casualties during the demonstrations and the importance of accountability for this violence.

Secretary-General António Guterres took note of Hamdok’s resignation in a 3 January statement and expressed regret that “a political understanding on the way forward is not in place despite the gravity of the situation in Sudan”. He also condemned the “continued violence targeting protestors”. In a 4 January statement, the Troika on Sudan (Norway, the UK and the US) and the EU emphasised that “Sudanese stakeholders will need to work on the basis of the 2019 Constitutional Declaration on how to overcome the nation’s current political crisis, select new civilian leadership, and identify clear timelines and processes for the remaining transitional tasks – including establishing the legislative and judicial branches of government, creating accountability mechanisms, and laying the groundwork for elections”. The statement urged “stakeholders to commit to an immediate, Sudanese-led and internationally facilitated dialogue” and said that the killing and injuring of protestors “is unacceptable”, while calling for independent investigations and accountability for perpetrators. The statement was reportedly rejected by the military.

At tomorrow’s meeting, Council members will be interested in hearing more from Perthes on the role of UNITAMS, particularly regarding the “UN-facilitated intra-Sudanese political process” announced by Perthes in an 8 January statement. The political process is “aimed at supporting Sudanese stakeholders in agreeing on a way out of the current political crisis and agree[ing] on a sustainable path forward towards democracy and peace”, according to the statement. Noting that “measures taken to date have not succeeded in restoring the course of this transformation”, the statement says that “all key civilian and military stakeholders, including armed movements, political parties, civil society, women’s groups, and resistance committees will be invited to participate”.

The 8 January announcement about the UN-facilitated process followed international pressure to find a way forward in resolving the political crisis. The announcement was welcomed in a statement by the Quad on Sudan (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the UK and the US), which expressed “strong support for the “UN-facilitated, Sudanese-led dialogue initiative”.

In a 10 January press briefing, Perthes announced the commencement of consultations on the way forward and provided further details, emphasising that the UN would play a facilitation role in the process, which will be Sudanese-led. Council members will likely seek further details on the next steps in this process, including an assessment of the various stakeholders’ willingness to participate. According to media reports, the Sudanese Professionals Association—an umbrella association of several trade unions—rejected participation in the initiative, while the FFC said that they would announce a position when further details are available. The military-led Transitional Sovereign Council reportedly welcomed the announcement of the UN-facilitated process, while also calling for AU involvement. (On 26 October 2021, the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) adopted a communiqué suspending Sudan from the AU “until the effective restoration of the civilian-led Transitional Authority”. The AU PSC decided, according to a 24 November 2021 communiqué, to “promptly dispatch a mission to Sudan”, which has yet to take place.)

In addition to political developments, members may want to hear more about the situation in Darfur, including after looting and attacks against UN facilities, equipment and supplies which took place during December 2021. On 24 December 2021, there was looting and violence at the former UN/AU Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) base in El Fasher, North Darfur, which was handed over to local Sudanese authorities three days earlier. On 28 December 2021, a World Food Programme warehouse in El Fasher was attacked by unknown armed groups. Over 1,900 metric tons of food commodities meant to feed 730,000 vulnerable people were stolen, according to the Secretary-General’s spokesperson.

Looking ahead, the Council will receive the semi-annual briefing of the ICC Prosecutor on Darfur on 17 January.

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sudan: UNSC consultations on situation since coup

Report from and by What's In Blue dated Wednesday 10 November 2021

Sudan: Consultations on the situation since the coup

Tomorrow (11 November), Security Council members will convene for closed consultations to discuss the situation in Sudan. The meeting was requested by the UK (the penholder on Sudan), Estonia, France, Ireland, Norway, and the US. Special Representative for Sudan and head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) Volker Perthes is expected to brief. At the time of writing, no outcome was expected.

Perthes is expected to update members on the latest developments in Sudan following the military coup d’état announced on 25 October by the Chairperson of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. Perthes’ latest briefing to the Council on the situation in the country took place on 26 October in closed consultations. (For background, see our What’s in Blue story from 26 October.)

Since 25 October, mass demonstrations opposing the coup have been taking place in the capital, Khartoum, and across the country. In several instances, protestors have been met with excessive force, including live ammunition, according to the Joint UN Human Rights Office in Sudan. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet noted in a 5 November statement that at least 13 civilians have reportedly been killed by military and security forces since 25 October, and hundreds more injured. Arrests have continued, including of political leaders and journalists. Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok remains under house arrest at his residence. At the time of writing, the nationwide shutdown of the internet imposed by the military authorities since 25 October remained in place, despite a Sudanese court having ordered its restoration on 9 November.

At tomorrow’s meeting, Council members will likely seek further details on the mediation efforts underway and on the role played by UNITAMS in this regard. In a 1 November press conference, Perthes said that the situation in Sudan was “stable but tense”. Among other things, he said that multiple mediation efforts are underway in Khartoum by “a host of actors” and that the UN continues to play a good offices role in supporting some of these initiatives, including by providing ideas and coordinating with some of these mediators. Perthes emphasised that UNITAMS is engaging with all Sudanese actors across the political spectrum, as well as with regional and international interlocutors, with the AU being a main partner. He added that he is in contact with countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and South Sudan. In response to a question about which countries could exert diplomatic influence on the situation, he responded that the US, Egypt, South Sudan and “wider regional neighbours” could play a role. On 4 November, Perthes met with AU High Representative for the Horn of Africa Olusegun Obasanjo. They reportedly discussed regional dynamics, shared efforts towards de-escalation, release of detainees, and restoration of the transition through dialogue.

According to Perthes’ statement at the 1 November press conference, UNITAMS has been in contact with several Sudanese stakeholders, including al-Burhan, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (known as General Hemeti), Prime Minister Hamdok, members of the opposition alliance Forces of Freedom and Change (FCC), and civil society representatives. On 5 November, UNITAMS released a statement strongly condemning the detention of members of the FCC’s Central Council after their meeting with Perthes, which took place near the UNITAMS headquarters on the previous day. The statement called on “the military leadership to cease arresting politicians and activists and to stop committing further human rights violations”.

The Human Rights Council (HRC) held a special session on Sudan on 5 November, following a request by the UK, the US, Norway, and Germany (with the support of at least one-third of the HRC’s members). Bachelet briefed, saying among other things that “the whereabouts of most of those arrested remains unknown” and that the “disproportionate and deadly use of force by the Sudan Armed Forces, the Rapid Support Forces, and other security forces…must end immediately”. She also noted that all radio stations and television channels in the country have ceased broadcasting, except for channels which are controlled by the military authorities. Bachelet added that several offices of civil society organisations have been raided. At the 5 November meeting, the HRC adopted a resolution, without a vote, which “condemns in the strongest possible terms the military takeover” and decides to appoint, for one year, a special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Sudan (A/HRC/S-32/L.1). Council members China and Russia, which are currently on the HRC, disassociated themselves from the consensus on the resolution.

On 26 October, the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) met on Sudan and adopted a communiqué that expressed “deep concern over the military takeover in Sudan” and strongly condemned the “seizure of power by the Sudanese military”. It decided to immediately suspend Sudan across all AU activities “until the effective restoration of the civilian-led Transitional Authority”.

On 28 October, Security Council members issued a press statement (SC/14678) expressing “serious concern about the military takeover in Sudan on 25 October” and calling on Sudan’s military authorities to restore the civilian-led transitional government. Among other things, Council members called upon all parties to refrain from violence and emphasised the importance of “full respect for human rights, including the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression”.

It seems that there were some areas of disagreement during the negotiations on the press statement. Apparently, the UK and several other members would have preferred stronger language condemning, rather than expressing concern over, the situation. (Council members had previously adopted a press statement on 22 September that “condemned in the strongest terms the attempt on 21 September to disrupt Sudan’s transition by force”.) Members agreed on the term “military takeover” rather than “coup” in the 28 October press statement. Secretary-General António Guterres and Bachelet have both referred to it as a “coup” in their statements. Council members such as the UK, Estonia and Norway have also referred to it as a “coup”, including when appearing at media stakeouts on 26 October. Apparently, Russia and the US have not characterised it as a “coup”. The Troika on Sudan (the UK, the US and Norway) have also referred to it as a “military takeover”, as did the AU PSC in its communiqué.

Tags: Insights on Africa, Sudan

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

UNITAMS: Sudan’s PM Hamdok safe and well at home