Pressure on White House builds in advance of the rally.
President Bush supports the rally, and met with its organisers April 28.
For a video of the President's remarks, click here.
Photo: President GW Bush meeting at White House with leading advocates for Darfur, including Simon Deng, Dave Rubenstein, Elisa Massimo, Faith McDonnell, Gloria White-Hammond, Jerry Fowler, David Saperstein, Keith Roderick.
Photo: Hollywood actor George Clooney (L) and US Senator Barack Obama at a press conference April 27 at the National Press Club in Washington to bring attention to the atrocities in Darfur and the rally. Click here for a video from CNN.
Many thousands of protestors are expected to rally in support of the people of Darfur at demonstrations across America Sunday, April 30.
Photo: From left to right, Marialanna Lee, Scott Schaeffer-Duffy, and Eve Fox, hold up signs and pictures during a demonstration outside the Sudanese Embassy in protest of the killing in Darfur, Friday, April 28, 2006 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Photo: Five members of Congress were arrested at the Sudanese Embassy, Washington and led away in handcuffs Friday to protest the killings in Darfur.
Turn up your sound and view Protect Darfur Film.
Some voices in blog land
Ethan Blogs before the rally (USA)
Eugene blogs a Reminder (USA)
The Black Iris of Jordan blogs The Forgotten Voices of Darfur (Jordan)
American (I think) blogger Jorg in Europe commented here at Sudan Watch saying he can't attend a Darfur rally in the U.S. April 30 so he's organized an online rally for Darfur together with many other German Bloggers. (Germany)
Rosemary's blog highlights a 'Virtual Rally' for those who cannot go to DC (USA)
Steve at Coaliton for Darfur blogs some opinion pieces and articles On the Darfur rally in D.C. (USA)
Eugene of Coaltion for Darfur has posted links to Passion of the Present re Thousands Gather in D.C. at Rally [thanks - my efforts to get permalinks at PoTP are not working - newsfeed to PoTP is broken too]
May 1 2006 Jim Moore Thousands Rally Sunday to Save Darfur - links to several stories at Passion of the Present
[More to be added here later, as and when I find links]
Apr 30 2006 Washington (ST) Protests in US cities seek to "Save Darfur"
May 1 2006 Reuters SA Thousands in US rally against Darfur killing
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