Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sudan dismisses Blair threats, welcomes UN mission

Note a 'UN sanctioned' Plan B. SudanTribune article : Sudan dismisses Blair threats, welcomes UN mission - excerpt:
A spokesman for the British prime minister, citing comments made by Blair last week, said on Wednesday Britain would agree to a no-fly zone over the war-ravaged region as part of a United Nations-sanctioned "Plan B" to halt the violence there.

"Statements like this ... do not enhance peace," said Al-Samani al-Wasiyla, the Sudanese state minister for foreign relations. "They prolong the crisis," he told Reuters.

"We do not deal with media statements ... and we do not need threats to deal with the international community," he said.

Sudan gov't minister says 'a million soldiers' could not pacify region

Dec 14 2006 AFP report (via CFD) excerpt:
"Even if you sent a million soldiers to Darfur, that would not solve the problem," Sudan's minister for international cooperation, Al Tigani Salih Fedail, told journalists Thursday.

"That's not the issue. You only have to look at the examples of Afghanistan and Iraq," he said.

"The problem is political. We have to totally respect the agreement and stop those who seek to sabotage it," the minister said.

"Without the implementation of the (peace) agreement, it is very difficult to disarm people," he said.

The minister was in Geneva for the launch of the UN Work Plan for Sudan for 2007, which is targeting 1.8 billion dollars (1.4 billion euros) to fund humanitarian, recovery and development projects in the country.

This represents nearly half of the total 3.7 billion dollars requested by the Secretary General for humanitarian assistance worldwide in 2007, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a statement.

Sudan's Darfur death toll 134,000 not 400,000? Death estimates for Darfur inaccurate - US study

Darfur 400,000 killed

Cartoon by Gerald Scarfe courtesy The Sunday Times 10 Dec 2006 (hat tip The Sudanese Thinker originally via Sudan Fairytale)

Death estimates for Darfur inaccurate - US study

Reuters report here below leads us to believe about 134 000 people died in Darfur and eastern Chad from September 2003 to January 2005. It does not say if the deaths were due to disease, lack of food, etc.

The population of Darfur is estimated at around 6.5 million. Darfur is the size of France. Nomads cross borders unchecked. Sudan is the size of Europe.

One wonders if the IDPs are better off in UN camps. Without security, money, land and rights, who would want to move away? Maybe the camps will develop into towns.

Not found any more news of NRC. Can't help wondering who is running Kalma camp, home of 93,000 IDPs.
Dec 12 2006 Reuters report (via Business Day) - excerpt:

Death toll statistics in Darfur vary widely, ranging from 70 000 to about the 400 000 estimated by the group Coalition for International Justice over a 26-month period.

The GAO report had most confidence in Belgium-based Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, which said about 134 000 people died in Darfur and eastern Chad from September 2003 to January 2005.

The State Department did not provide any updated death tolls for Darfur but US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said last September "hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been murdered" in the conflict.

"The United States has called this tragedy by the only name that captures its meaning, the only name it deserves - genocide," said Rice in a speech to the Africa Society.

A study published last September in the journal Science also said the US State Department's Darfur death toll underestimated the count by "hundreds of thousands" of lives.

That study by Northwestern University in Illinois, which was not examined by the GAO report, put the toll at 200 000 or more.

Estimating death tolls in hostile environments is a difficult and dangerous job and the GAO said there were numerous challenges in Darfur, including lack of access.

Limitations in estimates of Darfur's population before and during the crisis may also have led to over or underestimates of the death toll, said the report.

Another problem was the varying use of baseline mortality rates - the rate of deaths that would have occurred without the crisis - may have led to overly high or low estimates.

"To safeguard the US government’s credibility as a source of reliable death estimates, GAO recommends ensuring greater transparency regarding the data and methods used for such estimates," it said.
- - -

Note Nov 29 2004 Darfur population figures: 6 million, 6.5 million, or 6-7 million

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lifeline for Darfur in Chad

Dec 13 2006 Lifeline for Darfur - Comment - Times Online
This disaster can be salvaged only by new thinking. Bosnia gave the concept of "safe havens" a bad name, but havens are desperately needed. Create them not in Sudan, but in Chad.

Chad's Government wants the UN there, not least to warn Khartoum off destabilising Chad by supporting rebel groups there.

Chad already shelters thousands of Darfur refugees and will need to find room for more, as the murderers close in on the Darfur camps.

The responsibility to do what should now be done rests with the Security Council -- it must take a clear and coherent position against mass murder -- and so the onus (and the ultimate blame) is on Russia and China.
Nicely put.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

UN Pronk felt let down by Security Council and worries Sudan govt thinks now it can get away with anything

AP report (via CFD) Pronk Says Security Council Failed to Support Him - excerpt:
"I think that I didn't get sufficient support from the side of the Security Council," Mr. Pronk told the Netherlands' state broadcaster NOS on Tuesday, in his first interview since returning from Sudan.

"My worry is that the [Sudanese] government thinks now that it can get away with anything," he said.

"If they [the Sudanese government] have gotten away with decapitating a [UN] mission without consequences, they'll go further," Mr. Pronk told the NOS. "We're seeing that happen already. And I have large worries about the possibilities left for the UN in that case."

SLA command denounces Bassey's move to hold conference

Dec 11, 2006 (PARIS) SudanTribune article : SLA command denounces Bassey's move to hold conference.

Monday, December 11, 2006

UNDP Sudan - Tokten Vacancies

From Black Kush, a blog from Darfur:
Are you a Sudanese living abroad? Do you want to go home and serve your country?

The UNDP TOKTEN programme is the best for you. Let us turn the brain drain to brain gain. Your country needs you!

AMIS vehicle hijacked + helicopter crew taken hostage and released

From Soldier of Africa: Nightime Observation in Darfur Dec 10 2006:
Tonight an AMIS vehicle was hijacked close to our house and the night has seen a moderate volume of gunfire. It has prompted us to rehearse our emergency plan and we are constantly observing. All fire has come from the East, South-East and North East. Unconfirmed reports has it that Al Junaynah, 304km to the West, is under threat of attack. An AMIS helicopter crew who were taken hostage yesterday were also released earlier this afternoon. Things are definitely escalating ... the question is, when and where will it peak and how bad will it be.
Best of luck.

Mark Fiore cartoon: Alliance of Wimpiness

New flash cartoon by Mark Fiore: Alliance of Wimpiness.

[hat tip Darfur: An Unforgivable Hell on Earth]

2 AU staff kidnapped in Sudan's Darfur

Dec 11 2006 Reuters report - excerpt:
Armed men kidnapped two African Union military personnel in Sudan, the AU said on Monday.

"The force commander of the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) is utterly dismayed at the hijacking yesterday...of an AMIS vehicle together with two military personnel by unidentified armed men," the AU said in a statement.

The AU called on the kidnappers to release the two and their vehicle immediately and unconditionally.

No more details were immediately available.

All flights to Darfur cancelled today & journalists forbidden from entering region - Hundreds gather in Boston for a candlelight vigil for Darfur

Interruption of break to file this copy of an online news report dated 10 Dec 2006 at WHDH-TV New England News, entitled Hundreds gather in Boston for a candlelight vigil for Darfur:
BOSTON -- A local coalition is working to stop the slaughter in Sudan, following more killings this weekend.

Hundreds gathered in Copley Square tonight for a candlelight vigil.

Activists are calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Darfur region of Sudan.

More than 200,000 people have been killed since ethnic Africans rebelled against the Arab-led government in 2003.

Just today, government-supported militias executed thirty refugees, either shooting them or burning them alive. Millions have run from their homes.

The Sudanese government is accused of supporting the militia blamed for most of the killing.

All flights to Darfur were cancelled today.

Authorities have also forbid foreign journalists from entering the region.

(Copyright (c) 2006 Sunbeam Television Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

Hundreds gather in Boston for a candlelight vigil for Darfur

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Reminder (by a peacekeeper in Sudan's Darfur)

Short break. Back soon.

A Reminder from Sudan's Darfur

Just a little reminder of who the victims of this conflict are. He is still smiling after his family had to flee after their village was attacked.

Photo and caption by Werner K, Soldier of Africa Dec 2006.

The 2006 Weblog Awards: Best Middle East or Africa Blog: The Sudanese Thinker

Congrats to Drima (a very bright young Sudanese chap in Malaysia who is going places) of The Sudanese Thinker on being nominated for 2006 Weblog Awards: Best Middle East or Africa Blog.

Doubt if total number of votes registered reflect number of voters. Individuals may be able to vote more than once by logging off and returning under a different ISP code. Whatever, it's great to see The Sudanese Thinker listed, it's a real winner with Drima's loyal readers.

Picture 290.jpg

Photo of Drima at UN HQ NY Aug 2006. See Drima, The Sudanese Thinker at the UN: Where are the educated political parties that should be governing Sudan?

Bashir: Africa's most deluded leader

Sometimes you have to ask what planet Africa's dictators inhabit. I used to think that President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe led the field when it came to utterly delusional statements. Now I believe that President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan narrowly takes the prize.

Read more by the Telegraph's Africa Correspondent David Blair (Telegraph blogs 6 Dec 2006, Africa's most deluded leader)

Militia kills at least 20 civilians in West Darfur

Dec 10 2006 IOL report - Militia kills at least 20 civilians in Darfur:
At least 20 civilians are dead after Sudanese militiamen ambushed a convoy of refugees in western Darfur, the UN said today.

The pro-government janjaweed militia used rocket-propelled grenades to attack a commercial convoy of refugees returning on Saturday to the town of El Geneina, an international aid worker said.

Janjaweed set fire to the bodies, and rioting erupted around the town today, he said.

"We have confirmed reports of at least 20 dead," said Radhia Achouri, spokeswoman for the United Nations in Sudan.

The aid worker put the death toll higher, saying as many as 30 people had been killed in the attack.

International Human Rights Day: Alarms protest over Darfur rapes

Dec 10 2006 PA report (via Guardian) Alarms protest over Darfur rapes:
Hundreds of demonstrators have set off rape alarms outside Downing Street in a protest against sexual violence in Darfur.

About 200 protesters marched from the Sudanese embassy in central London to No 10 before delivering a formal letter to the Government calling for political pressure to stop the crisis.

The event is part of International Human Rights Day, which has this year been adopted by campaigners from around the globe as a day of action to demand peace in Darfur.

Human rights groups around the world are calling for the immediate deployment of an international peacekeeping force with a mandate to protect civilians.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Fierce battle erupts in east Chad - BBC

Heavy fighting has taken place between Chad's government troops and rebels in the easy of the country, both sides are claiming victory, BBC reported 9 Dec 2006.

1 killed as bandits storm El Fasher, N Darfur- ex-rebels

Dec 9 2006 Reuters report - excerpt:
Scores of militia gunmen attacked a market in El Fasher, the main town of Sudan's Darfur region on Saturday, killing one civilian and looting shops, a former rebel group and a witness said.

The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), the only group that signed a May peace deal with the government, said scores of vehicles carrying gunmen had stormed the town.

"This force is opening fire in the town and the town is in deep chaos now," SLM spokesman Saif Haroun told Reuters.

A U.N. official said there was shooting in El Fasher but had no further details. The African Union, which maintains a 7,000-strong force in Darfur, had no immediate comment.

Haroun said the gunmen who stormed the market on Saturday "were not known to the people of the town" but were "probably Janjaweed fighters."

"There is no presence of groups that rejected the (peace) agreement in the region," he said. "They appear to be coming from the direction of the Chadian border," he said.
Note, "probably" Janjaweed. How can you tell the difference between a bandit and a janjaweed? Werner says you can't. Since they don't wear uniforms but do carry firearms they're all bandits, politically motivated or not.

See Soldier of Africa: Answers to Questions by Werner, a South African soldier currently blogging while serving in Darfur - excerpt:
How can you tell who is a bandit and who is a janjaweed?
Answer: I wish I knew. The one is politically motivated and the other is not.

Sudanese American Orphaned Rehabilitation Organization, Inc.

See info links at Sudanese American Orphaned Rehabilitation Organization, Inc. - "Serving the Sudanese Children Orphaned by Civil war"

Important: Norway spearheads joint protest with EU, USA and Canada against expulsion of NRC from Darfur

Don't you think there is more to this story than meets the eye? I do. If you have the time and inclination, check out the links in this entry. It may take a few hours to read the reports but it gives an idea of why I think this is an important story. We'll probably never know what's really behind most of the news here but one thing is sure: Norway has a knack for producing great peacemakers and has done loads to help broker peace for South Sudan, Norway has the world's respect in this regard.

Here's the story. The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) coordinates all humanitarian assistance in Kalma camp, South Darfur and helps to provide protection for vulnerable groups. Surely NRC can't be at all bad or wrong. So why has its contract been so badly messed around with by Khartoum? To intimidate, muzzle, suppress, oppress? Is it about rape reports (remember what happened to MSF and its rape report)? Is it about NRC speaking out the truth? If so, what's wrong with that? The truth hurts, but facts are facts. Face facts, if they are the truth Mr Bashir.

Today's news out of Oslo (via Sudan Tribune) tells us the Norwegian government is protesting against expulsion of NRC from Darfur. If NRC is no longer coordinating the camp and helping to protect the residents, who or what is taking its place and why? Who is running the camp, the Government of Sudan? What has happened to NRC's aid workers in Kalma and its camp coordinator, Alfredo Zamudio? God bless them all. Surely such repeated disruption must, once again, impact on the 93,000 Kalma camp residents, of which 19.000 are children enrolled on NRC's education programme.

NRC has worked for displaced persons since 1946. It is a private foundation, one of the largest humanitarian organisations in Norway. Norway was pivotal in brokering peace and prosperity for Sudan. UN aid chief Jan Egeland is from Norway.

So what is really going on that journalists and field workers in Sudan can't report? Sudanese authorities continuously suspend the Norwegian Refugee Council in Darfur and do not respond to its repeated requests for dialogue aimed at addressing and resolving underlying reasons for the suspension. Why? What are the underlying reasons? Why aren't Sudanese officials and journalists properly reporting on and investigating this important news?

Sudan's president ought to explain why his government bullies the NRC and IDPs, and treats them with such contempt and disrespect. Does Mr Bashir say he is Sudanese or Arab? Or black African? How can one tell which is which?


Via Norwegian Refugee Council []
Due to impossible working conditions in Darfur, NRC is forced to close down its entire humanitarian program in Darfur.

NRC's activities in South Darfur has been suspended for two months, the 5th suspension since the start up in mid 2004. NRC has been promised an answer from Sudanese authorities regarding the future status of NRC's humanitarian work in Darfur. However, that answer has not been given, forcing NRC to pull out.

Having repeatedly stressed that NRC is prepared to enter into dialogue with the Sudanese authorities regarding the resumption of our humanitarian work in South Darfur, this decision has been the most difficult I have had to make as Secretary General of NRC. We are all aware that the humanitarian needs are greater than ever in South Darfur, said NRC Secretary General, Tomas C. Archer, who recently met with the authorities both in South Darfur and Khartoum.

NRC's greatest concern is the 300.000 IDPs in South Darfur who from this week have been directly affected by the departure:

93.000 in Kalma camp
19.000 of these, children enrolled in our education program
128.000 in Gereida camp
10.000 in Otash camp
52.000 IDPs receiving food aid in Nyala

Closing down is the very last option. However, the frequent disruption of our humanitarian work, such as suspension for a sum total of 210 days, is forcing us to take this very difficult decision. We cannot work when the authorities suspend us continuously and do not respond to our repeated requests for dialogue aimed at addressing and resolving underlying reasons for this action, Archer said.

Head of International Department, Jens Mjaugedal +47 90 78 38 39
Media and Communications officer, Astrid Sehl +47 92 28 47 52
Related stories


Feb 14 2006 SLA shot down gov't helicopter in Shearia, South Darfur

Hyperlinks to following reports are in original entry:
Feb 7, 2006 Controlled anarchy at Kalma camp in South Darfur
Feb 4, 2006 South Darfur: Mershing's entire population of 55,000 fled to Menawashi after raids by Janjaweed
Feb 3, 2006 AU says SLA attacks in Shearia and Golo provoked Sudanese forces and prompted reprisal attacks by Janjaweed
Feb 1, 2006 South Darfur: Janjaweed attack IDP camps Kele, Silo, Tege, Um Gozein, Ton Kittir - Mass exodus from Mershing - Joint Sudan/AU forces to patrol?
Jan 29, 2006 Major escalation of violence in Jebel Marra Darfur forces aid agencies to evacuate - UN condemns attack by SLA on Golo
Jan 19. 2006 Firewood patrols for IDPs at Kalma Camp, South Darfur


Reminder: Norway's NRC has many large humanitarian programmes in Sudan, In Nyala South Darfur, NRC cooordinates humanitarian work in Sudan's largest camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs), Kalma, where 93,000 people live in temporary shelters. NRC distributes food to more than 50.000 IDPs in South Darfur, and it depends on a continuous monitoring of the security situation, which enables staff to implement field operations without in the process risking their own lives.

Apr 11 2005 Norway Post - Sudan International Donor's Conference held in Oslo - UN & Partners 2005 Work Plan - Sudan may face renewed civil war

Feb 2 2006 Controlled anarchy at Kalma camp in South Darfur, Sudan: 35 year old Andrew Heavens (pictured below) is a journalist based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Meskel Square is his weblog about Ethiopia. Here are some photos Andrew took during a three-day press trip to El-Fashir in Northern Darfur and Nyala in Southern Darfur with the African Union.

Andrew Heavens

Kalma Camp, South Darfur

Photo: African Union soldier controlling crowd at Kalma camp for internally displaced people near Nyala, southern Darfur, Sudan (Andrew Heavens

Mar 2 2006 Oxfam Children in Kalma Camp say "ok" to staying healthy:
Kalma is one of the largest camps in Darfur -- mile after mile of tightly packed shelters and rapidly constructed sanitation systems currently home to around 89,000 displaced people. As in most camps, the vast majority of residents are women and children. Two years ago there were just 19,000 people here, but rapid growth since then has created an abundance of health risks, to which children are the most vulnerable.:
Mar 11 2006 Norway's NRC concerned about UN aid cut in Darfur:
Norewegian Refugee Council report today says UNHCR's announced cut in activities in Darfur is another clear testimony that the international community and Sudanese authorities lack the ability to create the necessary humanitarian space for humanitarian actors to assist the Sudanese civilian population. :
Mar 20 2006 South Darfur's Kalma and Seraif Camp - Rape; Attempted Rape; Risk of Death Penalty

Apr 3 2006 What's going on in Janana, South Darfur? 60 villages attacked by Janjaweed while Khartoum "safeguards" Norwegians from being in Sudan for next 2 weeks?:
Sudanese authorities have refused to extend the mandate of the Norwegian NGO Norwegian Refugee Council which heads the main refugee camp in Darfur, sheltering some 100,000 people, the organisation announced on Monday. NRC is one of Norway's largest NGOs, with 1,300 people working for refugees and displaced persons.
Apr 3 2006 M&G - Norwegian NGO forced to leave Darfur refugee camp: :
Jens Mjaugedal, head of the organisation's international division, said in a statement,"We have not received an explanation why our presence is no longer desired."

Also, Jan Egeland has been asked by the Sudanese government to delay his visit to Darfur because it coincided with a Muslim holiday says the BBC. Sudanese foreign ministry spokesman Jamal Ibrahim said that in the light of the Danish cartoons row, it would not be sensitive or safe for a Norwegian such as Mr Egeland to visit.

AFP report says the Sudanese government denied barring Jan Egeland from Darfur, but instead asked his visit be delayed because of "popular sentiment". "Egeland was not barred from visiting Darfur but was only asked to postpone the visit due to the growing popular sentiment against the UN for its plans of deploying foreign forces in Darfur," information ministry official Bekri Mulah told AFP by telephone.

Jan Egeland told the BBC today the SLA helped provoke latest Janjaweed attacks in Janana. He said the Sudanese government, guerrilla forces and ethnic militia groups were all responsible for the current instability in Darfur. Egeland told the BBC he thought the Sudanese government did not want him to see the latest wave of "ethnic cleansing" against black Africans in South Darfur.
Apr 5 2006 Norway Post - Norway sends protest to Sudan:
Today, Norway has sent a note to Sudan, expressing the Norwegian Government's concern over the development of the situation in the country, Norway Post reported. The note points to the working conditions for the humanitarian organisations, the Sudanese authorities lack of ability to protect its own population and Jan Egeland being denied entry to Sudan. Norway has been heavily involved in the Sudan, both with emergency aid and in connection with the peace process to end the civil war between North and Southern Sudan.:
Apr 6 2006 Norwegian Refugee Council hopes to return to South Darfur: :
On Monday NRC was informed by the NRC's agreement with Sudan on camp coordination in Kalma camp would not be renewed. NRC was also informed that its presence in South Darfur was not wanted, and NRC was asked to leave the state. No reasons were given by the authorities as to why NRC had to leave the state of South Darfur. While this is being resolved, NRC continues its humanitarian aid programmes in North and South Sudan.:
Kalma Camp, South Darfur

Photo from Sudan Watch archive Feb 2006: African Union soldier at Kalma Camp, South Darfur. Sign says: "WE NEED INTERNATIONAL FORCE TO PROTECT US"

Apr 13 2006 Difficult journey for displaced Dinkas in Darfur returning home to Sudan's Northern Bahr El Ghazal province:
Concern is growing at the fate of thousands of displaced Dinka tribes people attempting to return to their homes in Sudan's Northern Bahr El Ghazal province from South Darfur, International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported 11 Apr 2006.

New life in South Sudan

Photo Feb 9 2006 The Dinka's epic trek across South Sudan continues - 250,000 cattle have arrived so far in 34 cattle camps around Bor. (Sudan Watch archive):
Kalma camp, South Darfur, W Sudan

May 8 2006 photo: Displaced Sudanese people hold up banners at Kalma Camp, 8 May 2006, where thousands demonstrated demanding international protection. The head of the African Union's executive said it was vital for the peace accord to end the civil war in the Sudanese region of Darfur to be implemented as soon as possible. (AFP/File/Jonah Fisher)

May 10 2006 South Darfur: UN evacuates Kalma Camp, after attack

May 11 2006 South Darfur's Kalma Camp residents attack AU police station and lynch to death AU interpreter

May 31 2006 Norwegian Refugee Council returns to Darfur after eviction

July 4 2006 Increased radicalisation of youth inside Kalma camp, South Darfur - Nighttime AU soldiers needed inside camp :
An analyst said the security situation in nearby Kalma camp had worsened since the signing of the Darfur peace deal on 5 May, adding that the worst attacks were taking place at night.:
July 29 2006 Aid group attacked in Deleig camp, W Darfur - 17 women raped by militia outside Kalma camp

Aug 23 2006 Kalma Camp, S Darfur: Resuming AU firewood patrols is vital: :
More than 200 women have been sexually assaulted in the last five weeks alone around Darfur's largest displaced camp, Kalma, IRC reported today via Reuters. The situation is so dire that about 300 women convened a meeting in Kalma on Aug 7 to plead for more help from the outside world -- particularly from African Union troops mandated to protect civilians.:
Nov 21 2006 S Darfur State expels Norwegian Refugee Council - Darfur has the world's largest aid operation with 14,000 aid workers
- - -


UPDATE 9 Dec 2006: Thanks to Andreas of The Oslo Blog and Amnesty International Norway for picking up so quickly on above: see Oslo Blog and news of the event on Dec 16 calling on Norway and other countries to work harder to find a solution to protect civilians in Darfur.

Please forgive slow or non response to emails, comments and links. Believe it or not, many of these posts take time to put together even without commentary, due to amount of background reading beforehand. Usually, I scour through a few hundred news reports on Sudan most days and have done so since April 2004. Unfortunately, this blogspot has no 'categories' and a poor search facility, so I have to rely on my own memory to marry related reports. Luckily from the outset of this blog, I've been pretty consistent with key words in title of each blog entry which enables me to search on a particular topic. Now must rest while keeping eye on latest news. More later. Peace. Thanks for the links and notes.

Aegis rejects Blair's hint at Sudan sanctions and calls for much great international intervention into Darfur

Dec 9 2006 from - Blair hints at Sudan sanctions:
Tony Blair has hinted that sanctions could be imposed against the Sudanese government if progress to resolve the situation in Darfur is not made.

The prime minister's comments come prior to tomorrow's International Human Rights Day, which is set to focus on the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

"If rapid progress is not made, we will need to consider alternative approaches with international partners," Mr Blair warned.

"Both the government and the rebel movements should be clear that they will be judged on the basis of actions, not just words. They must move forward quickly to implement an immediate and strengthened ceasefire, commit to a political process and agree an effective peacekeeping force for Darfur."

The prime minister's comments were rejected by Dr James Smith, chief executive of the anti-genocide Aegis Group, who called for much greater international intervention into Darfur.

"Merely hinting at possible sanctions against Khartoum... shows that he still has no new plans for action, just more words," Dr Smith said.

"What's needed now goes well beyond mere sanctions against the architects of ethnic cleansing in Darfur, though it's a disgrace that only now are these being hinted at.
Note, Aegis is a pressure group. CEO James Smith ought to explain that sanctions on poverty sticken countries don't really work and hurt poor people most in need of infrastructure, drinking water, roads and land on which they can live, farm, educate their children and pay taxes.

My view is sanctions would be a disastrous set back for everyone in Sudan and undo a lot of hard work undertaken by the so-called "international community". I support Mr Blair merely hinting at Sudan sanctions. I believe if they could, Khartoum would have disarmed the Janjaweed by now. They say they can, but they can't. Me thinks neither can anyone else. Which is why I do not support military intervention in Sudan without its government's consent.

Banging on about getting UN and NATO troops into Darfur against the wishes of the Sudanese government seems a waste of time. not helping the people of Darfur. The African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) is under equipped and overstretched but doing a great job despite its peacekeepers in Darfur still not being paid. REPEAT: Darfur peacekeepers still not paid on time. Next year, AMIS may be funded to the tune of billions but such things take time. Meanwhile, all peacekeepers deserve to be paid correctly and on time and given decent meals. along with all the support that can be mustered. See earlier entry here below re Christmas greetings to Darfur peacekeepers.

Meal from Khartoum for AU peacekeeper in Darfur

Photo: AMZAR Trading & Services Ltd., in Khartoum provides disgusting $3,60 meals to African soldiers in Sudan's Darfur

Darfur's President Minnawi says 48 Darfur villages destroyed since May - Sudan's President Bashir lashes out at UN and NRF rebels

Are all janjaweed Arabs? Are all people from Darfur black Africans? I still don't get it. Maybe I'm a bit dim today. Aren't they all Sudanese? In 2003 there were Arabs living in Darfur, are any in IDP camps in Sudan and Chad? How can government forces tell who is Arab or African? Why can't the two get along together, is it a class distinction thing? Why does the media report Darfur as an Arab v African conflict? These questions sound naive. I live in England, far away from what's real in Africa.

Often I wonder about the millions of Sudanese people living and working in heavily populated areas like Khartoum and why they are so quiet about their own people fighting and killing each other in front of the world. Maybe tribal way of life is ingrained there, since the year dot. How can they let go of tribalism? How would sanctions help? Is Sudan governable? What do the people living there think?

The way I see it is this. Staging a rebellion seems a good ruse for lining many pockets with gold. Freedom fighters my foot. Non-uniformed people in Sudan carrying firearms are bandits, including Janjaweed. Arrest them all? No chance, nobody can - not even Khartoum+UN+NATO. I believe if Khartoum was capable of disarming the Janjaweed, it would have done so by now. The only thing that can change the situation is love, communication and political settlement. And the only people who can carry that out successfully are the Sudanese people themselves. Meanwhile they all deserve as much support as we can give. It'll take many years. Too many people in the wrong place. Things will get worse because drinking water shortage will get worse. In the end, water will be Sudan's greatest commodity - not oil. Thank goodness for all the peacemakers, aid workers and kind tax payers and donors outside of Sudan paying for it all.

Ordinary Sudanese folk don't speak out politically because of fear, I guess. Too risky, causes worry and trouble. The Sudanese government needs to embrace the Information Age as they're in it whether they like it or not. Hey Sudan, you are a beautiful country with great weather, art, scenery and friendly generous people but it's futile going against the flow. Open up and explain how your country and government works, ask Mr Bashir et al to get blogging! Tell us what life is really like for everyone Sudan!! Love your people, land, history and sunny weather! What did you all do today? Favourite spices and recipes for great national dishes? Do IDPs create art and pottery? Fabulous colour, fabrics and robes, where do they originate? Commerce must begin. Children must be educated. Law and order restored. Police trained. Roads built. Goods grown and taken to market. Drinking water must flow. Pumps and pipes to build. Training and employment created. Taxes to earn and pay. Surely communication is key. How would sanctions help? Sudan could become wealthy if it stepped into the modern world, educated itself in human rights and tourism and departed from its bygone era of primitive tribalism. Water is key to Sudan's future survival.

BBC report - Sudan's leader lashes out at UN - excerpt:
Sudan's president has accused the UN of making unreasonable demands on his government over Darfur and turning a blind eye to rebel activities there.

Earlier, UN chief Kofi Annan had said Omar al-Bashir's government had failed in its responsibility to protect its citizens in the war-torn region.

Mr Bashir said the rebel National Redemption Front, which rejects May's Darfur peace deal, was causing recent unrest.

Goal chief executive John O'Shea said they had no choice but to take the "difficult decision" after 13 aid workers had been killed in the past six months and several Goal vehicles hijacked.

"It is clear that the international community does not rate the lives of the 4 million in the region desperately in need of protection by the international community," he said.

The UN secretary general said on Thursday that the Sudanese government "may have to answer collectively and individually for what is happening in Darfur."

"I think we should be clear where the failure lies," he said.

But Mr Bashir, who rejects plans for a joint African Union (AU) and UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur, dismissed such criticism.

"If there are any problems in Darfur, it is because of the activities of the National Redemption Front, which was formed after the Abuja agreement," Reuters news agency quotes him as saying at a press conference.

"This group is receiving huge support in terms of weapons, equipment and vehicles through the border [with Chad] and this has not been condemned."

Chad denies backing the Darfur rebels and in turn accuses Sudan of sending the Janjaweed across the border to destabilise Chad - charges denied by Sudan.

Earlier in the week former rebel leader Minni Minnawi - who joined the government after signing the peace deal in the Nigerian capital, Abuja - accused the Janjaweed of repeatedly violating the agreement.

He said the government was rearming the Janjaweed and 48 villages in Darfur had been destroyed since May.
Note, Irish aid agency GOAL has done a lot of work in Sudan. I'm surprised at the cheapshot by Goal chief executive John O'Shea: "It is clear that the international community does not rate the lives of the 4 million in the region desperately in need of protection by the international community," he said. Mr O'Shea is in the know of the situation in Sudan and for sure knows the situation is not that simplistic. But he is the head of an aid agency dependent on donors and byte sized news for maybe what he perceives as small brained tax payers. He must think we're too stupid to take in the truth - or be interested enough that we have to be thrown guilt, as if we were the criminals. What about the bandits carrying firearms in Darfur? Put the guilt on them NOT us! It is not our fault!

Sudan's Bashir accuses world of silence on NRF's attacks

Dec 8 2006 Sudan Tribune article - Sudan accuses world of silence on Darfur rebels' attacks - excerpt:
Sudanese president Omar Hassan al-Bashir has accused the international community of tacit complicity in keeping silence about violence caused by Darfur rebel groups opposed to peace agreement.

At a press conference he held Friday morning by the end of the Summit of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group in Khartoum, Al-Bashir said that the international community is turning a blind eye to the violations being perpetrated by the rebel National Redemption Front in Darfur (NRF).

He said that the NRF was established after the signing of the peace deal to launch war against the government and crush the faction of Sudan Liberation Movement which has signed Darfur Peace Agreement with the government.

Al-Bashir said that the NRF was flagrantly given support from the international community, despite the warning after the signing of Darfur Peace Agreement in Abuja that any circle or party that attempt to hinder the peace and security process in Darfur will be subjected to deterrent punishment by the international community.

In indirect accusation to the neighboring Chad, He said that the NRF has been receiving big quantities of arms, military equipment and vehicles across the border, instead of being punished for its violation and undermining to the peace and security in Darfur.

He said that the support and encouragement given by of the international community to the Redemption Front had motivated it to expand its military activity and to occupy all the areas in North Darfur of the faction which has signed Darfur Peace Agreement with the government.

President Al-Bashir said that accusation of ceasefire violation was directed to Sudan government when the Armed Forces tended to confront the aggressing NRF when its forces reached a position that only 30 kilometres far from Al-Fashir city, the capital of North Darfur State.

He again contested the number of victims of the Darfur conflict, estimated by the UN and non-government organisations at 200 000 people, saying the toll had yet to be proven.

Beshir said recently that 9 000 people had been killed since the conflict in Darfur began in 2003.

Al-Bashir said that the African, Caribbean Pacific Summit has discussed in general the issue of peace and security in the member states, therefore it did not adopt any stance concerning deployment of international forces in Darfur.

He further added that the summit has regarded peace and stability as key elements for any economic development and even trade exchange.

He said that the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group is calling on the developed countries to reduce the support given to their own products so as to enable competition between the products of the developing and the poor countries, adding that the developed countries are showing obstinacy to the call for just trade competition.

He said that the ACP group's summit has underscored the importance of support to the trade between the ACP group countries.

ICRC cuts Sudan budget as more grow food in Darfur

The International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday it was sharply cutting its budget for Sudan next year and halting food distribution in Darfur as more people are able to harvest their own crops despite the fighting.

Full Story by Reuters 7 Dec 2006.

Kutum, North Darfur: Bandits' attack on ICRC forces aid groups out

Dec 8 2006 Reuters report Attack on ICRC forces aid groups out of Darfur town (via WP):
A number of aid agencies evacuated their staff from a town in Sudan's Darfur region on Friday after unidentified gunmen attacked a house used by the International Committee of the Red Cross, aid workers said.

The ICRC said it evacuated 10 of its international staff and a Spanish Red Cross worker out of Kutum in northern Darfur after the attack on a residence housing two of its delegates who escaped unharmed.

"We don't know who it was. Gunmen tried to get it. They stayed on the roof and fired, and hung around for a quite a while," Jessica Barry, ICRC spokeswoman in Sudan, told Reuters.

She said the attack took place in the early hours of Friday and prompted the organization to fly its workers to El Fasher, the main town in Darfur and a scene of violent clashes early this week between militias, locally known as the Janjaweed, and the former rebels of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM/A).

Goal, an Irish NGO, also evacuated its seven-member team from Kutum after the attack, said Mark Blackett, the agency's Country Director. They would arrived in Khartoum on Saturday or Sunday, he said.

He said motive behind the attack on the ICRC house was unclear "but it was not to steal anything."

Barry said the ICRC has asked authorities in Kutum to investigate the attack.

"We hope that this would be a temporary withdrawal. Our national staff are keeping the office open," she said.

Noureddine Mezni, the African Union spokesman in Sudan, said on Friday the situation in El Fasher has stabilized.

"Business activities have returned to normal and the security situation according to our field reports was calm," he told Reuters.

The violence has forced the United Nations to fly 134 of its own and other aid agencies' staff out of the town.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Darfur conflict zones map

Darfur, which means land of the Fur, has faced many years of tension over land and grazing rights between the mostly nomadic Arabs, and farmers from the Fur, Massaleet and Zagawa communities.

The BBC News website examines how this instability has spilled over into neighbouring Chad and the Central African Republic. Read more.
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Dec 6 2006 PINR - Instability on the March in Sudan, Chad and CAR

Darfuris stone peacekeeping vehicles

From Soldier of Africa: All Calm on the Western Front?
Yesterday ten AMIS vehicles were damaged by stone-throwing people in town.
Friendly huh?

Christmas greetings to Darfur peacekeepers

From Soldier of Africa: Christmas Joy?
With Christmas approaching I would appreciate anybody sending me and the other guys some things to make it a more enjoyable time of the year. Even just a Christmas card will give some colour to our house. On Christmas day my well wishes will appear on my site. Take care and good luck. Werner Klokow.
89217574PF Capt W. Klokow, OP Cordite (Sudan), MILOB, FPO 3, Elardus Park, 0153, El Fashir, North Darfur, Sudan.

France defends fighter attacks on CAR rebels

France has about 300 troops stationed in the CAR to provide logistical and intelligence support, and to help plan and conduct operations without taking part in any fighting.

France also has troops stationed in neighbouring Chad, which also borders Darfur.

Full story Reuters AlertNet - France defends fighter attacks on CAR rebels

CAR, Chad refugees spill into east Cameroon-UNHCR

Dec 7 2006 Reuters report by Tansa Musa. Excerpt:
Up to 30,000 refugees fleeing conflicts in Chad and the Central African Republic have crossed into east Cameroon prompting the United Nations Refugee Agency to open an office there to help them, a UNHCR official said on Thursday.

Rebellions in east Chad and north Central African Republic, linked to the long-running conflict in Sudan's Darfur region and combined with local bandit activity, have led refugees to flee across the frontiers of these interlocking African states.

Chad rebels UFDD enter eastern town without a fight

Dec 7 2006 Reuters -

"The rebels entered Biltine this morning with more than 100 vehicles and heavy equipment," a government military source, who asked not to be named, said

Darfur peacekeepers still not paid on time - - The "I Stand with Darfur" Campaign - The "I Stand with Darfur" Campaign demands that:
"President Bush stop trading the lives of Darfurians for Sudan's intelligence information and, instead, protect the people of Darfur with an effective international peacekeeping force - with or without the government of Sudan's consent. Genocide is not negotiable."
[hat tip The Sudanese Thinker]
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I say, what a load of twaddle. Forgive these misguided people for they know not what they do. No doubt Darfur's bandits appreciate them. Maybe these people see Darfur rebels as freedom fighters with a worthy cause. I don't. Armed civilians living as bandits, up to no good. Fuelling the flames of anarchy. It's not difficult to understand why Sudan has been ruled with a stick. What would happen otherwise? Peace and democracy overnight among millions of uneducated, unemployed, poverty stricken people? I don't think so. I've nothing against these Save Darfur people. I just wish they'd channel their energy into ensuring the peacekeepers currently in Darfur receive all the support they need. Paying them on time would be a good start. As well as ensuring their food rations are of an acceptable standard. I think it's a scandal that AMIS personnel are still not receiving pay due or any good food. Millions - probably now running into billions - of dollars spent on Darfur while AMIS (African Union's Mission in Sudan) personnel are not paid or given decent food. How is donors' money spent? Are donors pledging but not paying up or what? Why hasn't someone looked into this? Why is mainstream media not picking up on this longstanding problem? Grrr. Lazy bum journalists.

UN airlifts staff out of North Darfur as Janjaweed move in

Dec 7 2006 Belfast Telegraph report by Elizabeth Davies UN airlifts staff out of Darfur town as Janjaweed move in. Excerpt:
Dozens of non-essential staff from UN and other relief agencies were airlifted out of El-Fasher on Tuesday night after the already fraught security situation in and around northern Darfur's regional aid hub worsened dramatically.

Three students were killed yesterday by Arab militia loyal to the government as rebels massed on the outskirts and the African Union (AU) warned of a fresh wave of attacks within the next 24 hours.

The situation had become so bad that staff had to be withdrawn for their own safety, said the UN.

"Over the past two months, North Darfur has been the most difficult place in the country to work," said Greg Barrow, senior public affairs officer for the WFP. "We hope the situation doesn't get so bad that we have to scale back our operations "
Imagine how it must feel to be classed as a non-essential member of staff. Not very nice, especially if you work hard and do a good job. I don't like the term "non-essential staff". Its not fair on the people doing such jobs.

Note the report reminds us North Darfur is the most difficult place in Sudan to work.

UN SRSG Jan Pronk returns to Sudan for handover to Taye-Brook Zerihoun

Dec 7 2006 Reuters report (via ST) tells us UN SRSG Jan Pronk will return to Khartoum on Thursday to hand over his duties to his chief assistant, the United Nations said.
"The visit has been organised with full consultation with the government of Sudan and with its agreement," said Radhia Achouri, the U.N. spokeswoman in Sudan.

She said the visit would last four days, during which Pronk would hand over his responsibilities to Taye-Brook Zerihoun and say goodbye to U.N. staff. He will also visit the U.N. mission in Juba, the capital of southern Sudan, Achouri said.
Sad. Will miss Mr Pronk. I'm a fan of his. He deserves a medal for his services to the people of Sudan. At least he will soon be safe. Many Sudanese people who protested against UN troops in Darfur threatened his life as he was the face of the UN.

Darfur Arabs create a rebel group [The Popular Forces Troops], repulse army attack

Dec 6 2006 Sudan Tribune (NYALA, South Darfur)
A new rebel group in Sudan's troubled Darfur region said they repulsed an attack by the army against their position. The rebels identified themselves as belonging to Darfur Arab tribes and struggling against the marginalization of the region.

The Popular Forces Troops (PFT) said in a statement issued Wednesday that they had repulsed an attack by the Sudanese army against their position at Kas-Zallingi Road in South Darfur on Tuesday 5 December.

The rebel group said they took up arms against Khartoum to fight marginalization of Darfur region. "Darfur Arab groups believe that Darfur people are fighting for a just cause. The TPF likely supports the struggle of all marginalized Sudanese people against Khartoum's injustice."

Further they distanced their self from the government-backed Arab militia that carrying war against the African tribes in the region.

"Those who are now fighting with the government in Darfur are a minority of mercenaries and hired individuals. They do not represent Darfur Arabs and do not embody their heritage, courage and sacrifice for peace and justice."

The TPF also appealed the Darfur rebel groups which are opposed to the Darfur Peace Agreement - SLM and NRF - to work jointly against the government.

We are "ready to fight with them, shoulder to shoulder, until all demands of Darfur and other marginalized parts of the Sudan are fully realized."

El Al Jewish Sabbath ban sought

Note to self. Someone in the UK emailed me BBC news report today on El Al Jewish Sabbath ban sought - with this note:
"..........we can forget about the Muslim loonies who provoke our disbelief in humanity! This bunch have had three thousand years to get smarter, with no visible benefit."

Soldier of Africa: Answers to Questions

Huge thanks to Werner of Soldier of Africa blog for Answers to Questions. Lovely surprise, very interesting, thanks! Here is a copy:
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Answers to Questions

These are my responses to the questions posed at the end of a post at Sudan Watch. The original post is at

Question: Has the food (especially from Khartoum) for AMIS personnel improved?
Answer: I do not know, since I prepare my own food due to the fact that the food was so unbearably inadequate in both quality and quantity.

Question: Are AMIS personnel now paid correctly and on time?
Answer: No.

Question: Has night time curfew on patrols been lifted?
Answer: Yes, but currently it may be in place again. Poor communication is an unfortunate reality here.

Question: Is AMIS still doing firewood patrols?
Answer: In some areas, yes.

Question: How can you tell if the Sudanese forces and civilians you meet are Arab or non-Arab?
Answer: It is difficult, but usually our interpreters and party representatives tell us.

Question: How can you understand what they are saying?
Answer: We have interpreters and some AMIS personnel come from Arab countries, ie. Egypt and Mauritania.

Question: Are they friendly when they greet you?
Answer: Usually they are very friendly.

Question: How can you tell who is a rebel and who is a civilian?
Answer: The rebels carry firearms.

Question: How can you tell who is a bandit and who is a janjaweed?
Answer: I wish I knew. The one is politically motivated and the other is not.

Question: How can you tell who is a janjaweed and who is a government soldier?
Answer: Usually the GoS wear distinctive green camouflage uniforms and the Janjaweed do not. Otherwise I would not be able to tell the difference.

Question: Have you seen a lot of dead bodies and graves in Darfur?
Answer: I have seen mostly photos taken by friends of mine as well as those taken by AMIS.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ceasefire needed before peacekeepers in Darfur: UN

Dec 5 2006 Reuters report via WP Ceasefire needed before peacekeepers in Darfur: UN - excerpt:
A ceasefire and political talks must take place in Sudan's Darfur region before an international military force there could guarantee security, the head of U.N. peacekeeping said on Tuesday.

Jean-Marie Guehenno said the international community must demand assurances an African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur would be effective before it offered funding and equipment.

"To stop this tragedy, there must first be a ceasefire on the ground," Guehenno told reporters.

"As long as arms talk, there cannot be a political process, and as long as there is no political process then no force is going to change the situation.

"We must have a ceasefire, a political process and then a credible force," Guehenno said. He arrived in Kinshasa for the inauguration of President Joseph Kabila, Congo's first democratically elected president in more than 40 years.

"We must have an efficient force which can make a difference on the ground," Guehenno said. Discussions continued over its possible composition, he said.

"If the United Nations is to take the historic decision of financing a force which will not be composed entirely of UN troops, then UN member states must have the sensation that mission will really make a difference."

UN, NGOs to pull out staff from 3 east Chad towns

Dec 4 2006 Reuters report via ST Dec 5 - excerpt:
"Because of the continuing deterioration of the security situation, there was a U.N. system-wide decision that we would relocate all international and local staff from Guereda, Iriba and Bahai," Helene Caux of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR told Reuters by phone.

She said more than 200 U.N. and NGO relief personnel would be moved over the next few days, by air or road.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

UN NGO's leave El Fashier, North Darfur

Via Soldier of Africa Dec 5 2006 UN NGO's Leave El Fashier:
This is Ehab Nazih from Egypt. He arrived at our house two days ago and was going to stay with us in the house. He works for the UN and today he was told that the UN international staff in El Fashier are withdrawing from the town until the situation stabilises. Half an hour after I took this photo today he was at the airport ready to leave for Khartoum. Does the UN know something we do not? If so please let me know. My e-mail is

Coaliton of SLM, G19, NRF planning to attack El Fashier, North Darfur - AMIS camp HQ could be target

Dec 5 2006 Soldier of Africa: Ops Room Discussion:
On Monday at about 17:00 five unarmed SLA soldiers apparently intervened when Arab Militia harrassed a man in the El Fashier market. All five the soldiers were wounded. Later there was sporadic gunfire on the outskirts of El Fashier, most notably close to Zamzam base as the GoS fought what is believed to be Arab Militia. The GoS adopted a state of higher readiness and we went to the HQ (photo) to speak to the ops officer on duty with regards to the situation. He gave us a briefing and we were also informed that the UN has warned that the NRF planned or threatened to attack El Fashier within 24 hours. That has however not taken place within that time frame. Those of us in the South African house are keeping our ears on the ground.
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Dec 5 2006 Reuters report - Militias clash with ex-rebels in Darfur town

Battle with rebels in Bassao, Darfur

Photo: An African Union soldier inspects a truck damaged in a battle with rebels in Bassao, Darfur. Picture/Reuters
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Dec 6 2006 Reuters report - AU concerned by rebel threat to Darfur troops:
"Reports received earlier today from the field indicate that the city of El Fasher is under threat of attack within 24 hours by a coalition comprising the SLA (M), the G19 and the National Redemption Front (NRF)," the AU, which has a 7,000-strong force in Darfur, said in a [AU] statement.

"The AMIS (African Mission in Sudan) Camp at Force Headquarters could be a target," the statement added.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Bente's Blog from Sudan: Back in Juba

Bente's Blog: Back in Juba 30 Nov 2006 - excerpt:
"...the situation in and around Juba is calm. Yesterday about 100 members from different international organisations were evacuated from Malakal to Juba because of the ongoing fighting. Malakal is located in the middle of Juba to Khartoum on the White Nile; it takes about 1 hour to fly there."
[hat tip sidebar of Black Kush in Darfur]

Photos blogged by African peacekeeper in Darfur: Spreading Love and Show of Force

Here is a sample of some photos and captions blogged by Werner (a South African soldier and talented writer currently serving in Darfur) at Soldier of Africa blogspot. Note last photo of camel. Heh. Thanks for the laugh Werner!

Short break to catch up on reading and emails. Back soon.

God bless all the peacekeepers.

On Guard

On guard

In silence after a long day as the cool wind wafts in from the desert at Mahla two soldiers stand-to in a sandbag bunker. So far away, in Sudan, far from loved ones, but closer than ever to their comrades. It makes me think of the following quote: "From this day until the ending of the world those of us in it will be remembered, we lucky few, we band of brothers; for he who sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Spreading Love

Spreading love

Lt Col Jan Barendse of South Africa spreading some love with the simple act of handing this young lady a piece of candy. Some rewards are priceless. Please think of the people of Darfur in their continuing crises and remember who the victims are. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Show of Force

Show of force

Platoons 2 and 3 of Bravo Company preparing to move out from Mahla base on a show of force patrol. The aim of this type of patrol is mainly to show what you have to keep belligerents out of the area. If they stay away the people of Darfur benefit. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Protecting the Eyes

Protecting the eyes

These troops from 8 SA Infantry Battalion in Upington deployed on the ground near Mugran village in Northern Darfur to protect the observers as they interact with the locals out of shot. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)



One of the section (squad) leaders in Platoon 1 busy loading an MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) during our patrol during my visit to Mahla. These 40mm 6-shot weapons have the firepower to blast any patrol out of trouble. Recently the effectiveness of the MGL was demonstrated when a patrol of 6 SA Infantry Battalion got involved in a firefight and used this weapon effectively. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Company Sergeant-Major

Sergeant-Major Kennedy

At the back Maj Wolmarans waits as Sergeant-Major Kennedy prepares her company for her during roll call parade. Mahla also happens to be the neatest base I have seen in Darfur after my eight months here so far. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Meat Market

Meat market

This is the way meat is displayed in the El Fashier market. I may add that the sun is very very hot. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Welcoming at Mahla

Maj L. Wolmarans

I recently spent three days at Mahla, a South African base in the North of Sector 6 and the Northernmost base of ours in Darfur. The woman at the vehicle is Maj L. Wolmarans, the commanding officer at the base. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Mahla Crater

Mahla Crater

During my short three-day visit to the South Africans at Mahla for Tamam Magazine I got to see the famous Mahla Crater. Unfortunately the photo does not do it justice since it's size is really magnificent. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Arrival at Mahla


These are South African soldiers in all-round defence at the airstrip at Mahla. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)



I took this photo in the bottom of the crater at Mahla when I was there. In this photo you see three of the important things for the people of Darfur: Their children, water and their animals. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

The Mahla Weather Rock

Malha weather rock

(Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Camels Drinking

Camels Drinking

I took this photo inside Mahla Crater. There were at least four large herds of camels and they made a lot of noise. The water in the crater is pitch black, salty and does not smell good. The camels though seem to have no problem. One of the locals proudly told us his camels can go without water for a month in the cooler season. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Camel Trail

Camel Trail

Coming out of Mahla Crater we followed the centuries old camel trail. The going was slow as the camels in this photo brought up the rear to a herd of about fifty camels. Not the nicest view to have a camel butt in your face all the time. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)
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Working in my "Office"

Working in my

This is me working in my "office", which is a tent with air conditioning. At least the heat in El Fashier is not as bad anymore as a month or two ago. The nights are actually getting cold now. (Werner K, Darfur Nov 2006)

Questions for Werner

Some questions I'd like to ask Werner:

Has the food (especially from Khartoum) for AMIS personnel improved?

Are AMIS personnel now paid correctly and on time?

Has night time curfew on patrols been lifted? Is AMIS still doing firewood patrols?

How can you tell if the Sudanese forces and civilians you meet are Arab or non-Arab?

How can you understand what they are saying?

Are they friendly when they greet you?

How can you tell who is a rebel and who is a civilian?

How can you tell who is a bandit and who is a janjaweed?

How can you tell who is a janjaweed and who is a government soldier?

Have you seen a lot of dead bodies and graves in Darfur?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Darfur peace talks 2 to involve all holdout groups - AU

The African Union's top mediator for Darfur peace talks said it was agreed in Khartoum with the stakeholders to negotiate with all holdout groups in order to consolidate the current peace agreement.

Salim Ahmed Salim, Special Envoy of the AU Chairperson and chief mediator for Darfur peace talks said in a press conference held in Khartoum Saturday that it was agreed with all the signatories of the DPA to address the concern of non-signatories and to involve them all in the negotiations.

Full story ST 2 Dec 2006.

UPDATE: Dec 3 2006 (Paris) Sudan Tribune article Darfur SLM leader: Khartoum must stop civilians killing before talks: Abdelwahid Mohamed al-Nur, the leader of the SLM, told Sudan Tribune on Sunday that to resume talks with Khartoum in order to find out a lasting peace in Darfur, Sudanese government should stop the daily killing of civilians practiced by the Sudanese army and its militias in the region.

BLACK KUSH (blogger in Darfur): Malakal on fire!

Nov 30 2006 BLACK KUSH - excerpt:
Malakal on fire!
Not again!

The militias in South Sudan are at it again. What is the Sudan Armed forces doing supporting the militais? This is yet again the eveident support of SAF and Khartoum to continuous distabilize South Sudan and abandon the CPA.

The fighting in Malakal should be condemned by all peace loving people. We had enough enough of these militias and they must be disarmed as soon as possible.
[hat tip sidebar of Soldier of Africa]

UPDATE: Dec 3 2006 ST report - Security situation in Malakal returns to normalcy - UN: full text of the UNMIS news bulletin issued by the offices of the spokesperson on Sunday 3 December 3, 2006.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sudan: Difficult And Complex Work Sudan: Difficult And Complex Work
Institute for War & Peace Reporting (London)
December 1, 2006
Posted to the web December 1, 2006
Katy Glassborow

Review of 'All About Darfur' Is Sudan in a culture of war?

Virginie Wembey is a pre-medical student from Cameroon currently studying in the United States. A self-described humanist, her interest in human rights led her to join UCDF, an opposition party with activities in both the U.S. and Cameroon. As a pre-medical student, she hopes to join poverty-alleviation efforts by providing quality health care services in her native country upon graduation from medical school.

See Ms Wembey's commentary at 1 Dec 2006 - All About Darfur: Is Sudan in a culture of war?

Egypt welcomes extension of African troops' mandate in Darfur

Dec 2 2006 People's Daily Online -- Egypt welcomes extension of African troops' mandate in Darfur - excerpt:
Egypt welcomed on Friday the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council's Thursday decision to extend the mandate of its troops deployed in Darfur for another six months.

The AU council made the decision in a meeting in the Nigerian capital of Abuja Thursday as the already-extended mission is to end on Dec. 31, which also agreed that the AU force commander would be jointly appointed by the head of the AU Commission and the UN secretary general.

Sudan welcomes AU decision to extend peacekeeping mission in Darfur

Dec 2 2006 People's Daily Online -- Sudan welcomes AU decision to extend peacekeeping mission in Darfur - excerpt:
The Sudanese government on Friday welcomed a decision by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) to extend the mandate of AU troops in Darfur for another six months until June 31 next year.

"The decision supports the government's firm position calling for a continuous stay of the African troops in Darfur rather than transferring their peacekeeping mission to an international force subordinate to the United Nations," Presidential Adviser Majzoub al-Khalifa told reporters.

UN's World Food Programme signs pact with Islamic Relief

More than half of the 90 million people who benefit from WFP programs every year are in Muslim countries. Morris said a close relationship with Islamic Relief is vital to determining quickly how to deliver aid when there is a crisis. The WFP has about 2,000 cooperation agreements with a wide range of organizations of different sizes. - UPI�-�Washington Times 2 Dec 2006.

Gates Foundation grants UN refugee agency $10m for relief work in south Sudan

Dec 1 2006 UN News Centre - Gates Foundation grants UN refugee agency $10 million for relief work in south Sudan - the new grant will cover immediate needs over a 28-month period in three main sectors - basic health care, education, and water and sanitation - in Western, Central and Eastern Equatoria states as well as the Upper Nile, UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond told a news briefing in Geneva.

UPDATE: Dec 3 2006. Smile. The Sudanese Thinker � Prince Charles & Bill Gates: What Are Their Intentions?

The Lancet: Libya must free the 6 health workers wrongly accused of infecting children with HIV

Another sad story. Dreadful for those involved. Verdict is expected Dec 19. Medical News Today 1 Dec 2006 report - Libya Must Free The 6 Health Workers Wrongly Accused Of Infecting Children With HIV - excerpt:
Libya must acknowledge that the case involving six health workers accused of deliberately infecting over 400 children with HIV has no legal foundation, states an Editorial in The Lancet. The Lancet calls for these health workers to be freed immediately.

"The Lancet unreservedly denounces this miscarriage of justice. A great deal is at stake here, including Libya's political and diplomatic future. Libya must acknowledge that this case has no legal foundation, and then move to correct the conditions that created the whole sorry situation in the first place. Reforming its broken healthcare system and ultimately improving the health of its children and indeed all of its citizens, must begin with saving these six lives," concludes the Editorial.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Prince Charles opens centre for peacekeepers in Nigeria

Britain's Prince Charles visited a military college in the northern Nigerian town of Jaji where he opened a training centre for Nigerian soldiers heading for peacekeeping operations in Darfur. Full story by AFP (via Yahoo) 30 Nov 2006.

Prince Charles in Nigeria

Photo: Prince Charles visits a military cantonment in Jaji, Nigeria, where he inaugurated a center for training soldiers for peacekeeping operations in Darfur. The heir to the British throne unveiled the plaque of the training center built with 500,000 pounds (985,000 dollars) in funding from the British government. (AFP/Issouf Sanogo)

Oxford's MSc course in African Studies - We blog for Darfur: Can bloggers save Darfur?

Congratulations to Julianne Rose for being accepted onto Oxford's MSc course in African Studies. Good luck Julianne! Be sure to read The Sudanese Thinker and Mideast Youth and the links here below.

Oxford University, England, UK

We blog for Darfur - Can bloggers save Darfur?

The Sudanese Thinker - About Darfur & About Me

Mideast Youth in collaboration with Good Neighbours

Nov 24 2006 Sudan Watch - Sudanese people blogging for Darfur

The Sudanese Thinker - New Sudanese Blogger Joins Us

path2hope's Nomadic Thoughts in Dar Es Salaam, TZ

We blog for Darfur

Note, excerpt from Julianne's Nov 29 2006 blog entry - Both Sides Now: an update:
The 2 days before Thanksgiving break we also had another booth on campus to get people aware about Darfur. It was super successful - we had a sign-up sheet where people could write their email address if they were interested in further action - we got over 120 addresses! woo-woo! I'm at home at the moment, preparing for tonight - I'm speaking at the Students for International Development meeting about "African issues." I'm not sure which war they'd like me to talk about - I'll give them the option of Darfur, DR Congo, Uganda, or Somalia/Ethiopia. It should be great - this is one of the best and biggest clubs on campus, so I'm excited to get some good African-awareness out there. Plus this weekend is a benefit concert for Care for Life, and I'm doing publicity like crazy. And of course Friday is World AIDS Day - so yet another benefit concert that Students for Africa is putting on, plus a full day of lectures etc. More publicity, flyer-tagging apartment complexes etc. Every 15 seconds someone dies of AIDS-related causes. tragic.

Sudan accepts non-military UN support in Darfur

Dec 1 2006 AFP report via Turkish Press - Sudan accepts non-military UN support in Darfur:
Sudan has agreed to accept non-military support from the United Nations for the African Union peacekeeping force in its war-torn Darfur region, a top AU official said after talks in Nigeria.

"The PSC welcomed Sudan?s acceptance of the use of UN systems and command and control structures," AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) head Said Djinnit told reporters late Thursday after a meeting on Darfur on the sidelines of an African-South American summit.

A source close to the talks told AFP that "systems and command and control structures" referred essentially to UN logistical support and to the question of who gets the final say over the appointment of the force commander.

Djinnit said the meeting, which was attended by Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, agreed to extend the mandate of the currently under-resourced AU force in Darfur for a further six months.

But although Sudan reportedly accepted UN "command and control structures" for that force, it stopped short of agreeing to let the UN contribute troops, let alone take over command.

Speaking before the meeting, Beshir reaffirmed his long-standing refusal to let UN troops into his country.

"Any decision to deploy international forces in Darfur ... will add to the complexity of the situation and will have a negative impact which will certainly lead to more deterioration of the situation," he said in a statement.

This "would negatively affect all the countries of the region", he added.

He called instead for the meeting to boost the AU mission with the "logistical, technical, human and financial support of the UN".

Djinnit said Thursday's meeting had nevertheless agreed the AU and UN would, henceforth, both be involved in key decisions on the force.

The force commander would be jointly appointed by the head of the AU Commission and the UN secretary general, he said. The AU and UN would also be jointly responsible for appointing a "special representative" for Darfur.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said after talks on Darfur on November 16 that Sudan had agreed "in principle" to the deployment of a "hybrid" UN-AU peacekeeping force in Darfur.

Thursday's decision was the first indication of what Khartoum might be prepared to accept in practical terms.

Sudan continues vehemently to refuse any military role for the UN in Darfur, arguing it would be a violation of its sovereignty and could worsen the situation there.

Khartoum is especially opposed to a UN Security Council resolution that authorised, with out its approval, a 20,000-strong peacekeeping force for Darfur.

Djinnit said the AU-led force would continue to be made up "essentially of African troops".

He said the meeting had also recognised there "might be a need for UN support troops" in the region but did not indicate whether Beshir had accepted this point.
Also, see AFP report 30 Nov 2006 (via ST 1 Dec 2006) AU's Djinnit says Sudan agrees to UN command of AU force in Darfur

AU's Djinnit says Sudan agrees to UN command of AU force in Darfur

Not yet found another report verifying this unbelievable news. Blogging it here now because AFP is usually pretty accurate. More later.

AFP report 30 Nov 2006 (via ST 1 Dec 2006) Sudan agrees to UN command of AU force in Darfur. Excerpt:
Sudan has agreed to allow the United Nations to take over command of the African Union peacekeeping force in the war-torn region of Darfur, a top AU official said.

He said the mandate of the force in Darfur had also been extended for a further six months.

"We have welcomed Sudan's acceptance of the use of systems and command and control structures of the UN," AU Peace and Security Council head Said Djinnit told reporters in Abuja at the end of the inaugural African-South American summit.

The decision was taken at a meeting on Darfur - attended by Sudanese president Omad al Bashir - that had been held on the margins of the summit in Abuja, Djinnit said.

Angola, Sudan, Ecuador hint at joining Opec

Dec 1 2006 Reuters report via Peninsula, Qatar:
Analysts say joining Opec would give Sudan leverage in its confrontation with the United Nations over atrocities and its refusal to allow UN peacekeepers into Darfur.
Nov 30 2006 Dow Jones report via ST - Sudan to announce results of 3 oil tenders in 2007: One of the blocks is both onshore and in shallow waters. The other two blocks are onshore.

French jets fire on Central African Republic rebels

Dec 1 2006 Reuters report - French jets fire on Central African Republic rebels.

Note, the report tells us neighbouring Chad and the regional central African group CEMAC have also sent military reinforcement.

AU says Sudan agrees to extend Darfur peacekeeping mission, but no UN force

Jordan Davis reports from VOA's regional bureau in Dakar 30 Nov 2006:
The African Union says Sudan will allow the group to extend its peacekeeping mission in the country's Darfur region but will not allow U.N. forces to join them.

Neighboring Chad, meanwhile, says it will welcome U.N. peacekeepers on its territory to stop the violence in Darfur from spreading.
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Cartoon by Jonathan Shapiro 30 Nov 2006 M&G (hat tip POTP)

French PM meets Chad's Deby: Chad accepts UN border force

Idriss Deby, the Chadian president, said that his country will accept the deployment of an international peace force on its eastern border to counter violence from Sudan's Darfur region.

The announcement came after Deby met Dominique de Villepin, the French prime minister. Agencies/Al Jazeera report 1 Dec 2006 - Chad accepts UN border force - excerpt:
France has a military contingent stationed in Chad, its former colony, including fighter jets which give logistical and intelligence support to Chadian government forces.

Deby said: "Chad accepts the United Nations proposal to place forces on its frontier to protect the population and stabilise the sub-region."

He did not specify when the force might be deployed.

French PM meets Chad's Deby

The two leaders said the force would be deployed on the Chadian side of the border with Sudan, where three years of conflict have caused tens of thousands of deaths.

Remembering Suez: Britain 'planned to cut off Nile'

Egypt's nationalisation of the Suez Canal in 1956 changed the world. Britain drew up plans to cut the flow of the River Nile to Egypt to force President Gamal Abdel Nasser to give up the Suez Canal in 1956, files reveal.

Full story BBC 1 Dec 2006.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sudan calls on AU to clarify peacekeeping role in Darfur

Nov 29 2006 Xinhua report excerpt:
The Sudanese government asked on Wednesday the African Union (AU) to clarify its peacekeeping role in Sudan's war-torn western region of Darfur.

The Sudanese government made the call on the eve of an upcoming meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council to be held in the Nigerian capital Abuja to look into the situation in Darfur.

Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir left Khartoum for Abuja on Wednesday evening to attend the meeting.

"We hope that the summit will come up with a clear decision on the AU force in Darfur in the next period and support to be provided by the United Nation to the AU force," Sudanese Foreign Minister Lam Akol told reporters.

Mahjoub Fadel Badri, spokesman of the Sudanese president, announced that President el-Bashir would hold consultations with African leaders on ways of resolving the Darfur crisis on the sidelines of the Abuja summit

"The president will reiterate Sudan's firm position of refusing deployment of UN peacekeeping force in Darfur and the necessity to support the AU force in technical and logistic fields to enable it to continue its mission until the Darfur problem is resolved," the spokesman said.

UN's WFP warehouses looted in Abeche, Chad - Warning ahead of Darfur AU talks

Nov 29 2006 BBC report Warning ahead of Darfur AU talks says UN's aid chief Jan Egeland has warned that conflicts in Sudan's Darfur, Chad and Central African Republic are now "intimately linked".

He said fighters are crossing borders to launch attacks and risking a "really dangerous regional crisis".

His comments in Geneva come as the African Union meets in Nigeria, to discuss help for the overwhelmed and ill-equipped African force in Darfur.

Chad rebels

Photos: This Sunday, Nov. 26, 2006 images made available Monday, Nov. 27 by the United Nations World Food Programme shows looted warehouses in Abeche, Chad. With gunfire sounding in the distance, workers took stock Monday of looted U.N. warehouses and government offices in this town in eastern Chad, the latest victim of unrest that started in Sudan's Darfur region and has spread across a swath of Africa. (AP Photo/United Nations World Food Programme)

Chad rebels

UN: Nearly two million displaced in Darfur

Nov 27 2006 Sapa-AFP report (via M&G) UN: Nearly two million displaced in Darfur
More people have fled their homes in Sudan's Darfur region than at any time since the conflict started nearly four years ago, said the United Nations on Monday in a report on the worsening humanitarian crisis.

"The number of IDPs [internally displaced people] has reached nearly two million, the highest level since the conflict started in 2003 and an increase of [about] 125 000 since the July 1 report," said a summary of the report.

The report reviews the humanitarian situation in Sudan's western region of Darfur covering the months of July, August and September.

"Another two million Darfurians directly affected by the ongoing crisis are in need of humanitarian aid, again the highest number ... since the beginning of the current crisis," the report added.

The conflict started in February 2003 when ethnic minority rebels demanding a greater share of the country's resources took up arms, prompting a scorched-earth campaign by the government and its allied Janjaweed militia.

According to the UN, at least 200 000 people have died from the combined effect of civil fighting and famine since then. Some sources say the toll is much higher, with villages burnt and mass rape being blamed mainly on the militia.

The UN, which runs the largest humanitarian operation in Sudan, also said it was being increasingly obstructed in its relief efforts.
Darfur population figures are estimated at 6 million, 6.5 million, or 6-7 million If true, where are the other 4m I wonder. And where are the bodies of 200,000 - 400,000 Darfurians buried, I still wonder ...

Pundits and activists living in cloud cuckoo land

Funny, I've used the term 'living in cloud cuckoo land' to describe the pundits and activists pushing for war in Sudan.

American blogger Jerry Fowler of Voices on Genocide Prevention notes the new Human Rights Council rejected an attempt to hold the Sudanese government responsible for halting atrocities in Darfur.

Jerry says the Council meets in Geneva but might as well be in cloud cuckoo land for all the good it's doing to protect human rights of civilians in Darfur. I wonder what exactly Jerry hoped they'd do or say at this point in negotiations.

It irks me to read armchair pundits criticising what is being done about Darfur without saying what should be done and spelling out the consequences of any action. Surely if they did their homework and thought through what they were suggesting for Sudan, they might realise they're being irresponsible pushing for more war and possibly the start of World War III.
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UPDATE: Nov 29 2006 Reuters - Annan criticises UN rights body, wants Darfur move - Annan said that a "new atmosphere" was urgently needed but that some of the criticism of the Council was premature.

Sudan set to respond today on planned UN-AU force in Darfur- Annan

Excerpt from yesterday's UN News Centre report 28 Nov 2006:
Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today that the Sudanese Government has promised to respond formally by tomorrow morning about the details for a planned hybrid United Nations-African Union (AU) force to assume peacekeeping duties in the war-torn region of Darfur.

Speaking to reporters at UN Headquarters in New York, Mr. Annan said Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir made the pledge during a telephone call today, one day before an AU summit in Abuja is slated to discuss the proposed joint operation.

Asked about media reports that Mr. Bashir has said he remains opposed to any kind of UN force in Darfur, Mr. Annan said he would "much rather wait" for the formal response.